Approximate planning of educational work in the middle group for a week on the topic “Hello kindergarten!”

Daily planning in the middle group “Hello, Kindergarten!”

Approximate planning of educational activities. Topic of the week: “Hello, Kindergarten!”

Group No. 4 “Rescuers”

Project activity: “ Hello, Kindergarten!”


continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment: the professions of the kindergarten staff (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), the subject environment, the rules of behavior in the kindergarten, relationships with peers. Continue to get acquainted with the group’s play centers and kindergarten premises. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children (collective art work, a song about friendship, joint games). Expand children's horizons and develop curiosity. Form elementary mathematical concepts, develop creative abilities in visual activities.

Recommendations for parents on the topic: “Hello, Kindergarten!”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
Wednesday 01.09. 2021 Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development1 Morning exercises (as planned by the physical education instructor).

Morning gathering.

Reception of children, examination.

Morning/gymnastics complex No. 1.

* Conversation “What we like to do in kindergarten.”

Goal: to teach children to listen to their interlocutor and express their thoughts.

*D/Game “Guess the description”.

Goal: To teach children to find an object in a group based on its verbal description.

*KGN: To develop in children the desire to take care of their appearance; consolidate knowledge that personal hygiene items should be individual; cultivate neatness.

Individual work on speech development.

D/I “What will I take to kindergarten.” Description: children are offered pictures with various objects; they need to choose what can and should be taken to kindergarten, and what absolutely cannot.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech and the ability to give reasons for their answer.

Vika I., Kolya, Arina



“Our kindergarten is so good, you won’t find a better kindergarten!”


: Continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment: the professions of the kindergarten staff (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), the subject environment, rules of behavior in the kindergarten, relationships with peers. Continue to get acquainted with the group’s play centers and kindergarten premises. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.



My kindergarten


Create conditions for reflecting your impressions of life in kindergarten, learn to convey them in drawings, consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the kindergarten building and playgrounds. Teach children to draw a human figure according to the model shown. Strengthen your graphic skills...

*Looking at story pictures on the topic “Kindergarten”.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech, teach them to compose a story based on a plot picture.

* The plot is a role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Plot: “Morning exercises in kindergarten.”

Goal: to develop the gaming experience of each child; help children discover new possibilities for reflecting the world through play; awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers.

Music according to the music director's plan
Walk *Reinforce skills: dress independently in a certain sequence. Strengthen the skill of politely asking for help from an adult and helping others.

*Observation: “Getting to know the fall colors.”

Goal: to introduce children to the names of autumn flowers and their external characteristic features.

*P\I “Catch up with your mate”

Goal: To teach children to move quickly, navigate in space, and quickly find their mate.

*Work in nature: collecting plant seeds.

Purpose: Show children how to correctly collect seeds of different flowers, explain why this should be done.

Work before bed Formation of the KGN. Goal: continue to teach children to wash their hands with soap, wash themselves, and dry themselves with a towel.

*Finger games

*Articulation gymnastics “Hippopotamus”, “Dog”.

*Reading x/l: N. Zabila “Yasochkin’s kindergarten”

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage mats and “health paths.”

Hardening procedures according to the scheme.

Canteen duty

Goal: To teach children to help adults. Cultivate accuracy and responsibility.

Individual work:

With Nastya, Mark. Learning rhymes about

sanseviere (pike tail). Target:

enrich children's vocabulary.

*Conversation with children on the topic: “Our group.”

Goal: to cultivate love for your group, a desire to play together, and to come to kindergarten with pleasure.

*Didactic game: “What has changed?” Goal: Develop memory, observation, attention.

*Construction game "Kindergarten for toys."

Target; Teach children to create a structure from large building materials according to their imagination.

*Plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten”

Goal: To encourage children to play with their peers, to promote the emergence and strengthening of friendly relationships between them.

To improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, act in accordance with the chosen plot, and actively participate in dialogues.

Goal: to teach children to play together and choose their own games and roles.

Walk Watching the wind.

Purpose: To introduce children to the concept of “wind force”, to teach them to determine the strength of the wind by the tops of trees and developing flags. Learn to understand the purpose of observation and draw conclusions.

*Active game “Dwarves and Houses”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without bumping into each other, to find their place

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
09/02/2021 Thursday Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning gathering.

Morning exercises

· (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Conversation “The director and staff of the kindergarten. Who are they?"

Purpose: To tell children about the work of the director and staff of the kindergarten. Bring to the conclusion that each person is significant for the full-fledged work of the kindergarten.

*Didactic game “What will I take to kindergarten?”

Goal: to develop coherent speech and visual perception.

