Pictures of child safety. The apartment and its dangers

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Many dangers await little researchers in the apartment, but when their parents are nearby, they can still make sure that the next experiment does not end in tragedy.
But when children grow up and are left at home alone, danger comes from open balconies and windows, from matches, jars of medicine, a gas stove and strangers trying to get into the apartment. Every child should know the main dangers in the home and be able to avoid them. Children's safety pictures will help them with this.
We have added a short story to each picture. Parents and teachers can add to it or come up with their own to make it easier for children to learn the information. There is no better protection for a child than his own responsible behavior. Fire safety coloring books for schoolchildren will also help you in teaching children. Each of the drawings presented in the article is accompanied by a color picture to make coloring easier, as well as a short moralizing story to make it easier for schoolchildren to understand the meaning. And for those kids who like to color a lot, you can download fire truck coloring pages for kids. The material presents Russian cars and provides their description.

Pictures for a safety stand: safety corner in kindergarten design

A corner with visual materials on the topic of safety is an integral part of the overall design of each group in kindergarten. By studying useful pictures, instructive stories, tips and rules, young explorers learn to recognize danger both at home and on the street.

Proper design of the safety stand in the future will certainly protect many children from injury, and perhaps even save their lives.

To make it easy to create a stand with information interesting for kids, you can use ready-made pictures and useful materials for filling.

safety rules for children in pictures

Templates for stands and posters about safety for children:

safety pictures for children in kindergarten

Information in the “Your Safety” section of the stand:

summer safety pictures

safety at home and on the streets

promoting safety in preschoolers

about fire safety for children

pictures of rules of behavior for children

what to do if you get lost on the street

Providing first aid to the victim: pictures with actions for children

Placing school stands with the basics of first aid in pictures is more than justified from the point of view of the human subconscious. Numerous studies have shown that daily viewing of certain information, particularly in the form of images, is quite successful in remembering, even if it was not carefully read.

In elementary schools, it is preferable to use beautifully designed posters with large drawings or stands, the information content of which should be concise and dynamically replaced (for example, once every 3-6 months). For older children, large corners with a variety of information, both in pictures and in print, are suitable.

first aid stand: templates

first aid pictures

Schemes and images for filling the stands:

action pictures for kids

First aid steps in pictures:

thermal burn

food poisoning


solar heatstroke

limb fracture

puncture or cut wound

nose bleed

eye damage



Pictures for stands for parents

On the walls of the corridors of kindergartens you can often find stands with educational information for parents. They are designed to teach parents important rules for the safety of their children, interesting aspects of raising and developing a child, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle. Information stands can be supplemented with sections that will be taught by educators, a speech therapist, and a full-time psychologist.

stand templates for parents

memo to parents pictures

Pictures for sections on child safety

pictures of the alphabet of health

pictures of psychologist's advice

pictures of advice to parents

pictures of speech therapist for children

Psychologist's corner: pictures for decoration

Within the walls of a school, one of the most important tasks that psychologists have to solve is psychological support and education of students, as well as their parents. The “Psychologist’s Corner” comes to the rescue, which is important to update every few months. To fill the information stand, you have to select useful and relevant information, pictures and tables. To get readers interested, it is better to choose colorful, interesting and well-designed material.

The priority topics for filling the psychologist’s stand are:

  • Difficulties in learning.
  • Atmosphere in the classroom.
  • Relationship with parents.
  • Self-development and self-discipline.
  • Determining the path of life.

We offer you free pictures with suitable and aesthetically beautiful information to fill school psychologist stands.

psychological safety of a child: pictures

psychologist's advice to parents of children

Templates for ready-made attractive psychologist posters with useful information, as well as bright pictures with rules:

Templates for psychologist stands with headings:

Anti-terror pictures for the stand

The Anti-Terror stand highlights important topics that help children learn to recognize danger in the form of terrorist criminals, as well as to behave correctly in the event of a terrorist attack.

