Methodological manual (lapbook) on the formation of a healthy lifestyle “Movement + movement = health”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Lastochka” , Pavlovo

Completed by teacher: N.O. Semenov

The laptop “Healthy Lifestyle” is designed for working with children of middle preschool age to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is the activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving health.

The purpose of the lapbook: To form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities for children to develop a healthy lifestyle.


  • Formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in children
  • Development of cognitive interest, expansion of children's horizons
  • Enrichment and activation of vocabulary in children.

The lapbook includes various information:

  • Winter sports. Goal: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about winter sports.
  • Summer sports. Goal: Developing interest in summer sports.
  • Useful and harmful. Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods and harmful foods.
  • The ABC of health. Goal: Formation of a value-based attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Coloring pages. Goal: Development of fine motor skills, attention, memory, consolidation of knowledge of color, shape, cultivation of perseverance, accuracy, independence.
  • Puzzles. Goal: To develop hand motor skills, attention, logical thinking, perseverance.
  • Didactic game “assemble an algorithm” . Goal: formation of independence in children, development of thinking and visual perception.
  • Physical exercise. Goal: The influence of physical training on the health and performance of the child.
  • The structure of the human body. Goal: To develop children’s knowledge about the structure of the human body and the location of various organs. Understand the external structure and functions of organs; teach to name, find and show body parts in pictures.
  • Educational game “do the same” . Goal: to stimulate children’s motor creativity, develop memory, improve coordination, develop spatial orientation, and exercise the necessary (depending on choice) motor skills.
  • About children's teeth. Goal: Find out why and how to care for your teeth.
  • Riddles about healthy lifestyle. Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to maintain health.
  • Hardening. Goal: Strengthening children's health - developing the body's endurance when changing environmental factors.
  • Daily regime. Goal: to convince students of the need to adhere to a daily routine; learn to create a daily routine; instill the ability to properly distribute time for work and rest.

A laptop increases cognitive interest in children, because children can use it independently at any time. The laptop is also suitable for organizing individual work with children and holding conversations about a healthy lifestyle. With the help of manufactured didactic games, children consolidate their acquired knowledge.

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Didactic manual for children of primary preschool age - Lepbook “Healthy Lifestyle”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 11" Perm

Didactic manual for children of primary preschool age -

Lepbook “Healthy lifestyle”


Kovina Veronika Ilfanovna

Perm 2016

Didactic manual for children of primary preschool age - Lepbook “Healthy Lifestyle”

For many years, the problem of maintaining and promoting health has been the most pressing in the world. Health is the most valuable thing a person has. Children primarily receive ideas about a healthy lifestyle from their family and from the preschool institution they attend. One of the interesting forms of introducing younger preschoolers to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a didactic manual - a laptop.

A laptop is a homemade interactive thematic folder with mini-books, pockets, and movable parts that contain material on one topic. On the one hand, they are designed to attract the child’s interest in the folder itself. On the other hand, this is a great way to present all available information in a compact form. This thematic manual has a bright design, a clear structure and can be developed individually and collectively.

Purpose of the teaching aid

– formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, expansion of knowledge about preserving and promoting health in children of primary preschool age using lapbook technology.


to form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children, a desire to take care of their health;

interest children in choosing behavior and actions that benefit health;

to develop in children the ability to actively interact with peers and adults, to participate in joint activities;

develop cognitive activity and cognitive interest, thought processes, independence, initiative in the process of collecting and organizing information.

The lapbook contains materials about the rules of a healthy lifestyle for joint activities between adults and children and for children’s independent activities. It included the following developmental tasks:

1. Didactic game “Find a Pair”. Goal: development of cultural and hygienic skills. The game is presented from a series of pictures, some of which depict personal hygiene products, others show how these products are used. It is necessary to find paired pictures and explain their meaning. The game has an element of self-control.

2. Outdoor game “There were guys, now ...” Purpose: to develop interest in physical activity. The teacher, with the help of funny poems, “transforms” children into various animals. Next, children perform movements characteristic of a particular animal.

Lapbook “Health and Sports”

Irina Reznik

Lapbook “Health and Sports”

Reznik Irina Evgenievna,

Yurchenko Tatyana Grigorievna.

The “Health and Sports” laptop is a thematic folder with various pockets containing didactic games, exercises, card indexes, etc.

This didactic manual was created in order to instill in children an interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle; promote the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical education and sports.

The games collected in the lapbook can be used during GCD; for joint, individual and independent activities.

The lapbook includes:

Didactic game “Parts of the Day”.

Purpose of the game: to train children in the ability to distinguish between parts of the day, to expand their knowledge about the different parts of the day.

Folding flower "Olympic sports"

Goal: to introduce children to Winter Olympic sports and consolidate existing knowledge about them.

Folding flower “Sport is...”

Goal: to introduce children to the positive effects of sport on the human body.

Didactic game “Helpful-Harmful”.

