Consultation for educators “Classification of outdoor games for preschool children”

While playing, a child gets to know the world, learns its laws and principles. You can compete by running and jumping and acquire various skills according to a certain algorithm - rules. Outdoor games for children will help you prepare for life and learn dexterity and ingenuity. The knowledge and skills that a child acquires during play activities help to develop correctly.

Classification of outdoor games

There are different types of outdoor games. Their classification was introduced for ease of use in practice.

Classification table:

On what basis are they classified?View
Difficulty levelsports
elementary mobile
Activity levellow mobility
medium mobility
great mobility
Figurative contentplotless
Nature of actioncompetitive

Variety of games

There are various options for outdoor games. Variability allows them to be used more appropriately, taking into account the preparedness of children. Outdoor games can gradually become more complex, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains unchanged. Changes must always be justified. You can, for example, make motor tasks more difficult by increasing the distance (for running, jumping, throwing), or introduce new types of movements (walking and running between objects, across a bridge in the Train game, etc.). It is also possible to change the pace of movement, increase the number of “traps”, the number of children in the subgroup, and complicate the rules (for example, first everyone runs and takes any place, and then only a certain one). Another example: in one version, children help the teacher catch mice, in another, more complex version, they independently play the role of a cat. The interaction of the players also becomes more complicated: at first the children simply run, and then run away from the catcher (“Traps”, “Traps with ribbons”, “Squatting traps”, “Don’t stand on the floor”).

For the little ones

For children 1-3 years old, classes in the gym are good. Nursery groups do not use games with competitive elements. All classes in preparatory groups should be health-saving.

Children aged 1-4 years are not yet coordinated, so some fun activities can be dangerous. You need to worry about preventing injuries. The very definition of games for little ones can be briefly formulated: safe, interesting, simple tasks.

For such games, the minimum group is 2-3 children. Meanwhile, music will help you have fun indoors.

The hare treats the bear

Necessary equipment for this game: 2 chairs, a bucket of water, an empty bucket, a mini plastic cup, a bear toy.


  1. Place the buckets on different chairs at a distance of 2 m from each other. Place a toy near one of the buckets.
  2. A full bucket is a treat from the hare for the bear
  3. The bucket next to which the toy is located should be filled halfway with water using a glass in which children carry water.
  4. The teacher (parent) reads the poem:

The brown bear is one year old,

Let's treat you to compote,

Two cute bunnies

Together with the hippopotamus.


Required equipment: chair, bucket and spoon.


  1. Place the bucket on the chair and give the child a spoon.
  2. The teacher (parent) reads the poem:

We cook national soup,

Cabbage soup is boiling with cabbage,

Bright, cool, useful,

And it’s delicious too!

  1. The child makes rotational movements with a spoon in a bucket.

The teacher reads:

Spun, spun,

And they stopped interfering!

  1. The child spins around himself 2 times and gives the spoon to another.
  2. The game continues until all children have stirred the cabbage soup.


Required equipment: 3 chairs.


  1. Place chairs next to each other.
  2. The teacher (parent) reads:

I'll go to the river alone,

I'll sit down quickly.

  1. One of the children sits on a chair, the rest of the children continue to walk. The teacher (parent) reads:

The two of us will go to the river,

Let's invite friends.

  1. The second child sits on a chair, the remaining child continues to walk. The teacher (parent) reads:

The three of us will go to the river,

It will be more fun!

  1. The last child sits on the remaining chair. The game is over when all three children are sitting on their chairs.

The schemes are very different, but it is important to take into account age (it may be indicated in the title of the video). The selection of music used during games should be dominated by light classics and children's songs.

Methodological development “Outdoor games as the main form of motor activity of preschool children”

Municipal government institution of additional education "Center for Additional Education"

Methodological development

"Outdoor games as the main form of motor activity of preschool children"

Compiled by: Voronina Elena Valerievna

Revda, 2016


Introduction 3

1. Characteristics of outdoor play as the main form of motor activity of preschool children 4

2. Types of outdoor games 4

3. Contents and methods of conducting games in various age groups 8

4. Variation of games 10

Conclusion 11

Literature 12

Applications 13

The federal state standard of preschool education was developed taking into account the basic principles, including: implementation of the program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child. [2]

According to the definition of domestic psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, A. N. Leontyev), play is the leading activity in preschool age, thanks to which significant changes occur in the child’s psyche.

Play promotes the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. Various movements and actions of children during play, with skillful guidance, effectively influence the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, help strengthen the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, improve overall metabolism, increase the activity of all organs and systems of the human body, stimulate appetite and promote strong health. sleep.

Our children live in an ever-changing reality. Exciting yard games have been replaced by no less exciting ones – computer ones. Many children stopped going out into the yard, preferring sedentary activities: computer games, activities with construction sets, watching cartoons. For a child, a sedentary lifestyle means loss of health and impaired physical and intellectual development.

Thus, an urgent problem has arisen: finding ways to improve the physical health of preschool children, effective means of developing the child’s motor sphere, and developing interest in movement as a vital need to be dexterous, strong, and courageous. This problem must be solved in the totality of social and pedagogical conditions that ensure a holistic educational process and the harmonious, physical and personal development of the child. This is facilitated by playful forms of organizing children’s motor activity. [5]

An outdoor game is a game built on movements. The goal setting and types of activities of the players are determined by the plot (plan, theme) of this game. The rules clarify the rights and obligations of participants, determine the methods of conducting and recording the results of the game. Outdoor games are characterized by independent, creative motor actions (with or without objects), performed within the framework of the rules. The plot, rules, and motor actions make up the content of an outdoor game. The content of the game determines its form, i.e. such an organization of participants’ actions that provides the opportunity for a wide choice of ways to achieve the goal and satisfaction with the game process itself.

