Organization of outdoor games with rules in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions

Classification of outdoor games

There are different types of outdoor games. Their classification was introduced for ease of use in practice.

Classification table:

On what basis are they classified?View
Difficulty levelsports
elementary mobile
Activity levellow mobility
medium mobility
great mobility
Figurative contentplotless
Nature of actioncompetitive

Let's summarize this work

In the first section, the basic concepts of outdoor games were examined, and the opinions of several teacher-researchers on the emergence and origin of games were considered. The second section of the essay is devoted to the development of outdoor games: their relationship with geographical and ethnic characteristics was examined, the types of games, the reasons for their modification and transformation among different nationalities, as well as over time, were determined. The third paragraph touched upon the problem of reducing the activity of modern children and adolescents. The use of outdoor games in physical education lessons is considered. We can conclude that outdoor games were of great importance at all times of the formation and development of society: from primitive communities to the present.

Middle and high school students

Older students will be interested in different games than primary school students. From a pedagogical point of view, it is more difficult to captivate a teenager than younger children.

This task will be easier to cope with if new games are introduced that keep up with the times. Games in nature are especially useful for schoolchildren, because ordinary walks will not provide the necessary physical activity.

Lincoln's snowball blunder

High school students will also want to play an exciting game with a popular plot. Winter fun will captivate every child.

Features: carried out in winter, when there is enough fresh snow and not severe frost, there is sufficient space outside.

Details: a plastic bottle with colored rice (rice is painted with food coloring) will imitate a bottle of holy water; a picture depicting a city map, red and blue ribbons for each participant.

What else to read: The fun game “Traffic Light” is the best way to teach kids to obey traffic rules

Story for the plot: President Lincoln fights werewolves. The werewolves are sitting in the fortress, the president and his assistants are in the apartment. They decide to go fight evil. The object of the struggle is a map of the city, which the werewolves keep in their fortress.

Organization of the game:

  1. The day before you need to make 2 fortresses at a distance of 9-10 m from each other, the height of a child.
  2. Teams of werewolves, Lincoln and his assistants are selected.
  3. Each participant marks himself with a ribbon: the werewolves are red, the wrestling team is blue.
  4. The werewolves take a position in their fortress, and the map is located in this fortress. Werewolf weapons: snowballs.
  5. The President and his team occupy the second fortress-apartment. Their weapons: a bottle of holy water (dyed rice) and snowballs.
  6. Lincoln jumps up so that the werewolves can see it and waves his hand, saying: “I won’t give you an easy life, but I’ll show you an example. The only way for you to save yourself is to give the card to us!”
  7. After this, the werewolf hunters try to run to their opponents' fortress and take the map. Werewolves are trying to break into the president's apartment.
  8. If a snowball hits a member of one of the teams, he is eliminated from the game for three minutes. When holy water hits a werewolf, he is knocked out for 10 minutes.
  9. The game ends when the president's team has captured the map, or if a third of the werewolves have entered the apartment.

Relay race

Relay races are known in every school; they are held in physical education classes. Conducting relay races improves physical fitness and strengthens the competitive spirit. General principle:

  1. Invite children to divide into teams.
  2. Form teams into columns at the starting line.
  3. On the command “March!” the captain runs (jumps) to the flag, touches it with his hand and returns to the team.
  4. Pats the next person in the column on the shoulder, who performs the same actions as the captain, and so on.
  5. The winner is the team whose last link returns to the starting line first.

Other games

High school students do athletics and run short distances. But still, they will play football with great pleasure. The purpose of outdoor play is not only to improve physical characteristics, but also to instill a lifelong love of sports.


Play contributes to the physical, mental, aesthetic and moral development of the child and is one of the key means of physical education for children of any age. Various movements of children during play have a positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and also strengthen the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system, improve metabolic processes in the body, promote sound sleep, etc.

Outdoor games ensure the comprehensive physical development of the child. During the game, preschoolers develop and improve various skills in running, jumping, climbing, etc.

