Project "Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children 3-4 years old"

  • 11814

    8 minutes

    Published:October 26, 2016


    A healthy lifestyle has already become a full-fledged family culture. Giving up bad habits and focusing on sports have become fashionable. Therefore, more and more people are becoming interested in healthy lifestyles and attracting not only adults, but also children into their ranks. This trend has a positive effect on a person’s overall health, promotes strong immunity, good health, a beautiful figure and a positive attitude. By teaching children a healthy lifestyle, you help them live a long and happy life, full of bright and positive moments. This is the best care for loved ones, which will definitely bear fruit in the near future. A healthy lifestyle is no less important for children than for adults. After all, this is a fundamental principle of child development in the areas of moral and physical culture. The earlier you start the habit of eating right and exercising, the more benefits it will bring in the future.

  • Components of a healthy lifestyle

    The main components of a children's healthy lifestyle are:

    • playing sports and introducing physical activity as a regular habit;
    • maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the whole family;

    • regular walks in the fresh air;
    • proper nutrition.

    All physical activity must be appropriate for the child’s age and take into account the characteristics of his health. Regular exercise under the guidance of experienced trainers is the best option for maintaining a healthy lifestyle for children. The European Gymnastics Center offers you classes in a comfortable environment and on a convenient schedule. A lot of positive emotions, playful training and socialization of each child is the minimum set of services that we offer to each client.

    Game - quiz “I choose a healthy lifestyle”

    Game summary - quizzes about a healthy lifestyle

    “I choose a healthy lifestyle”

    for students in grades 1-4

    Prepared by:

    Social teacher

    Municipal educational institution "Shakhterskaya Secondary School in the village of Maloorlovka"

    Rakus O.V.


    Forming an idea and understanding of what a healthy lifestyle is and how to maintain your health.


    — Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

    — To develop in children a sustainable interest in physical education and sports.

    - Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Planned results:

    — to form in students an idea of ​​the need to strengthen and maintain their health, the ability to resist bad habits, and lead a healthy lifestyle.


    diplomas for awarding winners, posters about health, emblems for teams, envelopes with letters for the competition.

    Form of conduct

    : Quiz game.

    Event participants:

    1-4 grades.

    Quiz progress

    I. Organizational moment

    The long-awaited bell has been given - the lesson begins!
    There are ideas and tasks, Games, jokes, everything for you! We wish everyone good luck - Good luck to work! II. The main part of Sots.ped.:
    HEALTH is an invaluable gift that nature gives to man. Without it it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do people waste this gift, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult, and sometimes even impossible.

    — What do you think is the topic of our lesson today, what will we learn about and consolidate our knowledge?

    (Children's answers)

    — That’s right, today we’ll talk about healthy lifestyle and learn a lot of interesting facts about our health.

    — The word “health” is one of the most common words that a person uses in his speech. We even associate greetings during meetings and partings with this word: “hello”, “be healthy” and others. What is health? The simplest answer is that health is the absence of disease. Life expectancy is influenced by many factors, but the most important thing is a healthy lifestyle!

    —Have you ever wondered what the meaning of these words is? (Children's answers)

    Children prepared in advance read T. Latysheva’s poem “I love the seven rules of a healthy lifestyle.”
    1st student:
    I love the seven rules of a healthy lifestyle After all, you can’t live without them!
    For health and order Start your day with exercise. You don't eat meat in dough, your waist will be in place. 2nd student:
    I slept for a long, long, long time - This is a signal of illness.
    Temper yourself, exercise, and don’t give in to the blues. I love sports and fruits, thus protecting my health. I follow all the regimes, and I don’t know any diseases. 3rd student:
    I won’t eat much at night, I’m taking care of my figure.
    I don't smoke or drink, I want to be healthy. I bathe, shower myself: It is clear to everyone that I am strengthening myself, I have thrown away a lot of troubles - I have strengthened my immunity. 4th student:
    Eat apples and pears, your skin will be better. Eat another lemon, it will help you absorb calcium. I am actively resting and strengthening my health, I don’t complain about anything, and I advise you to do the same.

