Federal State Educational Standard Abstract OOD Construction “Building a fence” (junior preschool age)

Federal State Educational Standard Abstract OOD Construction “Building a fence” (junior preschool age)

OOD on design in the second junior group “Building a fence”

Goal: to develop the ability to build a simple structure as shown by an adult. Name the parts of the building material - bricks. Develop the ability to name colors correctly. Develop interest in design and attention.

Program content: To develop children’s ability to build a fence by placing bricks in a row, combining and alternating their positions by color; teach to play with buildings; show interest in the actions of a friend; develop the ability to put cubes into a box, taking into account the color.

Material: each child has bricks and toys: squirrel, dog, cat

Vocabulary work: bricks, fence, smallest side, wide side.

Methods and techniques: demonstration of a sample, showing, explanation, questions, repetition, encouragement, artistic expression, help.

Motivation: Let's help the animals.


Educator: Children, sit on the chairs and listen to what I tell you. Animals came to visit us, but they were very upset. Do you know why? The squirrel told me that they all lived together, helped each other, and they had a beautiful fence that protected them from evil animals. But suddenly a strong wind came and broke the fence, the animals are now afraid, and they came to you asking for help. Children, let's help the squirrel and everyone else?

Children: Let's help!

Physical education minute:

Educator: Look what’s on my table.

Children: Bricks

Educator: What color are the bricks?

Children: (Answers).

Educator: Correct. From these bricks we will build a fence for the animals. Look, the bricks have the smallest side, so we’ll put the brick on it. Children, we have an uneven fence, what needs to be done?

Children: (silent).

Educator: But you need to turn them with the wide side towards me. Show Maxim where the wide side of the brick is?

Maxim: Here she is.

Educator: That's right, here is the wide side of the brick. What a beautiful fence we have made. Now let's hide our animals behind him. That's right, and I'll see which fence is the most beautiful and durable. I looked carefully, everyone turned out to have beautiful and durable fences. Well done boys. Come on, tell Sasha where your dog is.

Sasha: Behind the fence.

Educator: Correct. Dasha, show me where your cat is hiding.

Dasha: Here, behind the fence.

Educator: That's right, Dasha. Look, all the animals are happy, they liked your fences. Now we know that they are not afraid of any animals.

Abstract of the GCD for design in the second junior group: “Building Mashenka’s fence.”

Abstract of the GCD for design in the second junior group: “Building Mashenka’s fence.”

Author: Mamedova Olga Sergeevna teacher of the 2nd junior group of MADOU kindergarten No. 25

GCD theme: “Building a fence for Mashenka.”

Age group: second junior group.

Educational area: integrated (“Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”).

Goal: construction of a combined fence according to the diagram (top view).

Objectives: • consolidate the skill of accurately connecting parts and lining them up in an even line (path, fence along it) during the game; • fix the names of the main parts; • introduce rhythmic alternation in the construction of bricks (on the short, narrow side) and a cube; • teach children to correlate their actions with instructions and models; • learn to use practical superimposition of details on a diagram (top view) depicting the building plan; • expand your vocabulary, learn to communicate; • teach empathy using the example of a fairy-tale character; • cultivate hard work and accuracy.

Vocabulary work: • Activation of nouns: cube, brick, prism, bar, etc. • Adjectives characterizing an object • Adjectives with opposite meanings: narrow, short, long, smooth, tall, wide, etc. • Prepositions: in, on, for, by, etc.

Equipment. Handout for the subgroup: details of a wooden building set - 6 bricks (one of them long), 5 cubes, 1 prism, small toys - nesting dolls, fence diagram (top view). Demonstration material: details of a wooden construction set, fence diagram (top view), Christmas trees, mushrooms, dolls - Masha, Bear, Cockerel; trees, a “magic bag”, a tape recorder, an audio recording of children’s songs, decoration trees for a forest clearing. Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, learning a physical education lesson about a bear, learning dynamic pauses. Progress of direct educational activities Didactic game “Magic Bag”.

Goal: to consolidate the names of the main parts, the ability to find different sides of the main parts based on the description. Hello guys! Do you love fairy tales? I brought the “Magic Bag” for you. Do you want to know what lies there? I think there are toys there. Let's check?! (The teacher takes turns inviting the children to take out building parts from the bag (cube, prism, brick, block) and name them.) Show the narrow short side of the brick (swipe with your finger), the narrow long side, show the wide long side. Which side was shown? (wide and long.) Show the triangular side of the prism. Show me where the square side of the block is? Did a great job! Well, I thought that the bag was magical and there were toys in it, but there were building parts with the help of which we learn to build! But what is this? Look, there’s a picture on the long, wide side of the brick! Tell me who is shown in the picture? (The picture shows the main characters of the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”). Yes, the bag really turned out to be “magical” and, in my opinion, invites us to go to a fairy tale! Motivation.

