Lesson summary for children of the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Open lesson in the senior group “A fairy tale comes to visit us”


1 Open lesson in the senior group “A fairy tale comes to visit us” Developed by: teacher Rumyantseva V.A. Goal: Development of speech activity of older preschoolers through fiction. Objectives: Ø Develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales according to schemes Ø Activate speech, Ø Learn to select words and antonyms that define the characters; Ø To develop the ability to retell and recognize a fairy tale based on a mnemonic table. Ø Maintain interest in fairy tales Ø Cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help. Preliminary work: reading fairy tales about animals, fairy tales, social fairy tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, reading proverbs, dramatizing games based on fairy tales, getting to know models, working with models. Materials: cut-out pictures with fairy tale characters, diagrams of objects, video on the fairy tale kolobok, scarf, book “FAIRY TALES”, mnemonic tables on fairy tales. Progress of the lesson: Children enter to the song “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Vl: -Good afternoon, dear children and adults! Guys, let's say hello to everyone. -Tell me, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers) What are your favorite fairy tales? I suggest you leave kindergarten for a while and go to fairyland. What can you go on? I have an airplane carpet. Get there as quickly as possible. The song “Carpet Airplane” plays. Children stand on the carpet and close their eyes. Let's go, friends, to a miracle fairy tale - you and me. (I put on a scarf) - Here we are! Look at some chest here. What do you think is in it? Let's see what's there! Children take turns taking out pictures with a schematic representation of an object from the chest and name which hero and which fairy tale this object is associated with: Ø golden key (Pinocchio) Ø egg (Ryaba Hen)

2 Ø pie (Masha and the Bear) Ø arrow (Frog Princess) Ø first aid kit (Doctor Aibolit) Ø dough (Kolobok) Ø house (Teremok) Ø samovar (Fly Tsokotukha) Guys, look, there is also the book “FAIRY TALES”. Oh, but for some reason it won’t open. Interesting! Maybe we should name our favorite fairy tales, then it will open and we can read it. Name the fairy tale according to the diagram. The fairy tale must be named using pictures. But these are not simple pictures - these are diagrams, from them you can recognize a fairy tale. V-l shows the diagrams, the children name the fairy tale. Finger gymnastics “Favorite fairy tales” We will count our fingers, - we clench and unclench our fingers. We will call the fairy tales Mitten, Teremok, - for each name of the fairy tale we bend the ruddy side of the bun, alternately fingers There is a beautiful Snow Maiden, Three Bears, Wolf Fox. Let's not forget Sivka-Burka, Our prophetic kaurka. We know the fairy tale about the firebird, we don’t forget the turnip, we know the wolf and the kids. Everyone is happy about these fairy tales (clap our hands) Music sounds. Baba Yaga (child) appears. Baba Yaga: Hello kids! Did you recognize me? Children: Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga: Well, of course I’m Baba Yaga, but who were you waiting for? Probably Vasilisa the Beautiful! (joyfully and mockingly): Ha ha ha! Have you heard the news? The serpent Gorynych decided to catch all the heroes, drag them into his cave and not give them to anyone else. He caught some, but others ran away and hid. And he left me and the robber villains, we are harmful and disgusting.

3 V-l: Trouble happened, and you, Baba Yaga, rejoice! So that’s why our book with fairy tales didn’t open! We need to save fairy-tale heroes! Right, guys? Come with us, Baba Yaga will show the way, help us. Baba Yaga: Well, yes, of course! So that the Serpent Gorynych would also lock me up? No way! Although, I’m bored among robbers. But I won’t help you, handle it yourself! - Well, then let's go to the aid of fairy-tale heroes! While running away, Baba Yaga drops leaves. We pick it up and look at it. V-l: - Guys, these are pages from books, pictures depicting fairy-tale characters torn into pieces. We should collect them. So we’ll find out who the Serpent Gorynych caught. Children approach the tables in groups of 3-4 people. (turn on background music) Children collect scraps and put them together into a whole picture. V-l: It’s difficult to put together a fairy tale, But we don’t need to bother. Together, bravely and skillfully, we got down to business with you. V-l: Who did you get? What fairy tales are these heroes from? -Let's try, maybe our book will open? - Guys, look, there’s some kind of envelope here. Let's read it. Serpent Gorynych mixed up the names of the fairy tales. We need to fix them. "Ugly kitten." "Three little wolves." “The Solar Queen” “Ryaba the Cockerel” “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Crocodile.” “Wolf and 7 Tiger Cubs” “Pashenka and the Bear” “Turkey Princess” “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Nikitushka” “Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf” “Little Fox Sister and the Gray Mouse” “Green Riding Hood” “Cat in Valenki” PHYSICAL MINUTE ON A FAIRY TALE We were walking through a fairy tale. And, of course, we were tired.

4 We'll have a little rest, then we'll go into a fairy tale. I suggest you go to the fairy tale three bears. Three bears were walking home (walking in place) Dad was big, (raise his arms up, stand on his toes) Mom was with him, smaller in stature, (arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest) And the little son just (sit down) Very small he was, (swaying from side to side) walking with rattles (as if to rattle the rattles) Some fairy-tale heroes have double names. I will name the first part of the name, and you must remember the second. 1. Little Brownie (Kuzya) 2. Vasilisa (Beautiful) 3. Old Man (Hottabych) 4. Postman (Pechkin) 5. Doctor (Aibolit) 6. Signor (Tomato) 7. Mouse (norushka) 8. Chanterelle (sister) 9. Frog (frog) 10. Uncle (Fedor) 11. Kashchei (Immortal) 12. Old woman (Shapoklyak) 13. Crocodile (Gena) 14. Tiny (Khavroshechka) 15. Sister (Alyonushka) Guess who this riddle is about? Although he was without arms and legs, he was able to escape from the house. The wolf and the hare and the bear could not keep up with him. But the fox knows the deal - “Am” quickly ate it.

5 (Kolobok) - I haven’t met Kolobok for a long time. And you? I hope the Serpent Gorynych did not cause him any harm. Psycho-gymnastics: -Show how thick Kolobok’s cheeks are (children puff out their cheeks). -Use your hands to show how Kolobok rolls. -Now portray first the sad and then the cheerful Kolobok. -Let's tell about Kolobok what it is like (yellow, round, cheerful, rosy, tasty, trusting, etc.) -That's how many words we said about Kolobok! (children sit on chairs). And now, I propose to remember the fairy tale about the bun and try to tell it. And there will be diagrams to help us. Working with a Video based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” V-l: As you know, in fairy tales there are good characters and there are bad ones. Which fairy tale character would you like to be like? Why? (Children's answers). I have a magic wand! With its help, we will turn negative character traits into positive ones. Deceitful truthful Cowardly brave Evil kind Greedy generous Lazy hardworking Stupid-smart Weak-strong Dirty-clean Sloppy-neat Today we didn’t just visit fairy tales, we did a lot of good deeds. We helped the heroes of fairy tales. Who did we help? (children's answers). Let's see, maybe the book with fairy tales has also become disenchanted. Hooray! The book opens and we can read our favorite fairy tales again. Well, now it’s time for us to fly back to our group, everyone get up on the carpet - the plane will take us to kindergarten. 1, 2, 3 we take off, close our eyes again The song “Carpet Airplane” plays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 here we are in the group again,

6 You can open your eyes (I take off the storyteller’s scarf) I want to wish you to grow up as successful and happy as Ivan Tsarevich, kind like Emelya, charming like Cheburashka, thrifty like Matroskin, hardworking like Cinderella , - resourceful, like Puss in Boots.

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