In older preschool age, along with plot-based outdoor games, games without a plot occupy a large place: children practice running, jumping, and maintaining balance. Their movements are subject to stricter rules. The motive for the game is often competition (for example, who can run to the flag faster). Games for older children are mostly collective. The teacher and the children themselves strictly monitor the strict implementation of the rules. All children's games develop under the guidance of adults. Teachers introduce children to the life around them, enrich them with impressions, and provide assistance in organizing and conducting games.

Outdoor games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary ones, in turn, are divided into plot and non-plot games, fun games, and attractions. Story-based games (for example: “Two Frosts”, “Where are you the sly fox?”) have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (work activities of people, traffic, movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone.

Thematic outdoor games are mainly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups. Plotless outdoor games, for example: “Traps”, “Dashes”, do not have a plot or images, but are similar to plot games in the presence of rules, roles, and the interdependence of the game actions of all participants. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require children to have great independence, speed, dexterity, and spatial orientation.

In older preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition (individual and group) are widely used, for example: “Whose team will assemble faster”, “Who is the first through the hoop to the flag”, etc. Elements of competition encourage greater activity in performing motor tasks. In some games (“Change the object”, “Who can reach the ball faster”), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (relay games), then the child strives to complete the task in order to improve the team’s result.

Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring throw, etc.). The motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children. The rules in such games are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, and the order of actions of the players. These games feature elements of competition to achieve better results.

In fun games and attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, with several children performing motor tasks (running in sacks, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games and attractions bring a lot of joy to the audience.

Complex outdoor games include sports games (small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules.

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, games of high, medium and low mobility are distinguished. Games of great mobility include those in which the entire group of children simultaneously participates and are based mainly on movements such as running and jumping. Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, and their intensity is insignificant.

The flexible application of well-known classification principles provides teachers with the broadest opportunities for the rational use of the game method of developing motor activity, be it the task of primarily developing physical qualities or forming and improving coordinated and economical movements, developing the ability to quickly enter the desired rhythm and tempo of physical activity, deftly, quickly and It is advisable to perform a variety of motor tasks that in a certain way meet the requirements imposed by vital practical activities.

Introducing a child to physical education is important not only from the point of view of strengthening their health, but also for developing the habit of playing sports. Many children find it difficult to get out of a warm bed to exercise. But time passes, a week or two, and the baby jumps up cheerfully at the first sounds of a sports march or other music that accompanies morning exercises. A conditioned dynamic stereotype of behavior is developed, which introduces a certain rhythm into the morning routine and does not require additional volitional efforts.

It is quite possible for parents to conduct similar games at home, in the yard, in the country or on a walk, during which children acquire vital skills and develop physically. Over time, physical exercise becomes a favorite game for children, in which everything is interesting: new achievements, competitive games, and parental participation. Any load begins to be perceived easily and with curiosity, even cold load, without which hardening is impossible.

It is important for educators to take a creative approach to conducting direct educational activities in physical education and, if necessary, independently create game tasks containing the types of movements that the child especially needs at the moment.

Outdoor games play a big role in the mental and physical development of a child. A variety of outdoor games help develop various muscle groups of the body, coordination of movements, and promote the development of speech and thinking. But in order for the effect of the game to be positive, it is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of children of different ages when choosing it; In many ways, the success of the game depends on the choice of the venue and the preparation of this place for the game, explanation of the rules, division into teams and the choice of drivers. As for the dosage during the game, excessive muscle tension is not recommended; it is advisable to ensure optimal loads. Intense exercise should be alternated with rest.

A variety of motor actions in outdoor games contributes to normal physical development and strengthening the health of preschool children.

For each age, their own outdoor games have been developed in kindergarten, which take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of a particular age. The organization of events involves mandatory games in kindergarten, when both fairy-tale characters and the children themselves become participants in entertaining and playful activities. After playing games in kindergarten, both children and parents will be satisfied! That is why competent organization of games in kindergarten will give every child unforgettable emotions. [6]

The selection and planning of outdoor games depend on the working conditions of each age group: the general level of physical and mental development of children, their motor skills; the health status of each child, his individual typological characteristics; time of year, features of the regime, location, interests of children.

When playing a familiar game, children themselves remember its basic rules and course. If there is a need to clarify something, the teacher does this, emphasizing the most crucial, important points.

Depending on the plot, the game is played simultaneously with all children or with a small subgroup. Familiarization with a new plot-based outdoor game is given after preliminary work. As preliminary work you can use:

  • reading works of fiction; conversations, watching films and videos;
  • organization of observation of nature, animal habits, activities of people of various professions (drivers, firefighters, athletes, etc.);
  • preparation of game attributes (together with children or in their presence).

In the explanation of a non-plot game, the sequence of game actions, rules and signals is revealed, indicating the location of the players and game attributes, using spatial terminology (in the younger group - with orientation to the object, in the art. - without them).

An explanation of games with elements of competition includes clarification of the rules, game techniques, competition conditions (“Who can run to the chair faster”, “Whose team will not drop the ball”, etc.), you can divide the children into teams, and at the end evaluate the result;

Roles are distributed using a counting rhyme or at will (in the younger group - driver - teacher);

It is very important, when summing up, to evaluate the positive qualities of children, to name those who successfully fulfilled their roles, showed courage, restraint, mutual assistance, creativity, and then analyze the reasons for breaking the rules.

