“Using a lapbook when introducing preschoolers to their native land”

Lapbook “My Motherland is Russia” (description)

Lapbook on patriotic education:

“My homeland is Russia”

The laptop “My Motherland is Russia” is intended for senior preschool age.

This laptop consists of cardboard blanks covered with self-adhesive paper. On the pages there are various pockets, cards, accordions in which information on the topic is collected.


formation of ideas and systematization of knowledge about the Motherland (Russia).


1. Develop children’s cognitive abilities in the process of practical activities, the child’s intelligence, form visual and figurative thinking, creativity, independence, skills of relationships with adults;

2. Enrich the active vocabulary with new words, encourage children’s retellings;

3. Provide an atmosphere of goodwill, comfort in communication: parent-parent; parent-teacher; parent – ​​child;

5. Cause an emotional response to the result of your activities.

Contents of the laptop: “My Motherland is Russia”:

v State symbols of the Russian Federation:

1. Portrait of the President of Russia. Goal: developing knowledge about the President of the country.

2. Anthem of Russia. Goal: development of auditory perception, attention and patriotism.

3. Coat of arms of Russia. Goal: developing knowledge about the coat of arms.

v Pocket game “Find the Russian flag.” Goal: Consolidating knowledge about color, the sequence of colors in the Russian flag and the meaning of each of them. Contribute to consolidation of knowledge of the flag of your country; getting to know the flags of other countries.

v Folding accordion “President of the Russian Federation”: there is a photo of the President and some important information about him. Goal: developing knowledge about the President of the country.

v Map of the Russian Federation. Purpose: to show and introduce the geographical location of Russia.

v Insert folder “Unofficial symbols of Russia”. Goal: acquaintance with the unofficial symbols of Russia.

v Mini-pocket “Currency of Russia”. Goal: acquaintance with Russian monetary units.

v Proverbs about the Motherland - made in the form of a flower. Goal: develop attention, memory, teach to listen carefully. Introduce oral folk art.

v Mini-pocket “Animals of Russia”. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the animal world of Russia.

v Mini-book “Poems about the Motherland.” Goal: to develop attention, memory, teach to listen carefully to literary works.

v Pocket “Guess the Russian folk tale.” Goal: learn to guess a Russian folk tale from a plot picture.

v Pocket “Nature of Russia”. Goal: to introduce you to the diversity and beauty of the nature of your native country.

v Pocket “Sights of Russia”. Goal: to introduce children to the sights (monuments, architectural buildings) of their native country, to form and consolidate knowledge about the sights.

v Pocket with puzzles “Russian patterns”. Goal: developing knowledge about the types of Russian folk art.

v Pocket “Peoples of Russia”. Goal: developing knowledge about the multinationality of our country; introduce national clothing; instill interest in national culture; development of color perception through the national costumes of peoples; fostering respect for other nations.

v Pocket “Riddles about folk crafts.” Goal: to develop knowledge about folk crafts, instill interest in Russian traditions, teach to recognize and distinguish various crafts.

v Pocket “State holidays of Russia”. Goal: to develop attention, memory, formation of knowledge about the national holidays of our country.

v The book “Riddles about Russian minerals.” Goal: developing knowledge about the resources of our country.

v Mini-pocket “Poems about the Motherland”. Goal: to develop attention, memory, teach to listen carefully to literary works.

v Pocket Hero Cities of the Great Patriotic War. Goal: to introduce the history of the Motherland, to instill a sense of pride in one’s native country.

v Mini-pocket “Russian military leaders”. Goal: to introduce the history of Russia, famous military leaders during the Second World War (1941-1945), to instill a sense of pride and patriotism in their native country.

v Pocket “Famous People of Russia”. Goal: to introduce historical figures who glorified their native country.

v Reverse side of the “Peoples of Russia” lapbook. Goal: to form and consolidate knowledge about the multinationality of our country; introduce national clothing; instill interest in national culture; develop color perception through the national costumes of peoples; cultivate respect for other nations.

Developed by teacher Lomakina E.S.

Introducing children to the “Lapbook “My Small Homeland””

Introducing children to the “Lapbook “My Small Homeland””

Dmitry Likhachev said:

"We must not forget about our

The cultural past, about monuments,

literature, language, painting.

National differences remain and

the 21st century, if we are concerned with the education
of souls, and not just with the transfer of knowledge....”

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, which evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply understood by him, but are passed through the child’s perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

I carry out work on spiritual and moral education in a comprehensive manner, both in everyday life and in special classes to familiarize ourselves with the world around us. This allows you to give more advanced concepts.

