Lesson summary in the middle group “Wintering Birds” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic

Let's play. Mobile Russian folk game "Woodpecker"

Children stand in a circle. The child playing the role of a woodpecker stands in the middle of the circle. Children dance around the woodpecker and say the first two lines:

“A woodpecker walks by the granary,

Looking for a grain of wheat."

The woodpecker says in response:

“I’m not bored alone, I’ll take whoever I want.”

With the last word, the woodpecker quickly takes the hand of one of the guys in the circle. And the children must quickly stand in pairs. The child left without a mate becomes a woodpecker in the next game.

Tales about birds. Woodpecker.

Why is the woodpecker respected by all birds and animals? And what would happen if woodpeckers disappeared? This is talked about in the fairy tale “The Woodpecker.”

Woodpecker worker. Tales of Lake Baikal

Birds from all over the taiga flew in and began to scold the woodpecker.

The cuckoo is the angriest of all: “You give me no peace, woodpecker, you knock, you knock!”

“Your knocking makes my head hurt,” the nutcracker complains.

- Idlers, you have ready-made food: flies, mosquitoes, boogers, berries, tree buds, nuts. And I need to chisel the tree, look for beetles under the bark. I save you all, ungrateful ones, I work from morning to night!

The birds whistled, chirped, and chattered angrily: “What!” Are you saving us? - Look, what a braggart! - Let's peck him!

The din of birds was interrupted by a capercaillie - an important bird in the taiga, it does not throw words to the wind. He stamped his foot: “You shouldn’t make a fuss, the woodpecker told the truth!” It protects trees from greedy bark beetles. Without it, they would have devoured all the trees and devastated the taiga. How can we live without the taiga?.. Screamers!

The cuckoo, sitting on a tall pine tree, was the first to sing throughout the whole taiga: “Pucko-coo, woodpecker, peek-a-boo, darling!”

Behind her is a nutcracker: “I praise you, buddy.” Come on - knock, knock.

- Knock-knock - good sound! - the forest pigeon shouted loudly.

The birds surrounded the woodpecker, the violator of the forest silence, and sang in chorus.

Short-term project in the middle group “Birds are our friends”

groups » Short-term project in the middle group “Birds are our friends”
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Firovsky kindergarten “Rodnichok” Short-term project in the middle group “Birds are our friends”

Completed by: Kolomenskaya N.V., teacher of the middle group of the MBDOU Firovsky kindergarten “Rodnichok”

January 2022 Firovo village

Project type:

• Focus: informational, educational, creative. • By number of participants: group. • By duration: short-term (1 week)

Project participants:

• Children of the middle group • Teachers • Parents

Project activity base:

MBDOU Firovsky kindergarten “Rodnichok”, Firovo village, Tver region, middle group.

Implementation deadlines:

01/11/2021 - 01/18/2021

Relevance of the project:

The relationship between man and nature is a pressing issue of our time. The problem of our generation is that children have little contact with nature. Environmental education begins with getting to know the objects in your immediate environment, so we'll talk about birds. The task of adults is to cultivate children's interest in our neighbors on the planet - birds, the desire to learn new facts about their lives, take care of them, and rejoice in the knowledge that by sharing crumbs, you can save birds from death in winter. Give children basic knowledge of what to feed birds.

Objective of the project:

Formation of a general understanding of preschoolers about wintering birds, their way of life, characteristic features and connections with the environment, the role of humans in the life of birds.

Project objectives:

• develop basic ideas about birds (they fly, sing, peck, build nests, hatch chicks); • expand and consolidate ideas about the appearance and body parts of birds; • develop skills: observe, compare, analyze and reflect on the results of observations in different types of creative activities (theatrical, gaming, musical, artistic, productive); • develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills; • expand children's understanding of wintering birds; • cultivate interest in living nature, develop curiosity; • create a desire to protect and care for our little brothers; • improve the level of pedagogical culture of parents by involving them in joint activities with children: making feeders. Expected results: • systematization of children's knowledge about birds; • formation of a conscious, effective attitude towards birds; • desire to take care of birds; • understanding their significance in people's lives; • a parent who actively participates in the project is able to instill in children a love and caring attitude towards birds.

The success of achieving the goals of preschoolers is ensured by building a system of work in this area. Joint activities of the teacher and children: Organization of educational activities, observations, conversations, breathing exercises, finger exercises, walks, outdoor games, reading fiction. Joint activities of children and parents: Conversations on this topic, joint walks in nature, making birdhouses.

Stages of work:

Stage 1 - information and analytical


• Studying methodological, popular science and fiction literature on the topic. • Problem definition. • Selecting the project goal. • Drawing up a work plan. • Introducing children into a problematic play situation. • Work with parents on interaction within the project.