Goal: to motivate children to further joint activities. What is the name of the fairy tale that we recently read? A completely different story happened to the main characters of this tale. Do you want to know what else happened to Masha and the Bear? (The teacher turns on the musical accompaniment.) - Well, then let's hit the road. Hush, hush, don’t make noise, Don’t frighten off our fairy tale / raise your finger to your lips, say shhhh / One - two - spin around, Find yourself in our fairy tale! Children, as directed by the teacher, walk in a circle, raising their legs high, squat down, stand up and continue moving towards the table. Reinforcing the material covered during gaming activities.

Goal: creating conditions for generalizing and consolidating acquired knowledge, consolidating the ability to select the right part for building an object and characterize it. Look where we ended up? (there are decoration trees in the group.) We came out to a forest clearing, Raise our legs higher, Through the bushes and hummocks, Through the branches and stumps. We walked for a very long time, Our little legs were tired, Now we’ll sit down, rest, And then we’ll go for a walk again. Look, there’s something in the clearing. Let's come over! (On one side of the table there are trees, the mushrooms are a forest, on the other side there is a house built from a cube and a prism, and a Masha doll.) One day Mashenka went into the forest for mushrooms (the teacher plays out his story), mushroom after mushroom, tree after tree, so it was not noticeable and went far into the forest from the house, and got lost. “Aw! Aw!” - no one responds. Mashenka cannot find her way home. I started crying. What to do? How to help the girl? What can I do to prevent Masha from getting lost? How can I help her return home? (Build a path.) This will be a long brick. The path turned out to be level and smooth. Narrow or wide? Long or short? And on the other side of the forest, Mishka crawled out of the den (the teacher shows the toy Bear). We will show you how the Bear got out of the den. Physical education minute.

Goal: preventing fatigue, restoring children's performance, preserving health. (The teacher turns on the musical accompaniment.) The bear crawled out of the den and looked around at the threshold. He stretched out of sleep: Spring has come to us again. To quickly gain strength, the bear twisted its head. He leaned back and forth, and there he was walking through the forest. The bear is looking for roots and rotten stumps. They contain edible larvae - vitamins for the bear. Finally, the bear had eaten and sat down on a log. /Children repeat the movements after the teacher in accordance with the text and pronounce the words/. Creating a problematic situation.

Goal: to activate the mental activity of children, to encourage them to independently search for an answer to a problem situation. This is the Bear who is making his way through the forest and wants to grab Mashenka and take her to the den - his home! Mashenka ran along our path to the house, and the Bear was about to catch up with her. Masha came running and hid in the house. Let us also leave Mishka and sit down at the tables. Guys, how can I help Mashenka? What can she do to prevent the Bear from getting into her house? If the children have difficulties, the teacher asks a leading question: What will we build around the house? (Fence.) Explanation and demonstration of the construction.

Goal: familiarization with the rhythmic alternation in the construction of bricks (on the short, narrow side) and a cube. Watch how I build a fence for Masha near the path. I take a brick and put it on the narrow short side, put a cube next to it, put the parts close to each other, put the brick again on the narrow short side, then the cube, and so on. A Cockerel (a small toy) flew onto my fence and sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” He was surprised: “Where did such a beautiful fence come from? How was it built?" Tell Cockerel how to build this fence? Practical part.

Goal: learning to act according to a model, supporting children’s independence, strengthening the skill of accurately connecting parts and lining them up in an even line. You will build a fence using a diagram - top view (demonstration on the board). Find a long brick and place it on the table - this is a path. Place the diagram in front of the track and you will place the parts on it. Help Masha, build a fence! Cockerel and I will check how you will build fences correctly. Independent work of children. (During the work, the teacher stimulates the children’s activities and directs them to correct errors using targeted questions). What parts will we use to build a house (cube and prism)? Build a house behind the fence. Role-playing game “Guests have come to us.”

Goal: teaching the ability to play out a simple plot in a building, expanding the vocabulary of children. The bear saw the fence and returned to the forest to its den. And Mashenka came out of the house, rejoiced and thanked you for saving her from the Bear! Girlfriend cars will come to visit each of you. Guess who it is? Girlfriends live in a house, They all look alike. Scarlet silk handkerchief. The hand rests on the wooden sides. The Colorful Girls got a little flushed... (matryoshka dolls). They love to play in the yard behind the fence. Play with them! (The teacher hands out Matryoshka dolls, recites poems to the accompaniment of music and shows the elements of playing with matryoshka dolls). Blow the pipes, beat the spoons! The nesting dolls came to visit us. Wooden spoons, rosy matryoshka dolls. The girlfriends were walking along the path, There were just a few of them: Two Matryoshkas, three Matryoshkas and one Matryoshka. The mouse was met by girlfriends and hid in each other. And the one who stayed was the most frightened of all. Summary of the lesson with an element of reflection.

