Objectives: Learning to inhale and exhale through the mouth. Teaching the “float” and “jellyfish” exercises. Inhale quickly through the mouth, exhale through the mouth and lips with a “tube” for a long time. IP - bend your arms forward, raise your head - inhale, lower - exhale. I.p. – o.s., sit down, group, hold your breath, stand up – exhale. I.p. – o.s., take the “float” position, stand in the “star” position, chin down.

Objectives: Learning to imitate body position in water. Training in imitation of footwork with crawl on the back and chest. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). IP - bend your arms forward, raise your head - inhale, lower - exhale. I.p. – “arrow”, imitation of crawl footwork. IP - sitting legs forward, alternating movements of legs up and down. I.p. - lying on the chest (sliding), crawl leg work. The same on the back.

Objectives: Learning how to work a dolphin's legs. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). IP - bend your arms forward, raise your head - inhale, lower - exhale. IP - sitting legs forward, simultaneous movements of legs up and down. I.p. - o.s., movements of the pelvis forward - arms back, movements of the pelvis back - arms forward. I.p. - stand with your arms up, springy tilts of the body forward and back. I.p. – stand, arms up, wave-like imitation movements of the body like a dolphin.

Objectives: Learning breaststroke legwork. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). IP - bend your arms forward, raise your head - inhale, lower - exhale. I.p. - bending the hands to the knees, circular movements of the knees in different directions. I.p. - breaststroke, hands at the top, stretch your arms up. I.p - o.s., walking on heels, toes out. The same thing, jumping on two legs. I.p. - lying on the chest (sliding), breaststroke kicking.

Objectives: Training in hand crawl movements. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). IP - bend your arms forward, raise your head - inhale, lower - exhale. I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - tilt one hand in front of the other behind, alternating swings forward and back

I.p. - o.s., rotation with one hand forward - backward, the same with the other hand. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. The same goes for the tilt. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, imitation of freestyle hand work.

Objectives: Teaching how to use your hands on your back. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - tilt one hand in front of the other behind, alternate swings forward - back. I.p. - o.s., rotation with one hand forward - back, the same with the other hand. I.p. - stand with your arms up, rotate both arms backwards I.p. - stand with one hand up, the other down, rotation of your arms back.

Objectives: Learning how to use breaststroke arms. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - tilt, one hand in front, the other behind, alternating swings forward and back. I.p. - tilt, hands forward leaning on the wall, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. The same goes for walking. I.p - lying on the chest, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements.

Tasks: Learning how to work the hands with a dolphin. I.p. - stand with your hands up, stretch (slide). I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - bending one hand in front of the other behind, alternating swings forward and back. I.p. - bending one hand in front of the other behind, simultaneous swings forward and backward. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. I.p. - standing with your arms up, simultaneous movements of your arms forward. I.p. – bending over with hands resting on the wall, imitation of how a dolphin works with his hands.

Objectives: Teaching breathing when swimming breaststroke. I.p. - stand with your arms up, stretch (slide). I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - tilt, one hand in front, the other behind, alternating swings forward and back. I.p. - tilt, hands forward leaning on the wall, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. I.p. - tilt, arms forward leaning against the wall, at the beginning of the stroke, raise your head, take a breath, lower your head, finish the stroke, exhale. I.p. – the same, imitation of the work of the arms in breaststroke with breathing.

Objectives: Teaching breathing when swimming as a dolphin. I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - bending one hand in front of the other behind, simultaneous swings forward and backward. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. I.p. - standing with your arms up, simultaneous movements of your arms forward. I.p. – bending over with hands resting on the wall, imitation of how a dolphin works with his hands. I.p. – bend over with your hands resting on the wall, at the beginning of the stroke, raise your chin, take a breath, lower your head, finish the stroke, exhale. I.p. - bending over with your hands resting on the wall, imitation of the work of a dolphin's hands with breathing.

Objectives: Teaching breathing when swimming on your back. I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - bending one hand in front of the other behind, alternating swings forward and back. I.p. - arm up, rotational movements of both arms back. I.p. – stand with your arms at the top, perform a circle with your arms back, when moving your arms up – inhale, down – exhale. I.p. - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms back, simulating the work of the arms on the back. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotate the arms back, inhale under the right arm, exhale under the left.

