Master class “Garden of Virtues” (Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren through active forms of learning)

Report on the topic “Spiritual and moral education of children through arts and crafts”

author: Muravyova Elena Borisovna

Teacher of additional education, MAUDO Children's and Youth Center "Rovesnik" named after Svetlana Alekseevna Krylova, Kandalaksha city, Murmansk region

Report on the topic “Spiritual and moral education of children through arts and crafts”

“Development of spiritual and moral education of children

through arts and crafts"

In the modern world, both secondary schools and additional education institutions are faced with the task of forming stable spiritual and moral qualities of a child’s personality, developing children’s creative abilities, and developing artistic and aesthetic taste.

Spiritual and moral education is the purposeful formation of moral consciousness, the development of spirituality, moral feelings and the development of skills of moral behavior. It must be focused on achieving a certain ideal. And the modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of his country, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country.

It is believed that the highest level of activity is achieved by a person in creativity. Creative activity raises a person from the level of a consumer of spiritual and material values ​​to the level of their creator. Creativity is of great importance for the personal development of a child, starting from early childhood, and is the foundation for successful life in the future, therefore it is necessary to create optimal conditions for organizing children's creativity, creating a special educational environment so that the child can develop his own interests, realize himself, master cultural norms and values.

The additional education system provides conditions for organizing children's creativity and, consequently, for developing the creative potential of children. Here every child can find something to their liking and interest.

Decorative and applied art is one of the factors in the harmonious development of personality. Folk art, including all its types, has great educational potential. It carries a huge spiritual charge, aesthetic and moral ideals. Through communication with art, the child’s soul is enriched and a love for his region is instilled. It not only has a beneficial effect on the child’s personality, reveals his creative potential, develops his intellect, but also tells about the history of his people and their traditions.

In children's creative associations “Patchwork Mosaic”, “Do-It-Yourself Toys”, “Creative Workshop: Making Folk Dolls”, through the implementation of these programs, the spiritual and moral education of children is carried out, artistic and aesthetic taste, creative abilities, and familiarization with customs and traditions are developed. in the annual cycle of folk holidays, skills and abilities are formed for making crafts and souvenirs in the folk style, folk dolls - amulets, where each month of the year corresponds to a certain symbol doll.

Great importance is given to participation in competitions at various levels, such as: the regional stage of the All-Russian competition “Palette of Crafts”, “My Small Motherland: Nature, Culture, Ethnicity”, the All-Russian Festival “Heirs of Traditions”, etc. Project activities are being carried out aimed at more deep and detailed study and familiarization with Russian folk customs and traditions, national characteristics of the culture of the peoples of the Far North (study of life, customs, traditions, creating dolls, making costumes, ornaments in a certain color scheme), the history of the development of their small homeland. Conditions are being created to increase children's interest not only in domestic culture, in the culture and traditions of the indigenous peoples of the North (Sami and Pomors), but also in world culture and universal values.

The direct participation of children in various national holidays held in our creativity center, such as “Autumn Fun”, “Winter Christmastide”, “Maslenitsa”, “Easter”, educational quizzes “Travels around the Kola Region” and other holidays and events introduce students to with folk traditions, cultivate moral feelings, fill the child’s emotional sphere with joy, and enrich them spiritually.

Spiritual and moral education is impossible without the interested support of parents. Therefore, the institution organizes diverse interaction with parents. For example, events such as “Big Family Holiday” are held, thematic master classes and competitions are held that introduce children to family values, and parents to the culture of spending time together with their children. Such events unite children and adults with a common hobby, which not only unites them, but also forms a completely different world of interactions between children and adults.

Excursions to the museums of our city, visits to various exhibitions introduce children to the life and traditions of their region, their people, teach them a valuable attitude towards everything that man has created, help them understand the meaning and significance of the historical and spiritual value of museum objects, and form a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage. All this causes in children the desire to convey the perceived beauty of the world, to capture those objects of decorative and applied art that they liked, their creative activity awakens and develops, aesthetic feelings and artistic taste are formed, an aesthetic assessment of objects of decorative and applied art.

Students develop a variety of artistic and intellectual abilities.

The teacher’s task is not only to identify children’s creative abilities, but also to develop them by choosing an individual approach to each child. An individual approach is one of the most important conditions for a child’s creative development. Through an individual approach, support gifted and talented children, as well as children who are slightly behind.

Our children's creative associations also host various

promotions, competitions, conversations, quizzes dedicated to memorable dates, holidays, such as: Teacher's Day, Mother's Day, February 23, Victory Day, Maslenitsa, Easter, etc. In our associations, children are happy to create cards and crafts for various holidays and give them to dads, moms, grandparents, and friends.

By doing work, children learn to express themselves. They conduct a dialogue with the world, talking about their impressions and experiences in their creativity. This plays a huge role in personal development, teaching a person how to properly communicate with the outside world. Children's creative abilities when doing work develop in different directions:

  • in preliminary creation of sketches on paper, cardboard, etc.;
  • in thinking through the elements of composition;
  • in the arrangement of these elements in the composition;
  • in the creation of decorative items;
  • in the ability to find a way to depict and design an object;
  • in transferring the intended decorative concept to the product, etc.

