Consultation for teachers “Innovative didactic game for preschoolers”

Innovation for children is an introduced innovation that provides a better and more progressive learning process. Innovative games are created on the basis of innovative developments and ideas. The production is carried out by the well-known Russian company, which began its activities in 2004. The company's products are made only from natural raw materials and have all the required quality certificates.

Directions for innovative development of children

At the present stage of development of education in the Russian Federation, the need has arisen to introduce innovations into the learning process. There is a need to improve the level of preschool and school education. The main goal is to identify and develop creative abilities in schoolchildren. The introduction of innovation helps to reveal the inner potential and identify the abilities of children.

Important. Innovations for children will help in preschool education, and in the future they will help to identify abilities in the exact sciences or humanities.

Popular innovative games for children

Interactive children's sandbox

It is a training complex for the best development. The sandbox consists of a laptop, a wooden structure, a projector and a depth sensor. The image on the sand may change; to do this, you must select the appropriate mode. With the help of the sandbox, educational and psychological classes are held that comply with the educational standard of the Russian Federation.

The sandbox has four modifications:

• islet;

• clearing;

• house;

• diamond.

The sandbox is a leader among innovative developments. During classes, children play with sand, which allows them to develop fine motor skills and relieve stress. Sandbox activities help develop: thinking, imagination, memory, attention and speech.

Interactive complex for children “Play and develop”

Developmental complex - an innovation for preschool children. Modern children are quite familiar with computers, many use them every day. Using the complex, you can conduct training in a playful way. Preschoolers remember better, use and develop muscle memory. Using the monitor's touch screen, kids can play various games. Innovation will help teach people how to cross the road correctly and start learning foreign languages. The main feature of the innovation is the learning process while playing.

"Big Chemical Laboratory"

A fun innovation for kids. The game consists of chemical elements, laboratory equipment, and necessary reagents. Kids get acquainted with chemical reactions and see the interaction of reagents. The learning process will become interesting and informative.

Set "Fire, water and copper pipes"

• Consists of 22 exciting experiences. The innovative game will allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting material.

• Fire and Water. Children will learn in detail about the interaction of the two elements.

• An unpredictable ending to innovative experiments that will amaze not only schoolchildren, but also adults.

The innovative set is safe, but it is better when schoolchildren study under the supervision of elders. Conducting experiments is quite interesting and exciting, so parents will not be bored. The main advantage of all components is natural material, it is non-toxic and harmless.

With this innovative game, children will gain interesting knowledge and skills.

Innovative kit “Young Perfumer”

Created for lovers of fragrances and travel. The young chemist will be able to reproduce the best aromas of Italy and recognize the popular smells of Venice and Tuscany. To do this, you need to correctly mix several components from the innovative set. The finished perfume can be used independently or given to close friends. Thus, children will feel like real creators of exclusive fragrances.

Main features of the set:

• it is possible to create any signature perfume at home;

• a professional set will allow you to mix different oils and allow you to plunge into the world of perfumes;

• the instructions describe in detail all stages of perfume production;

• innovation will make it possible to create more than 25 popular flavors of Italy.

• such activities contribute to the future choice of profession.

Innovation for children, set “Candle Studio. Sea Mystery"

Using the play set you can create scented gel candles. The set includes: multi-colored decorative sand, glass glasses, accessories, decorations and gel used for combustion.

The game will help develop hand motor skills; its components are absolutely safe. The candle will become an interior decoration or a good gift.

Set for making exclusive soap “Soap Workshop”

It will help to interest schoolchildren in such experiments. Helps develop motor skills and perseverance. Parents can spend more time with their children conducting experiments. After experiments, you get beautiful figures from natural soap. Soap can be stored in the bathroom; it will remind you of the work done and motivate you to further experiments.

The game includes the following components:

• glasses for soap base;

• natural dyes and flavors;

• ceramic bowl;

• soap mold;

• chopsticks and gloves.

Innovation for children, set “Colored polymer slimes”

Thanks to chemical experiments, children create new bright toys. The game will entertain and put you in a cheerful mood. During the experiment, kids will see how multi-colored slimes and worms appear. This will attract further educational research, as well as arouse interest in chemistry and the environment. Promotes motor development.

Young chemists will make their own toys to play with. Joy will have no boundaries.

The composition is absolutely safe and includes the following components: colored solution, worm activator, container for liquids, pipette, measuring spoon and gloves.

Innovation for children, “Taming the Fire” set

The experiments will involve fire, so children should not be left alone, without parental supervision. Young chemists will gain a lot of new knowledge during the game. Experiments will make it possible to learn about the laws of the elements, and schoolchildren will learn to assimilate new and necessary information.

The house will turn into a laboratory where fire will be tamed. The game includes 6 experiments, consists of the necessary reagents, laboratory equipment and detailed instructions for use.

Innovative approaches to outdoor play as a means of psychophysical development of a preschool child

Innovative approaches to outdoor play as a means of psychophysical development of a preschool child

, Ph.D.

Teacher of Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals

physical education and development

children of early and preschool age

GBOU SPO PK No. 13 named after.

To denote a large group of games, the main goal of which is the psychophysical development and health improvement of children, the term “outdoor games” is mainly used.

Researchers, scientists, teachers, and psychologists have ambivalent approaches to defining the concept and content of outdoor play.

in a letter to the Amsterdam City Council (1657), he names the main conditions for outdoor play:

Ø movement,

Ø physical looseness and freedom,

Ø social character, “for fun comes from the society to which a person strives”,

Ø competitiveness, which leads to “oscillation of the spirit between hope and fear”,

Ø the presence of rules, since without them “players run away or get into quarrels and fights, so by breaking the rules, the game contradicts itself.”