You can increase interest in the game, complicate mental and physical tasks, improve movements, and improve the psychophysical qualities of a child using the variety of outdoor games.

An outdoor game is carried out at every physical education lesson; at the same time, as before, special attention is paid to cultivating endurance, perseverance, and developing the ability to demonstrate volitional and physical effort. For this purpose, outdoor games should be organized in which the overall result of the team depends on the result of each (relay games, games with elements of competition, exercises on the obstacle course). It is advisable to play the same game in at least two sessions, providing for their combination with physical exercises so that the same muscle groups do not become overloaded.[3]

There are various options for outdoor games. Variation allows them to be used more appropriately, taking into account the preparedness of children. Outdoor games can be gradually made more complex, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. Changes must always be justified.

You can, for example, complicate motor tasks by increasing the distance (for running, jumping, throwing), or introduce new types of movements (walking and running between objects, on a bridge in the game “Train”, etc.) It is also possible to change the pace of movement, increase the number “traps”, the number of children in a subgroup, complicating the rules (for example, first everyone runs and takes any place, and then only a certain one). Another example: in one version, children help the teacher catch mice, in another, more complex version, they independently play the role of a cat. The interactions between the players also become more complicated: at first the children simply run, and then run away from the catcher (“Traps”, “Traps with ribbons”, “Squat traps”, “Don’t stay on the floor”).

Options for outdoor games can be created by the teacher himself, taking into account the level of mental and physical development of the children in his group and providing for a gradual increase in requirements for them. Children themselves can be involved in creating new versions of the game, especially in older groups.

During the game, physical activity constantly changes. The structure of the games and their rules provide for the appropriate alternation of active actions of children with rest. However, their duration and intensity are not stable. Using the plot and rules of the game, the teacher, at his own discretion, can increase or shorten the duration of the game episodes, set their shift, and increase the intensity of movements.[4]

Children’s play activities objectively combine two very important factors: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, and get used to acting independently; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity and deepen their knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole.

Children of all ages have a great need for play, and it is very important to use outdoor play not only to improve motor skills, but also to develop all aspects of the child’s personality. A well-thought-out methodology for conducting outdoor games helps to reveal the child’s individual abilities, helps to raise him healthy, cheerful, cheerful, active, able to independently and creatively solve a wide variety of problems.[7]

Thus, the game is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at comprehensive physical fitness (through direct mastery of the basics of movement and complex actions in changing conditions of collective activity), improving the functions of the body, and the character traits of the players.[8]


1. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education

3. Kharchenko T.E. “Organization of motor activity of children in kindergarten” S.P., Childhood - Press 2010.







Aty-baty - the soldiers were going, Aty-baty - to the market, Aty-baty - what did they buy? Aty-Bati - samovar, Aty-Bati - how much does it cost? Aty-baty - three rubles, Aty-baty - who's coming out? Aty-baty - it's me!

The month came out of the fog, I took a knife out of my pocket, I will cut, I will beat, I will still drive you.

If a siskin flies towards a swift, you go out, I drive. If a swift flies towards a siskin, you lead, I go out.

The Greek was driving across the river, He saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river.

He put the Greek's hand in the river, Cancer grabbed the Greek's hand - slam!

Hedgehog, hedgehog, eccentric, I sewed a prickly jacket. I stood in a circle and thought: We should choose a driver

Tomorrow a blue-blue-blue whale will fly from the sky. If you believe, stand and wait. If you don’t believe, come out! Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si! A cat is taking a taxi, and the kittens are attached and have a free ride! A man was driving along the road. Broke a wheel on the doorstep.

How many nails? Speak quickly, don’t hesitate!

Dora, Dora, tomatoes, We caught a thief in the garden. They began to think and wonder how we could punish the thief. We tied our hands and feet and let them go along the road. The thief walked, walked, walked - and found the basket! This little basket contains lipstick and perfume. Ribbons, lace, boots - anything for the soul!

The little bunny ran across the field, ran into the garden, found a cabbage, found a carrot, and sits nibbling. The owner is coming!

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells, the daredevils rang. Digi, digi, leagues, don, come out quickly

Tili-tili dough, The bride and groom are running in a circle, not seeing each other, you take the bride and get out of the circle

Chiki-chiki, chiki-chok, At night a cricket sang songs, We went to look for it, We lit lanterns, We looked under a bush, Under a fluffy burdock. Where was the cricket hiding? Go his buddy!

A cuckoo walked past the garden and pecked all the seedlings. And she shouted: peek-a-boo, poppy - Push up one fist!

Naughty bastards, run out into the courtyards.

Let's start playing, choose a governor, a governor is one of the people, get out of the round dance. And you, good fellow, stand at the very end

Shishel-myshel, He took it and went out!

Grains in your pocket

Who's ready to find the grains in their pocket? The pastry chef baked twenty-five blackbirds into the cake. A bird's tur-lu-lu burst out of the cake. Did the king ever dream of such a dish? The king was in the office, keeping track of the income. The Queen was eating a sandwich in the hall. Behind the yard, the maid was hanging laundry, Drozd went there and immediately grabbed her nose.

Dora, Dora, tomato

Dora, Dora, tomatoes, We caught a thief in the garden, We began to think and wonder how we could punish the thief.

