Seminar for senior educators on the topic “Active forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Where and how can seminars and workshops take place?

Seminars can be used as an effective means of training the teaching staff of a preschool institution and as a way to develop the creative abilities of employees. They can be held at a variety of levels - starting from the preschool educational institution itself and ending with large meetings at the district, regional or national level.

Typically, seminars held in kindergartens deal with more specific current topics or are related to the implementation of theory into practice, in particular, new legal requirements. If we are talking about seminars organized by specialized enterprises, then they may concern broader issues, for example, the socialization of students from different social strata of society or the psychological relief of preschool employees.

In some cases, you can take seminars for kindergarten teachers for free. On the Internet you can find sites with useful publications in this area, which can be used by teachers and kindergarten teachers as a basis for self-education and self-development.

Who needs seminars and workshops?

Since pedagogical science is constantly developing, new systems, methods and areas of work are being used, which practicing teachers and educators have to study and apply in their activities. This is necessary so that progress in the field of pedagogy does not remain only theoretical achievements, but has a direct impact on the practical process of education and training in preschool institutions.

That is why it is necessary for all kindergarten employees to take part in such seminars, regardless of their position and work experience. Even if a person has been working as a teacher for several decades, this does not mean that he does not need to improve himself and develop professionally. Often, for this category of preschool educational institution employees, such workshops are vitally important, since they underwent professional training a long time ago, at a time when the requirements for teaching and education were strikingly different from modern ones. Seminars will help them introduce best practices into their daily activities, making them modern, better and more advanced.

The seminar for beginning kindergarten teachers is equally important. Having just graduated from a secondary or higher pedagogical educational institution, they have a wealth of knowledge in their profession. But these are just theoretical calculations that they have yet to apply to real, real work with children. Therefore, seminars and workshops are a vital necessity for them. At them, novice educators and teachers learn to apply their knowledge for practical purposes, learn the intricacies of their profession, and become real employees of children's educational institutions.

The workshop will help you systematize the knowledge gained and transform it into special actions aimed at achieving your goal. This is an effective way of training and self-improvement for preschool teachers and educators.

Assignment of seminars and workshops

The seminar is an interactive form of training with a high level of efficiency. With its help, you can successfully solve numerous complex problems, as well as study the issue discussed at the seminar in depth and from all sides.

Any workshop workshop in kindergarten for teachers sets specific tasks and goals. It cannot have an abstract purpose, since it involves the implementation of specific knowledge and skills into practical use in preschool educational institutions.

The main objectives of the workshops are the following:

  • Development of creative imagination and thinking.
  • Improving knowledge and skills.
  • Conducting discussions and debates.
  • Creation and discussion of problem situations for their collective solution.
  • Formation of competent recommendations.

In order for such a seminar not to be a mere mark of an event, its topic must be relevant specifically for a particular institution. For example, in a kindergarten where children with hearing disabilities are raised, an important topic for such a meeting may be the use of visual aids to develop in children associative connections between the name and the surrounding subject environment.

Also, the topic of the seminar should not be formal, that is, it involves solving specific issues. For example, if we are talking about implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard of preschool teachers, issues that are primarily interesting and not entirely clear to those gathered should be considered. The goal of the seminar should be to obtain practical knowledge on the topic used, which will allow them to be introduced into their daily practice in the work of the group and the entire kindergarten as a whole.

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