Sports festival at the preschool educational institution "Children's Day" educational and methodological manual on the topic

Games and competitions on June 1

You can start the holiday with some funny children's song. After which it is advisable to divide the group of children gathered together into two teams of approximately equal strength.

Creative name

The first competition will be the simplest, where we will warm up and get to know each other. Teams need to come up with a name for themselves in a minute. There will be no winners or losers in this competition, it will be a friendly draw for the creativity and cohesion of the newly assembled teams.


The teams line up one after another. Each child is given a coin. Task: from a certain distance, throw a coin into a bowl standing at a certain distance. The team whose members threw in the most coins wins.


The facilitator reads a quote from a fairy tale or gives a guiding hint, after which he gives 30 seconds for discussion in the team. The team writes the name of the fairy tale on a piece of paper independently or with the help of an adult, the presenter reads out the answers and says the correct one. The team that guesses the most fairy tales wins.


The presenter draws two circles or ovals on the asphalt - this is the body of our centipede. The facilitator gives each team a piece of chalk. At the command of the leader, team members one by one run up to their circle or oval and draw a leg. The presenter times the time - 1 minute, at the end of which it is calculated how many legs each team has drawn. The team that manages to draw the most legs wins.

Drawing competition

A creative competition that can reveal talents and introduce children to the world of art. There are two options: you can draw with crayons directly on the asphalt or with paints on whatman paper, choose based on weather conditions and preferences.

On command, each child or team of children begins to draw what they love most in the world. It is very difficult, and not necessary, to evaluate which of the cutest children's drawings is better, so friendship usually wins in this competition.

Sports relay race

Now let's test your agility, agility and team spirit. The guys are divided into two teams and, at the leader’s command, they begin to run, jump in bags, frog jump or walk in single file, carry a tennis ball in a tablespoon without dropping it, etc. There are many options for tasks, depending on your imagination. The team that finished first won.

Tug of War

Now it's time to determine who is the strongest here. One team stands on one side of the rope, and the second team on the other. Everyone holds the rope tightly, and at the leader’s command they begin to pull in their direction. The team that managed to tilt the rope to their side won.

Tug of war is one of children's favorite competitions, suitable for any event, including celebrating Children's Day.


The competition can be held in the middle or end of the holiday, when the children are quite thirsty. Each team is given a three-liter jar of juice or water and straws. At the command of the leader, the participants of each team lower the straws into the jar and begin to drink. The team that drains the jar first wins.

The sun is clear

Another great skill game. The first team, blindfolded, stands in a circle and joins hands. And the second team stands inside the circle. At the command of the presenter, “The sun has risen,” the team with their eyes closed raises their hands, and at the command, “The sun has set,” they lower their hands. The task of those in the circle is to slip out unnoticed at the moment when the “Sun has risen.”

In the video below, the funny guys offer another active and active competition for children, “No Tail”:

Most likely, at this stage your children will be quite tired and having a lot of fun, so the holiday can be completed. Don't forget to prepare delicious and memorable souvenirs for all participants. You can additionally organize a joint search for treasures and prizes. Draw a map with clues and let the children find their own legitimate prizes. At the end of the holiday, you can arrange a festive disco or a small picnic.

Everyone is guaranteed to get a lot of emotions and pleasure from such a fun holiday. The most important thing is to show children how important and dear they are to us! Let the kids receive maximum attention on this day and spend all their irrepressible energy, falling asleep happy without hind legs.)))

If games and competitions for children are still not enough for you, then take a look at the “Birthday” and “June 1” sections. There is already a large collection of competitions and fun tasks. And if you want to continue the holiday, then visit some city-wide event or concert with your children, such as here. This will bring you together and give you a pleasant experience.

Competitions for Children's Day

A festive program with games and competitions on Children's Day will entertain and delight the children. Active competitions will arouse the spirit of competition in children. Creative assignments will give them the opportunity to showcase their talents. A series of gaming entertainment will give children the joy of a real holiday.

Two children participate in the competition, more is possible. Each participant receives an inflated balloon, a bright handkerchief and a felt-tip pen.