    5th student:

    I also play chess: I develop my intellect.
    I’ll get on the “path”: I’ll lose a little more weight, you eat five times a day, there won’t be heaviness in your stomach, drink milk with honey, and you’ll fall asleep easily. 6th student:
    Relaxing does not mean sleeping. Go to the dacha to dig. When you return home, take a shower and sing a song: That’s why I’m so good, Because I love the seven rules of a healthy lifestyle.
    Social ped.:
    Well done!
    Now let's start our quiz. (Children are divided into 5 teams of 4 people in each team.)
    Quiz competitions

    1. “Motto”
    (up to 3 points)
    Come up with a motto for the teams, taking into account the topic of this quiz.
    2. “Give an answer” (2 points for a correct answer. Questions are asked to each team in turn; if one of the teams cannot give an answer, the right to answer goes to the next team).
    1. What should you do to avoid getting sick?
    (Proper nutrition, sleep, active activity and active rest, absence of bad habits, observance of personal hygiene rules, physical education, hardening)
    2. At what age is it useful to engage in physical education? (In any)
    3. What time of year is best to start hardening?
    (In summer)
    4. Who are “walruses”? (People swimming in an ice hole in winter)
    5. Who are yogis? (People doing gymnastics, meditation)
    6. What medicinal plants do you know? (Valerian root, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, mint, etc.)
    7. What fruits, vegetables and plants are used to lower fever and treat colds?
    (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden)
    8. Leaves of which plant are used for bruises and bleeding? (Burdock, plantain)
    9. Is the juice of this plant used instead of iodine? (Clandestine)
    10. Why can’t you drink water from a river or puddle? (Dirty water contains various microbes that carry dangerous diseases)
    11. Why can’t you pet stray and other people’s cats and dogs? (You can catch ticks, lichen)
    12. Is it possible to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits? Why? (No, because there are many different microbes on them)
    13. Name winter sports? 14. What are the summer sports? 3. “Guess” (2 points per answer)
    You need to guess
    riddles on the topic of healthy lifestyle
    1. You will gnaw steel pipes, If you often brush... (teeth)

    2. I take dumbbells boldly - I train my muscles...
    3. I made friends with physical education - And now I’m proud of...
    (my figure)
    4. Juice, tablets are the healthiest of all, It will save you from all...
    5. Since childhood, everyone has been told: Nicotine is deadly... (poison)
    6. Even though it stings and burns the wound, it heals perfectly - red...
    7. For Alyonka’s scratches, there is a full bottle...
    (green stuff)
    8. They declared a fight against the bacilli: Mine clean your hands with ...
    9. There are vegetables and fruits.
    Children need to eat a lot. There are also 10 tablets. They taste like candy. Take them for health during cold times. For Sashulya and Polina What is useful? - ... (Vitamins)
    11. Bone back, Bristles on the belly, Jumped along the picket fence, Washed up all the dirt.
    12. I have no time to be sick, friends, I play football and hockey.
    And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health... (Sports)
    13. Forget about the computer.
    Go outside for a walk. After all, fresh air is healthier... (Breathe)

    Very bitter - but useful!

    Protects against diseases!

    And he is no friend to microbes -

    Because it is - (Bow)

    4. “Physical exercise”
    (up to 3 points)
    Each team must come up with and demonstrate a sports movement.
    (The rest of the teams repeat the movements.) 5. “Blitz survey”
    So, now I will ask each team questions, you need to answer Yes - No, for the correct answer you get 1 point.
    1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (yes)
    2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth?
    3. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer?
    4. Is it true that smoking kills 10,000 people every year?
    5. Is it true that bananas lift your spirits?
    6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body?
    7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs?
    8. Is it easy to quit smoking?
    9. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt?
    10. Do adults break their legs more often than children?
    11. Is it true that children need to drink milk every day?
    12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year?
    13. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression?
    14. Is it true that children under 15 years old cannot engage in weightlifting?
    15. Is it true that 6 hours of sleep is enough for a child?
    Well done, guys!
    6. “Types of sports” competition for captains (2 points for 1 sport)
    Name as many sports as possible that begin with the letters: F, V, P, T, B. The team captain chooses an envelope containing one of the letters .
    Sample answers: F: football, fencing, figure skating, freestyle, B: volleyball, cycling, freestyle wrestling, water polo P: paintball, swimming, jumping T: triathlon, tennis, sports dancing, B: basketball, biathlon, bobsleigh, boxing , wrestling IV.
    Awarding Summing up, presentation of diplomas.
    V. Reflection
    – What was the task set today? – Did you manage to solve it? – What do you think the knowledge gained today can be useful for? – Can you use the knowledge you have gained and recommend anything to your friends and family? – What did you like most? What didn't you like?