Having analyzed the knowledge about my native village, as well as observing the children, I saw the importance of moral and patriotic education on the one hand and the insufficient level of children’s knowledge about their native land on the other hand.


: An important direction in working with children is the education of patriotism; the formation of moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers begins with love for their family, native land, and nature.

Purpose of the manual

: All the material in this manual is aimed at consolidating children’s knowledge about their native land, the history of the family people, their native village, culture, customs and traditions. Also introduce children to its sights, monuments, nature and animals of our region.

The solution to this problem was the implementation of a long-term project: “Lapbook “My Small Homeland””,

it includes the following sections:
Puzzles, puzzles, coloring pages
Birds and animals of our region

Sights of the village of Bolshoi Kunaley and Tarbagatai

To the section “Village History”


includes photographs from the past of the village, such as: -

  1. History of the village.
  1. Bolshekunaleysky Semeysky Choir is one of the most famous

groups representing the folklore of the Transbaikal Semeisk. Formed in 1927.

As well as photos and stories of the modern family choir.

  1. Also, on the long, straight, well-groomed streets of the village, solid, beautifully painted houses were built. Each house is necessarily decorated with carved platbands, the house itself and the gates are decorated with decorative elements;

In 2016, the “Bolshekunaleyskoe” rural settlement was included in the guide to the most beautiful villages in Russia.

The following section is dedicated to “heroes of the Great Patriotic War”


this section reveals to children the meaning of celebrating Victory Day, shows that the Great Patriotic War was a war of liberation, fosters a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Fatherland using the examples of WWII participants, teaches respect for those who defended the Motherland from fascism;

The next
Section is dedicated to the “famous people” of our village:
These are the people of whom we have the right to be proud!

These are the people who contributed to the history of the village.

The next three sections are devoted to the “nature of the native land”:

This includes sections: about domestic and wild animals, about birds

and plants.

Sections include developmental material. It is important to know not only what trees and species of birds and animals live here, but also to clearly see, select and compose puzzles, puzzles, and various puzzles:

The next three sections are devoted to “Folk holidays and games with the participation of Our group as well as our creativity”:

This includes not only photographs of various events, holidays, games with the participation of Our group, but also poems, songs, coloring ditties and much more:

By playing and drawing, children better remember the features of national costumes, traditions, culture and history of the family people.

One or more important sections are devoted to

MBOU Bolshekunaleyskaya Secondary School named after. Guslyakova G.I.

  1. Story:

All these years, the school has paid a lot of attention to the quality of knowledge and to educating students in the traditions of the family people.

The next section includes photos of buildings that are quite significant for the village:

All these buildings have historical value.

On the back of our Lapbook there are also sections dedicated to the sights and history of the village of Tarbagatai


One of the important attractions of the Tarbagatai district is Bolshoi Kunaley.

I am sure that the work I do will help instill in children love and affection for their home, family, and village.

Children are the future of our Motherland. And how they grow up depends on you and me.

Lapbook “My small homeland - the village of Nevolino”

1. Lapbook “My small Motherland - the village of Nevolino”

2. Author of the didactic development: , teacher-speech therapist.

3. Age targeting: children of senior preschool age.

4. Goal: expanding children’s ideas about their small homeland - the village of Nevolino, developing speech and non-speech mental processes in children of senior preschool age, developing independence.

5. Tasks:

— consolidate ideas about the sights of the village of Nevolino;

— consolidate knowledge about the coat of arms and flag of the village of Nevolino; about the symbolic meaning of color combinations and images in them;

- consolidate the ability to tell a poem using a series of pictures;

- form ideas about yourself as a resident of the village of Nevolino;

— cultivate love and respect for one’s native village;

- develop the ability to solve puzzles, logical thinking, and intelligence;

— deepen and expand knowledge about various types of animals and their homes;

- develop memory, fine motor skills of the hands;

- consolidate children’s knowledge about trees growing in the village, the ability to distinguish between them and find the right plant;

6. 7. 8. Filling capacity, play activities, description of the possibilities of using a laptop in joint activities between an adult and a child and independent activities of children.

Game “Sights of the village of Nevolino”

Goal: consolidation of ideas about the sights of the village of Nevolino, development of coherent speech, spatial thinking.

Materials: paired images of the sights of the village of Nevolino.

Number of players: unlimited

Game progress: Option 1.

From a set of upside-down illustrations of architectural and sculptural landmarks of the village, the child is asked to choose two and turn them over. If the images are the same, then the child is asked to tell about this attraction. If the illustrations are not the same, then they are turned over again and the turn is transferred to another player.