Goal: to expand children’s understanding and consolidate their knowledge of what is harmful and what is good for health, to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and to expand the vocabulary of preschoolers.

Riddles "Types of Sports"

Didactic game “Harmful and healthy food”

Goal: expand children's understanding and consolidate knowledge about the dangers and benefits of food, form the basis of a healthy lifestyle

Cut-out pictures “Types of sports”.

Goal: to introduce children to sports; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports.

Folding book “Human Body”

Goal: to form in children the basics of a healthy lifestyle, self-image, the structure of their body, and the purpose of individual organs.

• Didactic games

"Medicinal and poisonous plants"

Goal: to teach children to be wary of unfamiliar plants in nature; understand that some of them may be poisonous and dangerous to humans;

“Use of lapbooks to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschool children”

“Use of lapbooks to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschool children”

New times dictate new tasks and force us to look for new productive forms of working with children to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the child’s personality. In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, every teacher is looking for new approaches and ideas in their teaching activities that would be interesting to preschoolers and would be appropriate to their age, and would most effectively solve pedagogical, educational and educational problems.

In our pedagogical practice, we increasingly encounter children who do not want to study, who are not interested in what is happening in the joint educational activities of the teacher and children. Why do children today have no deep interest in learning? There are many reasons. This is a flow of information on television and radio, which provides unstable knowledge. This is the atmosphere of society, which makes us and our children indifferent. This is simply the reluctance of children to learn. How to ensure that educational work is not forced, that it is a need and desire to acquire knowledge.

Here, an important condition for increasing the effectiveness of work with preschool children is not the expansion of educational tasks, but the development of new pedagogical technologies, related, first of all, to the specifics of the child’s communication with adults and peers with the rational effective organization of the child’s life in kindergarten, aimed at the development of educational, independent activity of the child and personality development. And this is possible if the teacher’s eyes sparkle, if he is constantly looking for something unconventional, unconventional, if he moves away from ordinary standard classes and invites students into the world of the new, interesting and exciting using new, unconventional forms of organizing classes.

The use of non-traditional forms of classes is a powerful stimulus in learning; it is a varied and strong motivation. Through such activities, cognitive interest is aroused much more actively and quickly, partly because a person by nature likes everything that is new and unusual, another reason is that there are much more motives in non-traditional educational activities than in ordinary ones.

Thanks to non-traditional forms of classes, tension is relieved and there is an emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge.

The world of childhood is unique and inimitable; childhood impressions, good and bad, remain in people’s memory forever. Scientists have long discovered that the decisive factor in the development of certain characteristics of thinking is not the experience itself (knowledge, abilities, skills), but the methods of its assimilation. As a teacher, I was faced with the task of teaching children to navigate the flow of information coming to them from everywhere. The fundamental question: how to make useful material interesting? What will help me make the process of learning new things quick, interesting, comprehensive, and memorable? Help children not only correctly assimilate and structure information, but also be able to purposefully search for it.

LAPBUK “Healthy lifestyle” presentation for the lesson (senior group)

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Lapbook “Healthy lifestyle”. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Polevsky urban district "Kindergarten No. 53" Completed by teacher: N.V. Sozinov

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The laptop “Healthy Lifestyle” is designed for working with children of senior preschool age to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is the activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving health.

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The purpose of the lapbook: To form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities for children to develop a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: - Formation of a conscious attitude towards their health in children. -Development of cognitive interest, broadening the horizons of children. -Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary.

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The lapbook contains various information. Didactic game “Make a story from pictures.” Goal: Formation of skills in coherent, sequential composing of a story based on cut out pictures.

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Winter sports . Goal: Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about winter sports.

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Summer sports. Goal: Developing interest in summer sports.

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Where do vitamins live? Goal: To form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins.

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Everything about children's teeth. Goal: Find out why and how to care for your teeth.

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Poems about sports. Goal: Developing interest in preschool children in a healthy lifestyle through increasing knowledge about sports.

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Fairy tales and stories about the benefits of physical education and sports. Goal: Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers through stories, instilling confidence and need for it.

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Physical exercise Purpose: The influence of physical exercise on the health and performance of the child.

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Gymnastics for the eyes Purpose: General improvement of the visual apparatus. Relieving tension.

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Riddles about sports Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to stay healthy.

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Gymastics and hardening. Goal: To promote health and encourage the body to function normally. Strengthening children's health - developing the body's endurance when environmental factors change.

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Puzzles Purpose: To develop hand motor skills, attention, logical thinking, perseverance.

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LOTTO Purpose: To develop logical thinking, observation, attention, memory.

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Advice from Dr. Aibolit Goal: Formation of a value-based attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle.

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Breathing exercises . Purpose: Promotes self-regulation. Helps normalize breathing and strengthens the respiratory muscles.

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The laptop has increased the cognitive interest of children, because children can use it independently at any time. The laptop is also suitable for organizing individual work with children and holding conversations about a healthy lifestyle. With the help of manufactured didactic games, children consolidate their acquired knowledge.

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