A sharp change in the environment during the game requires children to use movements known to them in accordance with different situations. All of the above has a positive effect on improving motor skills.

Play is the first activity that plays a huge role in the formation of personality. Based on the above, we will formulate the relevance of this topic.

Children, like adults, learn about the world through activity. In outdoor games, the ability to correctly assess temporal and spatial relationships is developed, to quickly and correctly respond to the current situation in the frequently changing environment of the game. Outdoor games played on the ground in summer and winter conditions are of great educational importance: at recreation centers, in pioneer camps, on excursions and on hikes.

Outdoor games play an important role in developing physical qualities: speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility, and also instill in children a sense of solidarity, responsibility and camaraderie. The rules of the game develop discipline, endurance, the ability to “pull yourself together” and restrain your selfish impulses.

The relevance of the topic lies in the importance of outdoor games in the formation of physical, moral, mental and cultural components in different times: from primitive times to the present.

The practical significance of the work is to clearly show the importance of outdoor games at different stages of the development of civilization.

The object of the study is outdoor games.

The subject of the study is the history of the emergence and development of outdoor games.

Research methods : method of analysis and synthesis.

The purpose of this work is to study the history of the emergence and development of outdoor games.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to complete a number of tasks :

  1. Consider the history of the emergence of outdoor games;
  2. Analyze the development of outdoor games
  3. Consider outdoor games now

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix.

Games for schoolchildren

Outdoor games are an opportunity to provide children with comprehensive development. Modern collections for teachers contain an interesting catalog of funny games in the form of exercises, sports and games that develop the imagination.

The importance of physical activity for schoolchildren is colossal.

This is an acquaintance with new concepts, acquiring the skills necessary in life. Of course, when introducing new games by teachers, approval will be required. List of the most important equipment that will come in handy:

  • volleyball ball,
  • soccer ball,
  • plastic skittles,
  • gates,
  • basketball basket,
  • checkbox.

A set of exercises that children perform during the game develops the vestibular apparatus, dexterity, speed and strength. The content and rules are not complicated, but they train your ingenuity.

The number of participants has practically no effect on the game process, but it is desirable that there be at least 10-11 children. Main classification of games:

  • plot,
  • sports,
  • combined.

It is extremely important to choose a game for children that is appropriate for their age and season. After all, for an older child both the workload and tasks will be more difficult.

Didactic materials facilitate the educational process. These can be in the form of brochures, books and videos. All means that help parents and teachers interest modern children are good.


  1. Vetkov N.E. Sports and outdoor games: educational and methodological manual / N.E. Vetkov, Orel: MABIV, 2016. - 126 p.
  2. Mendot E.E. Outdoor games as a means of harmonious development of children / E.E. Mentod, Bulletin of TuvGU, 2011. – p. 116-120.
  3. Sageeva G. History of the emergence of outdoor games and their role in the process of physical education /. Modern trends in the formation of the educational environment of a technological university. Intl. scientific method. conf.: 2022. - p. 204-205
  4. Smolin Yu.V. Fundamentals of the theory of sports competitions and outdoor games / Yu.V. Smolin. Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 2016. - 56 p.
  5. Nurgalieva R.Kh., Latipova M.R., Kamalova E.I. Outdoor games in the system of physical education as an element of the education of national culture: Educational and methodological manual / Almetyevsk: AKFK, 2012. - 108 p.

Examples of the outdoor game “Hawks and Swallows”

An unlimited number of players can take part in this game. The latter are divided into two groups and form two rows, standing with their backs to each other. There will be hawks in the first row, swallows in the second row. One player is chosen as the leader. The latter walks between the players of both rows and says abruptly the words: yas...requirements or las..., but does not pronounce the end of the word. The group whose name the leader pronounces in full must run away in different directions, the players of the unnamed group must catch up with them. Players who are caught become members of the catching team.

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