Lesson summary in the middle group topic: “Autumn” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic

Abstract of GCD for children of the middle group on the topic: Autumn

Summary of direct educational activities “Autumn Gives Miracles” for children of the middle group (4 - 5 years old).
Author: Akinina Zhanna Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU No. 22 “Smile”, city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. Description of the material: this summary is designed for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group). Can be used by educators to work on environmental education and familiarization with the outside world. Develops children's curiosity, observation, and aesthetic perception of natural phenomena. Goal: developing ideas about autumn based on familiarization with the essential features of the season. Objectives: 1. Develop curiosity, creative imagination, coordination of movements with speech, auditory and visual perception, the ability to distinguish leaves of different trees, dexterity. 2. Learn to understand the content of poetic texts, practice the formation of different forms of verbs, improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation of the plural of nouns), enhance the enrichment of vocabulary on the topic of autumn. 3. To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness to nature, interest and a caring attitude towards the plant world. 4. Arouse interest in your own hand, introduce the possibility of creating images based on identical elements. Vocabulary work : autumn, turned yellow, turned red, turned golden, howls, hums, moans, pours, walks, drizzles. Preliminary work: looking at tree leaves while walking, observing the autumn sky, trees, and inanimate natural phenomena. Equipment : plot paintings depicting the seasons, a tape recorder, a cassette recording “Autumn Songs” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, tree leaves made of colored paper, a parcel box, a folding umbrella, subject pictures depicting fruits and vegetables, a ball, a sheet of cardboard size A3, gouache paints, easel, napkins for each child. Friends, today we are going on an extraordinary journey. To a wonderful country, a mysterious country, full of secrets. “But trains don’t go to this country, And planes don’t fly there, What should we call this country? A country that’s just a stone’s throw away!” And here's a simple secret. You can get there only if you say the magic words (the teacher plays a recording of “Autumn Song” by P.I. Tchaikovsky). Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three! Open the door to our fairy tale!” Open your eyes, it seems we are there (children look at a panel depicting the autumn season, admire the bright colors. The teacher reads a poem about red autumn). “Summer Garden” The Summer Garden has turned a little red. At least repaint it! This autumn - a red cat - snuck into it on a dark night. Where she stepped on soft paws, There she left her mark: The crown of the oak tree - in yellow patches The maple burns with fiery leaves. On the lawn - look for yourself - Not grass, but red wool! This cat was tired of climbing and decided to sit down in the grass. G. Novitskaya Tell me guys, what is this poem about? (about autumn). Who does the poet compare autumn with? (with a red cat). Do you want autumn to come? (Yes). It's sad to say goodbye to summer, but autumn will delight us with its wonders. Autumn, like a skilled artist, has chosen the brightest colors to decorate nature. Children, what color do you think is autumn? (yellow, red, orange). Can we say that autumn is colorful? (Yes). Guess the autumn riddle: “Are gold coins falling from a branch?” (these are leaves). Look at the miracle of this autumn bouquet of leaves (the teacher distributes the leaves to the children). Aspen leaves are red. So what did they do? (blushed). What do aspen leaves look like? (for coins). Maple leaves are yellow. So what did they do? (turned yellow). What do you think maple leaves look like? (on the palm). What tree has lost this feather-like leaf? (Rowan). Golden rowan leaves. So they turned gilded. Let's say this word together (pronounced in chorus). What wind blows in autumn? (cold, piercing, angry). What does the wind do? (howls, hums, moans, roars). And suddenly an autumn breeze blew. The leaves scattered. How many leaves! Yes, we have a whole tree here, like on a kindergarten site. Outdoor game: “Leaves” The autumn leaves are quietly spinning (spinning in place, arms to the sides) The leaves are quietly lying at our feet (crouching) And rustling and rustling under our feet (moving hands right - left) As if they want to spin again (spinning in place, On the socks). Let's collect a beautiful bouquet in a vase. Let it please us with its beauty (children sit on the carpet). The teacher reads a poem. “What happened” Oh, what happened, What happened! The door opened quietly and closed quietly. We judged, we dressed, and gave up thinking: Who threw us a yellow leaf over the threshold - A letter from autumn? O. Driz The teacher shows the box, opens it and reports that our group has received a package from the fall. Guys, do you know the signs of autumn? (Yes). Let's play the game "Autumn Signs". When I name the signs of autumn, say “yes” in unison. If the signs refer to a different time of year, say “no” together. You are ready? (Yes). Give the correct answer: Do flowers bloom in autumn? (No). Do mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes). Are the clouds covering the sun? (Yes). Does it rain often? (Yes). Are the fogs floating in autumn? (Yes). Well, do birds build nests? (No). Do animals close their holes? (Yes). Is everyone getting the harvest? (Yes). Are flocks of birds flying away? (Yes). Is the sun shining very hot? (No). Does everyone swim in the river? (No). Can children sunbathe? (No). Well, what should you do? Should we wear jackets and hats? (Yes). Should everyone wear boots? (Yes). Well done! You know the signs of autumn. I’ll tell you a riddle, listen carefully. Riddle: “A blot appeared in the sky. If the blot roars, all the people will run away” (cloud). It often rains in autumn. What does rain do? (drizzles, walks, makes noise, pours). Look, it’s become cloudy, it looks like it’s starting to rain (the teacher opens his umbrella). Outdoor game: “Rain” Drop one, (jump on tiptoes, hands on belt) Drop two, (jump on tiptoes, hands on belt) Very slowly at first (four jumps on tiptoes, hands on belt) And then, then, then ( eight jumps on tiptoes, hands on the belt) All run, run, run. We opened our umbrellas (spread our arms to the sides) and protected ourselves from the rain. (close your hands above your head in a semicircle). The rains have passed. The sun came out. Sit down in the forest clearing (carpet). “Today, friend, don’t yawn, reap the harvest.” Didactic game "One - many." Let's play ball. I throw the ball and name one vegetable or fruit, and you catch the ball, throw it to me and name many vegetables or fruits (cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes, apple - apples). Drawing “Colored palms” (autumn leaves). Today we will draw leaves, but we will not draw with paints and pencils. Guys, you know, you can draw with your hands. There is an expression “our hands are not for boredom.” Today we will paint our palms with multi-colored gouache paints and put prints on sheets of paper. The teacher dips his palms into plates with diluted gouache paint, puts his palm with fingers apart to a sheet of paper placed on the easel. What does my palm look like? (on maple leaves). The teacher invites the children to transfer their “hands” to a large sheet of white paper. This is the kind of leaf fall we have, yellow, red, green leaves are flying. Well done! References: 1. Gor’kova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios for classes on environmental education for preschoolers (middle, high, preparatory groups). - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 240 p. — (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate). 2. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, methodological recommendations. Senior group. - M.: "KARAPUZ - DIDACTICS", 2008. - 208 p., 16 sheets. incl., reissue revised. And. add. 3. Nishcheva N.V. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the middle group of kindergarten for children with special needs development. - St. Petersburg: DETSTVO-PRESS, 2008. - 656 p.

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