Project for children’s adaptation to the swimming pool “I’ll be swimming soon”

SanPIN for swimming pools. Visiting rules and regulations for children: what should the water temperature be? Swimming equipment for the pool.

In this article we will talk about a swimming pool in a kindergarten and consider its healing effect on children.
We will provide detailed descriptions of the hygiene requirements for the pool and adjacent premises, and tell you about the functions of the maintenance personnel described in SanPiN. We will also separately discuss the safety of children and the things necessary for visiting the pool. A pond in a kindergarten has specific differences from a public one: everything must be designed for children, and their interests and characteristics must be taken into account. Children's institutions are subject to the most stringent requirements for hygiene and sanitary standards so that staying in the water is absolutely safe and brings only benefits. In this article we will look at some aspects and features of swimming pools in kindergartens.

The healing effect of swimming on a child’s body

The benefits of swimming in a pool for the harmonious development and health of a child have been proven many times. Exercises in water help develop and strengthen the muscular corset and correct posture, and rhythmic breathing helps prevent viral respiratory diseases. Swimming is also one of the least traumatic sports, since the body is completely supported by water, and the load is distributed evenly across all muscle groups. Improving blood circulation during exercise helps to increase brain activity.

Swimming combines both work and relaxation, so the muscles, by tensing and then stretching, become stronger and stronger, but do not increase in volume. Children's activities in the pool cannot cause harm, because they are even used in the rehabilitation of patients.

During the classes, children are taught not only different swimming styles, but also diving in the pool, which helps improve lung function, coordination, and develop the skill of exhaling under water. Proper breathing also helps saturate brain cells with oxygen. By playing in a pond, children can release excess energy, and the waves of water that support the body, like a massage, will relax, calm and relieve the child from hyperactivity for a while.

In addition to the positive effect on general health, playing in water improves the emotional and psychological state of the child.

Family wellness

The family recreation center conducts water activities for different age groups. And the presence of several branches of the center will definitely help answer the question: where to send your child to the pool.

“Second Birth” conducts:

  • infant swimming for babies with mothers or fathers for the age group from 1.5 months to 1 year,
  • classes in the children's pool from 1 year to 2 years - they are also held together with parents,
  • classes in the pool for children from 2 years old - in Moscow and the Moscow region,
  • swimming section for children from 4 years old in several branches of the center,
  • training in the pool for children from 6 years old in Moscow and the Moscow region.

According to the rules of the pool, the section for children of the third and fourth age groups works in such a way that parents can be in the water with the child or wait for him on land at their discretion.

The cost of a one-time visit to the pool is from 750 rubles, when purchasing a subscription - from 600 rubles. The final price depends on the specific branch.

Branches of the health center operate in several districts of Moscow at the following addresses: st. Larch alley, 12 B (Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station), st. Kosinskaya, 12B (metro station Vykhino), st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 18 (metro station Bagrationovskaya), st. Rabochaya, 53 (metro station Ploshchad Ilyicha) and in the Moscow region (Khimki, Dolgoprudny).

SanPiN requirements for children's pools

SanPiN (Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards) are a fundamental set of rules for organizing a swimming pool. This document contains all instructions, requirements and standards that must be strictly and fully observed. Let's look at some of the most important of them.

So, what must be near the pool?

  • 2 changing rooms;
  • Spacious hall with a pond;
  • Showers, toilets;
  • Nurse's office and swim coach's room;
  • Premises containing the technical equipment of the swimming pool;
  • Laboratory for water analysis.

Now let's look at the roles and responsibilities of the people who must be present throughout the entire swimming lesson: the instructor and the nurse.

The physical education instructor (who teaches swimming in the pool) should ensure that children shower before they go into the pool and after class to rinse off the chlorine-containing water.

The nurse should examine children before each activity to check for skin irritation and illness. If children complain about their well-being, as stipulated by SanPiN, the nurse releases them from classes. She must be with the children during the entire lesson. The pool should have dimensions from 3 by 7 to 6 by 10 meters. The optimal water temperature is 30-32 degrees, children love warm water and are willing to play in it. The nurse monitors the children during classes, monitors the hygienic condition of the pool, equipment and all adjacent rooms, controls the temperature of the water and air, helps children wash and dress, and provides first aid if necessary.