One, two - trees

One, two - trees. Three, four - the animals came out. Five, six - a leaf falls. Seven, eight - birds in the forest. Nine, ten - these are titmice Raised their red faces. We tied our hands and feet and let them go along the road. The thief walked, walked, walked and found the basket. In this little basket there are drawings and pictures. One two Three! Give it to anyone you want!

I was taught to read and write

One, two, three, four - I was taught to read and write: Don’t count, don’t write, Just jump on the floor. I jumped, I jumped, I broke my leg. My little leg began to hurt, and my mother began to feel sorry for her. She regretted it, scolded her, and sent for the doctor. Doctor rides a bull with a balalaika in his hand

The pig walks through the forest

The pig walks through the forest, plucks the quinoa grass, she tears it up, doesn’t take it, puts it under a birch tree

Curdled milk is simply delicious!

Yogurt - Just lovely, Yogurt - Songs were sung: Just-kva, Just-sha, Yogurt is good!

The counting begins

The counting begins: A jackdaw sat on a birch tree, Two crows, a sparrow, Three magpies, a nightingale


Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains

Behind the seas, behind the mountains, Behind the iron pillars, On a hillock there is a tower, There is a lock on the door. Go get the key and unlock the lock.

Do you want some milk, kitty?

Do you want some milk, kitty? We are far from home, A long, long journey awaits us. Turn left here, do you see a bridge across the river? I caught you by the tail!


A, B, C, D, D, E, F - A toad is riding on a hedgehog. 3, I, K, L, M, N, O - Bunny, look out my window. Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, E, Yu, I - And the pike has scales

The orange was rolling

The orange rolled to the city of Berlin, I didn’t study my lessons and got a bad grade.

The wind flew across the sea

The wind flew across the sea, The wind counted the songbirds. I counted every one of them! And then I took the day off. It's our turn to count! One two three four five!

The ducklings were walking

One, two - the ducklings walked. Three, four - we went home. The fifth trudged behind them, the sixth ran ahead, and the seventh fell behind everyone, got scared and squealed: “Where are you, where are you?” - Not food. - We'll look nearby.

High, very high

High, very high I threw my ball easily. But my ball fell from the sky and rolled into the dark forest. One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look for him.

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta! A cat married a cat, For Cat Kotovich, For Pyotr Petrovich! He is mustachioed and striped, Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!

Who lives in our apartment?

One, two, three, four, Who lives in our apartment? Dad, mom, brother, sister, Murka the cat, two kittens, My puppy, a cricket and me - That's my whole family! One, two, three, four, five - I’ll start counting them all again.

I dreamed about a hedgehog

A hedgehog came out of the fog and took a knife out of his pocket. He took out the pebbles and chalk and smiled as best he could. He gave me everything he took out, and disappeared again in the fog.

. Counting table

I'll tell you a secret - I have no secrets. No, there wasn't and there isn't. This is your secret now


I peel vegetables for cabbage soup. How many vegetables do you need? Three potatoes, two carrots, one and a half heads of onion, a parsley root, and a cabbage stalk. Make room, cabbage, you make the pot thick! One-two-three, the fire is lit. Stump, get out

Counting table

Who Ate the Cherry Cherry? I didn’t eat - and I’m silent. You haven't eaten cherry plum. And keep quiet. The cherry plum is unripe... And no one ate it. And whoever ate it, sour, unripe, swallowed the bone, has not driven it for a long time.

Our Masha

Our Masha got up early, Counted all the dolls: Two Matryoshkas on the window, Two Arinkas on the feather bed, Two Tanyas on the pillow, And Parsley in a cap on an oak chest!


Cockerel, Cockerel, Show your Cockerel! The casing is burning with fire. How many feathers is there on it? One-two-three-four-five, Impossible to Count!

Night counting

One two three four five! Six seven eight nine ten! We must, we must, we must sleep and there is no need to fool around. He who does not sleep will go out. Whoever falls asleep will see the Dream.

From the drifting snow

From the Snowdrift, the Breeze Spun a Silver Cord And on it Brought the White-maned Blizzard to the taiga!

From zero

From zero And to zero You can’t get there without a crutch, You can’t get there without a horse, Without a twisted Sweet Cheesecake, Without a rifle With a bayonet, Without a knife with an irradiator, Without a silk whip, Without a crooked twig, Without balls and a bell You can’t move away from the porch!


Grandmother Badger Baked pancakes. I treated two grandchildren to two pugnacious badgers, but the grandchildren did not have enough to eat, They knocked their saucers with a roar!

May evening

On a May evening, girlfriends came to Pestrushka for pancakes: Three laying hens, Three kloktushkas. How many chickens are there in the hut?

Pearl and Berl

Pearl and Berl started cooking. Pearl and Berl baked a pie in the oven. Pearl and Berl composed poems deftly: They carried pearls from pearl barley

Or and Roni

Or and Roni rode on ponies. Legs, legs, legs. How many? Lots and lots. Or more precisely? Eight: Some wear horseshoes, others are barefoot


One two three four five. We're going to play. A magpie flew to us and told us to lead us.


Among the white doves, a nimble sparrow gallops, a sparrow-bird, a gray shirt, respond, sparrow, fly out, don’t be timid!


One two three four! The mice lived in an apartment, drank tea, broke cups, paid three pieces of money! Those who don't want to pay can drive!


A goat walked along the bridge and waved its tail. It got caught on the railing and landed right in the river. Who doesn't believe? It is he! Get them out!


A ram walked along the steep mountains, pulled out some grass, and put it on a bench. Whoever takes the weed will drive!


The pig walks through the forest, tears up the grass-ant, she tears it up and takes it, and puts it in a basket. This one will come out, that one will go!

