How to make a military and passenger plane from plasticine step by step

How to sculpt an airplane from plasticine

It is possible to mold various airplanes from a plastic mass. It could be a passenger airliner or a military fighter. But in any case, the idea will be many times more interesting if you know how to sculpt correctly. And this is precisely why there are detailed step-by-step master classes.

Passenger plane made of plasticine

To make a small copy of a passenger airliner, you can use both a bright color and a color close to the original. If you use a shade like a real vehicle, you should prepare a white, gray and blue block of elastic mass. But you also shouldn’t limit your imagination; let the child choose the desired color himself.

And the creation process is presented in detailed instructions:

  1. Having prepared the bars of the desired color, you can begin making the liner itself.
    First, roll a ball of the size that will be the aircraft. Exactly the same blank should be made from a different color
  2. The resulting parts are given a teardrop shape.
    Then press them against the board to get a flat surface on one side. Connected together. It is better to make the lower part darker
  3. Start making the tail.
    To do this, flat elements are made: one L-shaped and two diamond-shaped. I join them to the end of the base. All elements should be well fastened to each other
  4. Next, the nose, front side window and portholes on the sides are completed.
    It is better to make the windows blue
  5. Finally, the wings are created.
    They are made the same in volume. To do this, take two pieces of the same size and form triangular blanks from them. Then one top is made rounded. Attach the elements to the base on the sides. A small plasticine model of a passenger airliner is ready

How to make a military plane from plasticine

Often in kindergarten, teachers offer children to make such a craft for dad for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the form of an airplane made of plasticine. For this purpose, the idea of ​​modeling military equipment is used. Making a fighter jet is as easy as making a passenger plane. And for help, you can rely on the following master class:

  1. To make a military fighter, you should take a green plastic mass.
    A long piece is formed from it, slightly pointed at one end. To make the color more realistic, you can mix two shades of green
  2. An element in the form of a semicircle is rolled out of a blue plastic mass.
    Glue it closer to the pointed end of the green blank. This is the cockpit of a future fighter jet. The cabin is given a rounded shape, slightly smoothing the junction with the base
  3. The wings are made of the same green color as the base.
    They are molded flat, with a characteristic trapezoidal shape. Attached to the main part of the figurine. The ends of the wings are slightly rounded
  4. Proceed to the tail section.
    Four flat blanks are formed for it. Two large ones are triangular in shape and two smaller ones are trapezoidal. Attach them to the back of the base on the sides and top. All parts are lightly pressed down
  5. The model is completed by adding turbines, a nose and rockets.
    It is better to mold them from a gray or black plate of mass. Turbines are made in the form of long cylinders, with a hole made in them on one side using a toothpick or match. The rockets need an elongated cone shape. The missiles are glued under the wings, and the turbines are glued to the back of the fighter.

Airplane made of light plasticine

Modeling from light plasticine is more suitable for children under four years of age. The mass itself is very elastic and soft, but it is difficult to make clear and small parts from it. Therefore, for such material you should choose the simplest possible figure. An example is the following master class for making a simplified airplane from light plasticine:

  1. To begin with, prepare material in two colors: one shade for the base, the second for the windows.
  2. From the first color they begin to form the frame of the airplane. It is pear-shaped with a pointed end and slightly flattened roundness.
  3. Next, they make a side window. You can create eyes on it, and use a toothpick to draw the line of the mouth.
  4. Two wings are sculpted in a triangular shape. Glue them to the base.
  5. The airplane is completed by adding a triangular tail.
  6. Complemented with decorative elements.

Step-by-step execution of an airplane made of light plasticine and the final result

Let's move on to practice

In today's article we offer you the most detailed instructions for sculpting an airplane for passengers, although there are a huge number of variations: cargo or military, for example. In each option, you must first take into account every feature of the aircraft. In order to make an airplane from plasticine with your own hands, you need to prepare materials such as plasticine itself (preferably gray, blue or black), matches and a glass will serve as tools. You will also need to stock up on one free evening and desire.