Practical exercise “Table etiquette”.

Goal: To form children's CGN, pay attention to compliance with the rules of behavior at the table.

Speech development: sound culture of speech: b, b

Purpose: to train children in the correct pronunciation of sounds: b, b

Aidana, Artem P, Nastya r.

Program content:



“Our kindergarten is so good, you won’t find a better kindergarten!”


: Continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment: the professions of the kindergarten staff (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), the subject environment, rules of behavior in the kindergarten, relationships with peers. Continue to get acquainted with the group’s play centers and kindergarten premises. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.



My kindergarten


Create conditions for reflecting your impressions of life in kindergarten, learn to convey them in drawings, consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the kindergarten building and playgrounds. Teach children to draw a human figure according to the model shown. Strengthen your graphic skills...

*Looking at story pictures on the topic “Kindergarten”.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech, teach them to compose a story based on a plot picture.

* The plot is a role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Plot: “Morning exercises in kindergarten.”

Goal: to develop the gaming experience of each child; help children discover new possibilities for reflecting the world through play; awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers.

Walk Card No. 2 Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the role of the sun in the life of animals and plants; develop cognitive interests, sustained attention, observation skills; cultivate a love for nature.
Work before bed Practical exercise “Tidy cabinet”

Goal: To teach children to carefully hang and put things in a locker, put shoes in a bag, and maintain order in their cubicle.

*Reading: I. Review “Wonderful Kindergarten”

*Finger games “Falling leaves”, “The wind flew through the forest”

*Dining duty.

Goal: To teach children to help when setting the table. To stimulate the desire to responsibly perform the duties of an attendant, to cultivate diligence.

Afternoon Invigorating gymnastics, walking on massage mats and “health” paths

Develop children’s ability to dress independently after sleep; make the bed

Canteen duty

Goal: To teach children to help when setting the table. To stimulate the desire to responsibly perform the duties of an attendant, to cultivate diligence.

Strengthen the ability to use cutlery correctly and observe table manners.

D/i draw a path. Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. (Sofa Sh, Aisha, Sonya S.) Plot-role-playing game “Kindergarten”, plot “Musical lesson in kindergarten”.

Goal: To teach children to perform role-playing actions in the game, to maintain role-playing dialogue with each other in a joint game. Cultivate goodwill and friendly relationships in the game.

Didactic game: “Select by color (shape, size)”

Goal: to consolidate ideas about the four colors, shapes, and sizes of objects. Teach children to highlight one feature without being distracted by others, to group objects according to a given feature.

Work assignments: washing toys.

Goal: To form in children a conscious desire for order. Improve labor skills related to washing toys and their placement. Foster hard work and responsibility.

Walk Observing the play of children from the preparatory group.

Goal: To arouse in children a desire to imitate big children, to play together without quarreling: to cultivate friendly relationships among their peers.

*P/I “Tea, tea, help me out”

Goal: To develop children’s motor activity, speed, and agility.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
09/03/2021 Friday Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning gathering.

Morning exercises

· (according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Morning/gymnastics complex No. 1.

Conversation with children on the topic: “Our group”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about their group, develop the ability to navigate in a group space, and enrich their understanding of the accessible objective world.

* Didactic game: “1,2,3 - look.” Goal: To promote the development of techniques for comparing and assessing the size of an object.

Canteen duty. Appointment of duty officers.

Purpose: To teach children to put on a uniform and perform the duties of duty officers. Stimulate the desire to take responsibility for your responsibilities.

Individual work on FCCM.

Goal: To teach children to distinguish trees by external characteristic features. Reinforce with the children the names of the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten.. (Andrey, Artem Ya, Seryozha)

Program content:


Topic: “Our kindergarten is so good, you won’t find a better kindergarten!”

Goal: To continue familiarization with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment: the professions of the kindergarten staff (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), the subject environment, rules of behavior in the kindergarten, relationships with peers. Continue to get acquainted with the group’s play centers and kindergarten premises. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.


Topic: My kindergarten

Goal: To create conditions for reflecting their impressions of life in kindergarten, to learn how to convey them in drawings, to consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the kindergarten building and playgrounds. Teach children to draw a human figure according to the model shown. Strengthen your graphic skills...

*Looking at story pictures on the topic “Kindergarten”.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech, teach them to compose a story based on a plot picture.

* The plot is a role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Plot: “Morning exercises in kindergarten.”

· Goal: to develop the gaming experience of each child; help children discover new possibilities for reflecting the world through play; awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers.


Goals: to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop creative imagination, evoke a desire to fantasize.