Hide and seek

One, two, three, four, five, We'll play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers, You go and drive

! Hare

  • White hare, where did he run? - Into the oak forest! - What were you doing there? - I tore the stripes! - Where did you put it? - Under the deck! - Who stole it? - Rodion. - Get out!
  • One, two

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten, the White Moon is floating out! Whoever reaches the month will go to hide

Zealous horse

A zealous horse with a long mane gallops and gallops across the fields here and there! Here and there! Here he rushes - Get out of the circle!

Cup went out for a walk

One-two-three-four-five - The cup went out for a walk. A teapot flies past - Fills a cup with tea: - Glug-glug!.. Oh-oh-oh! Need lump sugar! One-two-three-four-five - Sugar went out for a walk. A spoon flies past - The sugar in the cup dissolves: - Ding-ding!.. Oh-oh-oh! Need a painted gingerbread! One-two-three-four-five - The gingerbread guy went out for a walk. The teeth are waiting nearby - They play hide and seek with gingerbread: - Crunch-crunch!.. Ay-yay-yay! Tea spilled all over the table! One-two-three-four-five - The rag went out for a walk. The rag in the tea was fussing, the rag was snorting and angry: - One-two-three-four-five - I don’t want to play with you!

Myshkin's counting rhyme

- One two three four. Let's count the holes in the cheese. If there are many holes in the cheese, then the cheese will be tasty. If there is one hole in it, it means it was delicious yesterday.

The first counting rhyme for the cat

One two three four five. The cat learns to count. Slowly, Little by little, Adds a Cat to the Mouse. The answer is: - There is a cat, but there is no mouse!

The tiger went for a walk

One, two, three, four, five, the tiger went out for a walk. They forgot to lock him. One two three four five. He walks down the street, doesn’t pester anyone, but for some reason people run away from the tiger. Who climbed a tree, Who hid behind a stall, Who ended up on the roof, Who hid in a drain. And on the tree, like toys, two old ladies sat. The whole city was empty in an instant - After all, jokes with a tiger are dangerous. The tiger sees that the city is empty: “Let me go,” he thinks, “I’ll come back.” It’s more fun at the zoo, it’s always full of people!”

Over the mountain

The sun rose over the mountain. An apple fell from the sky, Rolling across the azure meadows straight towards us! It rolled, it rolled, it fell into the river from the bridge, whoever saw it, don’t sleep, quickly catch it! Whoever caught it, well done, After all, the counting is over!

Sheep were walking along the road

The sheep walked along the road and got their feet wet in a puddle. They began to wipe their feet: Some with a handkerchief, some with a rag, some with a holey mitten!


One, two, three, four, five, There is nowhere for a bunny to jump, A wolf walks everywhere, a wolf, His teeth click, click! And we will hide in the bushes, Hide, little bunny, and you too. You, wolf, wait, when we hide, go

The carriage was driving

The carriage was driving through the dark forest for some kind of interest. Inte-inte-interest - Come out with the letter “es”.

Bunny went out for a walk

One two three four five. Bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the Bunny: Bang-bang! Oh oh oh! My Bunny is dying... We brought him home - He turned out to be alive!

Who's not sleeping?

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! We must, we must, we must sleep! And no need to fool around! He who has fallen asleep is dreaming, He who is not sleeping is getting out!


Listen, guys, I want to tell you: We had kittens - there are exactly five of them. We decided, we wondered: What should we name the kittens? Finally we named them: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE. ONE - the kitten is the whitest, TWO - the kitten is the bravest, THREE - the kitten is the smartest, AND FOUR is the noisiest, FIVE is like THREE and TWO - the same tail and head, the same spot on the back, the same sleeps all day in a basket . Our kittens are good - ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE! Come to us, guys, look and count.

Senior preschool age (5-7 years)

The school gym or courtyard is a great place to practice. So that the child does not constantly strive to play GTA and other online games on the computer, but finds excitement in movement, it is important for him to be properly offered alternative entertainment.

A card index of outdoor games will become an assistant in education and children's physical development. For older preschoolers, you can use the same stories as for others.

Sports competitions are also fun and interesting for children. Such children's outdoor games develop the following qualities:

  • desire for an active lifestyle,
  • endurance,
  • developed strength,
  • resourcefulness,
  • collective spirit,
  • reaction.

Goose, wolf and boy

What is developed and used: speed, agility.

Features: 7-10 children are needed to play, crayons are needed.

  1. Choose “wolf” and “boy”, the rest of the children are “geese”.
  2. Draw a circle on the site, the “geese” will hide in it.
  3. At a distance of 4-6 m (four meters is a minimum) draw another circle - the “wolf’s” house.
  4. The “geese” are initially in the “wolf’s” house, and the “wolf” is in the “geese” house.
  5. The “boy” kicks the “geese” out for a walk. They scatter across the site, running towards their house. The wolf reads a poem:

Day or night doesn't matter to me

I'm good at speed

I'm in the meadow

Here I will find all the geese.

I look scary though,

But I catch geese for a reason.

  1. The task of the “wolf” is to touch the “geese” and catch them all. The caught "geese" stands in the circle of the "wolf". The goal of the “geese” is to get into their home.
  2. Once all the “geese” are caught, the children change roles.

Children's volleyball

The famous but adapted version of volleyball is suitable for both kindergarten and any other group of children. An interesting and sporty game is played using a light playing ball.

Children have the opportunity to demonstrate individual skills because everyone plays for themselves. Healthy pastime will teach every child to healthy lifestyle. And summer is the best time for volleyball.

