Summary of the quest game on traffic rules “Friends know the rules, which means I know them too”

Summary of the quest game on traffic rules “Friends know the rules, which means I know them too”

Bibliographic description:

Medvedeva, O. N. Summary of the quest game on traffic rules “Friends know the rules, which means I know them too” / O. N. Medvedeva, I. V. Matushkina. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. — 2022. — No. 3 (13). - pp. 73-75. — URL: (access date: 01/25/2022).

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules in a playful way.


– consolidate knowledge about traffic rules; about safe behavior on city streets; on the purpose of some road signs; about reflective dressings (flickers); their purpose; ideas about dangers on the road, the need to know and follow traffic rules; knowledge of works of art in which transport is found;

– develop: attention, observation, logical thinking while completing tasks; children’s ability to master basic rules of safe behavior on the road;

– to instill in children the need to comply with the norms and rules of behavior on the street and in transport.

Equipment: road signs, scooters, a “Find the Difference” picture, pictures with puzzles, materials for creating an emblem, signs on the territory of the kindergarten.

Venue: kindergarten territory.

Participants: senior group students.

Time: spring-summer.

Preliminary work: familiarization with road signs, rules of conduct on the road, reading fiction on the topic.

Progress of the quest game

Music room room

Host: Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to kindergarten. The graduation party will soon take place, and our graduates will go to school. In order for them to feel confident on the streets of the city, and for their parents not to worry about them, today we invite you to repeat the rules of the road by completing the exciting quest game “Friends know the rules, which means I know them too.” A team of “Traffic Lights” students along with a teacher take part in our game. We invited a traffic police inspector to monitor the progress of the game, and he will be assisted by a senior kindergarten teacher and a music director.

Host: You have to go through a difficult path on which you must complete tasks. All tests are related to traffic rules. Each team will receive a route sheet on which all points along the route are marked. Please note that there are signs throughout the kindergarten to help you find the right place. Our assistants will meet you at each point. The task should be completed in the order in which they are marked on the route sheet. Having completed the task correctly on one point, the team receives one letter. Having passed all the points and collected all the letters, the team must return to the music room and form a word from the collected letters. The first team to pronounce the resulting word wins. So, I’ll ask the team commander to come and get the route sheet and write the team name on it.

The leader gives the team captain a route sheet

Host: We wish you success! So, go ahead!

Teams are sent to the territory of the kindergarten to complete tasks in accordance with the received route sheet

1 question and answer point. The team should answer the questions.

– Why do you need to know the rules of the road? (To avoid getting into a difficult situation on the road)

– Where is it safe for a pedestrian to cross the roadway? (at the pedestrian crossing)

– Who are pedestrians? (People who do not travel by transport)

– Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians stay on? Why? (On the right side so that pedestrians do not collide)

– What is the traffic light for? (To regulate the movement of drivers and pedestrians)

– How many colors does a traffic light have and what colors are they? (three; red yellow, green)

– Where should I wait for the bus? (At the stop)

– What should you wear to become more visible on the road? (flicker)

– What is a “zebra”? (this is the name given to the image of stripes on the road that indicate a pedestrian crossing)

Point 2: “Be careful.” Here are two pictures in which you need to find the differences.

3 point “All kinds of signs are important.” Guess the riddle, find the corresponding road sign on the territory of the kindergarten, the teacher will help you take a photo near it, then you need to return to the point and show us the photo.

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

(Careful children)

4th point “We are going, going, going” (Held in the motor town) Now each team member will demonstrate figure driving of a scooter.

There are cones placed in the motor city,

which need to be driven around on a scooter without hitting them.

5 point “I am noticeable.” Guys, what is a “flicker”? Where do you think reflectors should be placed on clothing?” (children's reasoning). On an adult, it is recommended to attach reflectors just above the knee, and on a child at hip level. Why do you think? (Children's answers). That's right, in these places they will be most visible in the light of the car's headlights.

The team is asked to draw a sketch of a reflective bandage

6 point “It used to be like this...” Connect the pictures from the envelope in pairs - a type of transport of the past and a type of present transport.

7 point “Remember and name.” Name three works of fiction in which vehicles (non-fictional) were mentioned.

K. Chukovsky “Cockroach”

G. Tsyferov “Locomotive from Romashkovo”

A. Pushkin. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess.”

8th point “You will guess and you will find out.” Solve the suggested puzzles (road, car)

The team returns to the music room and puts the letters together to form a word.

Host: You have passed all the tests. Well done! Having correctly added the resulting letters, you get the word MOVEMENT.

Host: And now the floor is given to our guest - the traffic police inspector.

Summing up the results of the event, awarding teams and participants.

Traffic police inspector: We hope that all participants liked our quest game, and you remembered a lot about the rules of the road. Thank you for participating! We wish you success!


  1. Journey through the Ocean of Books: methodological recommendations for municipal children's libraries on conducting quest games / BukOO "Library named after. M. M. Prishvina"; [comp. A. G. Nogotkova]. - Orel, 2013. - 36 p.
  2. What is a quest? [Electronic resource]: website // — Access mode:
  3. Riddle [Electronic resource]:

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: kindergarten, traffic, route sheet, team, music hall, safe behavior, letter, pedestrian crossing, rule of conduct, city street.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Quest is a game based on traffic rules for the older group.