SanPiN attaches great importance to measures for disinfection and disinfestation of the pool, how many times and how to take samples and analyzes of water, bacteria, etc. SanPiN also pays attention to water purity. Its complete replacement with constant circulation should be carried out within 8 hours. If there is no constant circulation, then the discharge and collection of water must be carried out daily, according to SanPiN. Cleaning the pool in a kindergarten must be carried out by special services or employees responsible for this operation.

According to SanPiN, the pool and adjacent rooms in a kindergarten can become centers of mass infection - fungal, adenoviral, parasitic infections. Therefore, treatment and disinfection must be carried out regularly and according to established rules. Shower and toilet rooms, locker rooms, and bench surfaces are subject to daily cleaning.

General cleaning of the pool is usually carried out once a month. Water quality control is carried out once a day, microclimate parameters - 2 times a year, air condition, noise and lighting levels - once a year, bacteriological and parasitological analyzes of the water surface - once a quarter. Interesting fact: The recommended time in the pool is adjusted based on the age of the children: junior group - 15-20 minutes, middle group - 20-25 minutes, senior and preparatory groups - 25-30 minutes.

In winter, classes in the pool should take place after a walk; if this is not possible, then at least 50 minutes should pass between swimming and walking.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Experience in teaching children to swim in a preschool department

Physical education instructor at BOU School 1150 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky Elena Aleksandrovna Golub

PURPOSE: to systematize the experience of teaching swimming to children in a kindergarten.


  • summarize the experience of teaching swimming to children of primary preschool age;
  • show the feasibility of using elements of the simultaneous method when working with children of primary preschool age;
  • introduce the techniques and methods I use in my work.

The formation of swimming skills is provided for in the program from the 2nd junior group. But in the fourth year of life, the child is little adapted to organized activities. In this regard, in order to achieve the correct and successful implementation of the necessary exercises and commands, you need to make the classes interesting and evoke in the child a conscious desire to complete the task. Experience shows that this is possible if you turn a swimming lesson into a game and use simple and accessible exercises.

It is quite difficult for children to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten; often “separation from mother” causes stress in children. My observations show that children adapt better, faster, and less painfully to new living conditions if, from the very first days of visiting a child care facility, they have the opportunity to swim, play and splash in the pool.

In the methodological literature on teaching swimming, methods and recommendations for classes with children of older and preparatory age for school are widely discussed, and, in my opinion, very little attention is paid to working with children. But the largest percentage of accidents on water occurs between 6 and 10 years of age, when the child actively strives to demonstrate independence. Therefore, it is desirable that by the age of 6, as many children as possible have mastered swimming skills.

If you use a simultaneous teaching method when working with children of the second junior group and the middle group of kindergarten, the process of mastering swimming skills will be more effective.

It can be assumed that the earlier the learning process begins, the more opportunities there are to educate the majority of children, taking into account individual development data, physical fitness and health status.

This opens up good prospects for systematic swimming lessons in the future, for sports swimming, and also reduces the likelihood of accidents on the water.

I assume that if you use elements of a simultaneous method when teaching in the second junior group, then children will quickly adapt to the water and master swimming skills than if they start learning using the classical method.

The widely presented methodological literature on teaching swimming mainly covers in detail materials on working with children of the senior and preparatory groups, since the classically favorable optimal age for starting swimming lessons is considered to be the age of 7-8 years (due to the organizational readiness of children for this period). The relevance of this article is that there is a need to systematize my experience of working with younger children, i.e. with children aged 3-5 years, which is based on the widespread use of elements of the simultaneous technique developed by T.A. Protchenko and Yu.A. Semenov.

The work was carried out in a kindergarten, where there is a 3x7m pool with a depth of 0.7 m. Four groups worked in the preschool department, of which two groups were the second youngest, one middle group, one senior and one preparatory. Classes were held twice a week for 15 minutes in the second younger group; 20 minutes in the middle group and 25 minutes in the senior group, 30 minutes in the preparatory group.

Due to the fact that kindergartens are mostly attended by children of primary preschool age, there was a need to pay special attention to working with children of this particular age group and systematize their work experience.

In the preschool department, physical education classes were held in all age groups of the kindergarten, as well as individual lessons with weakened children and additional classes in preparation for the “I can swim!” .