What else to read: How to conduct the outdoor game “Loaf” at a children’s birthday party


  1. 5-9 children stand in a circle.
  2. The child’s task is to hit the ball towards another player, or catch it.
  3. One game is given 6-8 minutes.
  4. Each participant needs to score as many points as possible:
  • 1 point – for a caught ball,
  • 2 points – for a hit ball,
  • 5 points – if the ball was hit towards another participant at chest level.
  1. The one who scores the most points wins.


Includes both creative focus and motor activity. This team game is unusual and multi-component.

What is developed and involved: coordination, imagination.

Features: 8-9 children are needed to play, chalk is needed.

  1. A girl is selected from a group of children to be an “owl”.
  2. Since this is a team game, the remaining children are divided into two teams of “mice”.
  3. A round “mousetrap” with a diameter of 1 m is drawn on the asphalt.
  4. "Mice" are running around the "mousetrap". "Owl" says:

I'm an owl, Valentina,

I don't like raspberries,

I love catching mice

Wow, wow, tell everyone,

The sun is shining for everyone,

I will not eat…

  1. “Owl” names a word - any animal that an owl cannot eat. The “mice” must stop and imitate this animal.
  2. Whoever completes the task slowest goes into the mousetrap.
  3. The last mouse remaining outside the circle wins.

Active games during the day

Every day, teachers need to conduct outdoor games with children. Before breakfast, you need to let the children play on their own without distracting them. To do this, you need to take out the toys and encourage the kids to go to class. Outdoor games for preschoolers are not appropriate immediately after breakfast or any other meal. When choosing games, you need to consider the activities that came before them. For example, after lessons in drawing or the Russian language, it is necessary to offer active games in order to move more.

It is recommended to use outdoor games while walking, in the fresh air. You should only go indoors if the weather is unsuitable, such as heavy rain or wind. If the weather outside is just like this, you need to play in a large hall where there is enough space for everyone.

In the evening it is also recommended to play games, but with little mobility. Singing with round dances is good. This activity should last about 10 minutes. The most favorable time of year for playing games is, of course, summer. Since outdoor games during a walk in the summer are quite easy to implement. On hot days, it is advisable to conduct activities with moderate or low activity so that children do not overheat. And on cooler days, it is better to use games with the highest activity.

It is most difficult to play outdoor games in winter and autumn. Children usually wear warm clothes and bulky shoes, which makes their physical activity difficult. In this case, classes with simple movements that will not tire the kids are ideal.

Outdoor games in a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) in the fresh air and in the hall contribute to a significant increase in physical and mental abilities. Kindergarten is a place that is one of the key in shaping the views and interests of a child.

Games for schoolchildren

Outdoor games are an opportunity to provide children with comprehensive development. Modern collections for teachers contain an interesting catalog of funny games in the form of exercises, sports and games that develop the imagination.

The importance of physical activity for schoolchildren is colossal.

This is an acquaintance with new concepts, acquiring the skills necessary in life. Of course, when introducing new games by teachers, approval will be required. List of the most important equipment that will come in handy:

  • volleyball ball,
  • soccer ball,
  • plastic skittles,
  • gates,
  • basketball basket,
  • checkbox.

A set of exercises that children perform during the game develops the vestibular apparatus, dexterity, speed and strength. The content and rules are not complicated, but they train your ingenuity.

The number of participants has practically no effect on the game process, but it is desirable that there be at least 10-11 children. Main classification of games:

  • plot,
  • sports,
  • combined.

It is extremely important to choose a game for children that is appropriate for their age and season. After all, for an older child both the workload and tasks will be more difficult.

Didactic materials facilitate the educational process. These can be in the form of brochures, books and videos. All means that help parents and teachers interest modern children are good.


In the development of motor activity of a preschooler, outdoor play plays a leading role. E.A. Arkin defines active play as a powerful and irreplaceable means of raising a child, the main lever of preschool education. He sees the advantage of play among various physical exercises in its emotional richness, which gives it a special appeal, mobilizes the strength of children, and brings joy and satisfaction; by the nature of motor activity, which contributes to the work of a significant mass of large muscles (running, jumping, throwing); in a variety of movements, eliminating the danger of overwork; in the ability to regulate the pace and energy of movements by the children themselves; in the manifestation of personal initiative and the development of mental qualities - courage, discipline, resourcefulness, etc.

Intense muscle activity promotes the development of flexibility of the skeleton, joints, skeletal muscles, increases their muscle strength, and develops the necessary coordination. Games promote the development of a child’s motor skills, reduce inhibition and the ability to measure movements in accordance with a task. The use of various actions and movements in the game activates the activity of the entire motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Consequently, the game has a holistic effect on the child’s body, activates the interconnected functions of organs and systems, including the nervous system, which, in turn, increases the functional level of the child’s entire mental activity.

The healing effect achieved during outdoor games is closely related to the positive emotions of children that arise during play activities and have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. Emotional uplift (joy, pleasure, delight, inspiration) creates an increased tone of the whole organism in children. The desire of children to achieve a common goal for all is expressed in a clear understanding of the task at hand, in better coordination of movements, more accurate orientation in space and playing conditions, and in an accelerated pace of completing tasks. With such enthusiasm of children and joyful desire to achieve the goal they have captured, the role of will increases, helping to overcome various obstacles. Active play as a motor activity has certain specifics: it requires the child to quickly respond to signals and unexpected changes in the play environment. Various situations that arise in the game give rise to the need to change the nature of movement and actions, the degree of muscle tension and quickly change the direction of movement.