The player with the most pairs wins.

Option 2: D/i “Door Well”

The presenter covers the picture with a sheet of paper with a keyhole and places it in front of the players. You can view the picture only through the hole, gradually moving the top sheet, but without lifting it. Everyone looks at it at the same time, but everyone moves the sheet for a minute. Then the presenter suggests that someone tell what is shown in the picture, the others correct and complement it. At the end of the game, the picture opens and the presenter announces the winner who told the story most correctly and in detail. He replaces the leader.

Game "It Was - It Was"

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the sights of the village of Nevolino, to develop a sense of time.

Materials: images of village sights in different time periods.

Number of players: up to the number of paired pictures.

Progress of the game:

From a set of illustrations of architectural and sculptural landmarks of the village, the child is asked to choose two that indicate the same landmark in different time periods. The child talks about this attraction and explains why he chose it.

Game “Village Symbols”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the coat of arms and flag of the village of Nevolino.

Materials: image of the coat of arms and flag of the city, consisting of 4-8 fragments

Number of players: from 2 to 4 people

Game progress: 1 option

The fragments are mixed, the children assemble a picture from them.

Option 2: Describe the coat of arms and flag of the village of Nevolino and tell what they mean.

Game "Tell a poem"

Goal: compose a sentence according to a diagram, tell a poem based on a series of pictures.

Material: a series of pictures based on the poem “The cat does not go for mushrooms” by the poet of the Nevolino village Feofan Lipatov.

Number of players: unlimited

Progress of the game: the teacher reads F. Lipatov’s poem “The cat doesn’t go picking mushrooms.” The guys look at a series of pictures and try to reproduce the poem using the created diagrams.

Game “Journey through the village of Nevolino”

Goal: developing an image of oneself as a resident of the village of Nevolino, nurturing love and respect for one’s native village.

Materials: playing field, cube, chips, tokens

Number of players: 4 children

Progress of the game: The game is played by an adult or child with a high level of knowledge about the village. Before the first game, look at the playing field with pictures and talk about them.

The dice determines the order of players and the number of moves. If after a move a player comes across an illustration of a landmark, he talks about it and receives a token for this. The one who reaches the finish line first wins. The participant who has the most tokens for correct answers (a token is given for correctly named landmarks) becomes the second winner.

Game "Rebuses about the Motherland"

Goal: development of the ability to solve puzzles, logical thinking, intelligence.

Materials: cards with puzzles.

Progress of the game: The child needs to solve the puzzle.

Game "Whose house?"

Goal: deepening and expanding knowledge about various types of animals and their homes. The ability to correlate the image of a living creature with its habitat, naming it correctly. Development of memory, fine motor skills of the hands.

Materials: boxes with pictures of animals and their habitats.

Progress of the game: children take the boxes apart and mix them. For a while, all players find a “house” for each animal; at the end, the correct location of the “house” for each animal is checked. Whoever finds his “home” for the animal faster and more correctly wins.

Game "Which tree is the leaf from"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about trees growing in the village,

the ability to distinguish between them and find the right plant. Development of children's cognitive interest, attention, observation, ability to describe; activate children's vocabulary; nurturing curiosity.

Game options.

1. Select leaves for each tree, name the tree and the leaf (For example, “This tree is called birch, and the leaf is birch”).

2. Describe the tree and its leaves (For example, “This tree is called oak. Oak is considered a deciduous tree. This is a very powerful, strong tree with a wide branched trunk most often grows in the forest. Oak leaves are light green, smooth with uneven edges.)

3. Find trees that have needles and name them.

4. Name the peculiarity of each tree (For example, acorns grow on oak, bird cherry bears black berries, birch has catkins, etc.)

5. Make up a story about birch and oak, about bird cherry and poplar, about pine and willow, based on pictures of trees.

Game "Domino"

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the sights of the village of Nevolino; development of spatial concepts, development of the ability to accurately use the words “to the left”, “to the right”, “above”, “below”, “between”.

Materials: domino cards depicting landmarks.

Progress of the game: children take turns laying out domino cards so that the same images are next to each other. The last one to place a card loses.

Complication: You can also play with the resulting “labyrinth”. We guess landmarks by their location in the “domino labyrinth”: “My landmark is located higher than the house of the merchant Kulygin and lower than the Nevolinsky burial ground”

9. Effectiveness of using a laptop.

The lapbook I developed will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will help quickly refresh your memory of the topic covered.

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