Objectives: Teaching breathing when swimming crawl. I.p. - tilting the arm to the sides, swinging the arms up and down. I.p. - bending one hand in front of the other behind, alternating swings forward and back. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. The same goes for the tilt. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, imitation of freestyle hand work. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, turn your head towards the back hand, inhale, lower your head down, exhale. The same with working the crawl with one hand. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, imitation of hand crawl with breathing.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms in crawl. IP - sitting legs forward, alternating movements of legs up and down. I.p. - lying on the chest (sliding), crawl leg work. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. The same goes for the tilt. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, imitation of freestyle hand work. I.p. - tilt one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, crawling with the arms in combination with the legs. For each stroke, 2 kicks (2 kick crawl), 4 kicks (4 kick crawl), 6 kicks (6 kick crawl). The same, but i.p. lying on the table.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms on the back. I.p. – “arrow”, imitation of crawl footwork. IP - sitting legs forward, alternating movements of legs up and down. IP - lying on your back (sliding), crawl leg work. I.p. - stand with your arms up, rotate both arms backwards I.p. - stand with one hand up, the other down, rotation of your arms back. I.p. - stand with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom, working the arms on the back in combination with the legs. For each stroke there are 6 kicks. The same, but i.p. lying on the table.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms with a single-strike dolphin. I.p. - o.s., movements of the pelvis forward - arms back, movements of the pelvis back - arms forward. I.p. - stand with your arms up, springy tilts of the body forward and back. I.p. – stand, arms up, wave-like imitation movements of the body like a dolphin. I.p. - standing with your arms up, simultaneous movements of your arms forward. I.p. – bending over with hands resting on the wall, imitation of how a dolphin works with his hands. I.p. – tilt with your hands resting on the wall, one hand makes a stroke – the pelvis forward, a sweep – the pelvis back. The same with both hands. I.p. – lying on the chest, imitation of the work of legs and arms with a single-strike dolphin.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms with a double-strike dolphin. I.p. - o.s., moving the pelvis forward - arms back, moving the pelvis back - arms forward. I.p. - stand with your arms up, springy tilts of the body forward and back. I.p. – stand, arms up, wave-like imitation movements of the body like a dolphin. I.p. - standing with your arms up, simultaneous movements of your arms forward. I.p. – bending over with hands resting on the wall, imitation of how a dolphin works with his hands. I.p. – bend over with your hands resting on the wall, one hand makes a stroke – kick, carry – 2nd kick. The same with both hands. I.p. – lying on the chest, imitation of the work of legs and arms with a two-punch dolphin.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms in breaststroke. I.p. - breaststroke, hands at the top, stretch your arms up. I.p - o.s., walking on heels, toes out. The same thing, jumping on two legs. I.p. - lying on the chest (sliding), breaststroke kicking. I.p - tilt, arms forward leaning against the wall, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. The same goes for walking. I.p - lying on the chest, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. I.p - sit breaststroke, arms up, breaststroke movement of arms - push yourself with your feet into a legs apart stance. I.p. – lying on your chest, rowing with your arms – pushing with your legs, pause.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs, arms and breathing in crawl. (crawl swimming in full coordination). IP - sitting legs forward, alternating movements of legs up and down. I.p. - lying on the chest (sliding), crawl leg work. IP - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms forward. The same goes for the tilt. I.p. – tilt, one hand in front rests on the wall, the other behind, imitation of freestyle hand work. I.p. - the same, arm back, head to the side - inhale, carry - exhale. Same with the other hand. I.p. - tilt one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, work the arms with the crawl in combination with the legs, after the second stroke, inhale to the side. The same, but i.p. lying on a table (imitation of crawl swimming in full coordination).

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs, arms and breathing on the back (imitation of swimming on the back in full coordination). I.p. - sitting legs forward, alternating movements of legs up and down. IP - lying on your back (sliding), crawl leg work. I.p. - stand with one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, rotating the arms back. I.p. - stand with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom, working the arms on the back in combination with the legs. For each stroke there are 6 kicks. I.p. - stand with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom, working the arms on the back in combination with the legs, inhale on one stroke, exhale on the second. The same, but i.p. lying on a table (imitation of swimming on your back in full coordination)

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs, arms and breathing by a dolphin. I.p. – stand, arms up, wave-like imitation movements of the body like a dolphin. I.p. – bending over with hands resting on the wall, imitation of how a dolphin works with his hands. I.p. – tilt with your hands resting on the wall, one hand makes a stroke – the pelvis forward, a sweep – the pelvis back. The same with both hands. I.p. – lying on your chest, imitation of the work of legs and arms by a dolphin. I.p. - leaning his hands on the wall, perform a backward stroke with raising his head - inhale, carry - exhale. Same with footwork. I.p. – lying down, imitation of swimming by a dolphin in full coordination.

