Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic: Umbrella

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Umbrella”
Author: Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher of GBOU “School No. 842”, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a summary of GCD on the topic “Umbrella” for children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old). This material will be useful for educators working with children of older preschool age. This is a summary of educational activities aimed at making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Integration of educational areas: Artistic and aesthetic development, speech development. Purpose: Making umbrellas from paper and waste material. Objectives : Continue to introduce children to the method of twisting a circle into a cone. To form children's ideas about the transformation of flat figures into three-dimensional forms. Improve the ability to write stories about objects. Developmental: Develop the ability to keep a sequence of operations in mind and achieve the final result. Develop children's creative abilities, sense of shape, color, composition. Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards handmade crafts. Preliminary work: Together with the children, cut out blanks (multi-colored circles with a diameter of 20 cm), small parts for decorating umbrellas. Methods and techniques: Playful, visual, demonstration by a child, practical activities for children, questions for children, use of fiction. Materials and equipment: Umbrellas, circles of colored paper (diameter 20 cm), colored paper (for decorating crafts), cocktail tubes, plasticine, glue, scissors, napkins, oilcloths.
Organizational moment Educator: Children, we have opened a new store, and you will find out what is sold in it by guessing the riddle . In autumn, he is often needed - If the rain is pattering on the puddles, If the sky is in black clouds, He is the best helper for us. Open it over yourself and arrange a canopy for yourself! (umbrella) The teacher takes the children to a display case with umbrellas. Invites children to look at it and make their own conclusions about what product is sold in the store. Educator: Children, you guessed correctly, today we will visit an umbrella store, then we will make them ourselves and decorate them. Didactic game “Umbrella Store” A seller is selected using a counting table. The buyer must describe the umbrella he has chosen in such a way that the seller can immediately guess what kind of umbrella he is talking about.

Physical school There is a cloud in the sky oh-oh-oh! (Hands to the head, tilts left - right)
Everyone is running, hurrying home.
(Running in place)
I’m the only one laughing, I’m not afraid of the black cloud.
(Turns the head left - right)
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder, I'm walking under an umbrella!
(Walking in place)
Blue, red, and striped, And flowered, and polka dots,
(Alternately bend your fingers)
A very colorful umbrella with sparkles...
(Hands up, “lanterns”)
I couldn’t count them all.
(Turns left - right)
My grandmother and I walk under a green umbrella and sing a song about the miracle of umbrellas.
(L. Brailovsky)
Work in a creative workshop Educator: Today I suggest you make umbrellas from colored paper and decorate them beautifully. The teacher repeats with the children safety precautions when working with scissors and glue. Discusses the procedure for doing the work with the children. Used for display by children. Educator: What do you think needs to be done to find the middle of the circle? Children: Fold the circle in half and in half again.

Cut along one of the fold lines to the middle.

Glue the pattern elements onto the circle.

Roll the circle into a cone and glue it together.

Glue a piece of plasticine on the back side.

Insert a tube into the plasticine and bend it.

The umbrella is ready. During the work, the teacher monitors safety precautions (working with scissors, glue), the correct folding of umbrellas, provides individual assistance, and offers to decorate the umbrellas independently according to plan. Analysis of children's works The teacher suggests making an exhibition and examining it. Summary What new and interesting things did you learn?
Which moments were your favorite and why? Exhibition of children's works

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Preliminary work: Agree with parents and colleagues about an exhibition of umbrellas (children’s, women’s, men’s, colored, black, from various materials, for rain and sun , tent umbrellas , modern and antique, folding and non-folding, mechanical and automatic, etc. . p.) It is better to organize the exhibition in a large room (in the hall where the “ umbrella

groups can watch .
In the group umbrella as a surprise for the children . Prepare a geographical map of the world or an atlas, pictures of all kinds of umbrellas , an article about an umbrella , which is then placed in a corner for parents. In the book corner, place reference books, encyclopedias, children's books or illustrations for fairy tales, where an umbrella , for example. "Ole Lukoje"

“Mary Poppins”
, V. Suteev
“Under the Mushroom”
. For experiment: a piece of thick fabric, a bucket of water, a ladle, a rag for the floor.

When a child shows genuine interest in the teacher’s activity . Teacher: (as if reluctantly)

Well, well, so be it, I’ll let you see if you guess the riddle:

Riddles are asked individually to each child who approaches the teacher:

“It’s strange, this parachute - they open it and carry it, But not at any time of the year - when the weather is rainy

Rain , rain , rain harder, hit the huge mushroom louder!” The mushroom I carry never grew in the forest."