    — How do you feel when you leave today’s lesson?

    Family healthy lifestyle

    Before telling or explaining something to your child, show it by personal example. This will be the best motivation for him, because a son or daughter always strives to be as similar as possible to their parents. Therefore, when talking about a healthy lifestyle, make sure that you yourself do not violate its basic principles. It is quite easy to become a worthy example for your child.

    Together everywhere.

    Take regular walks. But don't limit them to shopping. Go to the park, go out into nature, visit children's outdoor playgrounds.

    Eat the right foods.

    Teach your children to eat healthy. Avoid visiting cafes that serve fast food. Add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, and drink more clean water together. Avoid carbonated drinks and packaged juices if possible.

    Remember mobility.

    Don't forget about ball games, visiting the pool, skiing and skating. A morning run is a great way to recharge your energy for the day ahead, not only for you, but also for your children.

    One hobby.

    Involve your child in your hobbies. This will not only help in his upbringing and general development, but will also unite the family in an interesting hobby.

    Rejection of bad habits.

    Remember that a child always looks up to his parents and tries to imitate them in everything. To instill in him a correct perception of the world, give up smoking, alcohol, high-calorie snacks and regular evenings in front of the TV.

    Healthy lifestyle for children and adolescents (HLS).

    Both adults and children want to be healthy, beautiful, and full of energy. Health is given to a person from birth, but in order to preserve it throughout his life, he must constantly take care of strengthening it from early childhood to old age. To improve your health, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, know and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

    From childhood, it is necessary to formulate in children and adolescents the concept that a healthy lifestyle requires a person to work, and an idle one always entails deterioration in health. It has been established that a healthy lifestyle helps to increase life expectancy by 7-10 years and is the most practical and cheapest method of disease prevention. It is known that 50-55% of health is determined by individual lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle for children is actions aimed at improving health. To be healthy, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine, eat right and exercise, and give up bad habits.

    Personal hygiene.

    The main requirement of hygiene is to keep the body clean to avoid diseases associated with the proliferation of bacteria and parasites.

    Basic rules of hygiene.

    1. It is necessary to brush your teeth after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. 2. You need to wash your hair regularly. 3. Be sure to keep combs, elastic bands and hair clips clean. 4. It is beneficial to take a shower or bath twice a day. 5. Be sure to wash your hands upon arrival home, before and after eating, after playing with animals, after using the toilet. 6. You need to pay attention to the cleanliness of clothes and shoes.

    Maintaining clean skin and taking care of nails is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle. Clean skin has bactericidal properties, and dirty skin, on the surface of which sweat, sebum, and substances that get on the skin have accumulated, are subject to irritation and scratching, which leads to the development of skin diseases, eczema and pustules. It is important that children form the habit of washing their hands every time before eating, after visiting the toilet, playing with animals, working in the garden, and walking down the street. The largest amount of bacteria is found under the nails (approximately 95% of the skin on the hands), so it is important to take care of your nails.

    Proper care of your own body is especially important for teenagers.

    During puberty, they themselves notice that they begin to sweat more and experience a strong odor from their feet and armpits. Those who neglect personal hygiene can smell an unpleasant odor from a distance. After taking a shower, you should change your underwear; you can apply hygiene products to clean skin to eliminate the smell of sweat. Wash your feet every day at night.

    You should not use other people’s hats, combs, washcloths, and you should not touch strangers or stray animals.

    Hair care is very important. Dandruff on the scalp can be a sign of unhealthy skin, poor nutrition, or improper hair care.

    We must not forget that it is not only external factors that affect the skin, hair, and nails. Serious enemies for the skin are lack of oxygen and sleep, smoking and alcohol. A balanced diet helps the skin become healthy and beautiful: salads from fresh vegetables, fruits, carrot juice, cottage cheese, rye bread, avoidance of fatty foods and spicy seasonings.

    Regular oral care will help preserve teeth and prevent many diseases of internal organs. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to use an individual toothbrush, which is changed once every 3-4 months, visit the dentist 1-2 times a year; After every meal you need to rinse your mouth.

    Hygiene of linen and clothing is very important. It is advisable that the clothes be loose and have an air gap underneath. Teenagers should not wear tight jeans and swimming trunks, as otherwise, blood circulation will be impaired, leading to inflammatory processes. Clothing for girls should exclude the possibility of hypothermia of the female genital organs.

