Conversation with children in the preparatory group on the topic: Wildflowers

Progress of the lesson:

Surprise moment “Who’s outside the window?”

Our guest today is about to arrive. Let's open the window. And here she is! Do you recognize our guest? Who is she? Butterfly.

Look at the picture and show a butterfly that is not like the others, different from other butterflies.

Construction “Fold a butterfly”

In the picture diagram, children lay out an image of a butterfly from geometric shapes. The teacher asks to show the given figure and name its color.

Butterfly button game

Arrange the buttons into circles of appropriate color and size.

Didactic game “Caterpillars become butterflies”

Every butterfly was once a caterpillar. Lay out the caterpillars in front of you. Name what color each caterpillar is. Now let's turn caterpillars into butterflies. The yellow caterpillar will become a yellow butterfly. What kind of butterflies will other caterpillars become? (Children color-code silhouette pictures of butterflies onto silhouette pictures of caterpillars).

Handmade “Butterfly”

From a large piece of plasticine, directly roll it out into a thick sausage-body. Make a ball-head from a small piece by rolling it out in a circle and attach it to the body. Make wings from two shells and eyes from peas.

Visual activity “Butterflies on flowers”

Flowers have grown in the meadow. Draw long straight lines with a green pencil to represent the stems of the flowers. And short lines will be blades of grass.

Please note that the centers of the flowers are different colors. Now the butterflies will fly in and each sit on their own flower - the middle of which is the same color. like the butterfly itself. Glue butterflies onto your flowers.

Outdoor game “Find your flower”

Choose a flower of the color you like best. Place the flower on the carpet. Now the children turn into butterflies and each sit on their own flower - the butterflies are sleeping. Now the butterflies woke up and looked around (turning their heads left and right). The butterflies spread their wings and took off. The butterflies flew away. (While the children are running, the teacher changes the places of the flowers on the carpet). It's starting to rain. Butterflies, fly quickly to your flower! (After the children find their flowers, the game is repeated).

Game with clothespins “Butterfly”

Make butterfly wings from clothespins of different colors. only the wings of the butterfly must be the same: if you attached a red clothespin to the left, then attach a red clothespin to the right. You can also make antennae for the butterfly from clothespins.

Didactic game “Arrange the butterflies”

The butterflies in the picture have scattered, help me return them to their places. (Children arrange the butterflies in the picture according to color and size).

Breathing exercise “Send a butterfly to fly”

Children pick up a thread with a paper butterfly attached to it and blow on it (without puffing out their cheeks).

Finger painting “Beauty Butterfly”

Leave your fingerprints in the white circles. Use paint of the same color as the wing.

Dynamic pause "Parachute"

A parachute of four sections of different colors is spread out on the floor. Children are invited to fly like butterflies and land on a given color, jump from one color to another. Arrange your flowers on the corresponding color on the parachute.

Didactic game “Place butterflies on flowers”

Count how many flowers are in front of you? Three flowers. Place the flowers in front of you so that there is a red flower in the middle and blue flowers on the sides. Stick a stick with a butterfly into a red flower and plant it.

Bas-relief sculpture “Butterfly”

Make a thin sausage and place the butterfly body in place. Now make a beautiful pattern on the butterfly’s wings - tear off pieces of plasticine and stick them on the wings. Only, if you made a yellow spot on one wing, then there should be the same yellow spot on the other wing in the same place.

Drawing with stamps “Many butterflies”

Using the stamp, draw a lot of butterflies.

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the theme “Butterfly”


Expand children's knowledge about butterflies. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic. Form stable ideas about the size, quantity, color, location of objects in space. Introduce children to the concept of “symmetry”. Improve the skills of sculpting, gluing, drawing with pencils, fingers and stamps. Learn to perform an exercise to develop proper articulatory breathing. Develop thinking, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


Butterfly toy. A picture of four butterflies, one of which is different from the others. Picture-scheme with the image of a butterfly made of geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard, counting sticks for antennae. A silhouette picture of a “Butterfly” on the wings of which there are circles of different colors and sizes, corresponding in size and color to the buttons. Multi-colored clothespins, silhouettes of the body and head of a butterfly, cut out of thick cardboard. Paper colored butterflies attached to strings. Colored butterflies glued to toothpicks, blue and red flowers drawn on foam plastic. Plasticine, peas, shells, silhouettes of butterflies cut out of colored paper. A blank picture with drawn white flowers (centers of different colors), colored pencils, glue, silhouette pictures of butterflies in a color corresponding to the centers of the flowers. Finger paints, blank picture depicting a butterfly with white dots on its wings. Silhouette pictures of caterpillars and butterflies in red, blue, green, yellow colors. A background picture with painted butterflies of different colors and sizes, silhouettes of butterflies corresponding in color and size, cut out of colored cardboard. Flowers cut out of cardboard in different colors. Parachute of four sections of different colors. Gouache, “butterfly” stamps, blank picture “meadow”. Audio recording: “Butterfly”.

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