Main topics that can be presented at the stand:

  • Rules of conduct with strangers. Is it possible to have conversations with them and what to do if your parents are not around.
  • What to do if you are alone at home.
  • We learn our names, addresses, and phone numbers of our parents.
  • Dangerous situations on the street: strange objects.
  • Campaigning for a world without war.
  • Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

children's pictures anti-terror

anti-terror pictures for kindergarten

danger signs pictures

pictures and information for the mobile folder at the Antiterror stand

Do-it-yourself didactic safety game

Brief description of the document:

Multifunctional didactic game “Your Safety”.

The goal of the game is to systematize children’s ideas about the rules of safe behavior in the environment, and to develop the ability to be attentive to their health.

Age target : for children from 4 to 7 years old.

"Your safety"

is a set of various games that are placed on a folder. Before starting the game, children choose the game they like. Games can be accompanied by poems and riddles corresponding to the theme.

Didactic game “Name the traffic rule”

Goal: strengthening the rules of the road, developing skills for safe behavior on the road .

Didactic material : cards with illustrations of traffic rules and poems.

Game actions:

• Select a card,

• Look at the illustration,

• Talk about the situation depicted,

• Formulate an appropriate traffic rule.

Didactic game - puzzle “Assemble a road sign”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about road signs. Be able to correctly name a road sign.

From the proposed parts you need to assemble a road sign and explain its meaning.

Game "Dangerous Objects"

Goal: to consolidate ideas about subjects dangerous to life and health, the ability to reason on this topic, and draw logical conclusions.

Didactic material : story pictures with images depicting dangerous objects.

Game actions:

• Select a card,

• Look at the illustration,

• Tell what is shown on the card,

• Formulate a safety .

Didactic game “Emergency phone numbers”.

Goal: developing knowledge about emergency numbers 101, 112, 102, 103, 104, about the appearance of ambulances

“Fire truck”
“Road patrol car”
“Gas service car”

Didactic material : cards with emergency phone numbers and images of special purpose vehicles.

Didactic game “Safety in nature”

Goal: consolidating the rules of behavior in nature, the idea that nature is our common home, developing the ability to independently draw up rules of human behavior in nature, the desire to protect and protect nature.

Didactic material : pictures with situations of behavior in nature.

Game "Fire is friend, fire is enemy."

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the benefits and harms of fire. children’s ideas about the benefits and dangers of fire, to consolidate children’s about fire-hazardous objects, about the rules of behavior in case of fire;

Didactic material : Pictures depicting fire that is harmful and fire that is beneficial.

Using images, explain in which cases fire is beneficial and in which it is harmful.

Using this game, you can teach children in a playful way how to behave safely at home, while walking, in the forest, or on the road.

Multifunctional didactic game “Your Safety”

was presented to the teaching staff of the preschool institution at the pedagogical council.

Firefighter stand clip art

Posting information about fire safety is one of the ways to inform kindergarten students and their parents. The fire stand in kindergarten is decorated with text and graphic information. Its main task is to convey information in an accessible form on how to prevent a fire, and if one occurs, how to avoid negative consequences.

In a preschool educational institution, the fire stand consists of several sectors, for example, it could be information about fire prevention, types of fire extinguishing agents, propaganda leaflets, evacuation recommendations. For each section it is necessary to select suitable information material in pictures.

In preschool educational institutions, on fire safety stands, it is advisable to place educational pictures on the topic:

  • dangerous actions and consequences of a fire;
  • actions in drawings during a fire;
  • images of fire extinguishing equipment.

Pictures for decorating a stand in kindergarten

where to call fire

fire safety rules in the forest

pictures for children about fire

templates for fire safety stand

folder moving in dow for parents

An interesting part of the fire stand is a sliding folder with information presented in a concise form and with beautiful illustrations. You can fill such a folder with the following materials:

School of occupational safety and health: pictures for registration

An established labor protection system in educational institutions allows for the organization of a safe educational process. It is aimed at protecting the health and life of all workers. In addition, it includes social, legal, and rehabilitation measures.

The labor protection stand within the school walls is an information block containing information about training, as well as provisions on organizational processes that ensure proper labor protection and safety.

You don’t need to fill your stand with only official documents and instructions. You can enter information about first aid measures in case of emergencies, rules of behavior for workers, actions in the event of work-related injuries, as well as instructions on labor protection and electrical safety, and rules for working with a computer.