The average attendance at kindergarten classes is 70% (taking into account children who are sick and temporarily exempt from swimming lessons).

If quarantine is not declared, children have the opportunity to attend 72 classes throughout the year. Taking into account quarantines, on average, kindergartens conduct approximately 60 classes per year.

To facilitate the learning process, the pool has swimming boards, balls, fins, aqua sticks, sinking and floating toys. To help the teacher, there is a “Lifeguard Corner” and literature on methods of conducting practical swimming lessons with children of all ages, as well as literature on teaching sports swimming techniques.

Mastering swimming techniques involves the use of preparatory and lead-in exercises, including on land. New movements of the arms, legs, breathing and their coordination are performed first on the side, and then transferred to the water. Until recently, these exercises were carried out by me in swimming lessons, taking up up to 15% of the lesson time. Now I have transferred the preparatory exercises to physical education classes, including them in the preparatory part of the lesson and in the outdoor gear, thereby increasing the time the children spend in the water.

After children have mastered inhaling and exhaling into the water, sliding on the chest and back, we move on to learning the movements of the arms and legs, as when swimming crawl. Training began with mastering the “crawl” on the chest and back. But not everyone succeeded in doing this. By the end of the school year, only 50% of the children being trained could swim 14 meters or more without stepping on the bottom and without aids.

Many children tried to perform their voluntary movements with their hands, choosing their breathing as convenient for them, and at the same time remained on the water longer in an unsupported state. Thus, it turned out that the “crawl” is not a favorite and convenient way for all children.

Starting next year, after mastering breathing exercises and gliding techniques, I decided to teach the children the movements of the arms and legs, as when swimming in the crawl , breaststroke , and dolphin at the same time. Unlearning was carried out in several physical education classes. Further, in the water, the children were asked to swim “as far as you can” , working with arms “breaststroke” , legs “crawl” , arms “crawl without arm extension” , legs “crawl” , “breaststroke” or “dolphin”, etc. The most A convenient option, as it turned out, was – arms “breaststroke” – legs “crawl” and arms “crawl without arm extension” – legs “crawl” . At the same time, many children quickly learned to combine swimming movements with inhaling and exhaling into the water. Subsequently, I began to work, combining the classical method (in the initial and last classes) with the simultaneous one (in the middle of training). By the end of the school year, 85% of senior preschool children swam more than 15 meters in any convenient way. 50% of children in the preparatory group swam 25 meters, which was confirmed by the “I Can Swim!” held in the Orbita (Zelenograd) in deep water, where the team of our kindergarten took first place and represented Zelenograd at the water sports festival at the Olimpiysky (Moscow), participating in all nominations.

During the last 6-8 lessons before the competition, the children, who were confident in the water, quickly mastered the basics of the sports swimming methods “crawl” , “breaststroke” , “dolphin” .

In children of the junior and second middle groups, the skills and abilities of movements in water acquired at an earlier age (nursery group) are consolidated.

It must be taken into account that the smaller the child, the more imaginative his thinking is. Therefore, I conduct all classes with children in an imitation form. In order for the child to understand the essence of the task, he must imagine an image - “frog” , “fountain” , “rain”, etc.

Since the beginning of the school year, in physical education classes we have been learning hand movements like when swimming: “breaststroke” - “frog” , “crawl” - “mill” , “freestyle crawl” - “doggy” ; legs – “frog” , “scissors” . During swimming lessons, children quickly remember these movements and try to perform them in the water, resting their feet on the bottom or holding on to the side, or with a support device (board, ball).

The kids’ first activity is an excursion to the pool, learning the rules they must follow. It is very good if some fairy-tale hero (an adult kindergarten employee in disguise) meets the children in the locker room and tells them about these rules, shows them the showers, explains why this is necessary, and then leads them to the pool premises. Then the children of the preparatory group show the kids their ability to swim and play on the water. Demonstration of this should make children want to get into the water, splash around and play in it with other children.

Classes for children are conducted according to the following scheme.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, children perform “rain” (sitting on the side, lower their feet into the water, move their legs up and down - make “rain” ). Then, going down into the water and holding the side with your hand, walk along the perimeter of the pool in both directions.