    An important place in personal hygiene is occupied by maintaining the cleanliness of underwear, clothing, and changing socks or tights daily. Each family member is recommended to have a separate bed, separate towels, and change bed linen once a week. It is recommended to wear a nightgown or pajamas at night.

    Shoes for children and adolescents should be light, comfortable, and not restrict movement, since tight shoes cause deformation of the fingers, ingrown nails, the appearance of ulcers, calluses, frostbite and flat feet.

    Daily regime.

    Children often say that the daily routine was invented by their parents, educators and teachers. And this is absolutely true! It is these people who worry about how children feel, what mood they are in when they go to school, when and how they eat and have fun.

    So, the daily routine is the correct distribution of time for sleep, work, food and rest.

    Maintaining a daily routine is a prerequisite for a child’s healthy lifestyle. Thanks to compliance with the regime, conditioned reflexes are formed over time, ensuring high performance throughout the day.

    The basis of a proper daily routine and good health is:

    • Normal sleep duration (8-9 hours). • Maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time each day.

    Sleep is the main form of rest. In sleep, performance is restored and emotional stress is relieved. Good sleep in favorable conditions - a warm blanket, cool air, a calm environment - affects mood, memory and attention, and the state of the immune system. Walking before bed is useful for deep and sound sleep. Maintaining a balance between activities at school and at home with active recreation and spending time in the fresh air.

    Returning from school, you need to have lunch and be sure to rest for 1-1.5 hours without reading books or watching TV. You need to do your homework starting with the least difficult subjects, moving on to more complex ones. Every 30-40 minutes of classes you should take a 15-minute break, preferably with a physical education session accompanied by music.

    Staying in the fresh air is one of the necessary components of a rational daily routine. Children should be in the fresh air for 1.5-2.5 hours daily, and on rest days - up to 6 hours. Walking is good to combine with physical activity, sports and physical labor.

    Hardening is useful at any age. A hardened, trained person can withstand cold and heat, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure and humidity. Air baths, walking barefoot, and visiting a bathhouse have a hardening effect. Water procedures have a strong hardening effect - rubbing, dousing, baths, rubbing with snow and winter swimming.

    Proper nutrition.

    Children need a lot of strength to grow and mature. And they can get everything they need from food rich in microelements, minerals and vitamins. Only a nutritious, balanced diet can give children health for life. During the period of growth in children, an increase in muscle mass occurs, the activity of the endocrine system is activated, and a slight decrease in immunity is observed. During this period, it is recommended to reduce the content of animal fats and fast carbohydrates in the diet - sugar, sweets, confectionery, potatoes. Wholemeal bread, cereals, fermented milk products, lean meats, chicken and fish, fruits, raw vegetables and herbs are very healthy. For sweets, marmalade, marshmallows, honey, and chocolate in small quantities are preferred.

    A teenager's diet should be as simple as possible, since delicacies increase sensuality.

    A person needs to drink about 2 liters of liquid throughout the day, preferably clean water. Juices, compotes, tea do not reduce the need for water. It is undesirable to consume drinks that stimulate the central nervous system - coffee, cola, energy drinks.

    The rules of healthy eating are quite simple;

    • Eat vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits. • Consume fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream). They contain healthy protein and aid digestion. • Eat cereal. They contain complex carbohydrates, which allow you to be energetic and alert for many hours. • Do not give up meat, which contains many useful substances, such as iron, potassium, phosphorus. They give the body the strength and ability to develop properly and fight diseases.

    TIP: Take your time while eating, chew your food well. Experts recommend chewing food at least 20 times. This is a salvation for the stomach and the entire digestive system.

    A healthy lifestyle is incompatible with bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol, which are important risk factors for many diseases and affect health. It is alarming that the age at which teenagers try smoking is now falling. Every young man, taking a cigarette for the first time, should know what awaits him ahead.

    A burning cigarette is a chemical factory that produces more than 4,000 compounds, including more than 40 carcinogenic substances, of which the most toxic is nicotine, which causes cancer. The first blow is taken by the respiratory tract. Components of tobacco smoke irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx and respiratory tract, chronic diseases develop, and with prolonged smoking, cancer of the larynx or lung can develop. Components of tobacco smoke dissolved in saliva enter the stomach, irritate its mucous membrane and can lead to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    The connection between smoking and cardiovascular diseases has been proven. Loss of freshness of the skin and purity of the voice, repulsive odor from the mouth, yellowing of the teeth, early wrinkles - this is the price to pay for smoking. Schoolchildren who smoke have sleep disturbances, headaches, decreased memory, decreased attention in class, and worsened academic performance.