Goal: creating conditions for assessing children’s efforts in constructive activities; fostering diligence and accuracy when cleaning parts. I'm happy for you, the fences turned out beautiful, the details were placed exactly! Did you like your fences? Let's clap our hands! The nesting dolls also really enjoyed playing with you! Masha says goodbye to us and says to everyone: “Thank you!” Let's say goodbye to Masha! And it’s time for us to return from the fairy tale to kindergarten! One, two, three, Turn around, Look around, Find yourself in the group again! Here we are back from the fairy tale in kindergarten! What were you building? What parts were used to build the fence? What did they use to build it? Who did you help? Now you can build fences yourself in a group using a plastic construction set. But for further activities in the group, all the details of the designer must be removed. Well, now let's get down to business together, We need to remove the parts, Remove them and not break them, Tomorrow we will play again! Quietly and carefully place the parts in boxes. Goodbye, guys!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of direct educational activities on construction in the 2nd junior group “Gate Construction”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center kindergarten "Korablik"

Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category Vostryakova E.N. Udomlya


Develop in children the ability to build a simple floor: place supports (exactly one opposite the other) and carefully place crossbars on them. To develop in children the ability to analyze a sample building.


  1. Cultivate a desire to build buildings.
  2. Arouse children's interest in activities with wooden building materials.
  3. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions posed.
  4. Improve constructive skills.


Illustration of kindergarten gates, cars of different sizes, gate diagrams

Dispenser: three small bricks, one long brick, two high bars. The demo is the same.


Stage 1: motivational.

  • The goal of the teacher at this stage of the educational activity is to motivate children to play activities; develop emotional responsiveness and cognitive activity.

The goal that children should set for themselves is to build gates for cars.

An animation of the song “Beep-Bee-Bee” and cars come to visit the children. Develop emotional responsiveness.

Children enter the group room, greet guests and sit on chairs next to the teacher.

— Guys, look, a lot of cars came to our group today. They are not empty, but loaded with construction parts.

  • Encourage children to think independently, encourage children with positive comments: “Clever” for girls, “Well done” for boys.

Stage 2 based on the personal experience of children (survey of children):

Pedagogical goal: To activate children’s personal experience, their ability to recognize and name construction parts.

The goal that children must achieve: Remember and name construction parts.


- Let's see what construction parts are in our cars.

- What is this? (brick)

-What can you build from bricks? (house, path)

— And when you went to kindergarten in the morning, you saw the gate. They are beautiful and wide. (showing the gate)

- What do you think the gates are for? (come in, go out)

— Do you want to learn how to build gates? (Yes)

Stage 3 is the main one.

Pedagogical goal: To develop in children the ability to build a simple floor: place supports (exactly one opposite the other) and carefully place crossbars on them. To develop in children the ability to analyze a sample building.

The goal that the children set: Build a gate.

The teacher gives simple explanations. All the details are different, they differ from each other either in shape, or in color or in size.

  • Introduction and examination (examination and identification of sensory signs of building parts)

— Look how I will build a gate (show)

I will build the supports from bricks, placing them opposite each other like this. I will also build the crossbar from small bricks. I place it on the supports with the wide side.

  • Demonstration of the phased construction of gates.

— Do we have a gate?

— What kind of cars do you think can get through such a gate, small or large cars?

- Guys. Small cars can pass through these gates.

- Look. How I drew this gate. (shown on the diagram)

“Now you can build the gate yourself.”

- Let's imagine. That we got into our cars and went to a construction site to build gates. But before our cars go, we need to pump up the tires (Imitation) and start the engines (Imitation).

  • At this stage, NOD relieves muscle tension.

Note: Children work at tables.

- Well done, what a beautiful gate you have made. Now take the car and drive it through your gate. Happened? (Children's answers).

  • At this stage, children's activities are independent in creating and playing with buildings.

Stage 4: consolidating the experience gained on new material.

Pedagogical goal: To consolidate the experience gained by children using new material.

Goal for children to set: Build a big gate.

— Guys, I also brought you big cars. Tell me, can this car drive through your gate? (Children try).

  • Create a problem situation, Encourage children to think independently.

The teacher opens the screen, showing the large gate.

-Look how I built it. This gate has a support, a crossbar, and we will build it from other building parts. The supports are made of bars, the crossbar is made of long bricks.

— I suggest you build the same gates for large cars. Come, take big cars and build big gates for them.

  • At this stage, children's activities are independent activities.

— Did your cars pass through the gate? Did you get the same gate as mine?

  • At this stage, GCD compares your construction with the model.

Stage 5 – final:

Pedagogical goal: Aim at generalizing the experience gained and applying it in the game.

The goal that the children set is to play with cars now, and tomorrow to build gates for other cars.

— Guys, tell me, what did you build today? (Children's answers). Did you enjoy building? (Yes).

- Well done, what a beautiful and durable gate you have made. We will still play with you tomorrow, we will definitely build more gates for other cars. Now let's invite the cars to stay in our group and you can play with them. (Children agree).

Animation starts and children play with the buildings.

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