The contestants’ task is to draw a face on the balloons and “dress” them in scarves. The winner is the participant in the competition who does it faster and whose “girl on the ball” turns out to be prettier.

The competition involves 2 teams of children of 4-5 people. Each of them receives a large stack of pre-prepared plastic cups (not necessarily the same number).

The presenter tells each group of participants a word with the same number of letters (for example, mom, dad, summer). At a musical signal, children sort out the stacks of cups and begin to put the indicated word out of them. The winner is the team that most carefully removes cups from the stacks and puts them together with their “favorite word” faster.

The game involves 2 teams of children of 4-5 people. In this competition, children need to show their imagination. To conduct the game, you can prepare the beginning of a fairy tale on cards in advance or invite children to freely improvise.

Conditions of the game: the participants of each team in turn must continue the fairy tale, and the last player must come up with a happy ending for it. The group of children whose story is more exciting and interesting wins.

To conduct the competition, you must prepare cards in advance with adjectives that denote emotions (for example: sad, cheerful, ominous, quiet, stupid, sincere, loud, mocking).

Participants (there are as many as there are cards) choose a card at random. The task of the contestants is to depict laughter in accordance with the emotional coloring specified on the piece of paper. The winner is the participant whose emotion the audience guesses from laughter the first time.

The competition involves 2 teams of children of 4-5 people. It requires little preliminary preparation. From 3 sheets of A-4 paper, you need to glue 1 sheet in the shape of a rectangle (one sheet is glued to the edge of the other). To conduct the competition you will need 2 of these glued sheets, 2 packs of markers, 2 tables and 2 chairs.

At the beginning of the competition, the presenter says that magical and incredible creatures live in fairy tales. But today the children are invited to draw the most fabulous creature in the world.

Conditions of the competition: the first member of each team sits down at the table and begins to draw, for example, the head of a creature at the very top of the sheet. Moreover, the drawing player must sit with his back to the other children so that they do not see what he has drawn. Then the leader wraps the sheet in such a way that the next player does not see what the previous one has drawn. After this, the second team member sits at the table and so on until the last competitor.

As a result, both groups get “something” that causes sincere laughter from both the audience and the players themselves. The team with the most “fabulous” creature wins.

6 children participate in the game. They are divided equally into 2 teams. Each of them receives a set of colored crayons.

Before the start of the game, the host of the holiday draws 2 circles on the asphalt with chalk at some distance from each other. He explains to the children that these are suns, but without rays, so they are sad. In order for the suns to have fun and warm everyone with their warmth, they need rays.

Children, on command, accompanied by cheerful music, begin to draw rays of the sun as quickly as possible. The game runs like a relay race. After 1 minute, the presenter counts the rays. The team that draws the most rays wins. At the end of the game, the presenter invites the children to draw smiles for the suns.

Games, relay races, competitions held on the first day of summer for children.

All participants must compose a funny fairy tale. Each person speaks one sentence. But there will be one condition - the next participant begins the sentence with the letter on which the sentence of the previous one ended. No more than 10 seconds are given to think. The player hesitates and is eliminated from the game.

Game "Funny Centipedes".

Outdoors, this game will allow children to move actively while listening to rhythmic music. Participants are divided into two teams. The leader draws two huge circles or ovals on the asphalt. This will be the body of a funny centipede. When the “Start” command sounds, all players take turns running up to a fast melody and finishing drawing a leg of the centipede and immediately running back, passing the chalk to the next one. The winner is the team that drew the most legs in the allotted time interval.

Competition "Everyone Laughs"

The presenter invites everyone who wants to participate in the competition to laugh. But you need to laugh for a reason. Everyone receives a card on which it is written what kind of laugh they need to portray. It can be a cunning laugh, loud, quiet, too loud, evil, sinister, insidious, arrogant, etc.

Participants must take turns going to the center of the stage and laughing according to the instructions on the card. And the task of the audience is to guess what kind of laughter is shown to them.

Game "Clear Sun".

To do this, the kids will need to split into two teams. The leader blindfolds the participants of one of them with a thick ribbon, then the little one must hold hands and make a circle.

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