Next, we move on to a breathing exercise and immersing the face in water. Here I make extensive use of floating toys. Exercises such as “blow on a boat” , “make the wind” , “ducks” - quite quickly help children remember or learn how to inhale and exhale into the water.

In the main part of the lesson, holding the side or board with your hands, we perform leg movements using the crawl , breaststroke, scissors , and frog . We gradually learn to perform these exercises with the face immersed in water. From the first lessons we move around the pool, performing movements with our arms, as when swimming in the “breaststroke” - “frog” , in the “crawl” - “mill” . I achieve this exercise by immersing my face in water.

When children begin to fearlessly lift their feet from the bottom and lower their faces into the water, i.e. Having mastered all the previous stages, we move on to learning how to slide – “arrow” .

At the next stage, children are invited to work with their legs and arms in different combinations, performing movements of the arms and legs that imitate “frog” , “mill” , “scissors” , “tail” (legs “dolphin” ) and at the same time swim “to the other shore” . Experience shows that children in the 2nd ml. The group completes the task with pleasure. The classes arouse interest and at the end of the school year, 30% of children can stay on the water without support up to 5-7 meters in the second youngest group and 60% on average.

The following is a summary of lesson No. 2 in the 2nd ml. group during the adaptation period.

“Working with children of primary preschool age in the pool during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution” (lesson notes).

Goal: learn to move independently around the pool, develop a fearless attitude towards water, and develop coordination of movements.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go into the pool. Goldfish run in (children of senior preschool age):

Hello guys!

We are goldfish that have swum to your pool. We want to show everyone what we have been taught.

Children sit on a bench. Goldfish show free dance and music with elements of sports and synchronized swimming.


- Goldfish, what do you need to do in order to learn to swim like that?


- You need to do a warm-up.

Children, together with the fish, perform a set of preparatory exercises to the music.


-Let's see, guys, how good the water is in our pool.

  • Exercises performed:

Exercise "Rain"

Sitting on the side, work as yogis in the water as when swimming “crawl”

Children go into the water

Exercise “We wash ourselves”

Exercise "Travelers"

Walking along the bottom of the pool, holding the side of the pool alternately with your right and left hands

Exercise “Wind on the Sea”

In a circle, holding hands, blow on the water.

Exercise "Bubbles"


Holding the side with your hands:

  • jump up
  • work with your legs like when swimming "crawl"

Game exercise “Boat”

Game exercise with the ball “Dolphin”


Throw the ball forward from behind your head, catch up, “swim” to the side, holding onto the ball with your hands.

Game exercise “Transport the toy to the other side”

Game exercise “Fishermen”

Educator: - Well done guys, they played well. Did you like it with us? Then

come again. Now it’s time for you to get dressed and go to the group.

In the middle group, most children, except for newcomers and those who missed a lot of classes in the past year, are already well adapted and easily perform sliding and “torpedo” (arms “shooter” - legs “crawl” ). They can easily swim 15-25 meters with a board, exhaling into the water.

In parallel with improving and consolidating these exercises, we begin to learn how to swim in full coordination. Children get acquainted with the methods - “crawl” , “dolphin” , “back crawl” .

During the learning process I use aids - boards and caresses. To achieve the correct position of the body and head, I offer children tasks involving swimming through a hoop and under a tight rope.

Those for whom swimming in a sportive manner causes severe difficulties continue to master swimming “in their own” way using a simultaneous method.

3-4 times before competitions, with the voluntary desire of parents, on Sundays, I practice with children in “big” water in the MIET pool. Those who swim 2-3 laps in kindergarten without stepping to the bottom (28-42 m), often already in the first lesson in deep water can easily swim 25 meters in their “favorite” way. To overcome the fear of deep water, jumping “dismount” into the water with your feet down like a “soldier” , because the use of training jumps into water greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of adaptation to water, and training is more emotional. The child can be allowed to make the first jumps while holding the pole with his hands. First, children swim 25 meters from a deep place to a shallow place with a board in their hands 2-3 times. Then, without a board, next to me, one by one, we try to swim 25 meters. As a rule, everyone who swims well in the small kindergarten pool by the third lesson easily and without fear swims 25 meters on their own.

