Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for children of the senior and preparatory groups “Travel to Africa”
Summary of an educational lesson in the preparatory group. “Travel to Africa” Transcript 1 Synopsis of the educational lesson
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the natural world in a preparatory group for school.
Card index of didactic games Section FEMP Ordinal listing of days of the week
GCD in the senior group. Acquaintance with the days of the week Direct educational activity “Introducing older children
Summary of a correctional and developmental individual lesson for children with disabilities on the topic: “Developing our hands.”
Labor in nature. Its definition and significance in solving issues of raising a preschool child.
Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech in the senior group “The Magic World of Sounds”
My kindergarten Completed by: teacher - speech therapist of the highest category Evgenia Vasilievna Delman, Municipal Budgetary
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Toys”
Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world “Water Sorceress” in the senior group ALIYEVA ASYAT Synopsis of GCD
Long-term plan for artistic and aesthetic development in the second junior group
Goals and objectives: To make children want to convey in their drawing the joy of meeting with
Summary of a lesson on the development of intellectual abilities through logic games based on games by A.Z. Zaka (preparatory group)
Long-term planning for introducing adults to work. educational and methodological material on the world around us (junior group)
Synopsis of a conversation in the junior group on the topic “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Synopsis
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