Materials for the school stand on labor protection:

Occupational safety and health stand templates:

Occupational safety briefings in pictures:

covid 19 pictures

The current section of the labor protection stand was the information block about COVID-19:

Traffic regulations pictures for the stand

Preschoolers, due to their age, do not yet understand the level of danger awaiting them on the road. In addition, kids are very active and inquisitive, which increases the risk of ending up on the road. It is precisely in order to teach children how to cross the road correctly, not to ride a bicycle and not to play in dangerous places near moving vehicles that illustrated stands are created in kindergartens. They help preschoolers consolidate the material they have learned about traffic rules in life safety classes.

Stand templates and ready-made posters in pictures of traffic rules for preschoolers

Road signs - pictures for the traffic rules stand

Pictures for designing sections of the traffic rules stand

​Journey to the Land of Road Signs

In a noisy metropolis, a small town, a village, or outside a populated area, small pedestrians are constantly faced with traffic accidents. Excellent knowledge of road signs is the key to your safety on the street. That's why you must know them by heart.

Learning traffic rules is interesting and fun with Pustunchik. Join me and I will take you to the exciting and interesting land of Road Signs for Kids.

This is perhaps the most important sign for a young pedestrian. It shows that you can cross from one part of the street to another. However, remember that you only need to cross the street when the traffic light for pedestrians is green.

Before crossing the road, turn your head to the left to make sure there is no car driving nearby. When you reach the middle of the road (before the markings), make sure there is no car on the right. If the road is clear, feel free to cross to the other side.

In addition to ground crossings (the usual zebra), there are:

This sign tells the driver that children may run out onto the road, so driving at high speed is prohibited. You can usually see such a sign near a school, kindergarten or playground. However, this does not mean that you can cross the road here. You can cross the street only in a specially designated place - at a zebra crossing.

Under no circumstances run out onto the road! Is it dangerous.


If you see a sign on the road with a bicycle in a red circle on it, so as not to become a violator, get off the bicycle (scooter, moped) and take it to the required place.


This sign is often installed on roads with particularly busy traffic, where there are no sidewalks or curbs. Walking on such sections of the road, much less crossing to the other side, is life-threatening.

A man with a shovel in a red circle signals road work: repairing asphalt, trimming branches from trees, or any other work taking place directly on the road surface. It is strictly not recommended for children to walk near it, because branches may fall, hot resin may be spilled, or stones may fly, so there is a risk of injury.

A sign with a bus, tram or trolleybus on a blue background shows that only in this place you can get on or off the transport.

One of the most important road signs for children is the “Pedestrian zone” sign. Cars are prohibited from driving here, only pedestrians are allowed to move. Please note that on such a section of the road there should be two signs - the first signals the beginning of the pedestrian zone, and the second - its end.

Remember! To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation on the road when going to school or kindergarten, leave the house in advance. This way you won’t rush, you will carefully monitor road users and pay attention to all the signs. Bon Voyage!

Pictures season summer

Summer is the period of the most vivid childhood impressions and emotions. Some people go to the sea, some go on a hike, some go to the river... Whatever the childhood holiday, it is always memorable and unique. To capture the storm of these wonderful memories, the preschool educational institutions set up summer stands. They are a free platform for imagination, ideas and impressions. What to put on the Summer stand?! Everything related to the summer months, for example, such fellings:

  • Hello summer!
  • Summer months and what they are rich in.
  • Summer rest.
  • Riddles, proverbs, poems about summer.
  • Summer games on the sand and in the water.
  • Tips for parents on how to spend a healthy and safe summer.

Summer stand templates

Pictures for filling stands

Useful information for parents

A mobile folder for the Summer stand will help remind children of summer memories. Proverbs, stories, riddles in pictures will be useful for its design.

Pictures of the season autumn

With the arrival of September, the information in the sections on the Autumn information stand becomes relevant. What will be interesting for parents to read and for kids to see at the autumn stand:

  • Autumn months and gifts of autumn.
  • Riddles and signs about autumn.
  • Advice for parents.
  • What to read to your children on autumn evenings.

To make the stand colorful and attract the attention of children, it is decorated with beautiful pictures, bright posters and fascinating folders. Ready-made material templates for the Autumn stand can be found below.