Of course, you can create the most unusual airplane by choosing very bright and unusual colors. But if you want to create a realistic aircraft, then choose the most common colors such as gray, black, white and blue. The most popular aircraft are made in gray-black or white-blue combinations. First of all, we take plasticine of the first color, warm it in our hands, soften it and roll the ball of the future airplane out of plasticine.

Then we pull the resulting ball into a sausage. Entrust this task to your baby, but tell him how to do it correctly. The child must press the plasticine ball between the handles or place it between the palm and the board. After this, roll out the ball with small oscillating movements back and forth.

Related article: How to make a magic wand

Then help your baby squeeze the resulting sausage a little more. Then sharpen one of the parts of the sausage, and then round it a little to the shape of a real airplane. Thus, you have a nose. Take black plasticine and sculpt a large window in the cockpit. The imitation of the front windows should resemble a crescent moon.

In the next fifth step, the child can mold airplane wings from the main color, and then attach them to the sausage.

It is worth taking into account the fact that if you want to make a beautiful airplane, then the wings should not be thin. They must keep their shape.

Then take black plasticine, pinch off small pieces of it and attach it to the top as porthole windows on each side of the plane. Make a couple of barrels and have matches ready because you will need to make turbines.

Then attach to the bottom of the turbine housing. We attach them to the places where the wings connect to the main body of the toy.

Forming a tail. To do this, we fix the triangular elements at the back of the toy.

This is the airplane we made from plasticine. You can hang it on a string and send it flying in kindergarten. We are sure that every boy in this place will definitely like this toy.

Photos of planes made of plasticine

There are even more ideas for sculpting beautiful airplanes. An example would be photos of interesting works.

In white the plane looks more like a real one

For modeling you can use a variety of colors of plastic mass

Great idea to mix multiple colors for a military fighter

Military aircraft with propeller

You can draw each element of the figure using a stack

Model of a more complex military fighter

They also make an applique from plasticine in the shape of an airplane.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Integrated lesson in the middle group Educational area “Artistic creativity” Application “Flying airplanes” (collective composition) Educator: Elena Sergeevna Kolyhalova Programm.

Integrated lesson in the middle group Educational area “Artistic creativity” Application “Flying planes” (collective composition) Educator: Elena Sergeevna Kolyhalova Programmatically.

Goal: - to teach children to correctly compose images from parts, to find the place of this or that detail in the overall work, to carefully stick it; - to consolidate knowledge of the shape (rectangle); - to teach smoothly cf.

Teach children to correctly compose images from parts, find the place of one or another part in the overall work, and carefully stick it on. Consolidate knowledge of the shape (rectangle), learn to cut it smoothly.

Summary of a lesson on applique in the second junior group Flying rockets (Magazine pages. Collective plot applique from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. Uch.

Learn to draw airplane silhouettes with a simple pencil, conveying the shape. Strengthen the ability to paint over an object with wax crayons and tint a sheet with watercolors so that one color blends smoothly.

Application in the middle group “Fast-wing aircraft”.

Military aircraft with rotating propeller

Very impressive and durable models, assembled using the following assembly technique.

They can turn the propeller, they have a landing gear - the plane is sure to become one of the favorites of younger children.

Creating plasticine military aircraft is a very interesting pastime. The creative process is educational and exciting. Ready-made crafts can be proudly presented to a friend or loved one. Airplanes will fit perfectly into the interior of a children's room or decorate a themed holiday at a camp, school or kindergarten. Children enthusiastically play with ready-made crafts themselves.

Simple small airplanes on a military theme for kindergarten children

For younger children you can find very simple options, for example:

  • an oval body shape is sculpted from plasticine of any tone - the nose is pointed, the back part is slightly bent upward;
  • the wings are made in the form of flat ovals, one side of each is rounded, the other straight - with this part the wings are fixed to the body.

Make red plasticine stars (adults can help) and place them on the wings.

Another elementary option with assembly in the photo:

  • they sculpt a white plasticine body, wings and tail - connect them;
  • they make a blue window, imitation windows on the sides, trim on the tail and wings.

The originality of the model will be given by the “eyes” that will “revive” the airplane. Such a “humanized” character will become your baby’s favorite toy.

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