Such active motor activity trains the child’s nervous system, improving and balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition. For playing in the fresh air, it is typical, as mentioned above, that the child uses his movements independently: run, jump, pause, squat, walk with a careful step, etc. Thus, the child learns to regulate the degree of attention and muscle activity: depending on In a developing game situation, he can alternate movements with rest. All this contributes to the development of observation, the ability to navigate changing environmental conditions, find a way out of the current situation, quickly make a decision and implement it, take initiative, and independently choose the path to achieve the goal. Outdoor games serve as a method for improving motor skills already mastered by children.

Junior schoolchildren

At 6-7 years old, children are accustomed to story-based games, but they need to start introducing sports elements.

Alphabet and dictionary

Purpose of the game: improving literacy, learning the native language.

Inventory: clothespins with letters, cards with words of equal difficulty.

  1. Children are divided into teams and choose captains.
  2. The captains randomly select task words for the opposing team.
  3. Find the letters that make up the words for the opposing team.
  4. The captains attach letters to the backs of the opposing team members.
  5. The teams line up.
  6. On the count of 1-2-3, the captains show the words that need to be collected.
  7. The team that completes the word faster by lining up in a row wins.

Hide and seek

Orientation: hide well, then run to the base.

Features of the location: a courtyard with enough safe places to hide.

  1. Children choose a courseworker who will search.
  2. The student, while at the base, closes his eyes and counts to 20.
  3. At this time, the participants in the game hide.
  4. If the courseworker finds a participant, he runs to the base and calls the name of the found participant.
  5. The goal of the participants: to reach the base and say their name before the coursework.

Other games

At the age of 7-8, children can already play mini-football and hockey (they will need ice at a skating rink), which will allow them to develop running speed and the ability to work in a team. At the age of 7-9, children begin to play classic volleyball.

Active game management

Preschool children love all outdoor games, but, of course, they cannot organize them on their own. The teacher comes to their aid with this. The teacher must remember that the main goal of such games is the improvement and development of the child’s physical and mental abilities. The ability to work in a team is also very important, which must be taught in childhood. The plan for outdoor games should be drawn up in such a way that children develop their skills and abilities during the lesson.

The teacher needs to take part in the games, thereby showing the child by his own example how interesting and exciting it is. Children love to play with adults, it makes them feel older. You need to use a cheerful tone in communication, this will captivate kids.

Organizing outdoor play is a rather difficult task, since all children are individual, and it is far from a fact that everything will go smoothly from the very beginning. You can often observe a situation where not all children want to take part in a group game due to their shyness. There is no need to put pressure on the child; you should give him a little time to get comfortable. If the baby is still shy and afraid to play with others, you can try to carefully involve him in the process. An offer to run or hide together would be an excellent way out of this situation for the teacher.

The teacher must competently manage the game and control it in order to avoid unpleasant situations. To suggest something, to encourage someone somewhere is a great option. If most children begin to play around and lose interest, it is necessary to stop the game and give the kids time to rest.

Middle and high school students

Older students will be interested in different games than primary school students. From a pedagogical point of view, it is more difficult to captivate a teenager than younger children.

This task will be easier to cope with if new games are introduced that keep up with the times. Games in nature are especially useful for schoolchildren, because ordinary walks will not provide the necessary physical activity.

Lincoln's snowball blunder

High school students will also want to play an exciting game with a popular plot. Winter fun will captivate every child.

Features: carried out in winter, when there is enough fresh snow and not severe frost, there is sufficient space outside.

Details: a plastic bottle with colored rice (rice is painted with food coloring) will imitate a bottle of holy water; a picture depicting a city map, red and blue ribbons for each participant.

What else to read: Hide and seek - yard entertainment for children

Story for the plot: President Lincoln fights werewolves. The werewolves are sitting in the fortress, the president and his assistants are in the apartment. They decide to go fight evil. The object of the struggle is a map of the city, which the werewolves keep in their fortress.

Organization of the game:

  1. The day before you need to make 2 fortresses at a distance of 9-10 m from each other, the height of a child.
  2. Teams of werewolves, Lincoln and his assistants are selected.
  3. Each participant marks himself with a ribbon: the werewolves are red, the wrestling team is blue.
  4. The werewolves take a position in their fortress, and the map is located in this fortress. Werewolf weapons: snowballs.
  5. The President and his team occupy the second fortress-apartment. Their weapons: a bottle of holy water (dyed rice) and snowballs.
  6. Lincoln jumps up so that the werewolves can see it and waves his hand, saying: “I won’t give you an easy life, but I’ll show you an example. The only way for you to save yourself is to give the card to us!”
  7. After this, the werewolf hunters try to run to their opponents' fortress and take the map. Werewolves are trying to break into the president's apartment.
  8. If a snowball hits a member of one of the teams, he is eliminated from the game for three minutes. When holy water hits a werewolf, he is knocked out for 10 minutes.
  9. The game ends when the president's team has captured the map, or if a third of the werewolves have entered the apartment.

Relay race

Relay races are known in every school; they are held in physical education classes. Conducting relay races improves physical fitness and strengthens the competitive spirit. General principle:

  1. Invite children to divide into teams.
  2. Form teams into columns at the starting line.
  3. On the command “March!” the captain runs (jumps) to the flag, touches it with his hand and returns to the team.
  4. Pats the next person in the column on the shoulder, who performs the same actions as the captain, and so on.
  5. The winner is the team whose last link returns to the starting line first.

