Quest game as an innovative technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Quest experience

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

d/s ORV “Malysh”, Usman

Experience on the topic:

“Quest technology in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

Prepared by: Demikhova Lyudmila Yurievna



: From birth, a modern child is surrounded by a rich information environment. Computers, game consoles, and electronic toys occupy an increasingly important place in the life of a preschooler. It is increasingly difficult to surprise modern children with anything. This, of course, leaves a certain imprint on the development of the child’s personality. I try to keep up with the times and use modern means of training and development, new pedagogical methods and technologies, and original forms of educational activities in my work. The most appropriate technology for the needs and interests of preschool children, in my opinion, is quest technology, which meets modern requirements and preserves play in the space of preschool childhood.

In English, “quest” means “search”, “wanted object”. Quest technology is considered as an interactive educational environment for enhancing the educational activities of preschool children. Over the past two years, this form has been of interest to me and to the specialists of our preschool educational institution.

The main feature of the quest is the goal, which can be reached by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task.

Tasks can be very different: research, creative, cognitive, intellectual. Novelty: Quest technology - relevant in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education; promotes the development of an active, active position of the child in the process of solving game search problems. The content of various educational areas is integrated, and the capabilities of ICT are used.

Quests have a large number of advantages for preschool children, which in many areas fully comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: quests naturally integrate educational areas, combine different types of children's activities and forms of work with children. Quests allow you to unite all participants in the educational process (children, parents of students, educators, specialists) in solving educational problems in a playful and entertaining form.

The purpose of my work

: to create conditions for interactive interaction of all participants in the educational process through setting search tasks in the course of organizing activities through a certain plot.

In order to achieve this goal, I solved the following tasks:

-Identified the advantages and features of using quest games in working with preschool children;

— Included a quest game in the practice of working with preschool children;

— Ensured the relationship between all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers, specialists) through the inclusion of quest games in the work.

The theoretical basis of my work was the research of domestic and foreign scientists and teachers. Sokol I.N. in her works she described the basic conditions for preparing quests for preschoolers, which distinguish children's educational quests from quests for adults. She highlighted the features of children's quests, and for organizing and conducting quests she developed the structure of quests and an algorithm for their construction. She described in detail the principles that must be taken into account when developing them.

Having studied this technology, talked with the author and creator of quest games, Yu. Lugovskaya, for the past two years I have been incorporating quest games into the educational process, which I build systematically, step by step in four directions: working with children, working with parents of students, working with teachers, creation of a developing subject-spatial environment. I use quest games as part of continuous educational activities and leisure activities with children. I conduct most of the quests with the active participation of the students’ parents.

I conduct quest games with children of the second junior and preparatory groups. Recommendations for conducting continuous educational activities with children 6-7 years old using a didactic manual are very popular among my colleagues.

Of particular interest to my students are thematic quests, such as “In Search of Treasures”, “In the Footsteps of Bigfoot”, “Journey to the Queen of Mathematics”, “In Search of Wild Animals”, I conduct quests to teach children traffic rules, “Young Driver” ", "On the path of safety." The role of quest technologies in the modern world simply cannot be underestimated. Of course, it is possible to force a child to cram, but, as you know, nothing good will come of it. Roughly speaking, he will remember a certain uninterpreted set of knowledge, but when an understanding of this or that process comes, that’s a different matter. And, I must say, children are sometimes able to remember material even on a subconscious level. And if the process is also presented in a playful form, then no one will refuse to participate in it.

In kindergarten, with my colleagues, I organize creative, educational, literary, and sports quests. The quest dedicated to the Day of Knowledge “Journey to the Tree of Knowledge”, which was conducted with the participation of parents, became interesting and memorable. To familiarize teachers with quest technology, various master classes were held, such as “Quest about quests,” “5 steps to mastering quests,” a workshop on “basic approaches to quest technology and experience of its use in the educational process,” and a survey.

Quests have become an interesting basis for methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in working with teachers. Quest technology has found its application in working with parents of students. Conducted and compiled recommendations for holding parent meetings in quest format.

The highlight of my experience is the manuals for conducting quest games. Quests require a lot of preparation, a well-thought-out subject-spatial environment, a large number of details that will encourage children to independently search for and solve problem situations. The first developments on this topic showed that in the process of introducing quest technology into practice in kindergarten: - an atmosphere of emotional uplift and emancipation is created for all participants in the educational process; — educators and specialists began to show sincere interest in children’s achievements; - children develop confidence in themselves and their comrades; the feeling of fear for making a mistake is removed - children of the preparatory group know how to listen and hear each other, express their opinions, negotiate, come to agreement; Children have developed speech interaction; a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed; children know how to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly; they have no sense of fear for making a mistake. Thus, the quest became an excellent opportunity for me and the children to organize life in kindergarten in a fun and original way. Quest provides me with invaluable assistance, providing the opportunity to diversify the educational process, making it unusual, memorable, exciting, fun, and playful. Dear colleagues, if you are interested in my work experience, I will be very happy to share it with you.

Game quests as a cultural practice of supporting children's legal initiatives


    ; Teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 "Teremok" P. Novomaltinsk.

Abstract: the article discusses the role of legal knowledge, the formation of its foundations in preschool age, and the possibilities of using game quests to support children's initiative.