“If you fold it, it’s a wedge, if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing.”

Educator: What does an umbrella ? (parachute, pancake, wedge, mushroom)

gathers. Teacher : Listen to G. Ladonshchikov’s poem Umbrella

Educator: So why was Zina waiting for the rain ? What else have people come up with to avoid getting wet in the rain ? (rubber boots, raincoats)


Most children join in the conversation.

Educator: Do you know everything about the umbrella ? I invite those who want to know even more to the exhibition hall, and we’ll talk there!

The conversation doesn't start right away. You can give a few minutes to admire the umbrellas , and only then, after sitting down for a conversation, ask:

Educator: Why did we come? Ahh, we want to know something more about the umbrella . Listen to what I have to tell you.

“As soon as it starts to rain , all the passers-by open their umbrellas , and the street becomes like a big flower garden - so many colorful ones - blue, red, yellow, colorful, striped umbrellas ! And few people think at this time that the umbrella was invented not for the rain , but for the sun . Even the word " umbrella "

translated as

roof from the sun !
Where and when the umbrella is now impossible to find out. Some say that in China, others that in ancient Egypt. But it is known for sure that the umbrella served so that under the hot sun one could hide one’s head in the shade. The first umbrellas could have been large plant leaves, such as palm leaves. Then people learned to make umbrellas from various materials: feathers, paper, leather, fabrics... The handles were first made of bamboo, and then of bone, metals, and plastics. In ancient times, only a member of the royal family or a great nobleman could use an umbrella Umbrellas were carried over the master by his servants. Umbrellas were very beautiful - they were made of silk fabric and embroidered with silk, and the handles were made of ivory and coral. From China the umbrella came to Europe . The color, shape, and decoration of the umbrella changed with changing fashion. They were made from taffeta and lace, decorated with lace and fringe, beads and feathers, and embroidery. The handles were decorated with carvings and gilding. And then someone noticed: it turns out that raindrops , when they hit an open umbrella , do not seep through it, but roll off its edges, protecting a person from dampness.
Educator: Is this really so? Want to check it out? Let's try an experiment

(An experiment is carried out with a piece of fabric, which is pulled tightly by the ends by two children and with an umbrella . A little water is poured on them one by one, the children themselves draw the conclusion: water leaks through a flatly stretched piece of fabric, but not through an umbrella , because the fabric is stretched "dome"


Educator: It was precisely this property of the umbrella - not letting rain through - that people used during rainy weather . Gradually, sun umbrellas - the fashion has passed, but now few people go outside in rainy weather without an umbrella .

Educator: Do you want to know what the umbrella was called in Russia when it first came into fashion? It was called either sunflower or tennik . Who guessed why?

Educator: Who remembers what the word umbrella

Yes, that’s right, a roof from the sun .”
Educator: There are different umbrellas . Take a look and tell us which ones.

Children share their impressions of the knowledge they have acquired, show and talk about their favorite umbrellas from the exhibition . Educator from "delicious companion"

turns into a grateful listener and spectator, he rejoices at how much the children have learned and how interestingly they can talk about it.

Educator: How much we learned today! What great fellows we are! everything about the umbrella ! All? But in the country where the word umbrella

, it is now called differently.
Interested to know how? But you’ll go to school , learn a foreign language, and find out how.
Educator: Where else can you learn something new about an umbrella ?

Children: In books, encyclopedias, you can ask your parents.

Educator: Do you think it’s possible to know everything? And why?

Child: No, it’s impossible to know everything, but I’m interested in learning something new.

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Open lesson “Umbrella”

Yulia Drozd

Open lesson “Umbrella”

Goal: Formation of cognitive activity of children in the study of experimental activities

• Strengthen children's understanding of the properties of paper, fabric and other materials.

• Tell about the history of the appearance of the umbrella .

• Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, curiosity. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, as well as defend your opinion, prove that you are right

• Activate and enrich children's vocabulary. Develop skills in conducting laboratory experiments;

• Foster in children a sense of respect for their peers.

• Foster a love of nature.

• Understand the importance of an umbrella in people's lives .

Material and equipment: Mini umbrellas made of different materials (paper, knitted, fabric, raincoat, oilcloth)

Watering can with water paper people. Presentation on the history of the umbrella . Musical accompaniment. Educational game “Miracle Flower”
by Voskobovich and
by Voskobovich.

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