Work before bed Practical exercise “Tidy cabinets”

Goal: To teach children to put their clothes and shoes in order after a walk, neatly fold and hang clothes, put shoes in a bag; cultivate a caring attitude towards things

Reading x/l: A. Potapova “Who loves mom more?”

Canteen duty.

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to set the table correctly. Cultivate accuracy, responsibility, and hard work.

Practical exercise “Our helpers are cutlery”

Goal: To improve children’s ability to use cutlery correctly, eat carefully, and use a napkin.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures according to the scheme

Walking barefoot on an orthopedic massage track after sleep.

Role-playing game: “Flower Shop” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish flowers, name them quickly, and find the right flower.

Games with toys to develop fine motor skills “Assemble a nesting doll”

Improve the ability to compare objects of contrasting size. (Sasha, Kolya, Artem Ya.) Examination of plot pictures on the topic “Kindergarten”.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech, teach them to compose a story based on a plot picture.

* The plot is a role-playing game “Kindergarten”. Plot: “Morning exercises in kindergarten.”

Goal: to develop the gaming experience of each child; help children discover new possibilities for reflecting the world through play; awaken interest in creative manifestations in play and playful communication with peers.

*Independent activities of children in play activity centers.

*Work assignments: cleaning up after games.

Goal: Encourage children’s desire to participate in joint work, the desire to maintain and restore order.

Walk Monitoring the work of the janitor.

Goal: Continue to introduce children to blue-collar professions, tools, and various labor operations

*Outdoor game: “Golden Gate”.

Goal: to teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the rules. Develop children's motor activity, speed, agility.

Approximate planning of educational activities. Topic of the week: “Hello, Kindergarten!”

Group No. 4 “Rescuers”

Project activity: “ Hello, Kindergarten!”


continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment: the professions of the kindergarten staff (teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor), the subject environment, the rules of behavior in the kindergarten, relationships with peers. Continue to get acquainted with the group’s play centers and kindergarten premises. Form friendly, friendly relationships between children (collective art work, a song about friendship, joint games). Expand children's horizons and develop curiosity. Form elementary mathematical concepts, develop creative abilities in visual activities.

Recommendations for parents on the topic: “Hello, Kindergarten!”

Goal: Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, theoretical assistance to parents in matters of raising children.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
09/06/2021. Monday Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning gathering Morning exercises

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Articulation gymnastics No. 2

Minutes to enter into the day “I am your friend and you are my friend”

Looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes.

Conversation on the topic: “We are future schoolchildren” Goal: to develop children’s cognitive motivation, interest in school, books; form friendly relationships between children.

D/i “Wonderful bag” - Find objects for a schoolchild Goal: to consolidate the ability to recognize various objects by touch and name them.

Fine motor skills

"Mend the bunnies' clothes"


Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech.

Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle).

Develop fine motor skills, color perception, attention.

(Kolya. Egor, Nastya)

Program content:

Artistic creativity. Drawing.


"Picture about summer"


Clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to find signs of autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received in accessible ways. Reinforce brush painting techniques; the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it with a cloth. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Speech development

No. 1 Topic: “Do I need to learn to speak”

Goal: to develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.


No. 1 Topic “Comparison of two equal groups of objects”

Goal: To teach children to combine identical objects into subject sets according to a verbal task.

Continue to teach how to identify one object from many, answer the questions “how many”? in words one is many, not one.


No. 1 Theme “Apples and berries”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to convey impressions of the environment in sculpting.

Walk Walk No. 4


Goals: to cultivate interest in inanimate nature; develop curiosity and creative imagination.

Work before bed Formation of the KGN. Goal: continue to teach children to wash their hands with soap, wash themselves, and dry themselves with a towel.

*Finger games

*Articulation gymnastics “Hippopotamus”, “Dog”.

*Reading x/l: N. Zabila “Yasochkin’s kindergarten”

*Dining duty

Goal: To teach children to control the correctness of serving, to check themselves, to talk about the results of self-test. Develop appropriate work skills.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures according to the scheme

Walking barefoot on an orthopedic massage track.

Role-playing game "Home". Continue the formation of role interaction: orient the child’s role behavior towards his peer partner.

Examination of the painting “Autumn” from the series “Seasons”

Individual work with Marie, Masha, Artem Ya. - improve the ability to compare objects of contrasting size. Formation of CGN in children during dressing and eating. Strengthening self-care skills. Fostering a desire to always have a neat appearance and neat hairstyle.

A moment of politeness.

Walk Bird watching.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the habits of birds and their appearance. Create a desire to care for birds.

P/n: “Birds in nests.”

Goal: run freely, without bumping into each other, respond to a signal.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
Tuesday 09/07/2021 Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning gathering.

