Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Flowers” ​​outline of a drawing lesson (senior, preparatory group)

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers”

GCD for drawing “Beautiful Flowers”


Teach children to draw flowers, conveying in the drawing the structure of the flower (stem, leaves, petals) and using various techniques: brushing in different directions, drawing round and oval shapes. Strengthen the ability to paint with the entire bristle and end of the brush. Develop observation skills, the ability to perceive the beauty of the surrounding world; cultivate a sense of compassion, evoke a desire to help the game characters.

There is a knock on the window. A butterfly flies in.

Educator: “Look, guys, a butterfly has flown to us. She is so scared and frozen. Dear butterfly, what happened?

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers”

Daria Rimshan

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers”

Abstract of GCD for HER ( drawing )

the middle group
on the topic: Beautiful flowers


Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about flowers (their structure, classification, develop the ability to draw flowers , using different techniques and unconventional forms of drawing (crumpled paper)


1. Continue to form children’s understanding of flowers , their structure, classification, teach children to draw flowers using non-traditional forms ( drawing with crumpled paper )


2. Continue to develop the ability to draw with different techniques (painting in different directions, drawing with the whole bristle and the end of the brush) and techniques ( drawing with crumpled paper , develop aesthetic feelings (children should carefully choose the color of paint , imagination, creativity;

Drawing spring flowers in kindergarten step by step with photos

Drawing snowdrops using non-traditional drawing techniques for children 5-7 years old
Author: Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher at the Krasnoborsky preschool educational institution "Kolosok" village. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region. Description of the material: The master class will be useful to preschool teachers and parents in order to develop the creative abilities of children. This material is suitable for conducting visual arts activities with older children. Purpose: interior decoration, a wonderful gift for loved ones, and can also be used as a product for an exhibition. Goal: creating a spring landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: Educational: - to develop the ability to create an image of snowdrops using non-traditional drawing techniques. Developmental: - develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing; - develop fine motor skills of fingers; - develop children's creative abilities; Educational: - cultivate independence, accuracy. Snowdrop is the first breath of spring. It got its name from the plant’s ability to break out of the ground and bloom with the first warm rays of the spring sun, when the snow melts a little. Translated from Latin meaning “milk flower”. This name probably reflects the delicate snow-white color of the snowdrop. There are many legends about snowdrops. One of them says that when God expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, it was winter on earth and it was snowing. Eva froze and began to cry. She remembered with sadness the warm gardens of Eden. To console her, God turned several snowflakes into snowdrop flowers. So the first flowers on Earth may have been snowdrops. According to another Russian legend, one day the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let Spring come to earth. But the brave Snowdrop straightened up, straightened its petals and asked for protection from the Sun. The sun noticed the fearless flower, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring.

Snowdrops The Snow Maiden cried, saying goodbye to winter. She followed her sadly, a stranger to everyone in the forest. Where she walked and cried, Touching the birches, snowdrops grew - the Snow Maiden's Tears. Timofey Belozerov Materials: - gouache; - album sheet; - brushes; - coarse salt.

Sequence of execution: Take a landscape sheet of paper and place it vertically. To tint a sheet, wet it with water and brush the paint on it from deep blue to light blue.

Using a thin brush we draw the stems of future snowdrops and grass. It is difficult for children to draw directly with a brush, so you can first draw all this with a simple pencil.

Draw snowdrop leaves.

When the paints have dried, you can start painting the buds of the snowdrops themselves with white gouache. You need to paint quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry.

Sprinkle with coarse salt.

Shake off the salt.

Using the poking method, apply the snowball and also sprinkle with salt and shake off.

The picture is ready. All that remains is to frame it.

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