Objectives: Learning to coordinate the work of legs and arms in breaststroke. I.p - tilt, arms forward leaning against the wall, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. I.p - lying on the chest, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements. I.p - sit breaststroke, arms up, breaststroke movement of arms - push yourself with your feet into a legs apart stance. I.p - tilt, arms forward leaning against the wall, imitation of breaststroke stroke movements, when raising your arms, raise your head - inhale, arms forward - exhale. I.p. - lying on your chest, stroke with your arms - inhale, push with your legs, pause - exhale (imitation of swimming in full coordination with breaststroke).

Objectives: Learning how to perform a starting jump. I.p. – crouching, jumping into the “arrow”. I.p. – tilt, bend your legs, arms behind you, swing your arms, jump forward.

Fun in the pool in the junior group of kindergarten. Abstract

Plan of entertainment in the pool for children 3-4 years old “Guests from the swamp.”
Equipment: swimming rings, houses (glued to the sides), small frogs, a frog-shaped swimming board. Goal: creating conditions for the development of skills and abilities of motor activity in water. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the skill of moving in water in various directions, 2. To teach complete immersion in water. 3. Develop attention. 4. Develop the ability to play together, follow the rules of the game Duration: 15 min. Instructor: Hello, guys! Children: Hello! Instructor: Today we have guests for our lesson! The instructor shows a large frog board and little frogs (sitting on the board). Instructor: Who is this, guys? Children: Frogs! Instructor: Can you jump like frogs? Children: Yes! Children jump around the pool in all directions (2 min.). Instructor: Quaaaah! Guys, do you hear? The frogs want us to show them our pool! Shall we show? Children: Yes! Children take one small frog at a time, put on swimming rings and begin to slide (push off from the bottom with their feet) in loose water, while holding the frogs between their palms on outstretched arms, their legs straighten back after pushing off. The instructor shows the correct sliding and hand position. If necessary, tell the children that they need to show each side (right, left, far, near). Instructor: Guys, the frogs are tired and want to rest. Where do we put them to rest? Children: On the side (on the mother frog, etc.). children put frogs on a board or side. Instructor: Children, do you want to show the frogs, while they are resting, how we can still play in the water? Children: Yes! Instructor: Let's play the game “Sunshine and Rain”! Guys, who else lives in water, swims in it, glides? Children: Fish (dolphins, etc.) Instructor: Correct! At the signal “Sun”, we put on swimming rings and begin to jump like frogs or swim like fish (your choice). At the signal “Rain”, we all run and get up to the houses (of different colors, glued on the sides). Sun! Children begin to swim or jump around the pool in loose water (1 min.). Instructor: Rain! The children get up to the houses. The game is repeated 3 times. Instructor: Well done, guys! Everyone quickly hid in their houses! I wonder how frogs play in their swamp? Shall we ask them? Children: Yes! How do you play in the swamp? Instructor (frog): Kwaaa! We love to play hide and seek! Instructor: Children, where can you hide in our pool? Children: Into the water! Instructor: I suggest we all play hide and seek together, don’t you agree? Children: Yes! Instructor: Frogs want to be drivers! Do you agree? Let's count to three: one, two, three! The instructor begins to push the board with frogs across the water, the children hide when the frogs approach. The game is repeated 3 times. Instructor: The frogs didn’t find Katya and Sasha, they were the best at hiding! Instructor (frog): Quaaaah! Thank you guys! We really enjoyed your stay! We will definitely come again! And now it’s time for us to go home in the boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Goodbye! Children: Goodbye! Instructor: Children, did you like playing with frogs? Children: Yes! Instructor: Then, we will definitely invite them to visit again. Our lesson has come to an end. It's time to get out of the pool!

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