Morning exercises

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Working with the nature calendar. " Weather in autumn."

Goal: Continue to learn to identify and name the weather conditions in the autumn.

Conversation on the topic : “The work of adults in kindergarten.”

Goal: to cultivate in children a respectful attitude, a friendly attitude towards each other, towards kindergarten staff; develop communication skills and a desire to help adults; consolidate knowledge of the professions of kindergarten employees.

“First syllable” - organize the use of the ability to divide words-names of furniture into syllables, highlight the first syllable (Vika I, Daniil V, Sasha M) Program content:

Artistic creativity. Drawing.


"Picture about summer"


Clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to find signs of autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received in accessible ways. Reinforce brush painting techniques; the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it with a cloth. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Speech development

No. 1 Topic: “Do I need to learn to speak”

Goal: to develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.


No. 1 Topic “Comparison of two equal groups of objects”

Goal: To teach children to combine identical objects into subject sets according to a verbal task.

Continue to teach how to identify one object from many, answer the questions “how many”? in words one is many, not one.


No. 1 Theme “Apples and berries”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to convey impressions of the environment in sculpting.

Physical development according to the instructor's plan

Objectives: to clarify the names of flowers, their structure, features of size, color, shape of petals, leaves, stems; encourage comparative statements; pay attention to the fact that some flowers smell nice.

Work before bed Reading fiction: genre:

L. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”
Purpose: to teach to emotionally perceive a literary work, analyze and express one’s attitude towards the characters in the story.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures according to the scheme

Walking barefoot on an orthopedic massage track after sleep.

S.R game “I am a pedestrian” talk to the children about the rules of the road, how a pedestrian should behave.

Reading the poem by V. Alekseev “Three friends - pedestrians at any time of the year.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to answer questions during the discussion of the work.

Coloring coloring pictures depicting vehicles..

(Maryana, Sasha, Marie)

Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior at the table, sit up straight, do not put your elbows on

table, drink and chew food quietly, use a napkin correctly.

"What is good and what is bad"

T: Identify children’s skills to distinguish good behavior from bad

Role-playing game “School” Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, to cultivate a desire to study at school, respect for the teacher’s work, to expand children’s vocabulary: “school supplies”, “ briefcase", "pencil case", "students".

Walk Cloud Observation Purpose:

cultivate interest in inanimate nature; develop curiosity and creative imagination.

Outdoor game:
“Find yourself a partner.”
Goal: to develop attention and speed of movement.

— Independent games at the request of children.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
Wednesday 09/08/2021 Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning gathering.

Morning exercises

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Minutes to enter into the day “I am your friend and you are my friend”

Work according to the calendar.

Conversation on the topic : “What…are our boys made of?”, “What…are our girls made of?”

Goal: formation of a positive image of “I”, a positive attitude towards oneself and others, similarities and differences, examination of portraits, photographs, name posters, “daisies of names”.

Reading educational literature. Genre: fairy tale. Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Jug” arr. O. Kapitsa.

Goal: Fostering good feelings; formation of ideas about greed and stupidity.

Individual work on speech development.

D/I “What will I take to kindergarten.” Description: children are offered pictures with various objects; they need to choose what can and should be taken to kindergarten, and what absolutely cannot.

Goal: To develop children’s coherent speech and the ability to give reasons for their answer.

(Sofa S, Timur F., Andrey F).

Program content:

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Topic: “Painting about summer”

Purpose: To clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to find signs of autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received in accessible ways. Reinforce brush painting techniques; the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it with a cloth. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Speech development

No. 1 Topic: “Do I need to learn to speak”

Goal: to develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.


No. 1 Topic “Comparison of two equal groups of objects”

Goal: To teach children to combine identical objects into subject sets according to a verbal task.

Continue to teach how to identify one object from many, answer the questions “how many”? in words one is many, not one.


No. 1 Theme “Apples and berries”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to convey impressions of the environment in sculpting.

Music according to the music director's plan

Goals: expand and deepen knowledge about natural phenomena; to develop the ability to see beauty in any season.

Work before bed Practical exercise “Tidy cabinet”

Goal: To teach children to carefully hang and put things in a locker, put shoes in a bag, and maintain order in their cubicle.

*Reading: I. Review “Wonderful Kindergarten”

*Finger games “Falling leaves”, “The wind flew through the forest”

*Dining duty.

Goal: To teach children to help when setting the table. To stimulate the desire to responsibly perform the duties of an attendant, to cultivate diligence.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures according to the scheme

Walking barefoot on an orthopedic massage track after sleep.