Other games

High school students do athletics and run short distances. But still, they will play football with great pleasure. The purpose of outdoor play is not only to improve physical characteristics, but also to instill a lifelong love of sports.

Outdoor games in kindergartens for the older group

Most children before school spend most of their lives in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, holding games in such institutions is mandatory. The classification of outdoor games involves division into two parts: for very young children and older children.

The preparatory group mainly plays games with the ball. For example, you need to find out who can run faster from start to finish by tossing a ball. In addition, such games as “Mousetrap”, “Owl”, “Shepherd and the Wolf” are popular. Let's look at each of them.

Mousetrap. Children are divided into two identical groups. The first is mice, which must line up in a column one after another. The other group should form three circles, holding hands. When the teacher says: “The mousetrap is open,” the children standing in a circle raise their hands, and the mice run in turn each circle. When the teacher gives the command: “Clap,” the children in the circle lower their hands. Those mice that are inside the circles are considered caught. The game continues until all the “mice” are caught.

Owl. Children are divided into two groups: butterflies and bugs. In addition, one baby is selected to act as an owl. A circle is drawn for him - a nest, and he stands there. When the teacher says: “Day,” all the butterflies and bugs walk freely around the playground, doing as they please. As soon as the teacher says: “Night,” everyone stops and the owl begins to wander around the playground. The owl takes those children who move with him to the nest. The game ends when there are several butterflies or bugs in the nest.

Shepherd and wolf. Two children are chosen to be the wolf and the shepherd, respectively. The rest are sheep. It is necessary to draw an area for the sheep's home and for the place where they will graze. The shepherd takes the sheep out to pasture, at the command: “Wolf,” everyone must run away. The wolf's task is to catch as many sheep as possible and take them to his lair, and the shepherd is called upon to protect his pets. The game ends when the wolf has caught a certain number of sheep.

Examples of plotless games

“Sun-Rain” (For preschoolers)

For this game it is necessary to determine what will be the “house”. They can be chairs, hoops on the ground and other objects located on the site. The presenter says the phrase:

“Sunny, it’s time to go for a walk.” After this, the children run freely around the territory until the leader says: “It’s raining, it’s time to go home.”

At this command, the guys run to the “houses”. You can reduce the number of “houses” with each move to introduce a competitive element into the game.

Then the winner will be the one who reaches the very end.

“Tea, tea - help out!” (for preschoolers – middle-aged children)

The game is played in a limited area. One or more drivers are selected. On command, the children run away. The driver's task is to harass those running away. Those who have been exposed must stand still and shout:

  • Tea, tea - help out!

Drivers can guard the harassed player, but should not stand right next to him or hold his hand. To save a participant, simple tasks are suitable: crawl between the legs (if the game is played indoors) or simply touch with your hand.

Any free player can “help out” the victim. The task of the presenters is to catch all the players, the rest - to remain undetected for as long as possible.

“Ring Throwers” ​​(for preschoolers of older groups - middle-aged children)

Several pegs (3–7) are placed at a distance from children (depending on age, you can choose a distance of 1–2.5 m).
Participants take turns throwing rings, the number of which may be 1–2 more than the number of pegs.

The number of hits of each child is counted, and the winner is the most accurate player.

Examples of fun games

“Catch the ball” (for preschoolers - children of primary school age)

Children receive one or more balloons (depending on the number of participants). The guys' task is to prevent the balls from touching the floor, constantly forcing them to fly up.

“The slower you go, the further you go” (for any age)

Two lines are drawn - start and finish (the distance between them is about 30 m). The leader stands at the finish line, the rest at the start. The presenter turns away and says the words:

"The quieter you go, the further you'll get".

While the leader speaks, the rest try to run as far as possible. The presenter, having finished speaking, turns sharply.

At this moment everyone should freeze. The player who does not have time to stop is sent back to the start. The players' task is to get to the finish line as quickly as possible.

"Jumping in bags" (for any age)

The guys are divided into 2 or more teams. Each team has a bag.

Children take turns jumping in bags to the set mark and returning back.

All team members must complete this task. The team's goal is to finish faster than their opponents.

The fastest team wins.

Outdoor games are an excellent way to develop skills in a child. While children are having fun and having fun, physical activity has a positive effect on their health, increases endurance and agility, and teaches children how to work as a team. Thus, the child develops while doing what interests him.

Precautionary measures

When conducting outdoor games, it is worth remembering safety precautions. Failure to comply with safety precautions can lead to injuries and other unpleasant consequences, so it is important to familiarize children with the rules of the game, indicate the territory in which it will be played, tell them what to do if they fall, etc.

Basic rules for outdoor games:

  • Play on a safe surface: flat, without unexpected holes or bumps, preferably not too hard. The ideal surface is grassy.
  • Do not play outside during or immediately after rain as the ground becomes slippery.
  • If the game is played indoors, make sure it is large enough.
  • Do not play games near roads or parking lots. The best place is a specially equipped closed area.
  • If you use sports equipment (ball, rope, jump rope), make sure it is in good working order and tell your children about the rules of use. Make sure the guys stick to them.
  • Check your children's shoes: they should be comfortable, fit firmly on the feet, and not cause difficulties when running. Clothing must also be appropriate. Do not neglect your hat if the game is played outside on a sunny day.
  • If necessary, use protection: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads.
  • You can prepare water so that the guys can quench their thirst after the game.

If one of the children is injured, provide first aid and, if necessary, take him to a place where he will receive qualified assistance.

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