Stage 2 - implementation (collection and analysis of information)

Inclusion of each child in practical activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities. In various types of activities, children's knowledge is accumulated and enriched.

Action plan:

Integration of all educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development. Scheduling is based on a thematic principle. Each topic is presented to children in small portions, which contributes to a solid assimilation of the material.


1. Cognitive development: “Birds of passage” (Appendix 1) 2. Modeling: “The birds flew in and sat on the feeder” (Appendix 2) 3. Speech development: “Birds of passage” (Appendix 3)

Cognitive development:

Conversation “What do you know about birds?” (Appendix 4)

Examination of the painting “Birds”, illustrations about birds, subject pictures, books.

Speech development:

Making riddles on the topic “Birds” (Appendix 5)

Reading M. Gorky “Sparrow”, V. Bianki “Owl”, nursery rhymes “Geese, you are geese”

Didactic game “Name it kindly”

Social and communicative development:

Imitation game “We are birds”

Construction game "Birdhouse"

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Independent activities for children: “Birds” coloring books, “Birds” templates

Physical development:

Outdoor games “Crows”, “Dog and Sparrows”, “Geese-Swans”, “Owls”, “Birds and Cat”

Working with parents:

1. Assistance in replenishing attributes for games.

2. “Birdhouse” (at home, provide a photo)

Stage 3: generalization

Entertainment "Bird Festival"


• Children showed interest in objects of living nature (wintering birds, the ability to identify the benefits of birds, take care of them) • Children learned a lot of interesting things from the life of birds. • The guys researched what birds flew to the feeder and what they could feed them with. • Parents were involved in the project. Environmental education of parents has given a big plus in the environmental education of kindergarten children.

Used Books:

1. Kutsakova L.V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and lesson notes. - M.: TC Sfera, 2007. 2. V.V. Gerbova I'm learning to speak. - Moscow: “Enlightenment” 1999. 3. Komarova T. S. Classes in visual arts in kindergarten. 4. Makhaneva M. D. Ecological development of children of preschool and primary school age. M., 2004. 5. T.I. Grizik I'm exploring the world. - Education: Moscow 2000. 6. T. N. Doronova Nature, art and visual activity of children. — Education: Moscow 2000. 7. Nikolaeva S. N. Environmental education of younger preschoolers. M., 2002. 8. Nikolaeva S. N. Ecologist in kindergarten. M., 2003. 9. Dybina O. B. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010. 10. Solomennikova O. A. Classes on the formation of elementary environmental ideas in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

Annex 1

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Migratory birds”

Objectives: to introduce children to migratory birds, to explain why these birds are called migratory. Insert the general concept of “migratory birds” into the dictionary. Intensify the use of nouns, adjectives, and verbs in children’s speech. Develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills. To cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, to lay the foundations of environmental education, to expand ideas about how people care for migratory birds. Materials and equipment: pictures depicting wintering and migratory birds.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Children, what birds do you know? Why are some birds called winterers and some migratory? Today we will get to know migratory birds. Look carefully at the pictures, what birds do you recognize here? Let me give you a little hint with the help of riddles.

Riddles about migratory birds: There is a palace on a pole, There is a singer in the palace, And his name is... (Starling)

You will recognize him immediately: Black-billed, black-eyed, He walks importantly behind the plow, She walks so importantly through the swamp! Finds worms and beetles. (Rook)

He flies to us with warmth, having traveled a long way. Sculpts a house under the window from grass and clay. (Martin)

Who is on the tree, on the bough, is counting: “peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?” (Cuckoo)

Educator: Well done guys, we guessed all the birds. Look, these birds fly to warmer regions in the fall and fly back to our homeland in the spring. They fly, that's why they are called? (Migratory) Homeland is the place where you were born. Therefore, birds return to their homeland to build a nest and hatch chicks. The chicks are born blind, helpless, covered in down. Their parents feed them all sorts of worms, caterpillars, and flies. Over the summer, the chicks grow up and in the fall, they fly away with their parents to warmer climes. Do you know which birds have which chicks? Let's play the game "Whose Cub"

Exercise “Whose cub” (with a ball) for the formation of suppletive forms of nouns. The rook has a rook and rooks. The starling has a nestling and starlings. And so on.

Educator: Guys, why do you think birds come back to us in the spring? Why do you think birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?

Educator: Look carefully at the birds, what parts of their body do they consist of? (Head, body, legs, wings, beak) Now let's try to describe all our birds. Who wants to describe the rook? What is he like? Game “Describe the Bird”. (Children optionally go out and describe the birds)

Do you remember migratory birds well? We'll check this now. Come out to me, everyone, and we will play the game “Birds of Migratory.” If I name a migratory bird, “fly” and “flapping your wings.” If I call you wintering, squat down and clap your hands. (Sparrow, swallow, tit, cuckoo, crow, rook, magpie, nightingale).