, considering games to be a very beneficial form of physical work, in which “proven general principles and truths become the basis for independently carried out actions” and, moreover, having an “uplifting sense of pleasure,” strongly recommended the use of games in order to teach children “to control themselves, ... restrain your divergent feelings and thus accustom yourself to subordinate your actions to consciousness.”

called play an exercise with which a child prepares for life. A game is a conscious activity aimed at achieving a conditionally set goal. Well chosen and properly managed, play is a powerful tool for educating preschool children. The exciting content and emotional richness of the game encourage children to make certain mental and physical efforts.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that has great educational power. ()

Outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. ()

In a preschool institution, when organizing educational activities, teachers should take into account that the child’s leading activity is play.

“For learning to be successful, it is necessary that both the teacher and the student be equally cheerful,” he urged. Among the external conditions that ensure this vivacity and “elevate” mental performance, he included:

1) free movements in the form of games (muscular work);

2) stimulation of the heart and breathing (pleasure from movement);

3) the effect of cold on the skin (playing and walking outdoors);

4) clean air to remove work poisons from the body (playing outdoors).”

According to the opinion, outdoor play refers to those manifestations of play activity in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. Outdoor play is characterized by active creative motor actions motivated by its plot. These actions are partially limited by rules (generally accepted, established by the leader or played) aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

In connection with the approval and implementation of Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 000 dated January 1, 2001), during the modernization of preschool education, all preschool educational institutions were faced with the task of developing new approaches to the organization of educational activities of children in preschool educational institutions and the use of innovative forms of using various means of physical education for preschool children.

There was a need to change the orientation of education from the acquisition of knowledge and the implementation of abstract educational tasks to the formation of universal individual abilities based on new social needs and values.

Analysis of the theory of outdoor play allowed us to present its updated content:

· outdoor play must be considered as a motor activity, where the content component of educational areas is revealed and reproduced in life:

“Physical education”, “Health”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”;

· in the process of conducting outdoor games, the emphasis is shifted from the skills and abilities of performing physical exercises to the formation of general physical culture, the development of personality traits that ensure the social success of the child;

· it is proposed to solve the assigned tasks in the process of playing game actions:

ü getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”, i.e., the inclusion of outdoor play in the child’s daily routine should not be due to oversaturation with its quantity, but by building the educational process on a comprehensive thematic principle and the principle of integration of educational areas;

ü in the joint activities of an adult and a child, as well as in the independent activities of children.

In the light of the implementation of FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education, outdoor play is considered as a “Developmental complex”

(RK) organization of the child’s motor activity, focused on the child’s personality, taking into account the type of preschool educational institution and the priority areas of its activity.

The RK determines the content and organization of motor activity of preschool children and is aimed at:

— formation of a common culture,

— development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities,

— formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success,

— maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children,

— correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children.

An outdoor game, under a bright, funny, attractive form, hides many pedagogical opportunities that can be considered through its functions.

Wellness function

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing children’s movements, functional improvement, strengthening and hardening their body.

Sociocultural function

The game performs important social functions, since in it the child feels like an individual and a member of a team at the same time. Play is a means of socializing a child. At the same time, the game is a kind of “school of morality,” as they say, which contributes to his self-realization.

Communication function

The game is impossible without communication, which is its main energy source. The game is a prototype of collective activity, as it teaches you to negotiate, listen to each other, give in, continue the actions of a participant in the game or help him out, and subordinate your desires to existing rules.

Diagnostic function

The game helps to identify deviations in the child’s behavior. For example, while playing, a child will break the rules or leave the game at a crucial moment. This should alert the teacher, force him to observe more closely, and find the cause of the deviations that have arisen. In the game, the child can diagnose his own strengths, capabilities, and personal qualities, that is, the game encourages the child to self-knowledge: can I?

Game therapy and correctional function

In most cases, games are designed to help the teacher harmonize the mental growth of children and prevent the emergence of deviations, resolve the inevitable conflicts of the child's soul before their possible degeneration into established complexes. Children intuitively resort to play as a psychotherapeutic means to relieve fears, stressful situations, emotional and intellectual tensions. The child does not just play, he tells others about what makes him happy or worries, what impressions or problems require a speedy resolution.

Entertainment function

In many games, as the plot develops, the players perform real and symbolic actions that are unacceptable in ordinary life from the point of view of social norms. When the game reaches these prohibited norms, the fun begins to flow, since this game gives you the opportunity to at least sometimes behave the way you want, to break the prohibitions. The child never gets tired of playing. He is happy and comfortable. The game contributes to the creation of protective mechanisms, a powerful psycho-emotional release is provided, as a result of which positive emotional sensations arise.

Psychocorrectional function

Outdoor games are widely used in psychological training. During play psychocorrection of children with communication disorders, it is possible to reduce conflict and remove inappropriate behavioral stereotypes.

Function of forming self-esteem

A normally developing child is characterized by a positive attitude towards himself, self-confidence and the sense of self “I am good.” However, a preschooler can more objectively evaluate the result of a peer’s activity rather than discern shortcomings in his own work.

In order for a preschooler to learn to understand why the results of his activities are assessed in one way or another, the teacher should create game situations that would confront him with the need to realistically assess his abilities.

As a result, conditions are created that contribute to the development of initial forms of self-esteem and self-control of the child, which is of great importance for a full life in a team.

Thus, outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution that promotes the development of physical and mental norms, rules of behavior, and ethical values ​​of society.

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