PHYSICAL ENTERTAINMENT “FUNNY CIRCUS” (for children of senior preschool age)

Travel game “Circus performance” in the younger group


Guys, what circus actor can skillfully and deftly throw and catch several objects at the same time?
Slide number 9 Juggling clown


And I really love to juggle. What's in my hands? (vegetables and fruits) How many are there? (a lot) They're all mixed up. Help me put the vegetables in a bag and the fruits in a basket.

And gra “Arrange the fruits and vegetables”

(Children put vegetables in a bag, fruits in a basket)

What can I cook from vegetables? From fruits (children's answers)

A bell is heard ringing.


There is an intermission in our circus. All the artists are resting.

And what circus performers do, we will now tell and show.

Dynamic pause “Merry Circus”

Happy circus, happy circus!

The juggler throws balls

(They throw imaginary balls)

And the clown makes the audience laugh,

(Tease - thumb near nose)

Makes big and little laugh.

(Point with hand above and below)

Here's an acrobat on a tightrope

He spread his arms to the sides.

(Hands to the sides, balance with them)

A strong man tries to lift

(Lift imaginary weights)

The steel weights are new.

Riders on horses

(Run with knees high, alone

hand up)

They rush around in circles merrily,

And we eat ice cream

(Lick imaginary ice cream)

And we clap to the song.

(Clap their hands)


Intermission is over! I ask all spectators to take their seats.

Slide No. 11 Magician with a top hat

Didactic exercise “Tricks”


Look, guys, what is shown in the picture?
Who guessed who might need these items? (to the magician)
I'll show you a trick now. Look, I have bows in my box, what are they? (White, boring, paper).

Now we’ll do some magic and see what happens to the bows. Let's blow on the box, stamp it, clap it.

(I open the box from the other side, and the bows turned from white to multi-colored)


Tell me, what kind of bows did they become?
(beautiful, colorful, bright, cheerful).
Guys, let's try on these bows. Everyone will take one bow.

Slide No. 12 Clown


Well done boys! What beautiful bows you made! I want to thank you so much, you helped me put on a wonderful show. You did a great job and performed wonderfully on stage. The circus show is over.


And it’s time for us to return back to kindergarten in our hot air balloon.

Slide No. 13 Balloon

Slide No. 14 Kindergarten, when clicked, crying is heard


So we returned to kindergarten. Oh, who's that crying? Guys, this is Cheburashka! He wanted to go on a trip with us, but he was late. Let's tell Cheburashka:

How to become a juggler: accuracy games

A real juggler needs to be able to create his own props. Don't forget that our circus is a traveling circus and we do everything ourselves.

Regular balls are too light and completely unsuitable for real artists. Therefore, we will make not only balls that you can throw several at a time and learn to juggle, but also expanders for training the muscles of the hand.

We will need:

  • air balloons
  • small packages
  • filler (grain, legumes, corn, flour, sugar, salt, earth, sand, sawdust)
  • cups, tin cans, etc.

  1. To make one ball, take two balloons and cut off the tails.
  2. Pour enough filler into a plastic bag so that your future ball fits well in your hand. Release excess air and seal the bag.
  3. Now squeeze the bag into a round shape. Push this little bag into one of the balls, and put the other ball on the opposite side. Finally give it a round shape and the ball is ready. The competition can begin.

You can easily make a ball from an old sock. Take a sock and cut off the part that once warmed your toes. Fill the resulting bag with buckwheat or rice and sew it, hiding the seams inside and giving your future ball the shape of a ball. You can play football with this ball at home, and it feels very pleasant to the touch.

Accurate shooter. Take a few cups or empty cans. Arrange them in a row or build a pyramid out of them. Children can take turns throwing balls, trying to knock down the cans.

We pump up the muscles. When the games are over, you can start training. To do this, let the child take the ball and crush it in his hands. If you do this long and often, your arms will become strong.