Take your seats.

Lesson summary:

Guys, why do you think birds are needed at all?

Why are birds called feathered friends?

Why are birds needed?

How are they useful to people? (Birds help people preserve their harvest, save forests from harmful insects, and delight residents with their singing)

What do people do for birds?

How can people help birds? (Feed in winter with crumbs and plant seeds)

What happens if the birds disappear?

Why do you love birds?

Appendix 2

Modeling “The birds flew to the feeder, sat down and pecked the grains”

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter. To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds. Strengthen the ability to use a stack, introduce sculpting techniques: pinching and pulling. Observe the location and relationship of body parts, connect the parts, pressing them against each other. Develop fine motor skills, attention, coherent speech, creativity in work. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy. Integration of educational areas: Communication, cognition, music, socialization. Materials and equipment: images of birds (tit, bullfinch, sparrow), plasticine, stacks and boards according to the number of children, beads and sunflower seeds (for decorating the eyes and beak of the sparrow). Methods and techniques: problem situation, conversation, explanation, demonstration, relying on children’s knowledge, help.


Educator: Guys, do you like to walk? Tell me, guys, where do you like to go for walks? (Children's answers)

Educator: Today I invite you for a walk in the winter forest. But before we go into the winter forest, what do you think we need to do?

Children: Wear warm clothes. (We put on imaginary mittens, a hat, a fur coat)

I invite you to go for a walk in the winter forest. We guys can’t find more interesting adventures. Stand behind each other, hold hands tightly. Along the paths, along the paths, we don’t rush, we don’t lag behind. We’ll all go into the forest together. (Children hold hands and follow the teacher “snake”)

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! How much snow. Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is! (One sparrow is sitting on the Christmas tree) Look, guys, who is that sitting on the branch? Tell me what he is like. Children's answers (The body is round, the head is small, round, the wings are small, the tail is elongated, the beak is short, the eyes are black)

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that the sparrow is sad. Why do you think? Children's answers (he is cold, bored alone at the Christmas tree, he has no friends)

Educator: Guys, how can we help the little sparrow? (Children's answers) Let's take the sparrow with us to kindergarten and make him friends.

We go to the table, take off our imaginary clothes. We go and sit down at the tables. Demonstration of how to sculpt a sparrow: Take plasticine and divide it into three pieces: one large and two smaller. From a large piece we sculpt a body in the shape of an egg, pull the tail from behind and flatten it with our fingers. We have two identical pieces left. From one we will make a head - we roll a ball between our palms, from the second we will make wings - we flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half in a stack. We connect the details. We decorate the head: we make the beak from a seed, the eyes from beads.

Educator: Well done guys, everyone turned out to be wonderful sparrows. Now the little sparrow that we brought from the forest will not be bored, you have made many new friends for him.

Appendix 3

Summary of the lesson on speech development “Birds of Migratory”


Vocabulary development: activate the names of migratory birds. Generalize the concept of “migratory birds”, teach children to understand the figurative meaning of riddles, and form the grammatical structure of speech. Coherent speech: continue to teach children to answer questions fully and accurately, constructing sentences of 4-6 words, develop the skills of composing a story using supporting diagrams (drawings). Equipment: support diagrams, photographs of migratory birds, ball.

Contents of organized children's activities

— Today we have to complete many different tasks. To successfully cope with them, we need to be properly prepared. Compiling a story using reference pictures “Why do birds fly south?” - Children, you probably guessed who we will talk about in class today. (Children's answers) That's right, about migratory birds. —What birds do we call migratory? (Migratory birds are those birds that are afraid of the cold and fly south to warmer regions in the fall) - Birds fly south, gathering in flocks. They fly in a flock, in a wedge, alone. Name the migratory birds you know. (Children name the birds, and the teacher displays their images on the magnetic board) “Which bird do you want to talk about?” The teacher invites the children to describe the bird, showing a photograph, and name its characteristic features. The teacher can help the children with questions. — Is this bird large or small? - Name the parts of the bird’s body, the features of its appearance: what kind of wings, beak, paws does it have? If a child says “long beak”, the teacher “means we can call him long-beaked”, “black wings” - “black-winged”, etc. This is a starling. What kind of tail does he have? (Short). So what kind of starling? Short-tailed. This is a swallow, it has a long tail. So, what kind of swallow? Long-tailed. This is a rook, it has a sharp beak. What rook? Sharp-beaked. Does he have a black wing? Blackwing.

