Methods and means of forming spiritual and moral values ​​of children and adolescents

What are the goals and objectives of moral education of children

If we consider the concept of education as a purposeful and organized process of personality formation, then in the broadest sense its main task is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones, the formation in a person of certain views, beliefs and moral values.

The goal of moral education is the creation and development of personal qualities that would be in harmony with existing norms of public morality, accepted rules of behavior and relationships, and would also contribute to active social self-affirmation.

Objectives of spiritual and moral education

When raising children, the goals of laying the foundation of a moral person, as well as the formation of readiness and ability for further self-education and self-improvement, come to the fore. To do this you need:

  • instilling primary templates (models) of moral behavior;
  • creation of an initial system of moral values;
  • development of skills of self-control, critical understanding of oneself and the world around, moral thinking;
  • training in readiness to defend one’s point of view and be responsible for one’s actions;
  • formation of awareness of oneself as part of a family, a school team, one’s country, and all humanity.

What you need to know about the stages of moral development

Children grow not only physically, but also spiritually. And if at a certain stage of physical development a child can already do without constant help, then his spiritual development requires the continuous participation of parents. A person manifests himself in actions. The concept of moral behavior is considered as a set of actions that have moral content, imply the possibility of moral choice and can be subjected to moral assessment.

Theory of moral education - goals and results

Understanding the characteristics of the stages of moral development is necessary for correctly assessing a child’s behavior in order to respond adequately. It is obvious that the requirements for the behavior of children of different ages must differ. Each period of moral growth requires the use of appropriate methods and means of education. At the same time, at each stage it is necessary to lay a solid foundation for subsequent moral formation. Conventionally, the stages of moral growth can be divided into preschool and school periods.

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