Juggling. Now you can learn to juggle. Let your child take two balls and throw them into the air one after another, catching them and throwing them from one hand to the other. When it turns out flawlessly, you can add a third ball, and then a fourth. It all depends only on the perseverance of the young circus performer.



on the website of the Internet portal “Children are the flowers of life”

Certificate of registration of mass media in Roskomnadzor: EL No. FS77-64892

​Duration: CONTINUALLY Competition results: NEXT DAY Results on the website are periodically updated

International Circus Day is a very emotional holiday. Its goal is the development of circus art in all countries of the planet. It is celebrated on every third Saturday in April. The circus gives its spectators laughter, joy, in one word - positivity. Circus performances taking place in the arena make children experience incomparable pleasure, and adults - temporarily escape from their own problems and troubles. The circus is a place of relaxation from the hustle and bustle, it is another, fairy-tale world, located very close to us. Tell us about your impressions through a drawing and take part in the “IN THE CIRCUS ARENA” competition.

Participants of the competition: The competition is held for educational institutions of any type and kind from any country. Pupils of any preschool institutions from any country. Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and other educational institutions. Children not attending educational institutions. Teachers, educators, senior educators, music workers, physical education workers, visual arts specialists, speech therapists, speech pathologists, parents, grandparents. Anyone who wants.

Nominations only about the circus: “Drawings”; "Crafts"; “Decorative and applied creativity”; “Photos”, “Photo collage”; “Presentation, Video, Video slideshow”; Lapbook "Circus"; “VIDEO – Soap Bubbles Show”; "Note of GCD"; Free nomination (according to the theme of the competition)

Competition nominations: Family and sports; Fun weekend (water park, fishing, zoo, etc.); Vacation at sea, Joint work in the country (in the village, in kindergarten, at school); Collaborative creativity; Family traditions; Our holidays; My family tree (family tree, family coat of arms, etc.); Poetry; Essay about family, relatives, etc. For any nomination you can send: a drawing; appliqué; under the tree; photograph (can be a collage), photo report; presentation, video slide show, video, laptop, wall newspaper, etc.

Evaluation criteria: Good image quality. Good design quality. Reflection of the theme through an artistic image. Artistic and creative skills. Originality, expressiveness. Relevance to the topic. jpg extension.

Conditions of the competition: 1. You can take part in several categories. 2. The application contains one participant and one curator, or the name of the team (without listing names) with one curator. 3. Each work must have a title and contain an accompanying inscription in the application indicating the child’s last name, first name and age. 4. The work must be copyrighted (in the case of sending someone else’s work to the competition under one’s own name, the participant himself bears responsibility for copyright infringement). 5. Drawings can be made by any means: pencil, pen, gouache, oil, sand; painting, computer graphics, etc. 6. Send text documents only in Word format. Photos in JPEG format 7. Presentation, video, scripts, notes, etc. can be presented jointly with co-authors. An registration fee must be paid for each co-author. Each co-author receives a separate diploma. Video filming can be done with a video camera or done using a cell phone. Images must be clear and of high quality. Sound without interference. 8. In addition to the drawing itself, the image should not contain a child or a group of children, as well as other unnecessary details - fragments of the interior, clothing, etc. Sign the file with the participant's last name. 9. There are no restrictions on the places of winners.

How to participate: 1. Pay the registration fee for the competition in the payment form. 2. Fill out the application to participate in the competition. Application for competitions and quizzes. The application contains one participant and one curator. Collective applications (without listing names) with only one curator are accepted. For each co-author or second curator, an additional 50 rubles are paid. You can pay with one check. The co-author or second curator receives a separate Diploma in his/her name. 3. If you need a Curator Certificate, then pay an organizational fee of 50 rubles for obtaining a Curator Certificate and fill out an application for a curator. Application for a Curator Certificate 4. Without payment for the Diploma, a Curator Certificate will not be issued to the competition participant. We issue a free Curator Certificate only for 5 or more competition participants.

How to submit your work: 1. Sign the competition work with the participant’s last name. (Ivanov, Petrov) 2. Sign the application with the participant’s last name and attach it to the letter in Word format. 3. Receipt (scan or jpg). attach as a separate file. In case of an error made when filling out the application, corrections in diplomas will be made for an additional fee (50 rubles). We correct our mistakes free of charge. All Diplomas are sent to your E-mail specified in the application.

4. Attach separate files to one letter: - application; — check — (indicate for whom the payment was made); — competition work or a link to the competition work. Applications and competition entries that do not meet the requirements of this provision will not be accepted or considered.