Key words: legal knowledge, preschooler, cultural practices, legal practices, game quests.

At the present stage of development of society, there is increased attention to the child as an individual. Increasingly, a child is perceived as a member of society who has certain rights, and protecting the rights of children is one of the urgent tasks.

note that the development of attention to the basics of legal knowledge, starting from childhood, is one of the characteristic signs of social progress and development of society, since progressive changes in society always presuppose the development of legal consciousness, legal knowledge of citizens, allowing them to follow their civic position [1] .

In modern society, a socially mature person, a free person, who has certain legal knowledge and knows how to apply it, is in demand. Conceptual approaches to the consideration of education at the moment are based on an understanding of the meaning of life and the purpose of a person. At the same time, the main value is understanding the capabilities of a person as the creator of his own life. Primary ideas about social norms of human behavior, the need for a certain order in human relationships, and the organization of society are formed in the preschool period.

The formation of the foundations of legal knowledge is an important basis for the development of legal consciousness. Despite the fact that in preschool age children only develop elements of legal consciousness, the development of prerequisites that are associated with the formation of certain legal knowledge and the readiness to apply this knowledge in specially created educational situations and spontaneously arising life situations is one of the urgent tasks.

The formation of the foundations of legal knowledge in children in preschool age can be carried out through cultural practices. In a number of modern studies (, etc.) devoted to the problems of implementing the cultural approach, the essence of cultural practices, their meaning, and their types are determined. Cultural practices represent a variety of independent activities, behaviors and experiences based on current and future interests [4,5].

In this work, cultural practices are understood as situational, autonomous, independent, initiated by an adult or the child himself, the acquisition and repetition of various experiences of communication and interaction with people in different groups. Cultural practices in a preschool setting are implemented in the afternoon. They are focused on creating conditions for children to demonstrate independence, activity and initiative in various types of activities [5].

The main importance of cultural practices is to create an atmosphere of freedom of choice, self-expression and cooperation between adults and children. One type of cultural practice is legal practice. These are practices of a child’s readiness to defend their rights and the rights of other people, using for this knowledge their rights and freedoms and the ability to implement them.

As an analysis of psychological and pedagogical research shows, the use of legal practices in working with preschool children contributes to the development of children's respect and tolerance for each other, the formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, the development of a sense of responsibility, the development of the ability to control their behavior, inclusion into activities that comply with generally accepted norms and rules.

Legal practices allow not only to enrich, systematize and consolidate the foundations of legal knowledge in children, but, most importantly, to develop the ability to implement their knowledge in different situations, which is helped by the experience gained in the process of joint activities with adults.

Legal practices can be carried out using different technologies. One of such technologies, in our opinion, can be game quests.

“Quest” translated from English means “adventure”, “game”, and is one of the genres of computer games in the form of an interactive story with a main character controlled by the player. In game crosses, participants need to look for various objects, find a use for them, talk with characters in the game, solve puzzles, move around the map, etc.[2]

Quests are a group game. The main idea of ​​the quest is that the participants, moving around certain points, in accordance with the map, complete different tasks. A distinctive feature of this organization of gaming activity is that completing a task helps children receive a hint and move on to the next task.

Conducting game quests in preschool educational institutions is based on taking into account a number of principles. These include: the principle of safety (all objects in the game and play actions must be safe), the principle of appropriateness to age and individual characteristics, the principle of respect for the dignity of the child, the principle of constant change of activities, the principle of connectedness, consistency and logic, the principle of emotional coloring of the game.

Game quests come in different types. According to the number of participants, they are divided into single and group, according to duration they are short-term and long-term, according to content - plot and non-plot.

The structure of the plot in a game quest can be different: linear, assault, circular. The linear structure of the plot of the game quest is built along a chain: solving one task entails receiving the next task until the participants reach the finish line. The assault plot structure is characterized by the fact that each player solves a chain of riddles in order to put them together at the end. The ring structure of the plot is different in that the trajectory of the participants is circular - by completing certain tasks they return to their original point again and again.

Game quests can also vary in form. In particular, they can be presented as competitions, projects, research, experiments.

In the game quest, children receive various tasks related to finding “treasures,” investigating incidents, helping heroes, traveling, and adventures based on works of fiction.

Preparing a game quest contains a number of stages. The first stage involves defining goals and objectives and choosing a location for the game. The second stage includes drawing up a map of the route or passport of the stages, forming a composition of participants. The third stage is the development of the game legend, its format, rules, writing a script, preparing props for the game. The fourth stage is the game itself.

The attractiveness of game quests for use with preschool children lies in their potential. First of all, game quests help to activate children’s attention, develop their cognitive interests, and develop cooperation skills. A game quest is a special multilateral type of communication that occurs both between the teacher and children, and between children.

During the game quest, it is possible to integrate different educational areas, use different types of children's activities, forms of work with children, which significantly expands the possibilities of the game quest in solving various educational, developmental and educational problems.

Of no small importance is the use of game quests to develop children’s independence and initiative, which is important in the context of developing the foundations of legal knowledge.

Thus, the analysis of the problem showed that game quests act as a cultural practice of supporting children's legal initiative, since in game quests children can not only consolidate the legal knowledge they have acquired, but also, most importantly, learn to apply this knowledge in different situations. As a result, children will develop meaningful experiences that will allow them to adapt more effectively in society.


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