Summary of the drawing lesson “My favorite pets”.
The lion is the king of beasts. Representatives of the cat family rarely leave anyone indifferent. These graceful animals
Summary of collective work in the second junior group - Forms of organization of child labor
Forms of organization of child labor The work of preschool children in kindergarten is organized in three main forms:
Notes for preschool educational institutions on the section “Cognition” on familiarization with maritime professions.
Relevance of maritime professions In order to decide to enroll in a maritime university, you must first
Card file of walks junior group (April) card file (junior group) on the topic
Progress of observation In autumn you can often see people sitting on telegraph wires or bushes.
Summary of a logorhythmic lesson for children of senior preschool age “A Home for Everyone”
Notes on speech development in the middle group “Dangerous objects around us”
Summary of the conversation on the topic “Dangerous objects” (senior group) Transcript 1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational
Lesson summary “The concept of application. Properties and types of paper"
Summary of organized educational activities on cognitive development in the senior group “Excursion to the Zoo.” Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Fairy tale “Zoo” Natalya Knoblokh Fairy tale “Zoo” This is the fairy tale we composed with my partner
Work experience “Interactive whiteboard - as a means of increasing cognitive interest in preschool children”
Preview: Topic: Drawing various objects based on circles. Goal: To develop
Long-term work plan for the formation of life safety in the middle group
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