5. Send an email. email [email protected] Please indicate the name of the competition in the subject line of the email. If you do not receive the Diploma after 1 day, resend the letter. After summing up the results, Winner Diplomas are sent out free of charge. Curators will receive a Curator Certificate only after issuing a Diploma to the participant and paying the registration fee for issuing a Curator Certificate. WE WISH YOU VICTORY IN THE COMPETITION! If you notice a typo or discrepancy in the application in the Diploma, send a repeat of the application and correctly indicate what should be changed for what.

Circus style party: invitations, costumes, menu, entertainment

Have you ever had a circus party in your life?
I'm not talking about those cases when someone gets drunk and starts acting weird. We are talking about a themed holiday. Do you remember the inner thrill that dad casually said: “We’ll go to the circus this weekend!”? How mesmerizing this fairy tale was: dexterous jugglers, flexible acrobats, funny clowns. And even the air is saturated with some kind of invisible magic and admiration!

A circus-style party will not only help bring back childhood delight, but will also bring quite adult joys.

Remember the movie "The Prestige"? Illusionists are ready to commit deception and betrayal for the sake of a new masterpiece trick - prestige.

And all for the sake of a moment of glory: an explosion of applause, enthusiastic faces and a new status as the best illusionist in the whole World! Be saturated with the charm of subtle humor, wordplay, bright costumes, entertainment in everything around you. This is how a party should be: loud, bright, brilliant, daring, fun and frank!

Try to transform yourself into an extravagant, expressive artist with unbridled imagination, high self-esteem and the overflowing emotions of real touring performers!

Let's talk about how to organize just such an enchanting holiday!


This party idea is suitable for bold, relaxed groups. It is desirable that the team includes creative, artistic individuals. This evening format is suitable if you decide to celebrate a birthday, New Year, bachelor or bachelorette party, or corporate event in an original way! The big plus is that it can be arranged at any time of the year. Another option for celebrating a birthday in winter.

Inviting guests and invitations

It may take 2-3 weeks to prepare colorful outfits and characters, so you need to invite your friends in advance.

Invitations can be designed in the form of a circus tent: ordered from a printing house or made with your own hands from colored decorative cardboard.

Decorate the elements on the card with glitter for makeup or manicure. If you find colored feathers or beads, be sure to use them in the design of postcards.

The second option is a ticket to the circus. It is better to order such a leaflet from a printing house - it will be as similar as possible to a real ticket! If you are a decent “controller”, be sure to tear the ticket of the guest who entered the festive hall by invitation.

Dress code

You'll have to put a lot of work into the costumes. This is not a case where you can easily pick up something from your or even your grandmother’s wardrobe! Although renting or buying in specialized stores will not be difficult. In any case, there will be those who will try to reincarnate themselves. Here are the following tips for them.

Male images.

  • Classical. Rent an old-fashioned tailcoat or tuxedo. A butterfly, an extravagant frill, a white or bright red shirt, a black top hat, classic shoes, eyes lined with black arrows will fit perfectly into the image of a magician or the host of a circus show!

  • Master of pantomime. Black trousers, a stylish black and white vest, a black hat, white gloves and matching makeup. Instead of a vest, you can wear a white T-shirt and black suspenders.

  • Clown. Everything is clear with this: we find a clown costume, practice applying stage makeup and voila!

  • Trainer. An image for the brave: with classic black trousers, the top should be bright: not just a variegated color, but if possible shiny (sequins, decorative sparkles, golden fringe). Hair is combed back, if the length of the hair allows, you can wear a hat or top hat.

    It is important to work on posture and gestures - this is half of the chosen character.

Women's images.

  • Clowns and pantomime artists. The elements of the costume are almost the same as for men. Choose playfully flirty shoes and jewelry in bright colors, high-quality artist makeup, and surprise your friends with interesting characters.

  • Trainer. This image contains all the audacity and challenge of an imperious circus goddess, who can make not only wild animals, but also men’s hearts submit! A white tight blouse with a butterfly, a red or black satin corset, short shorts/skirt of the same colors, tights with glitter or fishnet, a stable high heel, a playful hat or large curls of hair. A cane or whip is the main attribute of a tamer!

    Makeup to match the entire look: expressive eyes lined with arrows, shiny rhinestones near the eyebrow or instead of a mole, light glitter on the eyelids, richly colored lipstick or transparent lip gloss. Be careful with stage accessories and makeup!

