Methods of introducing preschoolers to fiction

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The material is a collection of texts of works of art for children of the preparatory group in the sections: “Russian folklore”, “Folklore of the peoples of the world”.

A promising comprehensive thematic plan for the educational area “READING FICTION” for the senior group.

The book is not a textbook; it does not provide ready-made recipes on how to teach a child to love literature, because teaching the complex art of reading and understanding a book is very difficult.

The program of the educational field “Reading Fiction” was developed in accordance with the main educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by N.E. .

Topic: Reading M. Plyatskovsky “What winter can be like.” .

presented material on the public organization “Reading Fiction” for preschool teachers with ONR children. Can also be used in regular groups. The work on the areas of theatrical theater is comprehensively presented.

Methodological development in the educational field: reading fiction (senior group d/s)VectorinJourney through the works of N. NosovEducational field: Cognition (reading fiction.

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