Summary of the integrated lesson “People’s work in autumn” for the senior group

The work of people in the field. There is such a tradition: to respect working people. How are the best farmers honored?

Agricultural Worker's Day was celebrated at the collective farm SPK named after. Voroshilov, Trunovsky district, Stavropol Territory. Over the many decades of history of the prestigious farm, many good traditions have developed here.

One of the main things is respect for workers, on whom the well-being of the economy and a large group of workers, the present and future of many generations of villagers depends. Several years ago, the president of the collective farm, Sergei Taranov, began rewarding production managers with foreign cars. The tradition remains. Every year, the four best agricultural workers receive car keys.

"We're doing our best"

SEC "Collective Farm named after Voroshilov" is one of the largest diversified enterprises in the Stavropol Territory. The celebration of Agricultural Worker's Day in the village of Bezopasnoye, where the collective farm is located, is a significant event. The successful business of one of the leaders in agricultural production in the region for local residents is the key to well-being and confidence in the future, quality of life and the basis for stability and well-being.

Trunovsky district belongs to the risky farming zone. This relates to geographic characteristics, so one year may be favorable and the next not so. But despite the fact that much depends on weather conditions, the collective farm traditionally occupies a leading position in the region.

President Sergei Taranov congratulated and thanked agricultural workers. Photo: AiF / Valery Bliznets

“We did everything necessary to get a good harvest,” emphasizes Sergei Taranov. – All requirements of agricultural technologies have been met: a sufficient amount of fertilizer has been applied, fungicidal, herbicide, and insecticidal treatments have been carried out. Unfortunately, in agriculture, not everything depends on human efforts. Unfavorable weather conditions negatively affected the harvest. But we have learned to minimize the influence of natural factors, so we are ending the year with dignity in all types of activities.”

Leader of production - this is how in Soviet times they called those who achieved high results in the world of work; they made a special contribution to the economic well-being of the economy and the country as a whole. It’s not for nothing that they say that paintings are everything. This slogan is still relevant today.

“We use a complex of agricultural technologies, we use modern agricultural machinery, the line of which is constantly updated, and we do everything possible to obtain a stable harvest,” says Sergei Viktorovich. – But with us people always come first. After all, regardless of the equipment we have, we achieve significant results only thanks to an excellent and well-coordinated team capable of performing all the tasks set by management and technologists. Thanks to these people we live, work and get a decent harvest.”

Mulching the soil in autumn

Tree trunk circles and beds are covered with mulch so that crops can survive the winter safely. Mulch should be laid in late autumn, when the top layer of soil has already begun to freeze.

The thickness of the mulching material should be at least 5-10 cm, then you will achieve the desired result. If the mulch layer is less than 5 cm, then it will have no effect.

Benefits of autumn mulching:

  • by spring, autumn mulch rots and promotes better soil warming, as well as rapid germination of crops;
  • retains moisture well in the soil;
  • protects the soil from sudden temperature changes, frosts in winter and overheating in spring;
  • rotting, it releases a layer of humus that feeds the plants;
  • helps to avoid the formation of crust on the ground after watering or rain;
  • blocks weed growth.

Mulch options:

  • conifer bark,
  • compost,
  • peat,
  • humus,
  • sawdust,
  • straw,
  • needles,
  • dry leaves,
  • pine nut shells

Sanitary pruning of the garden

In the fall, it is necessary to remove all dry and old, as well as poorly located, diseased and damaged branches from trees and shrubs.

Branches and shoots infected with diseases should under no circumstances be left on the site; they should be burned. Otherwise, they will serve as a source of new infections in your area.

We water the plot in the fall

Typically, watering the area is carried out before frost, when the leaves have completely fallen. This will protect the soil and plant roots from freezing. Because wet soil retains heat well, while dry soil, on the contrary, easily allows air to pass through and quickly cools to its temperature, as a result of which the root system of plants is damaged.

It is necessary to water abundantly so that the soil is wet to a depth of 60 cm. It is recommended to pour on each tree:

  • 40-50 l. — for light sandy soils;
  • 60-70 l. – for loamy soils;
  • 80-90 l. - for heavy clay soils.

Caring for our little brothers

The homes of animals that spend the winter outside human homes also require special attention. These include cows, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, minks, poultry and bees.

The work of a person living in a rural area in the fall is very different from the activities of a city dweller. After all, the villager needs to caulk the cracks in the barn, in the poultry house, insulate the cages intended for small animals or bring them into indoor spaces, move the hives with bees to the omshanik.

And the most caring owners do not even forget to hang a piece of thick fabric or a rubber mat at the entrance to the doghouse and check whether it is comfortable for the animal to go inside and whether it understands how to do it.

Taking care of our smaller brothers, that is, the living creatures inhabiting the planet, is an important and necessary work of man in the fall. At school, children make bird feeders, hang them up, and in winter make sure there is always food for the birds in them.

Whitening trees in autumn

Typically, trees are painted in the fall or at the very beginning of winter. To do this, use garden paint with the addition of fungicides and a good adhesive base. It is better not to use water-based whitewash, otherwise it will quickly be washed away by rain.

This will help protect the trees from pests and diseases, and in the spring it will protect them from sunburn.

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