Observation as the leading method for preschoolers to understand nature

Organization and content of observations in preschool educational institutions

Definition 1
Pedagogical observation in kindergarten is one of the methods used by preschool teachers and specialists to collect the necessary information about students.

The purpose of pedagogical observation in a preschool educational institution is to collect information on sensory, communicative, intellectual, creative, etc. development of preschool children.

In the process of pedagogical observation, preschool teachers and specialists not only collect the necessary information, but also note the general dynamics of children’s development. This is necessary in order to timely adjust the educational process and select the most optimal methods and means of raising and teaching preschool children.

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The importance of pedagogical observation in preschool educational institutions is invaluable, since this method allows the study to cover a sufficiently large number of pupils, conduct research at any convenient time, and helps the researcher “see” the child in his natural environment. During the observation process, the teacher notes the peculiarities of interaction between students, determines the presence of microgroups based on interests, identifies the inclinations and creative needs of children, and much more.

The success of pedagogical observation in a preschool educational institution largely depends on the quality of its organization of the teacher, as well as on his professionalism and ability to organize this type of research. The conclusions obtained and their accuracy depend on the adequacy of the assessment of the child’s behavior and level of development. If the teacher “overlays” his personal attitude towards the child onto the data obtained, then the information obtained during the study will not be reliable and accurate.

Note 1

Thus, pedagogical observation in preschool educational institutions is of great importance for collecting information about the level of development of preschool children, the characteristics of their interaction with each other and identifying their leading creative needs and inclinations.

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