    Passive smoking is just as dangerous as active smoking. It is known that during smoking, 20% of the harmful substances of tobacco smoke are burned, 25% are retained in the smoker’s lungs, 5% remain in the cigarette butt, and the remaining 50% pollute the environment.

    Smoking negatively affects all organs and systems and causes irreparable harm to the reproductive system.

    Alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for non-communicable diseases. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages causes a decrease in mental abilities, makes it difficult to acquire new knowledge and skills, and deforms the personality. Alcoholic drinks cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing the development of gastritis and even stomach cancer. Changes occur in the liver and pancreas, the cardiovascular system with the development of hypertension. Changes in the reproductive system often lead to inferiority of offspring in people who abuse alcohol.

    Being healthy and beautiful is now becoming prestigious and fashionable, and health and a successful career are incompatible with drinking alcohol and smoking. Therefore, many young people choose a balanced diet, interesting hobbies, physical education and sports.

    Proper nutrition for a child

    Not all children eat what their parents offer them. Many adults complain that the child does not accept vegetables or lean meat, but prefers to eat exclusively one product that is not beneficial for the growing body. Even if the consequences of poor nutrition are not particularly noticeable now, in the future this can lead to the formation of an eating disorder. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach your child to eat the right foods in the right quantities. There are several basic principles that are called “smart plate”.

    For the mind.

    About a quarter of a child's diet should consist of foods rich in starch (cereals, potatoes, whole grain bread, corn and peas). These are the best sources of easily digestible carbohydrates, without which an actively developing body will not be able to function properly. Add fresh berries and fruits here, and it will be easier for the child to cope with complex mental problems.

    For quality digestion.

    Half of the diet is vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, legumes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.). They also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of the child.

    For strong and resilient muscles.

    The remaining portion is animal protein, which is best obtained from lean meats (turkey, lean beef, chicken, and fish). Without these products, the child may experience developmental delays.

    For fast metabolism.

    All children need to drink enough fluids. It is better if it is clean drinking water. As a last resort, homemade juices, compotes and fruit drinks without large amounts of sugar are allowed.

    When the problem exists at the genetic level.

    If a child is predisposed to obesity, special attention should be paid to his diet. Excess weight can cause serious health problems in the future.

    Prohibited foods for children's diets.

    Many children love sweets and unhealthy but very tasty foods such as hamburgers and fries at fast food restaurants. But this is precisely where they should be limited. Be prepared to protest and refuse to eat healthy food. Try to redirect your child's attention when he asks for something harmful. Stay calm and don't get emotional. Prove the correctness of your action by personal example. For older children, the principle of encouragement is suitable. Each week spent without harmful products can end with something interesting for the child: a trip to the cinema or to the skating rink.

    Healthy lifestyle for preschool children

    As you know, young children up to a certain age actually copy the behavioral characteristics of their parents, so experienced teachers can use the child’s behavior to understand whether he or she has problems in the family. It's the same with healthy lifestyle. In most cases, children are interested in their parents' hobbies and try to imitate them; their parents' opinion is also important to them, and parental authority is not questioned. You can rely on this if you decide to introduce your child to a healthy lifestyle. But you need to be aware that you won’t be able to stay away.

    Do you want your child to be active? Then get up from the comfortable sofa and go for walks together

    The children's goods market can now offer sports goods for every taste, from classic balls or frisbees to more complex and expensive cyclists, bicycles, scooters, snowboards, and children begin to be taught swimming before they take their first independent steps. Joint sports bring you closer together
    , and what kind of sport it will be is up to you to decide.

    In the first years of a child’s life, parents represent a large part of his world, then friends, classmates in kindergarten and classmates at school appear in this world. It will not be possible to protect your child from the influence of his peers, but if you remain an interesting conversationalist, partner and “collaborator” in his affairs, then you will be able to direct the child’s interests in the right direction in time and redirect his attention. Children need to be taught about the basics of a healthy lifestyle from an early age, but it should not be a dry theory with a set of rules and restrictions, because you always want to break the rules.