Physical school

Soon white snowstorms Snow will be lifted from the ground (children raise their hands from the bottom up) The cranes fly away, fly away, fly away (imitation of the flight of cranes) You can’t hear the cuckoos in the grove (hands to your ears) And the birdhouse is empty (hands in front of you) The stork flaps its wings (flapping its hands) Flying away, flying away (imitation of bird flight)

Didactic exercise “What can birds do?” Children, let's remember what birds can do. They walk, peck, take off, fly, hatch, jump, hover, feed, care for, hatch, sing. Game “One-Many” Children, come out on the carpet, we will play with you. Crane - cranes, cuckoo - cuckoos, duck - ducks, heron - heron, rook - rooks, starling - starlings. Game “Name it kindly” Now let’s warm the wintering birds with kind words. An affectionate word is like the sun. Starling - starling, crane - crane, swan - swan, cuckoo - cuckoo, duck - duck, nightingale - nightingale. - Well done! I hope that the birds heard our affectionate and kind words.

Appendix 4

Conversation “What do you know about birds?”

Educator: Guys, by what signs do we recognize birds? How do we distinguish them from other animals? Remember the models (show illustrations). Guys, look how many birds there are. Let's compare them with each other. Let's take a look and tell us what kind of plumage do all these birds have? What can you say about the plumage? What is it like? Pay attention to the eyes. Tell us what they are like. What can you say about your legs and paws? What wings? What tail, beak? Where do they live? (in the forest - forest bird, in the steppe - steppe bird, near water bodies - waterfowl, at home with people - domestic bird) How do all these birds feed? How do they move? (Flying)

Finger gymnastics

Sing along, sing along: Ten birds are a flock. (Clap our hands)

This bird is a nightingale, (We bend the fingers on the right hand one by one, starting with the little finger)

This bird is a sparrow. This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head. This bird is a waxwing, This bird is a corncrake, This bird is a starling, (Alternately bend the fingers on the left hand, starting with the little finger)

Gray feather. This one is a finch. This one is a swift. This one is a cheerful little siskin. Well, this one is an evil eagle. (Hold your left thumb)

Birds, birds - go home! (We wave our arms like wings)

Guys, guess the riddles: A mischievous boy in a gray army jacket is darting around the yard, collecting crumbs (Sparrow) (Show the children an illustration of a sparrow)

Red-breasted, black-winged, Loves to peck grains, With the first snow on the mountain ash He will appear again. (Bullfinch) (Show the children an illustration of a bullfinch)

The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish, there is a black cap on the head,

And even a strip of scarf. (Tit) (Show the children an illustration of a tit)

Guys, what kind of birds are these? (Wintering)

Why wintering? (Because they stay for the winter)

What do birds eat in winter? (Grain, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat and lard)

Guys, in winter there is very little food for birds, all nature is covered with snow, so they fly closer to our homes for help. Feed the birds if you see them near your house. They will peck at everything you give them: grain, bread crumbs, seeds. To do this, you can make feeders.

Appendix 5

Riddles about birds

The snow and blizzards have retreated, Birds have flown home from the south. The singers are circling and trilling. Who glorifies spring? (Starlings) They don’t fly to a warm region, They sing in the cold, These small birds are called... (Titmouse)
Together with this black bird, spring is knocking on our window. Hide your winter clothes! Who is jumping across the arable land? (Rook) Red-breasted, black-winged, He loves to peck grains, With the first snow on the mountain ash He will appear again. (Bullfinch)
On the fly there are enough midges, the tail is thin braids, it can predict the weather - you know this bird. (Martin) He rises with the sun and wakes everyone up with a cheerful song. On the top of the head there is a comb. Who is this? (Cockerel)
About wintering birds In a gray feather coat And in the cold he is a hero, Jumps, frolics in flight, Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow) Our dear friend will give us feathers for our pillows, eggs for pancakes, Easter cakes for pies. (Chicken)
Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar! - That's the whole repertoire. Announces the maple crown with His singing... (Crow) Walks with a waddle, swims like an iron. Dives in the pond And again - on foot. Wide legs, Flattened nose... What kind of bird is this? Answer the question! (Duck)
Here is a bird, just a bird, Not a thrush, not a tit, Not a swan, not a duck, And not a nightjar. But this bird, although small, hatches its chicks only in the bitter winter. (Crossbill) Who, without notes and without a pipe, produces trills better than anyone else, louder and more tender? Who is this? (Nightingale)
Red paws, Pinches your heels, Run without looking back. (Goose) He knocks all the time, he hammers trees. But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them. (Woodpecker)
That's what a bird is like! And you can’t confuse it with another. Maybe it's number two? The neck is arched! (Swan) He never builds nests for himself, leaves eggs for his neighbors, and does not remember the chicks. (Cuckoo)
I have stilts - I'm not afraid of the swamp. Will I find the frogs? That’s my concern. (Heron) Not in the forest singing on a branch, but shouting words from a cage. Get to know him soon. This bird is... (Parrot)

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