  • An assistant or performer in a circus production. Bright tight jumpsuits, corsets or dresses in the style of the 30s, sexy bows, revealing necklines, flirty lace, high heels, beautiful posture, Hollywood smile and artistic gestures. Remember Scarlett Johansson in the movie “The Prestige” - a great example to follow!

For everyone: feel free to become a trained animal - a proud lion or an aggressive tigress - isn't it a special character for a circus-themed party?

Decoration of the festive hall

Restaurant, club, apartment, dacha. If finances allow, rent a circus arena. The main thing to remember is that the event requires a lot of space.

Looking ahead to the entertainment program, we focus on the fact that 2-3 real circus acts will make your party truly unforgettable. Therefore, if you are planning such a win-win highlight of the evening, make sure that there is enough space. Invite a juggler, gymnasts, fire tamers or a magician!

Color spectrum . A pretentious circus, of course, it dictates red and white stripes, luxurious cherry-burgundy satin and velvet, golden trims, shiny elements!

Decorative elements and simple nuances that will help create the atmosphere:

  • At the entrance, arrange a “Circus” sign or cut out letters from foam and paint them red;

  • Balloons, from which you can arrange bouquets or symbolic images: a magician’s hat, a clown, or simply voluminous garlands;

  • A tent with popcorn, sweets and balloons filled with helium: what would a circus be without the notorious treats and souvenirs?
  • Hang up posters with trainers, illusionists and actors from themed films;

  • Try to make something like an arena with your own hands: if you can find soft ottomans (the bigger the better), arrange them in a semicircle or circle (as long as is enough), and cover them with red satin fabric;
  • If you or someone you know has decorative rabbits or white rats, borrow them: place the cages in a visible place! After making an impression on the guests, place the cages in a separate warm room, since animals do not really like loud music;
  • We set the table and decorate it in the appropriate style: white, red, blue, striped, golden. Cardboard party hats, umbrellas, garlands, and curved cocktail straws will fit perfectly into the overall picture!

Place for a photo.

Select a corner for a photo: a red curtain, a cone for a trained animal, a magician’s hat and cane, a clown’s wig, small acting paraphernalia, and if possible, ribbons or a hanging swing for spectacular photos.

If your budget allows, hire a professional photographer for a couple of hours. It is better to take high-quality photos in the first half of the celebration, while the costumes are sitting straight, the makeup is not smudged, and the eyes have not lost the ability to focus! And you will definitely take crazy selfies and photos on your phone hundreds of times before the fun ends!

In extreme, energy-saving cases, you can use the services of circus-style restaurants. There are these in many large cities. But I recommend checking the design and all the features of the room in advance, in case it turns out that your imagination is much brighter and your tent will turn out to be more soulful and festive!


Meet guests to the Britney Spears hit “Circus”: excellent magical sound of music, under which pictures of a video with trained animals and sexy tamers pop up! If there is a screen on which you can display video, do not ignore this opportunity!

Songs about the circus, or indirectly reminiscent of the theme of performances, shows: “The performance is over” by P. Gagarina, “Furious beast, my master” from the group “Vintage”, “Harlekino” by A. Pugacheva, “Who will believe the comedian” by V. Meladze, “ Luna Park is leaving, I want to go with it." Mickey Newton. After warming up, you can prepare a playlist of modern hits. The main thing is to keep it fun, perky and rhythmic!

Menu and drinks

Circus artists are very active and agile: complex numbers, extreme performances, exhausting training! You can't feed them with a green salad!

Prepare a full, hearty menu that should include:

  • Meat dishes (chicken legs, steaks, meatloaf);
  • Roast with meat;
  • Baked fish;
  • Cheese slices;
  • Sausage slices;
  • Several salads, at the discretion of the organizer;
  • Sandwiches are different (they go well with red caviar);
  • Fruit assortment.

Beware of overeating - a hearty menu has its drawbacks! Compensate for it with active competitions or dances.

For dessert, cupcakes and pastries with bright cream, themed cookies, popcorn, ice cream in waffle cups and popsicles are perfect.

And where would we be without a huge, delicious themed cake? When ordering a cake, do not forget to emphasize the age of the birthday person so that the confectionery result does not turn out like for children!

Beverages. Non-alcoholic: assorted juices, mineral water. Alcohol: champagne, cocktails, wine, vodka.