    Sports lifestyle

    For exercise to become a healthy daily habit, it must be introduced at an early age. When a child has the opportunity to direct his energy in the right and safe direction, he feels comfortable not only physically, but also emotionally. Regular workouts contribute to a surge of strength and good mood. Sports also teach overcoming difficulties, determination, discipline and perseverance. This will help the child already at school. It is very important to focus on those activities that children enjoy. Early physical development can begin as early as 1.5 years. Special exercises should be included in classes from 4 years of age. The European Gymnastics Center has everything you need to teach children a healthy lifestyle. Our coaches have extensive experience working with children of different age categories and will be able to find an approach to any young athlete.

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children 3-4 years old in kindergarten.

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle in children 3-4 years old in kindergarten.

    Forming a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten is one of the most important tasks in raising a child. To solve this problem, the following technologies are used:

    - physical education

    - daily regime

    - hardening

    Physical education of a child in a preschool setting is an important task in raising a healthy child. To solve this problem, the following forms of work with children are used: physical education classes, recreational activities, sports events held with parents. Both in class and in everyday life, the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of each child. The degree of individual susceptibility of a child depends on a number of reasons: nutrition, health status, sanitary and hygienic conditions, environmental conditions. Good nutrition, fresh air, cleanliness of the body, timely exercise - all this contributes to the development of immunity.

    The daily routine is the correct distribution of time and the correct sequence in satisfying the basic physical needs of the body: sleep, nutrition, wakefulness. The importance of the regime is that it promotes the normal functioning of internal organs, ensures a balanced, alert state, and protects the nervous system from overwork. One of the elements of the daily routine is morning exercises, which promotes the development of correct posture in children, trains and strengthens the activity of all organs and systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, etc.), prepares the body for the stresses that lie ahead during the day. Morning exercises are carried out daily.

    Hardening is one of the main ways to increase the body's resistance to infections and colds. In the second younger group, this is walking on corrective paths, ribbed boards, taking air baths, sunbathing, water procedures (washing hands up to the elbows, washing feet in the summer), walks. Hardening is based on the process of formation of conditioned reflexes, thanks to which the most perfect adaptation of the body to constantly changing environmental conditions is achieved. Air is one of the hardening methods. Doctor G.N. Speransky recommended that parents walk with their children every day, in any weather, because... “a day spent without a walk is lost to health.” At the same time, it is very important to monitor how the child is dressed. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather and not restrict the child’s movements. The sun is also one of the hardening factors. Optimal use of sunlight has a beneficial effect on the functions of a number of physiological systems - improves the general condition of the body, blood composition, increases metabolism, increases the body's defenses, emotional tone, and improves sleep. It is also necessary to take into account the bactericidal effect of sunlight. The time for sunbathing varies depending on the time of year.

    In a preschool institution, children from a very early age are taught to use all of the above technologies, to do this in a system, consistently. But not a single pedagogical task can be completed without the participation of parents. Therefore, the teacher gives the necessary recommendations, which mothers and fathers apply at home, thereby creating conditions for the favorable development of a healthy baby.


    Every person associates the idea of ​​happiness with family. Family is a support, a fortress, the beginning of everything. This is the child’s first team, a natural environment where the foundations of the child’s future personality and health are laid. In preschool childhood, the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

    Prolonged stay in unfavorable conditions causes overstrain of the body's adaptive capabilities and leads to depletion of the immune system. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, ENT organs and other diseases occur.

    The increase in the number of diseases is associated not only with the socio-ecological situation, but also with the very lifestyle of the child’s family, which largely depends on family traditions and the nature of the motor regime. If the child’s physical activity is insufficient (physical inactivity), a deterioration in the development of motor function and a decrease in the child’s physical performance inevitably occur.

    Today it is important for us, adults, to form and maintain an interest in improving the health of both ourselves and our children. Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality in infancy.

    Unfortunately, due to the developed cultural level of our society, health is not yet in first place among human needs. Therefore, many parents cannot serve as a positive example of a healthy lifestyle for their child, since they often abuse smoking and alcohol, prefer hours of watching TV shows and videos, hardening, physical education, and walks in the fresh air. Often, parents have little idea of ​​how necessary it is to introduce their child to a healthy lifestyle.

    What can parents do to introduce their children to a healthy lifestyle? (parents' statements).

    It is necessary to actively use healing natural environmental factors

    : clean water, ultraviolet rays of sunlight, clean air, phytoncidal properties of plants, since the natural forces of nature are familiar components of the environment and are necessary for the life of the body.