Reading the passage “Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky (about joiners and carpenters) - introduce children to a literary work. Develop children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions about what they have read; speech.

S/r game “Shop” - develop communication skills, apply knowledge in gaming activities, friendly relationships.

P/i “Owl” - teach how to perform actions on a signal, work smoothly with your hands, and run in a certain direction.

Walk Independent play activities of children. Tasks. Develop organizational skills in children, teach them to distribute roles taking into account the capabilities and desires of each participant, listen to the opinions of their comrades, set rules and strictly follow them
Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
Thursday 09.09.2021 Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning exercises

(according to the plan of the physical education instructor)

Morning gathering.

Musical and didactic game: “Journey”. Goal: learn to listen and sing songs about transport. “We are going, going, going...”, imitate “Sounds”

Ira “One - Many” expand children’s vocabulary, teach them to form plurals.

"Bag of Toys"

Goal: development of tactile perception, formation of the ability to recognize objects by touch. Vika S., Kolya B. ArinaB.)

Program content:

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Topic: “Painting about summer”

Purpose: To clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to find signs of autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received in accessible ways. Reinforce brush painting techniques; the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it with a cloth. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Speech development

No. 1 Topic: “Do I need to learn to speak”

Goal: to develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.


No. 1 Topic “Comparison of two equal groups of objects”

Goal: To teach children to combine identical objects into subject sets according to a verbal task.

Continue to teach how to identify one object from many, answer the questions “how many”? in words one is many, not one.


No. 1 Theme “Apples and berries”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to convey impressions of the environment in sculpting.

Physical development according to the instructor's plan
Walk Instruction “Rules of behavior when walking in the autumn.”


Goal: to teach to see the dependence of soil conditions on the weather.

Work before bed Reading fiction: Genre: story. N. Nosov “Living Hat” Goal: to continue to develop interest in works of art; creativity of N. Nosov; develop preschoolers’ literary speech, thinking, memory, imagination, sense of humor; instill in children a love of works of art.
Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures according to the scheme

Walking barefoot on an orthopedic massage track.

Role-playing game “DPS”: plot “Pedestrians and Drivers” Reading: B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”

Looking at posters: “You can’t do that.”

Strengthen social behavior skills: greet adults first,

politely say goodbye, thank you for the help provided.

Strengthen the skills of cultural behavior at the table, sit up straight, do not put your elbows on

table, drink and chew food quietly, use a napkin correctly

"What is good and what is bad"

T: Identify children’s skills to distinguish good behavior from bad

Walk Rowan Observation.

Goal: Continue monitoring mountain ash in the fall. Teach children to find similarities and differences between red and black rowan.

Research activities. Count how many trunks there are in the bush, how many bunches there are.

Outdoor games: “Catch the ball”, “Who is the most accurate?”

Goal: To be able to catch and pass the ball. develop independence and ingenuity.

Day of the week Mode OO integration Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas
Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
Friday 09/10/2021 Morning Social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development Morning exercises (as planned by the physical education instructor)

Morning gathering. Greeting each child entering the group.

Games with clothespins


The main goal of didactic games with clothespins is to develop fine motor skills in young children.

Program content:

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Topic: “Painting about summer”

Purpose: To clarify ideas about the two seasons - summer and autumn; learn to find signs of autumn and summer in pictures and paintings; reflect the impressions received in accessible ways. Reinforce brush painting techniques; the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it with a cloth. Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Speech development

No. 1 Topic: “Do I need to learn to speak”

Goal: to develop the ability to use complex sentences in speech.


No. 1 Topic “Comparison of two equal groups of objects”

Goal: To teach children to combine identical objects into subject sets according to a verbal task.

Continue to teach how to identify one object from many, answer the questions “how many”? in words one is many, not one.


No. 1 Theme “Apples and berries”

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to sculpt round objects of different sizes. Learn to convey impressions of the environment in sculpting.


Goals: continue to expand our horizons about the animal world; instill a love for pets; introduce the history of the domestication of dogs by humans; give an idea of ​​how dogs help a person in life.

Work before bed Reading fiction: Panfilova M.A. "Forest School".

Goal: to teach to understand and evaluate the characters of heroes; develop children's cognitive interest and interest in school.

Afternoon Awakening gymnastics

See card index

Hardening procedures

Gymnastics after sleep

C/Role-playing game “We are pedestrians.”

Goal: to practice the rules of conduct for pedestrians and passengers at bus stops and in transport.

Game exercises “Trace and Color”

Goal: development of fine motor skills.

