Final open lesson in mathematics for the senior group.

Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten

Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten.
Topic of the lesson: “Journey to the city of mathematicians.” Program content: Purpose : Identification of acquired knowledge, ideas, skills that children received during the school year. Objectives: Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a series, count to 10 and back; solve addition and subtraction problems; Improve knowledge about geometric shapes Develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate in space, compare objects by size; Cultivate mindfulness. Develop curiosity and self-esteem skills in children. Vocabulary work: Numbers are neighbors, add, subtract; Equipment: Cards with numbers;
interactive whiteboard, slides, 3 houses; ball; math handouts; geometric figures; didactic game “Find a place in a row”; didactic game “Numbers Neighbors”; musical accompaniment; mazes and pencils; stars, chips. Progress of the lesson:

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.
In a wide circle, I see, all my friends have stood up. We will now go to the right, And now we will go to the left, We will gather in the center of the circle, And we will all return to our place. Let's smile, wink, and start playing again. Children perform exercises in accordance with the text. Didactic game “Define your place”

The child determines his place in the circle in relation to other children. The teacher invites the children to go on a trip to the city of Mathematics. After the teacher receives the children’s consent, he offers to go to the city on a magic carpet. — In order for us to go on a trip, we need to determine the date, day of the week and month of our trip. A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on a magic carpet, find themselves in the city of Mathematics. — We are in the city of Mathematics. But who lives in this city? Let's get acquainted. 1.-Here is the first house of the inhabitants of the mathematical city. Numbers live in this house. They have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place. Didactic game “Find a place in a row” One child completes the task at the board, the rest are in their places. Then the children are asked to count to ten (counting forward and backward). Didactic game “Numbers-Neighbors” 1. Children put the missing numbers in the empty windows in the house card. 2. “They move residents into houses” - a composition of numbers 5 and 6.

Didactic games “Say the opposite” and “Place in order” The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept. Long short; Big small; High Low; Wide narrow; Fat slim; Far close; Above - below; Left - right; Back and forth; One is many; Outside - inside; Light heavy. 2.-To get to the next house, we need to choose a path. The paths in this forest are mixed up and you must lay them out correctly. Children arrange the “paths” by size: from short to longest, from narrow to widest - Here is the Second House of Mathematical Residents. I just won’t tell you who lives in this house. I want you to guess them yourself. Do you recognize? Yes, these are geometric shapes - big mischievous people love to play. And they want to play with you. Do you agree? Now we’ll see: Children draw geometric shapes under dictation.
Draw a green triangle in the middle, Draw a blue square in the upper left corner, A yellow triangle in the lower right corner, A red rectangle in the lower left corner, And a pink circle in the upper right corner.
Dynamic pause with elements of gymnastics for the eyes “Geometric figures” Here are fidgety figures, They love to play hide and seek. So let's, guys, Let's look for them with our eyes. Let's all look to the left together. What's there? This is... a square. You prankster cannot escape from the inquisitive eyes of the guys. At the four corners the square strides, just like a soldier. (Children walk in place) Now look to the right, Do you recognize it? This is... a circle. And we found you. Meet us, beloved friend. We will turn around ourselves and return to our place in an instant. (Children spin around in place) Who climbed so high, almost reaching the roof? This strange figure is called... an oval. Jump, raise your arms, reach the oval! (Children jump with their hands raised up) Let’s look down and find a triangle there. And let's squat down. We know the figures well! (Children crouch) 3. -Here is the Third House. Examples live in this house. The most beloved, the most mischievous. Their tasks are difficult. They will now try to confuse you, be especially careful. Didactic game “Count and write down the number”

1. Children must find the number of objects on the card and label them with a number. Finger gymnastics: - I roll a pencil in my hands and twirl it between my fingers. I will certainly teach every finger to be obedient. — I roll the pencil in my hand, I rub my palms. I’ll rub my palms and start writing again. 2. – You must look at the picture and solve the example. “It’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.” You can only go back by going through the labyrinth. Graphic exercise “Labyrinth” Children use a pencil to “go through” the labyrinth.

-I invite everyone onto the plane carpet to fly to our kindergarten. A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on a magic carpet, find themselves in kindergarten. -Today we made an exciting journey to the City of Mathematics. Did you enjoy the trip? And now I invite you to evaluate your work. The one who thinks that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him take a red circle, and the one who thinks that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a green square.

Children make their choice.

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