    A child needs a calm, friendly psychological climate in the family.

    Quarrels in the presence of a child in some cases contribute to the development of neurosis in him, and in others aggravate existing disorders of the nervous system. All this significantly reduces the protective capabilities of the child’s body.

    While reading this, we should always try to be in a good mood. Remember, as soon as we smile, it immediately becomes easier; if we frown, sadness creeps in. They frowned - adrenaline began to be released, which contributes to a sad, anxious mood, smiled - they helped another hormone - endorphin, which ensures a confident and cheerful mood. After all, the same fact in one case can be invisible to us, but in another it can cause anger and spoil the mood. But our irritation mechanically transfers to the child.

    Emotional stability and related behavior are nurtured. What is important here is the ability to correctly and rationally relate to what is seen, perceived, and heard.

    So let's smile more and give joy to each other.

    We must not only protect the child’s body from harmful influences, but also create conditions that help increase the child’s body’s defenses and performance. And the important thing here is the daily routine.

    Properly organized daily routine

    - this is a daily routine that optimally combines the period of wakefulness and sleep of children during the day, satisfying their needs for food, activity, rest, physical activity, etc. In addition, the regimen disciplines children, promotes the formation of many useful skills, and accustoms them to a certain rhythm.


    is one of the essential components of the regime. This is the most effective type of rest; it well restores the functional resources of the body, reduced during activity, and, first of all, performance. Staying in the air helps increase the body's resistance and hardens it. After an active walk, the child’s appetite and sleep always normalize. The walk should be carried out in any weather, with the exception of particularly unfavorable conditions. At the same time, clothing and shoes must comply with the weather and all hygiene requirements. During a walk, children should not be allowed to remain in the same position for a long time, so it is necessary to change their type of activity and place of play. It is good to combine walks with sports and outdoor games. Children should walk at least 2 times a day for 2 hours, in summer – unlimited


    , is an equally important part of the daily routine, which is especially necessary for weakened children. It is important that the baby falls asleep at the same time every day (both day and night).

    Well, if a child watches TV or plays computer games for a long time before going to bed, his nervous system gains a lot of strong impressions and cannot relax during sleep. He will continue to “digest” what he saw, and will have terrible dreams all night. And of course, in the morning you will feel overwhelmed and lethargic.

    Thus, the child’s home routine should be a continuation of the daycare routine and on weekends

    Full nutrition

    – inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper), as well as protein.

    The word “vitamin” comes from the Latin vita – life. Vitamins are involved in metabolism and regulate certain biochemical and physiological processes. A lack of vitamins in food or a change in the processes of their absorption leads to metabolic disorders and ultimately to the development of hypo- and avitaminosis. To achieve a certain level of vitamin saturation, it is necessary to use preparations that include vitamin complexes in optimal ratios, especially in the winter-spring period. By the way, the use of multivitamins 1 - 2 tablets per day in normal dosages during an epidemic of influenza and influenza-like diseases reduces the incidence of illness in children by at least 2 times.

    It is advisable to prepare all dishes for children from natural products, unrefined, without additives, spices or preservatives. Include cottage cheese, buckwheat and oatmeal in children's diets more often.

    Equally important is the diet, that is, maintaining certain intervals between meals.

    It is important for children to develop an interest in improving their own body health. The sooner a child gets an idea of ​​the structure of the human body, learns about the importance of hardening, movement, proper nutrition, and sleep, the sooner he will be introduced to a healthy lifestyle. If a child is forcibly forced to engage in physical education, as well as to observe the rules of hygiene, then the child quickly loses interest in this.

    A game

    – leading activity in preschool age. The better a child plays role-playing games, the more successful he will be in school. While a child’s psyche is developing, he must play. Without play, children develop a feeling of fear, lethargy and passivity. Play is a leading human need.

    It is not for nothing that there are now many game programs on television for adults who did not get enough of them in childhood.

    The health of the child is affected by the harmful inclinations of the parents. It is no secret that children of smoking fathers and mothers suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases more often than children of non-smokers.

    Injuries and accidents have serious consequences for a child’s health, so children should never be left alone, unattended. Children are very inquisitive and try to imitate us adults in everything. They can turn on electric heaters and love to play with small objects. Remember, the child’s health is in your hands!

    The health of the child is above all, the wealth of the earth will not replace it. You can’t buy health, no one can sell it, take care of it like your heart, like your eye.