Our team takes part in the festival “I can swim!” annually. We fully comply with all the conditions of the competition program, i.e. swimming 25 meters in deep water, showing four swimming methods in turn, 2-4 children swim 50 meters freestyle. Each of the last 5 years the team has become a finalist in the Zelenograd stage of the water sports festival “I can swim!”

Swimming lessons are successfully implemented according to T.A. Protchenko, i.e. At the same time, training from all the constituent elements identifies the main ones, the mastery of which contributes to rapid learning as a whole and the formation of a more durable swimming skill. These are the movements of the arms in combination with breathing when swimming “front crawl” , the movement of the legs when swimming “breaststroke” , the movement of the body in combination with the movement of the legs when swimming “dolphin” . Then the remaining movements are mastered.

When conducting swimming lessons, it is necessary to help enrich the motor experience acquired in physical education classes, walks and satisfy the natural need of children for movement. This is one of the tasks. In an effort to achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of each child and his individual abilities. For each lesson, appropriate preparation of the room (ventilation, sanitary treatment), rational distribution of the material necessary for the lesson is necessary.

You can use the following techniques to teach basic motor skills with preschool-aged children:

  1. Method of providing assistance when performing a movement. (The main technique for developing skills in young children). It is especially effective when combined with verbal instructions and explanations.
  2. Speech instructions: most often in combination with demonstration, game techniques, in the form of a specific task. For example: “bring the ball” , “collect the fish in the basket” , etc.
  3. Introducing a toy: increases the emotional intensity of the activity.


A holiday is a spectacular form of active recreation for children. A source of joy, fun and beauty. At the same time, during the holiday, the child’s ability to demonstrate his physical qualities in unusual conditions and game situations and to mobilize his strength in competitions is revealed.

Holidays have an effective influence on the formation of a child's personality. Joint activities with peers, achieving good results as a team, overcoming difficulties, unite the team, and give children a sense of responsibility. Children learn to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, rejoice at their achievements, and maintain good friendly relations with each other. The child develops a desire to achieve not only high individual, but also collective success.

Every year, the pool hosts sports and game events “Neptune’s Festival” and “I am a Water One!” , in which children of older groups take part, and children are present as spectators.

For younger groups, leisure activities on the water are regularly held.

The scenario for the holiday “Neptune's Holiday” is given below.

Neptune Festival

(Fun starts on the water).


THE HOST opens the holiday:

- Guys, today we gathered in our pool to check how dexterous, strong and fast we have become this year, how we have become friends with water, how we have learned to swim. Today we are holding a fun sports festival on the water - “Fun Starts on the Water” .

2 teams: team 7 gr. - "Karasiki"

team 11 gr. — “Waves”

There will be 4 relay races. But what would a sports festival be without the ruler of the seas and oceans, “Neptune” !

To the music (Saint-Saens, "March of the Lion" ) Neptune enters and leads the Little Mermaid by the hand. Approaches the throne. They say hello.


I am the proud ruler of the seas of Pisces, the ruler of dolphins, My palace is at the bottom of the sea All strewn with amber.

I came to your kindergarten, To see all the children, To find out who likes to swim, To watch your tournament

And these sea beads (shows beads) for everyone to wear for victory. And with me from the bottom of the sea is a flock of golden fish

I hastened to come to you for the holiday. Now you will see them!

Little Mermaid, call the goldfish!

THE LITTLE MERMAID: - Hey, goldfish, swim here quickly.

Show us the dance

Have fun guys!

Goldfish run in to the music and dance on land and in water.

(Elements of synchronized swimming).

NEPTUNE: - These are the beautiful fish that live with me, and they are friends with the Little Mermaid! And now I want to see how you swim. I'm not used to waiting for a long time, I order the tournament to begin!

HOST: starts the competition.

5 participants in each relay. The judge evaluates the winners and records the results in the protocol.

Relay races: 1 - holding the board with your hands, swim along the pool and, returning to the starting position, send the next comrade.

2 - swim with 2 balls along the pool and, returning back, send your friend, passing the balls to him.

3 - “Who is faster” . Swim along the pool, diving 2 times under a rope stretched across the pool, and returning back, send your friend with a hand-to-hand touch .

4 - “Pearl Fishers” . Which team will collect more items from the bottom of the pool.