Tip: any dishes and drinks can be decorated with colored straws, cones, raindrops, which will automatically turn them into a themed attribute.


  • Try to organize 2-3 professional circus acts, this will make an unforgettable impression.
  • Ask the trainer and animal characters to perform some kind of improvisational act. If there are several animals, offer mass execution of commands to the appropriate music! The main thing is that everyone gets into character 100%!

Competition “While the match is burning.” 3-4 people take part in turn. Task: as soon as the contestant enters the “arena”, a match is lit. While it burns down, you need to tell as much good things as possible about the birthday boy. The winner is the one who managed to tell the most interesting things during this time. If it is not a birthday, then the contestants must read out their express autobiography while the match burns out. The number of given facts in the “briefly about yourself” category is assessed.

The prepared exit of the “magician”. Preparation must take place in advance. That is, the magician must be the organizer of the holiday or a person to whom everything was explained in advance. 2-3 matches are painted with mascara, even better, thoroughly rubbed with soot and placed in the ashtray after the previous competition, immediately after which a miracle trick will take place: “Did you know that a burnt match can burn again one more time?” Watch how surprise, delight and a huge question mark grow on the skeptical faces of the guests! The magician’s task is to fully enter into the character, because it is quite simple to expose the “fraudster”, and the acting will be remembered for a long time!

Competition "Under the Circus Big Top". After a good “warm-up”, already in the second half of the holiday, ask several people who want to perform the following task: walk along a narrow ribbon (stretched evenly on the floor, fixed at the edges with weights), placing an apple on the top of the head. Halfway through, you need to draw a “swallow” figure. The most dexterous circus performer who doesn't drop the apple wins!

Competition "Climber". 5-6 people stand facing the wall, arms bent at the elbow, palms leaning against the wall. The facilitator asks questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” For each “no” we move our palms down by the size of one palm, for each “yes” we move them up in the same way. The host’s task is to ask as many questions as possible to which the guests will answer “yes,” for example: “Do you love your spouse?”, “Can you read?”, “Do you like the holiday?” When your hands are high enough, ask a question with a clearly affirmative answer: “Do you have a secondary education?” After the next “yes” you ask: “Why are you fighting against the wall then?” The reward goes to the one whose hands are higher than the others - whatever one may say, the best climber!

Competition "Master of Pantomime". What's a circus without pantomime? If there are people in appropriate costumes, invite them to become contestants. Make a wish for one character at a time and see who can get the correct answer from the crowd faster. Riddle something simple: “pissing boy” or “Samson tearing the lion’s mouth”, or “pissing boy tearing the lion’s mouth”! The main thing is to have fun, it’s a circus!

Incentive prizes

They should be simple, but as thematic as possible. Large multi-colored lollipops, champagne, hairspray with glitter, chocolate medals, craft figures made from long balloons for modeling, clown cookies…

If it's a birthday, give the birthday person something more worthwhile. Vivid, or indirectly related to the topic. If you manage to preserve the touch of humor embedded in the gift itself or the congratulations in the card, consider that you have managed to maintain the charm of the circus atmosphere in everything!

Simple gift ideas:

For a woman: good cosmetics, a boldly colored clutch, a beautiful umbrella or any accessory chosen with taste.

For a man: a good gift would also be an accessory that suits his individual image and style: a scarf, an umbrella, a diary, or the popular ones today: “Notebook for brilliant ideas”, “Superman’s notebook”.

The most limitless and fantastic fun at your Circus party!

Author: Victoria Sirotenko

Circus performers

Their task is to stay on the round object for as long as possible.

Moms play Upload a photo of how you played with your child

Our children learn about this world and go through important stages of development through play. This is how thought processes, memory, logic, and imagination are formed. And boys and girls, while playing, learn to exist in a team, interact, be more tolerant and wiser.

It’s great when parents are included in this process and help babies and older children learn how to play correctly. And, of course, joint hours of activity are an excellent pastime for the whole family, when different generations “get to know” each other’s characteristics better and better, learn to understand and listen.

Of all the variations of games - outdoor, outdoor, for small and large companies, for adults and children - choose the one that you like. For example, the game “Circus People” will be an excellent reason to spend time productively. Find out what you need to play the game “Circus People,” what the rules of the game are and what qualities it develops.

Play together, teach children and learn the rules of new useful activities!

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