Ecological game Lotto “Who Lives Where” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about animal habitats

Making the album “School supplies”

D/game “What can you buy in a store for school” Purpose: Formation of primary ideas and a positive attitude towards the learning process at school (subjects, lessons, grades, school supplies, the student’s daily routine, the new role of the student, etc.), the work of the teacher


Walk Outdoor games:
“Throw it - catch it”, “Find where it’s hidden.”
Purpose: to practice throwing and catching the ball; learn to navigate in space.

Labor activity.

Teamwork in the garden to clean up trash. Goal: to develop teamwork skills.



MONDAY 09/31/2020.




analysis of children’s abilities at the beginning of the school year, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program and organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Final event:

filling out monitoring of the child’s achievements.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities
(activity centers, all group rooms)

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Nature Calendar: Children learn to correctly mark weather conditions on a calendar.

Conversation: “Here it is, golden autumn.” Goal: continue to work on activating and expanding the vocabulary.

Learn to name the trees that grow on the territory of the kindergarten. With Sasha and Lena.

Canteen duty: Strengthen the ability to be on duty in the dining room: wash hands, put on an apron, put a napkin holder, lay out spoons.

KGN: Improve the ability to hold a spoon and fork correctly in your hand.

Instruction: Handling cabinet doors.

Painting “Early Autumn”, illustrations on the theme of the week. Recommend

make a craft from vegetables and fruits for the “Gifts of Autumn” competition.

Educational activities: Motor activity. Under the guidance of a physical education instructor.

Cognitive and research activities (FCCM). Topic: DIAGNOSTICS

Walk: Observation: Signs of autumn - develop the ability to independently find signs of autumn.

Literary word: poems by A. S. Pushkin “Autumn Time...”:

Goal: learn to listen to poetic lines and determine the mood of the poem.

Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward. With subgroup of children No. 4. Didactic game: “Say the opposite” to activate adjectives with opposite meanings in children’s dictionaries.

Outdoor game: "Skittles"

Goal: to train children in throwing the ball, to develop accuracy, dexterity, eye).

Labor activity: Preparation of leaves for application - Introduce the rules for drying leaves. To consolidate knowledge of the names of trees, teach how to collect leaves in a bag, and encourage children’s desire to be useful.

Sandbox games.

Experiments, experimentation: wet and dry sand

Dinner: Practical exercise “The neatest ones”

Goal: to form children's CGN, to remind the basic rules of personal hygiene. Learn how to properly wash your face, wash your hands, and use an individual towel.

Evening: afternoon tea Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Reading fiction: I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves” Purpose: to learn to read a poem expressively, to practice selecting epithets.

Didactic game “Find what I’ll tell you about” with Karina and Kirill B.

Goal: to teach to recognize objects by the listed characteristics.

KGN: strengthen the ability to use a napkin as needed. Conversation and viewing of the presentation: “What did autumn give us?”
Walk: Monitoring the work of the janitor.

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with blue-collar professions, tools, and various labor operations.

Didactic game “What does it do?”

Goal: to teach children to select verbs that characterize labor actions, to answer the teacher’s questions about the work of a janitor.

Outdoor game “On a level path”

Goal: to teach children to walk in a column one at a time, to perform movements in accordance with the text.


TUESDAY 1.09.2020.




analysis of children’s abilities at the beginning of the school year, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program and organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities
(activity centers, all group rooms)

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation: “Wonderful leaves.”

Goal: to teach children to notice the beauty of natural phenomena. Distinguish, recognize, name plants.

Work in a natural area: water flowers, loosen the soil, remove dried flowers.

Goal: to cultivate love and care for plants.

Storytelling based on the painting “Autumn” teach Anton and Darina to describe the painting in a certain sequence, to name the picture.

Individual work: automation of sound [c] in pure language.

KGN: strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief.

Briefing. Instructing the children, we walk up the stairs.

Fill the book corner with books and illustrations on the theme: “Autumn.” Offer to look at autumn trees and leaves on a walk.
Educational activities: Communication activities. Speech development. Topic: DIAGNOSTICS

Musical and artistic activities. Music. Under the direction of the music director.

Walk: Observation: leaf fall.

Purpose: to introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of “leaf fall”; cultivate a love for nature.

Didactic game: “Collect only yellow (green, red) leaves”

Outdoor game: “Who can reach the flag faster”

Goal: teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other.

“Find the same leaf” with Varya and Yaroslav.

Goal: to develop attention orientation in space.

Artistic word: invite children to guess what time of year the poems are talking about.

Labor activity: cleaning the kindergarten area from fallen leaves.

Goal: learn to create a joyful mood in yourself and others

Experimental activity: “Light is everywhere.”

Purpose: to show children the meaning of light, to explain that light sources can be natural (sun, moon, fire), artificial - made by people (lamp, flashlight, candle.