    Physical activity

    Parents should remember that the intellectual development of a child is only half of the compulsory activities from an early age. Children need to harness their energy to be able to concentrate on their studies. Don't forget about playing outdoor games together: football, volleyball, etc. Play active sports. Instead of using public transport, take a walk. In winter, you should also not refuse to visit parks and skating rinks. Don't worry that your child may become overtired. A well-organized daily routine combined with proper nutrition will allow him to always be in good shape.

    If you do not have enough free time to play sports with your child on your own, trust the professionals. The trainers of the European Gymnastics Center will help him reach his potential in a playful and positive atmosphere and teach him the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

    If you have any questions, you can consult with our specialists by calling +7 (495) 477 32 69 or leaving a request for a free trial lesson.

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    Fundamentals and methods of creating a healthy lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle has 7 main “pillars”: physical activity, a balanced diet, the absence of bad habits, hygienic care, adequate sleep and rest, wellness treatments and an emotional state.
    If you take care of all these aspects, your quality of life and well-being will improve significantly. Maintaining proper nutrition
    The health of internal organs, appearance, well-being and immunity directly depend on what we eat. A healthy lifestyle involves eliminating, or at least reducing, flavorings, flavor enhancers, fatty foods, dyes and preservatives.

    Here are the basic rules:

    • You should neither starve nor overeat - both have a negative impact on your well-being. You should not feel hungry and, conversely, overeat. Try to ensure that your daily calorie intake is 1700-1900 kcal (the norm for women leading a sedentary lifestyle; for men the daily calorie intake is approximately 300-400 kcal higher).
    • Drink clean water. It is advisable to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day (not tea, coffee, juice, etc.)
    • Reduce the amount of sweets in your diet. If you want something sweet, give preference to fresh vegetables and dried fruits. You can also consume dark chocolate in moderation.
    • Eat small meals at least 4-5 times a day. At the end of the meal, you should still feel slightly hungry.
    • The daily menu should contain meat or fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products. Eat a varied diet.
    • It is advisable to have dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is not advisable to eat immediately before bed.
    • Eliminate fast food, fatty and smoked foods from your diet.
    • Give preference to boiling, stewing or baking foods.

    If you haven't watched your diet before, it may be difficult for you to suddenly change your diet.
    Try to start small - remove fatty sauces and foods that contain them from your diet, avoid flavor enhancers and chemical additives in food, give up fast food products, convenience foods, confectionery, increase the share of fruits and vegetables in the menu. Completing each of these points will be a step towards a healthy diet. Physical activity
    Lack of physical activity leads to a decrease in metabolic rate, the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and neurological pathologies.

    If your job does not involve movement, try to increase your activity yourself. It is considered normal to spend at least 1 hour a day in motion (this is about 8000-10000 steps). Scientists have proven that every minute of activity affects the body's condition in the long term - this means that even climbing the stairs, rather than taking the elevator, already brings you closer to health.

    You can increase your daily activity by making it a habit to start and end your day with a light workout.
    If you go to work by public transport, get off 1-2 stops earlier and walk this way. It is very useful to take breaks if you have a sedentary job. On weekends, do some fitness, go for a walk or go to the pool. These measures are quite enough to maintain health and well-being. Hygienic care
    Personal hygiene is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, this concerns the oral cavity. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and pay attention to the entire oral cavity. In addition to the standard set consisting of a toothbrush and toothpaste, get a irrigator, dental floss and mouth rinse. Failure to comply with these rules is fraught not only with the development of caries, but also with the threat of periodontitis and gastrointestinal diseases.

    It is also important to keep the house in order: regularly carry out wet cleaning, prevent dust accumulation, and ventilate the rooms daily.
    Maintaining a daily routine
    Scientists have concluded that sleep duration and regularity are important for health and well-being.
    Every person should sleep at least 7 hours a day. At the same time, it is advisable to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Of course, sometimes exceptions can be made, for example on weekends. Emotional mood
    Nervous tension, constant breakdowns, stress - all this negatively affects mood, well-being and health in general. Experts recommend adhering to the following tips:

    • Don't worry about what you can't change. If you cannot cope with anxiety, seek help from a psychologist.
    • Think positively, find positive aspects in any situation.
    • Don’t hold a grudge, let go of all grudges, don’t envy and don’t do harm to people.
    • Try to avoid stressful situations.
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