Pictures season winter

The entertaining Winter stand delights kindergarten students with every section, because there you can meet a Snowman, Santa Claus, interesting winter riddles and rhymes. There will be a lot of important information at the stand for parents: safety while walking in winter, prevention of ODS, hardening, etc. Also at the stand there will be a lot of information about the winter months, New Year holidays, winter games.

Mobile folder for parents at the Winter stand

Pictures of the season spring

Preschoolers perceive information better not in verbal form, but in the form of a schematic image. Therefore, the concept of the seasons is presented in the form of pictures and diagrams, which can be found on special thematic stands. The Spring stand provides general information about this season: signs of spring, its gifts, months and their features, information about animals and birds, seasonal riddles and signs.

Poster templates and pictures with useful information

Materials for sliding folders at the Spring stand

Stands for elementary school pictures

Each classroom corner in an elementary school is a basic information platform for students and their parents. In this classroom area, it is customary to place stands with up-to-date information about the features of children’s adaptation to school, school events, classroom and extracurricular activities.

Since the first days of school are dedicated to new meetings and acquaintances, it is better to start by setting up a stand on the theme “Meet us!”, “Hello school!” etc. For work, you can use templates of posters and classroom corners.

An excellent material for a school stand would be picture reminders for parents of first-graders, which will help prepare their children for school.

Useful cards with rules of behavior, daily routine, information about students for the school stand:

Anime pictures for stands

Preschool educational institutions must have themed corners that help children learn, gain important life skills, simply play, have fun and bring their creative potential to life. To design such corners, educators need visual aids and all kinds of pictures. To make the corner special and unique, you can complement it with anime pictures on different topics.

Leisure in kindergarten and holidays

Traffic regulations, fire safety and health protection


Menu for kindergarten templates pictures

Both parents and children study the menu in kindergarten with interest, because it is interesting to know what the pupils will be treated to today. Each group updates the form with the proposed menu daily, which is placed on the stand. It is especially pleasant to look at the menu, which is beautifully and stylishly designed. To do this, they set up a stationary stand on the wall, and then change the colorful insert templates on which the menu is written every day.

Stand templates with pictures for little ones

Ready-made menu forms for printing

How to draw forest protection signs and signs prohibiting eating fly agaric?

The most important problem that is worth focusing on, first of all, is forest fires .

Here are the basic rules and signs that explain them:

1) You cannot make fires in the forest.

2) You cannot smoke in the forest and throw unextinguished cigarette butts on the ground.

3) You cannot burn dry grass.

There are also some general rules of conduct in the forest. Here are the rules and forest protection signs for them:

1) Do not break branches of bushes and trees.

2) You can’t destroy bird’s nests.

3) You cannot litter in the forest.

4) You cannot pick flowers, or catch butterflies and bees.

5) You must not harm the animals that live in the forest.

In addition, children should know that in the forest you can find poisonous plants and mushrooms that should not be touched.

Here is a sign prohibiting eating fly agaric:

There are a lot of signs that can be drawn for the environment, and the first sign that I would like all the guys to know is the sign prohibiting eating fly agarics:

And the second sign, which I am sure is also very important to know, is a sign prohibiting eating unknown plants and berries - look at this sign - there is a wolfberry drawn inside a red circle - very dangerous:

And one more important sign that says that you should not break tree branches:

Next, I placed many signs at once, from which you can choose the one you need - here is a sign about the ban on fires, and a sign about the ban on litter, and a sign that you cannot pick flowers, especially primroses and flowers that are in the Red Book, for example, a flower known to all of us as the lily of the valley.

Forest protection signs can be drawn this way: first you need to remember what is needed to protect the forest. Do not light a fire; if you light a fire with adults, be sure to extinguish it and fill it with water. Do not pick up chicks with your hands, do not make noise, do not litter. You should also not destroy nests, break branches, or cut down trees. Thus, we need to draw on the signs everything that cannot be done. For example, draw a fire or a bonfire in a red circle and cross it out. Draw a hand with garbage falling out of it and cross it out. We draw a sign in the same way: you can’t eat fly agarics. We draw a fly agaric and cross it out with a red line. For a sample, I have selected drawings of ready-made security signs for you.

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