Dinner: Introducing the sing-along “We march with flags.”

Goal: to introduce children to singing along, to teach them to sing a melody on one sound, and to pronounce words in a drawn-out, clear manner.

Evening: afternoon tea Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Reading fiction: A. Maikov “Autumn leaves are circling in the wind...”.

Goal: to develop the correct tempo of speech and intonation expressiveness.

“Which one, which one, which one?”

Goal: to teach how to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon.

Work on speech development. Exercise your ability to describe objects - develop coherent speech. With subgroup of children No. 3.

KGN: consolidate the hand washing sequence Offer children coloring books and stencils on the topic.

Role-playing game: “Family”.

Goal: to create conditions for children to care for their closest family members, admiration, and the need to provide all possible assistance.

Walk: Observation: of the work of a janitor - to expand knowledge about the work of adults in the fall; cultivate respect for work.

Didactic game: “Edible - not edible” - bring to the attention of children the knowledge that not all foods are beneficial to our body.

Outdoor game: “Hit the target” - practice throwing at a vertical target, strengthen counting skills within 5, names of geometric shapes and colors.






analysis of children’s abilities at the beginning of the school year, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program and organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities
(activity centers, all group rooms)

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation: “Autumn. What do you know about her?

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, to generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn.

Didactic game: “House for leaves.”

Goal: to develop the ability to guess the names of trees and shrubs based on their trunks, the direction of their branches, and their fruits.

Work in a natural corner: continue to teach children to independently and responsibly perform the duties of an attendant in a natural corner, evaluate the results of their work. With subgroup of children No. 2. KGN: strengthen the skills of independently fastening clothes with different types of fasteners.

Instruction: Behavior during a walk.

Cut-out pictures on the theme of the week. Consultation: “Organization of catering”
Educational activities: Productive activity. Application. Topic: DIAGNOSTICS

Motor activity. Under the guidance of a physical education instructor.

Walk: Observation: the wind. Children independently characterize the wind: strong, gusty, weak, short-term, hurricane. Bring children to understand that the wind can blow from different directions. Didactic game: “Make a pattern.”

Purpose: to practice making a pattern on a form.

Outdoor game: “Geese-geese”.

Goal: to promote the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space, develop dexterity, speed.

Individual work: Development of movements - strengthen the ability to jump on one leg (right and left) with Dima and Maxim. Artistic word: A.S. Pushkin “Autumn Time...” Develop interest in fiction, learn to answer the teacher’s questions.

Labor activity: Collecting leaves on the site.

Experimental activity: “Water takes shape” - Reveal that water takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured.
Dinner: Review of the album “Chest of Fairy Tales”

Goal: to teach children to carefully examine the illustrations, recognize familiar characters from them, and, based on the teacher’s questions, retell the passages they like.

Evening: afternoon tea Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Reading fiction: Poem by U. Rashid “Our autumn garden is beautiful.”

Goal: to develop the ability to use polite words.

“Name the autumn natural phenomena” - leaf fall, rain, wind, cold.

Goal: to develop the ability to answer the teacher’s questions with Vera and Vanya M.

KGN: establish the rules for the sequence of hand washing. Role-playing game: The long-awaited meeting."

Goal: to create in children a feeling of joy from communication.

Supplement with pictures on writing stories on the theme Autumn.

Walk: Observation: the length of the day - develop the ability to establish connections between the length of day and night and lighting.

Didactic game: “Four seasons.”

Goal: fix the seasons.

Outdoor game: “Sunny bunnies”

Goal: improve jumping skills on two legs.


THURSDAY 3.09.2020.




analysis of children’s abilities at the beginning of the school year, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program and organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities
(activity centers, all group rooms)

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Work in a natural corner: continue to teach children to independently and responsibly perform the duties of an attendant in a natural corner, evaluate the results of their work.

Conversation: “Autumn has come.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of autumn changes in nature.

“Choose your words” with Vanya N. and Yulia.

Goal: to expand children's vocabulary. Enrich children's knowledge about autumn changes in nature.

KGN: “Look at yourself and your comrade, is everything okay?” (Formation of the ability to monitor appearance).

Instruction: Rules of behavior in the classroom.

Printed board games: collecting “Funny Pictures” puzzles.

"Cut Pictures"

Goal: to train children in collecting cut pictures according to the pattern.

Recommend parents to repeat proverbs and sayings about autumn.
Educational activities: Cognitive and research activities. FEMP. Topic: DIAGNOSTICS

Motor activity under the guidance of a physical education instructor

Walk: Observation: the length of the day - develop the ability to establish connections between the length of day and night and lighting.

