Methods of introducing preschoolers to fiction

Is it necessary and why to read before bed?

The pedagogical process of kindergarten includes 3 participants: parent, child and teacher. Often only teachers are involved in the development of children, but this happens due to the fact that parents are pedagogically illiterate. Teachers can conduct the following activities for parents:

  • lectures on the use of fiction for children;
  • master classes on reading individual works to develop certain skills in children;
  • Experience exchange events, exhibitions of children's books, card index of books.

Important! Parents often ask whether they should read to their child before bed. Teachers and psychologists agree that reading is necessary, but not necessary before bed.

Reading literature must be planned. It is necessary to choose those books that are recommended by teachers for a certain age. Reading can start from birth.

You can also find information on how exactly to read the book. Basically the following algorithm is implemented:

  • reading the book by parents independently;
  • identifying key issues;
  • conducting preliminary work with children: characterizing unfamiliar words, explaining difficult moments;
  • expressive reading to children and subsequent conversation on the content.

Parents should read to children

First, the parent must determine the purpose of reading a particular book. Even the simplest children's book has a certain meaning. It is better to choose books with pictures that the child can look at and analyze.

A subsequent conversation is also necessary: ​​which hero did you like best and why, whether the hero acted correctly in a given situation, and whether the child would have acted the same as the hero. This contributes to the formation of the ability to evaluate one’s actions and words, and also contributes to the formation of correct, adequate self-esteem.

Conducting literary evenings in the senior group

Among the forms of working with children to familiarize themselves with fiction, holding literary evenings stands out. A literary evening is a consolidating general event, which is held after studying some literary material, for example, the fairy tales of one of the poets.

You can prepare a literary evening like this:

  • determine the purpose of the evening and its specific theme, for example, “book name day”, “Book Holiday”;
  • develop a holiday scenario, its long-term plan, it must be accurate;
  • Next, you should choose the host and children who will lead this holiday;
  • distribute preliminary tasks, for example, prepare some creative material, learn a poem, draw a portrait.

Literary evening in kindergarten

It is the artistic expression and creativity of a particular writer or group of writers that should be at the center of a literary evening.

Since the leading activity for children of senior preschool age is play, surprise moments are needed, for example, fulfillment of children’s wishes with the help of a seven-colored flower, or prepared reading of poetry by parents, viewing of a shadow theater based on fairy tales, and so on.

A literary evening should be qualitatively different from a regular literary class. There should be a naturally relaxed atmosphere and the purpose of such an evening should be to instill a love of literature through means accessible to older children.

Healthy! Don't limit yourself to traditional means. Involving various non-traditional techniques (making a video or flash animation, creating materials for an interactive museum, asking parents to select the most interesting and funny photographs and materials) contributes to the most complete consolidation of the material.

How to plan and conduct a CHL lesson

Planning events for reading fiction must begin at the beginning of the school year. At the initial stage, light works are used: nursery rhymes, songs, and then folk tales are included.

Selection of illustrations for work

In the process of preparing for the event, it is imperative that gaming techniques are selected to accompany reading. Children can listen to one piece several times without losing their emotions. But only if the child is emotionally involved in the process.

Interesting! Game techniques when reading literature are required in older groups

Lesson plan for CHL:

  • prepare a list of references and select bright color illustrations;
  • review the book and its illustrations with subgroups of children, ask the question: “Who (what) is the fairy tale about?” etc.;
  • draw up a summary of the event, highlighting problematic issues, including gaming techniques and techniques;
  • choose the most favorable time for PCHL.

Observations on a walk and in a corner of nature in the middle group

Knowledge of the main tasks of familiarization with fiction is not a formal requirement; it is necessary for the proper organization of work in kindergarten, aimed at creating conditions for the formation of the child’s personality and his speech development, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

The importance of fiction for older groups of preschool educational institutions

Fiction, according to leading psychologists and teachers, is the most important means of raising children. Research has shown that this is an effective means for children to master the surrounding reality, as well as a means of mastering norms of behavior and moral standards.

Development through fiction

Important! Literature has great potential for the development of children, so the teacher must be competent in its application.

The importance of literature in the senior group of a preschool institution is as follows:

  • children's artistic abilities develop,
  • their interests are revealed,
  • moral feelings, norms of moral behavior are formed,
  • aesthetic perception is cultivated,
  • Speech and literacy develop.

In general, fiction provides children with ready-made linguistic forms and verbal characteristics. In addition, reading fiction in the older group is effective for the development of coherent monologue speech. This is important for integration into higher levels of primary school education.

Perceiving the work by ear, the preschooler penetrates into its content. Children of older preschool age do not always know how to read, so the interpretation of the work by adults is very important. At the same time, reading is not only its technical reading, but also its understanding, penetration into the very essence of what the author wanted to convey to the reader.

At the same time, the teacher should strive to form in children a full-fledged perception, since only this contributes to the development in children:

  • the ability to empathize with the hero and author of the work;
  • assess the dynamics of emotions in the text;
  • reproduce in your imagination the pictures presented by the author;
  • reflect on the motives and consequences of the characters’ actions, evaluate such actions and defend their internal position.

Good to know! Any work must find a response in the soul of the student in order to most fully form the qualities that the reading of a particular work was aimed at.

Today there are various genres of fiction, and for a full reading it is necessary to use their diversity when organizing GCD.

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