Educator: Zhitikhina A.V. Ulan-Ude Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 41 “Swallow” 670034, st. Dobrolyubova, 33. Phone 44-94-26 2022

Goal: Promoting the basics of safe behavior on the road, learning road rules through the game


  • consolidate children’s knowledge about road signs, the purpose of traffic lights and their signals,
  • consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of safe behavior in the world around them.
  • Develop thinking, attention, memory, speech activity, continue to develop interest in learning traffic rules through games.

Equipment: white and black stripes, red, green, yellow circles, pictures of road signs, cones, cars, a rod, cut-out pictures of transport.

Progress of the game.

-Today we want to take you on an amazing and unusual journey, a quest game, according to the rules of the road. At the end of the game, you will complete the puzzle and find out what gift you will receive, with which you can play and consolidate your knowledge. But to do this, you need to pass difficult tests and test your knowledge of road safety rules.

-First, we will do a little warm-up. I'm asking a question, if you agree, Clap . If not, then stomp your feet.

— Answer whether the statement that a “red light” . (Yes)

-Is it possible to cross the road in front of a moving car? (No)

-If a traffic light has two signals - red and green, is it pedestrian? (Yes)

-Is it possible to play on the roadway? (No)

— Is it correct that a person who drives a car is called a pedestrian? (No)

-Is a pedestrian a participant in traffic? (Yes)

-Is it true that there are overhead pedestrians? (Yes)

-The traffic light turned green. Is it possible to immediately start crossing the roadway? (No)

-Well done!

-Guys, I have a map in my hands - a route, you will follow clearly the stages indicated on the map. At the stages, for completing the task correctly, you will receive a piece of the puzzle from which you will assemble the whole picture.

1 Task. "Attentive driver" . (winding road sign)

— Guys, there is a winding road ahead of you. You need to drive the car between the cones without hitting them, go back along the outside, and pass the baton to the next participant.

-Well done guys, you did a great job, you will get a piece of the puzzle.

2 Task. "Road signs" .

— You need to name the road sign.

I want to ask about the sign. The sign is drawn like this. In the triangle, the guys are running as fast as they can somewhere.

( "Careful, children!")

* We were walking home from the garden. We see a sign on the pavement: Circle, a bicycle inside, There is nothing else!

( "Bike Lane")

* Cars are racing at full speed And suddenly a sign comes towards us: It shows a fence. I rub my eyes, look straight ahead,

The highway is closed. What kind of sign is this?

( "Railway crossing with barrier")

* Here is a circle with a red border, but there is no drawing inside. Maybe there should be a portrait of a beautiful girl inside?

The circle is empty in winter and summer, What is this sign called?

( "Movement Prohibition")

* The man walking in black is crossed out with a red line. And the road, it seems, but it’s forbidden to walk here!

( "No Pedestrians")

— In the blue circle, the pedestrian is not in a hurry, walking. The path is safe, He is not afraid here.

( "Footpath")

- What kind of sign is that hanging? Stop - he tells the cars. A pedestrian! Walk boldly along the black and white paths.

( "Crosswalk")

* Roma’s stomach hurts, he can’t get home. In a situation like this, you need to find a sign.


( "First aid station")

-Well done boys! If you complete the task, you will receive a puzzle.

3 Task. "Crosswalk" .

-To move forward, a transition is urgently needed. You need to lay out a pedestrian crossing of black and white stripes. (Participate for 3 hours)

- Get the puzzle.

4 Task. "Rod" .

- Guys, do you know what this is? (Shows staff)

That's right, this is a rod, with its help an inspector can stop a traffic rule violator.

-And now we will play the game “Pass the Wand” . While the music is playing, you pass the baton with your right hand to the left, as soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the baton raises it up and guesses the riddle that the presenter asks.

1. You always remember strictly: This is not a place to play... (Road)

2. He will indicate the turn and the underground passage. You can't live without it! This friend is... (Road sign)

3. Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous! If the light comes on... (Red) The traffic light gives a signal,

4. That it's time to move forward. And there are no obstacles for us, After all, it’s on... (Green light) - Well done guys, you completed the task, you’ll get a piece of the puzzle.

5. Assignment. "Traffic signals" .

I blink my eyes Tirelessly day and night I help cars And I want to help you

Children (in unison): Traffic light!


-You know that the most important traffic light on the road, and its signal is the law for everyone.

If the light turns red, it means it’s dangerous to move! Yellow light - warning, wait for the signal to move.

The green light says: The path is open for pedestrians!

-Guys, you need to be very careful on the street and now I will check your attentiveness.

-We will play a game called “Traffic Signals” . Game conditions: I show you a green circle, you walk in place; red - frozen; yellow - look around. (We play 2 times.)

-Well done, guys, you completed the task, you will receive the puzzle.

6 task “Special Services” . (cut pictures of transport)

Hurry up and open the envelopes and see what you collect inside!

-Well done boys. If you complete the task, you will receive a puzzle.

Task 7. "Recognize the sign"

(overpass, underpass, bus stop, food outlet, gas station, road works, wild animals, rest area, hospital, bike path, traffic light

-Color the road signs and name them.

Bottom line.

-Well done guys, you did a great job, and now you will complete the puzzle. (Children put together a puzzle on the table and are given a gift)

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