HOST: - Dear Neptune! Our tournament is over, now the judges will sum up the results, and you can award the winners!

NEPTUNE: - I watched how your athletes swim, and now I want to see how all the guys swim.

Well, guys!

Jump into the water quickly! And swim more fun! I will muddy the waters and catch all the cowards!

To drag down to the bottom of the sea Those who quarrel with the water!

Children jump into the pool and swim. Neptune walks around and tries to touch each child with his trident staff. Children hide from him and plunge headlong into the water.

Free swimming and playing with Neptune are accompanied by cheerful music. The music stops, the children come out of the water.

HOST: - Now let’s listen to what our judges have to say and hold an award ceremony.

The Little Mermaid and Neptune hang medals for the winning team members separately in each relay race. The Little Mermaid and Neptune hang sea beads to all competition participants and guests of the holiday and give juice to the children.

NEPTUNE: - Well done, guys! I see that you all love water and many of you are good swimmers!

And now it’s time to say goodbye, The earthly air is heavy for me! I wish you to smile and be friends with any water!

I’m going to my mermaids in the depths of the sea, But don’t be upset, I’ll come to you in a year!

Music is playing. Neptune and the Little Mermaid leave.

The host announces the end of the holiday.

Sports festivals are not only about competitions. The close connection with other activities is clearly visible here. Musical classes help in composing choreographic compositions on the board and exercises with elements of synchronized swimming in the water, which children are happy to demonstrate to the audience. Reciting poetry promotes speech development, and counting objects in various games and competitions is closely related to mathematics. Preparing costumes and decorating the pool for the holiday contributes to the development of the child’s artistic taste.


It is well known that swimming promotes health, physical development and hardening of children. Bathing, swimming, games and entertainment on the water are one of the most useful types of physical exercise; they contribute to the health of children and strengthen their nervous system. Therefore, the sooner you accustom a child to water, the more fully the positive impact of swimming will have on the development of the entire child’s body.

Swimming lessons have a beneficial effect not only on the physical condition of the child, but also develops mental abilities and coordination of movements. The earlier a child starts swimming, the more successfully he will develop in the future. My work experience shows that when organizing classes with children, the non-traditional method of simultaneous learning turned out to be very effective, which helped make classes more interesting and the exercises offered to children more accessible. As a result, it became easier for children to learn to swim, and the level of swimming readiness increased.


  1. Moscow Committee of Education. "Swimming. Curriculum for children from 2 to 7 years old" - M., 1999.
  2. Semenov Yu. A. “Swimming course for beginners in all age groups” - M., 2000.
  3. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A., Bogina T.L. “Teaching swimming in kindergarten” - M., 1991.
  4. Moscow Committee of Education “Features of teaching swimming to children of preschool and younger ages” - M., 1998.
  5. Osokina T.I. “How to teach children to swim” - M., 1985.
  6. Semenov Yu.A. “Swimming skill for everyone” - M., 1983.
  7. Maslov V. “Everyone should be able to swim” - M., 1972.
  8. Bulgakova N.Zh. “Swimming” - M., 1984.
  9. Scientific Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR “Methodological recommendations for organizing swimming training for preschool children” - M., 1985.
  10. Runova M.A. “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten” - M., 2004.
  11. Telenchi V.I. “Hygienic principles of raising children from 3 to 7 years old” - M., 1987.


Children's test results

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Swimming lessons in kindergarten

Before a lesson with children, you need to give a brief instruction on behavior in water: carefully monitor the physical education instructor and follow his instructions, under no circumstances run or make noise, and if you feel unwell, immediately report it.

The next stage: children must wash themselves in the shower so that dust and any other contaminants do not get into the pool. If necessary, teachers, instructor and nurse can help.

In order for your child to be allowed into the pool, you need to prepare the following things:

  • One-piece swimsuit for girls, swimming trunks for boys;
  • Long robe with hood;
  • Several towels;
  • Soap;
  • Swimming glasses;
  • Swimming cap and rubber shoes.

After each lesson, things must be taken home to be washed and dried.

The lesson begins with a short physical warm-up on land, during which children must warm up and warm up their muscles for further work in the water. This is a necessary stage, because if we immediately go into the water without warming up, we will not achieve the desired healing effect.