For the purpose of emotional education, the creation of products is accompanied by stories, conversations, and riddles on this topic. Brief figurative characteristics help children to more clearly imagine, imagine this or that object or character, and form a friendly attitude towards it.

To achieve success in a creative team, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual support is necessary, where no one is afraid to express a personal opinion, and everyone has the right to make mistakes. At the same time, a participant in the educational process must realize that any of his actions or statements affects the interests of others. Creativity arises when certain barriers (external and internal) are removed (that is, when the child is not afraid and feels comfortable) and what “rings and glows” inside a person freely, like a song, goes out into the outside world.

The need of children to express themselves in creativity is very great, its satisfaction gives them an intense feeling of the joy of life. We must protect the dreamer in every child, so that he grows up to be an active creator of scientific, industrial, cultural, and social life, a creator of his own personality.

Thus, we can conclude that arts and crafts classes are a launching pad for the formation of students’ creativity, help children realize their planned creative projects with the help of a teacher and present them in exhibitions of children’s creativity; They develop goodwill, love for their homeland, thinking, memory, imagination, artistic and aesthetic taste and creative abilities. Gradually, a small person grows into a creative, spiritually and morally developed personality, capable of creating.

Report on the topic “Spiritual and moral education of children through arts and crafts”

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren. Let's do good!

"My angel, be with me..."

The new generation chooses...
Author of the work: Kim Maxim, 11 years old, 5th grade student at MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Kashira, Moscow region. Head of work: Elena Viktorovna Bagrova, I category GPD teacher, I category primary school teacher, MBOU “Secondary school No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow region. Purpose of the material: I bring to your attention material that can be used by teachers who specialize in the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, local history and fine arts. Goal: formation of the foundations of spirituality through creativity. Objectives: to develop spiritual and moral qualities, to form the foundations of spirituality, through the perception of icon painting.

In our work, we often have to deal with various aspects of raising the younger generation. Spiritual development is the most important aspect in a person’s life. This is a lot of labor-intensive work on yourself. A person must develop spiritually throughout his life. The faster we develop spirituality in ourselves, the easier and simpler it will be for us to live. Today I want to present to you the works of a young artist for whom the concepts of goodness, spirituality, philanthropy come first. Its main creative component is Iconography (from icon and write) - iconography, writing icons. In the most general sense, this is the creation of sacred images intended to be a mediator between the Divine and earthly worlds during individual prayer or during Christian worship, one of the forms of manifestation of Divine truth.

The depiction of the Nativity of Christ
is one of the oldest Christian subjects. Almost 2 millennia ago, the first frescoes and icons appeared, capturing the moment of the Nativity of the Savior. In these works we can see the Most Pure Virgin Mary, the Baby Jesus in the cradle, Joseph, and even scenes of the washing of the newborn Christ. The semantic and spiritual significance of the Nativity of Christ icon cannot be overestimated. It has joy, happiness, hope and faith. This is a direct confirmation that the Lord watches over each of us and loves each of us.

The greatest event - the coming to earth of the Son of God in the Bethlehem cave - the Church solemnly presents in a majestic composition: in the center - a cave where the Baby lies in a manger, next to Him - the Mother of God, there are animals: an ox and a donkey, above the cave - a star, reverently focused Joseph, wise men with gifts.

The bright icon of the Nativity of Christ is one of the most symbolic Christian images.
By His Birth, Christ gave hope for the atonement of sins and Eternal Life. The image of the Kazan Most Holy Theotokos
belongs to the icons of Hodegetria - the Guide, she shows the right path.

The Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan inspired Russian warriors during the Time of Troubles during the liberation of Moscow from the Poles. In front of the Kazan Icon in 1709, on the eve of the Poltava victory, Emperor Peter I prayed for victory to be granted to the Russian army. In 1812, on the eve of leaving for the active army, Prince Mikhail Kutuzov prayed before the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. In front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan they pray for the sight of the blind and the healing of eye diseases, for deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, for intercession in difficult times, for the healing of any bodily illness, for the preservation of the Russian state, and they bless those entering into marriage with it.

One of our closest helpers in all troubles is our
guardian angel
. According to church tradition, every person at Holy Baptism is given by the Lord an incorporeal guardian angel. All our lives our guardian angel is invisibly present next to us and prays to the Lord for us.

A guardian angel is our friend given to us by God. A believing Christian soul awaits consolation and help from its Guardian Angel. Our patron saint is a real person with an individual character, who has passed through the earthly path and, following Christ, has experienced the experience of ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven. For him, they wrote their own personal prayers, akathists, which reflect the biography of the saint and his Christian holy feat, for which the Lord granted them holiness. The Guardian Angel is an ethereal force that has no name or individual traits. But you can and should turn to him in home prayer, which is why these prayers were created in ancient times.

Captured by negative emotions, we do not see all the good things that surround us. So let's help ourselves and others, find strength and confidence. After all, everyone has the ability to be happy right now in this life! Sources: Internet resources.

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