Drawing Dandelions in the senior group of kindergarten step by step with photos

What do you need for drawing?

The list of necessary tools and materials for drawing can be viewed in the table.

Simple pencilsYou need 3 pencils of different degrees of hardness: hard, soft, hard-soft.
SharpenerYou need to draw thin and graceful lines with sharply sharpened pencils.
EraserIt is advisable to purchase a double-sided eraser with a soft and rough end to effectively remove pencil lines of different thicknesses.
Helium pensThey may be needed to work out small details and perform final strokes.
Artistic brushesTo paint plants, you need thin brushes with soft bristles, as well as medium-thick brushes with short, stiff bristles.

You can color the drawing with paints, colored pencils, pens or felt-tip pens.

What colors do artists use to paint dandelions:

  • dark green;
  • light green;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • brown.

Paints have different textures, so they will look different on paper. For example, a watercolor drawing will turn out gentle, without rough lines and bright shades. The colors will merge and smoothly transition from one to another. Gouache is a brighter and thicker paint, but when it dries it becomes lighter by 2 tones.

To get rich shades, the picture is painted in 2 layers.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Program tasks: Strengthen the skills of drawing elements of Dymkovo painting (circles, dots, stripes, grid, ring, wavy arcs). Strengthen children's ability to create decorative compositions.

Objectives: To teach children to embody their ideas about primroses (snowdrops, scillas) in artistic form. Improve applicative technique. Form compositional skills. Develop feelings

Drawing in unusual ways and using materials that surround us in everyday life evoke great positive emotions in children; they are eager to draw, create and create.

Goal: Drawing a plant - an oak tree. Educational objectives: - Learn to draw plants; correctly convey the structure: oak: a bush plant with blooming red flowers; transmit vel.


Drawing in unusual ways and using materials that surround us in everyday life evoke great positive emotions in children; they are eager to draw, create and create.


Examples of images for sketching, tips for beginners

To draw a neat and beautiful picture, you need to know a few secrets:

  • It is more convenient for younger children to draw on A3 paper. It is difficult for them to draw small details, especially with their fingers. These sheets have more space than standard album pages.

  • If you don't have a white pen or white paint on hand, you can replace them with a proofreader.
  • To prevent a sheet of paper from moving around on the table, it can be secured with small pieces of tape in the corners.

  • In schematic drawings, it is not necessary to draw each dandelion “parachute” separately. Instead, you can wet the brush with white paint and, holding it over the paper, move it with your fingers. Small dots will imitate flying seeds.

Drawing dandelions will help children develop fine motor skills, as well as expand their knowledge about these plants. Parents should engage with their children and comment on the drawing process to maintain the child's interest.

It is necessary to explain what the different parts of the plant are called, how the seeds spread, and why dandelions come in 2 colors. You can choose a picture for sketching from the options presented in the article.

GCD move:

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now?

Educator: That's right, well done. What happens in the spring?

Children: The snow is melting, birds are flying, grass and the first flowers are appearing.

Educator: Let's play a game, it's called "Flowers"

,the task will be like this:

1. Who can name the most flowers?

Well done, you know many flowers, and to find out which flower appears first, listen to the riddle:

Sun drops early in the morning

They appeared in the clearing.

This is in a yellow sundress


Educator: What flower did I read the riddle about?

Children: About the dandelion .

Educator: Well done, that’s right. And now turn your attention to the screen, I suggest you listen to M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”

— Why did the author call the meadow golden?

Educator: Guys, let's imagine that you are dandelions . The carpet will be our clearing, and you will grow in this clearing. Sit down.

Dandelions start to grow.

They grow, they grow, they grow.

The wind blew, the dandelions swayed .

Evening has come, the dandelions are closing .

The sun came out, the dandelions woke up and shook their heads.

These are the cheerful dandelions growing in our clearing. They begin to slowly get up.

Hands up, slight swaying.

Squat down, hands on head.

Again they slowly stand up, arms up, swaying in place.

They go to their places.

Educator: Guys, what parts does a dandelion ?

Children: Stem, leaves, flower.

Educator: What color is the stem?

Educator: What color are the leaves?

Educator: What color is the flower?

Educator: Well done, that’s right. The dandelion has a straight, thin stem and bears yellow, hairy flowers; elongated green leaves.

Educator: Now we’ll play with you.

The sun is rising, arms crossed with arms wide apart

The flower is blooming. fingers slowly rise above your head.

The sun is setting, Palms with closed fingers touching

The flower goes to bed. wrists.

Educator: And now we will draw yellow dandelions .

Showing the sequence of work.

Children doing work.

Providing individual assistance.

Educator: What flowers have we drawn ?

Children: Dandelions .

Review and evaluation of children's work.

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