In the water of the pool, children follow the instructions of the instructor teaching any style of swimming, and immediately practice the acquired skills. After training, games begin, which children really like and bring a lot of positive emotions.

The final part of a swimming lesson in kindergarten is free swimming, when children simply frolic in the water, without any task.

List of necessary things

When purchasing a subscription or registration at a school or kindergarten, it is better to immediately check with the institution what the child needs to take with him to the pool. Usually the list for children is universal and no different from the requirements of any institution, but there may be exceptions. In most cases, your child will need the following items to use the pool.


Usually classes are accompanied by a preliminary warm-up or sports exercises, for which you need to purchase a tracksuit or a set of T-shirt and shorts. You will also need comfortable sneakers and sneakers.

Swimming trunks or swimsuit

For girls, it is traditional to choose one-piece sports swimsuits; for boys, classic swimming trunks with an elastic band or with additional lace-up fastening are suitable. It is recommended to purchase a swim set only after trying it on; it is important that nothing hinders the baby’s active movements. Also, you can’t buy a model “to grow” - the fabric will get wet and stretch under the influence of water.

Swimming cap

Stores offer a wide selection of fabric and latex products, but silicone is the best option. This material is durable and elastic, does not cause allergies, and is comfortable to wear. There is a large selection of children's models decorated with bright images, patterns or decorative elements. You can choose a hat that matches the color of your swimsuit or buy a complete set.

Plastic glasses

They protect the eyes from splashes and are needed for diving and swimming underwater. Pool water contains solutions of chlorine and other chemicals for disinfection, which, if they come into contact with mucous membranes, can cause irritation and allergies. The use of special glasses with silicone edging will not cause any discomfort to the child when swimming and will reliably protect his eyes.

Special shoes

The floors of the pool are tiled due to constant humidity, so the baby’s feet must be protected from hypothermia. Comfortable slides with rubber soles will provide the necessary thermal insulation of the foot and will not slip on a wet tiled floor.


After a shower, your child should dry off before getting dressed. The best choice would be terry cloth, which absorbs moisture faster. You should not choose a towel that is too large - it will be difficult for your baby to fold it on his own to put it in his bag. The optimal size is about 60-70cm long, 30-40cm wide.

Change of linen

A clean, dry T-shirt and underwear for your child to wear after a shower.

Empty bags

It is better to choose plastic, polyethylene or waterproof fabric; such bags are needed to remove a wet swimsuit, towel, or underwear.


To make it easy to carry things for swimming, it is better to purchase a special roomy bag. Sports models made of waterproof fabric with a shoulder strap are suitable - they open wide, it will be convenient for the child to stow objects. A backpack with several compartments is also suitable.

If your child will go to the pool on his own, it is better to sign his things. You can use tags and a waterproof marker to do this, or embroider small tags on each item of clothing. This will help your child quickly find his things after class.

Children's safety in the pool

A physical education instructor, a nurse and, in some cases, educators closely monitor the physical education instructor to ensure that nothing happens to the children during the lesson.

Since children must take a shower before going to the pool, the cabins must be equipped with anti-slip mats, which makes it completely safe for children to stay there.

Some groups practice a technique such as using inflatable arm sleeves, this will make it much easier and safer for children to float on the water.

It is imperative to explain to children that they cannot run near the pool, as they can slip and fall. The tiles that line the pool are also dangerous; they can cause cuts, for example, if children jump from the sides of the pool into the water without using a ladder. You need to talk to your children about all the dangers, which will help protect them from possible injuries.

State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Olympic Aquatics Center"

Parents of future champions should pay attention to the Moscow Olympic Aquatics Center, where there is a swimming section for children from 3 years old.

Classes are held in groups of 6-7 people and last 30-45 minutes. According to instructors and methodologists, this is the most effective system for teaching swimming to children from 3 years old in Moscow.

The water temperature in the training pools is 32 degrees.

A group of children aged 7 to 14 years study for 45 minutes at a water temperature of 27-28 degrees.

Classes for children are held at the Swimming House near the Izmailovo, Semenovskaya or Partizanskaya metro stations at the address: st. Ibragimova, 32.

The cost of a one-time visit is from 350 rubles, when purchasing a subscription – from 310 rubles.

