Mom, don't give me away!
Collection of children's stories "Kindergarten through the eyes of children"
This week I was busy with a very important matter - we were settling into a children's
Zhostovo tray step by step
Zhostovo painting. Pictures, painting elements, photos
Zhostovo painting is artistic painting on tin trays. This Russian folk craft originated in
Abstract of OOD on drawing “Painting jugs” in the senior group of kindergarten
Master class on drawing for children 5-7 years old “Gzhel” step by step with photos Master class on drawing
Drawing in the preparatory group my home my family
Kristina Zhogina Notes on drawing “My Family” Purpose: To teach children to draw a figure
Summary of music lessons in the second junior group.
Author: Natalya Borisovna Sokolova, music director Institution: MBDOU of the city of Kostroma “Kindergarten No. 52”
Methodological development for teachers on teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age
Goal: to increase the competence of teachers in the theoretical issue of preparing children for literacy. Tasks:
E. A. Alyabyeva A child in the world of adults. Stories about professions
Read: 3 min. Today in the world there are more than 400 thousand different professions, from
Summary of GCD in the middle group “Safety in the forest”
The forest is fraught with a lot of mysteries. Wildlife attracts people, and children, more than
Children's etiquette: concept, importance, basics. At what age should children be taught etiquette?
Etiquette is the generally accepted norms of behavior of people in society. Children, just like adults,
Final open lesson in mathematics for the senior group.
Summary of the final lesson in mathematics in the senior group of kindergarten. Summary of the final lesson in
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