Summary of GCD on the social world (reading fiction) in the senior group V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flowered” lesson plan on fiction (senior group) on the topic
Summary of an open lesson in the senior group “Tsvetik-semitsvetik” Tomysheva Nurgul Summary of an open lesson in the senior group
Summary of a lesson on life safety for the preparatory group
Summary of a lesson on life safety for the preparatory group Lesson for the preparatory group Topic: “Dangerous situations:
Summary of an ecology lesson on the topic “The importance of the sun in our lives”
Summary of a lesson on ecology on the topic “The importance of the sun in our lives” For middle-age children
Entertaining games to develop the mathematical abilities of preschool children
card index of outdoor games “Moving Mathematics” Description: Each player from the team is given one chip -
“Card index for listening to music in the senior group of preschool educational institutions (partial program of I. Kaplunov, I. Novoskoltsev “Ladushki”)”
The love for music and the need for it are formed in a child primarily in the process of
Summary of an integrated lesson on fire safety in the preparatory group on the topic: “Young firefighters” lesson plan (preparatory group) on the topic
Conversation “Rules of conduct in case of fire” 2. Immediately leave the premises, checking to see if there are any people left in the apartment
A set of classes on sensory development of children of the second junior general education group
Progress of the game. The teacher scatters colorful balls on the floor, selects one ball, and asks the child
Card index of physical education minutes about water for older preschoolers.
Physical education lessons for preschoolers, on “T” and “U” printable version Published by: Natalya for Motor Ship
Summary of a lesson on speech development for young children “Bunny”
LiveInternetLiveInternet Author: Elena Yanushko, teacher, psychologist, speech therapist, author of about 200 methodological and practical books.
Psychological lesson. Topic “We are all so different” lesson plan (senior group)
Psychological lesson. Topic “We are all so different” lesson plan (senior group) Author: Kunavina Larisa
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