Didactic game: “Four seasons.”

Goal: fix the seasons.

Outdoor game: “Sunny bunnies”

Goal: improve jumping skills on two legs.

"Catch the ball."

Goal: to develop dexterity with subgroup of children No. 1.

Artistic word: I. S. Ostroukhova “Golden Autumn”.

Goal: to learn to notice the features of the image of autumn in a painting, to note the means of expression that the artist used.

Labor activity: removing fallen leaves from the site.

Experimental activity: with a leaf (flies, crumples, tears, opaque).

Independent activity: games at the request of children.

Dinner: Reading the Russian folk nursery rhyme “Geese, you are geese”

Goal: to teach children to listen carefully and memorize short and simple works.

Evening: afternoon tea Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths.

Reading fiction: I. Sokolova - Mikitova “Leaf Faller”, conversation on content

Working with stencils, painting objects in the same direction with Kirill and Vova. KGN: Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing. Develop the ability to dress appropriately for the weather. Role-playing game: “Builders”.

Goal: learn to independently distribute roles, play together, and finish what you start.

Walk: Observation: leaf fall.

Purpose: to introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of “leaf fall”; cultivate a love for nature.

Didactic game: “Collect only yellow (green, red) leaves”

Outdoor game: “Who can reach the flag faster”

Goal: teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other.


FRIDAY 4.09.2020.




analysis of children’s abilities at the beginning of the school year, assessment of the effectiveness of the educational program and organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Mode Integration of educational


Joint activities of children taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities
(activity centers, all group rooms)

parents, social partners

Group, subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Morning: breakfast, second breakfast: Social-communicative,

cognitive, speech, musical-aesthetic,

physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation: “Why do the leaves turn yellow?”

Develop a dialogical form of speech, form knowledge about changes in nature with the arrival of autumn

Didactic game: “Think - Guess”: activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; clarify your understanding of transport and traffic rules.

D/I “What is green (wet, cold, cheerful).” Goal: to develop coherent speech with Ruslan and Vanya S.. KGN: Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing. Develop the ability to dress appropriately for the weather. Prepare demonstration material on the theme “Autumn” Collection of poems Consultation on the topic: “How healthy an autumn walk with children is.”
Educational activities: Productive activity. Drawing. Topic: DIAGNOSTICS

Musical and artistic activities. Music under the direction of a music director.

Walk: Observation: of the work of a janitor - to expand knowledge about the work of adults in the fall; cultivate respect for work.

Didactic game: “Edible - not edible” - bring to the attention of children the knowledge that not all foods are beneficial to our body.

Outdoor game: “Hit the target” - practice throwing at a vertical target, strengthen counting skills within 5, names of geometric shapes and colors.

Develop skills in throwing a ball at a target with Polina and Arkhip. Artistic word: S. Egorova “Autumn”: All the clouds, clouds. Rain. Cold like ice, prickly like a hedgehog, wandering through the autumn.

Work activity: Transplanting flowering plants from a plot to a group.

Experiments, experimentation: Together with children, examine the various fruits of trees and shrubs and determine how seeds are spread across the ground (wings, fluff, thorns, parachutes).
Dinner: Practical exercise “Visiting Moidodyr”

Goal: continue to teach children how to wash themselves properly and use an individual towel.

Evening: afternoon tea Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths.

Didactic game: “The fourth odd one” Goal: to consolidate the signs of autumn

Listening to: musical works by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. Autumn".

Reinforce knowledge of counting to 5 and back with Sasha and Lena. KGN: Improve the ability to hold a fork correctly in your hand, slightly turning your hand. Plot-role-playing game: “Where do they bring goods to the store from?”

Goal: to acquaint children with the fact that the store receives goods from the base; the bases, like the store, are different.

Walk: Observation: Signs of autumn - develop the ability to independently find signs of autumn.

Literary word: poems by A. S. Pushkin “Autumn Time...”:

Goal: learn to listen to poetic lines and determine the mood of the poem.

Didactic game: “Say the opposite” to activate adjectives with opposite meanings in children’s dictionaries.

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Your feat is not forgotten - soldier!” Goal: formation of patriotic education of children of middle preschool age Objectives: Educational: - clarify and systematize knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War (Cognitive development)

-introduce the winning warriors
(Cognitive development)

Notes for a drawing lesson “Cheerful Snowman” (middle group) Notes for a drawing lesson middle group “Cheerful Snowman”

Goal: To teach how to create an expressive image of a snowman, to develop children’s spatial imagination through drawing a whole object from several parts. Objectives: Continue to develop children’s drawing skills,…

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