Infrared cabin after swimming

In some children's institutions, after the pool and shower, children are invited to warm up in the infrared sauna to avoid colds.

Is this the same as an infrared sauna? Most often, the cabin is made of natural wood and heating elements located around the entire perimeter, which allows for uniform heating, and to operate the sauna you only need a standard 220-volt outlet, which allows you to install this unit in any kindergarten. The temperature in the cabin is quite normal: 38-45 degrees, while in a regular bath or sauna it can reach up to 110, which is rather dangerous to health.

In winter, visiting an infrared sauna is especially useful for children, as it is equivalent to a full stay under the summer sun. The climate inside the cabin eliminates hot air, so children can breathe comfortably. Infrared waves warm the bodies of kindergarten visitors much better than the heat of a regular bath or sauna, where the air is quite heavy.

Also, an undoubted advantage of the infrared cabin is its ability to remove lactic acid from the muscles, which occurs after training. Of course, swimming lessons cannot be so intense that they cause muscle pain, but warming up is good for children anyway.

Equipment for the lesson

To make water activities in kindergarten productive and exciting for children, some sports and play materials are used:

  • Foam strips;
  • Balls;
  • Ride-on toys;
  • Diving toys;
  • Inflatable rings.

Foam planks are used when learning to swim: for example, you need to hold the bar with your feet and stay afloat only with the help of your hands, or vice versa, make active movements with your legs while holding the foam with your hands. The purpose of this sports equipment in kindergarten classes is more educational than entertaining, but you can make the process more fun for children if you present the task as a game or use colored strips.

With the help of inflatable balls, you can perform many physical exercises and even games in the water, for example, children will love volleyball in the pool or a relay race where they exchange balls for speed.

Ride-on toys are suitable for little ones and those who don’t know how to swim yet. This equipment is an inflatable figurine of an animal or even a vehicle with a seating recess, in which holes are made for the legs and, thus, the child is held securely inside.

As the name suggests, diving toys are used to teach this very process. To make it interesting and not scary for your child to be under water, you can give him simple tasks, for example, touching a toy attached to the floor of the pool or picking it up. The most common and popular variety is toy algae. With their help, you can not only teach your child how to dive, but also give the pool a more picturesque look.

The function of the inflatable ring is to keep the child on the surface of the water. They are used for the very first lessons, when you are just getting acquainted with swimming.

Additional accessories

The number of things a child needs to take to the pool depends on whether he will attend classes on his own or with one of the adults. In the first case, they try to limit themselves to a small set of items so that the child can be prepared for the pool in advance, and he does not need much effort to carry the bag. If your child will be taken to classes, then it is possible to take not only the required minimum, but also items that will increase the comfort of being in the pool.

Bathrobe with hood

Worn when leaving the water or shower, it helps the child avoid hypothermia when in the humid air of the pool room.

Swimming mask with snorkel

Similar to safety glasses, but less comfortable and not suitable for sports activities. It is better to use a mask in between exercises or during an individual visit, so the baby can comfortably learn to swim under the surface of the water.

Inflatable ring, vest, handcuffs

Not required, but make initial swimming learning easier.

Cork board

Also used for support during the first lessons.

Shower accessories

Washcloth, shampoo, soap in a soap dish. Most sports centers have reservoirs with shampoo and liquid soap, but if the pool is part of a school or kindergarten, you may need to bring your own supplies. To store items, it is better to purchase a convenient waterproof handbag.

Care products

After showering, you should use baby lotion or skin cream to reduce the risk of irritation from chlorinated water.

Despite wearing a protective cap, your hair still gets a little wet when swimming, so you need to dry it before going outside. This is especially important if classes are held in the winter season. The pool usually has stationary hair dryers, but the queue for them is often very long, so it is better to bring your own device.

Packaging of wet wipes, paper handkerchiefs

They will come in handy in case of a runny nose and other unforeseen circumstances.

To ensure safety, pool items should not contain sharp objects or products in glass containers. It is not recommended to take care products or shampoos with a strong smell.

The child must have a bottle of drinking water with him - it is recommended to take small sips in between active physical exercises to avoid dehydration. It's also a good idea to bring containers of snacks and fruits so your little one can recuperate after a workout.

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