Review competition “Garden fairy tale on the window.” Environmental education and upbringing of preschool children is currently becoming one of the priority areas. - presentation

Winter's tale on the window

Good day to all! New Year is coming soon! My son and I have already begun to think about how we can decorate our house for the holiday. We simply love decorating windows, every year we experiment, we paint with stained glass paints, or we draw snowflakes with toothpaste. and this year will be no exception! I won’t say that I came up with this idea myself, no, I just saw how the windows of the kindergarten, which is located near the house, were decorated with stencils on the windows. It’s so cool, fairy tales, animals, birds, snowmen came to life from paper words. I searched through many pages of the Internet, in search of interesting motifs and now I want to share with you my finds and first experience of a paper fairy tale.

To work you will need a sketch, scissors, a stationery knife (as you wish). My sketch was made on a sheet of paper, A4 size

It was more convenient for me to first cut out the design along the contour

Now all the internal, unnecessary areas. and our little angel is already decorating the Christmas tree))

My son and I really like the result! Well, if you have a desire to do something similar, then here is my selection of sketches, as an option))). All drawings are made on a sheet of A4 format.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff”

Jeanne Prieb

Vegetable garden on the windowsill based on the fairy tale “Puff”

In our kindergarten at the end of February there was a competition for vegetable gardening on the windowsill based on various fairy tales . Our group decided to decorate a vegetable garden based on the fairy tale “Pykh.”

Fairy tale characters settled on our windowsill : grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter Alenka and the hedgehog Pykh.

The guys and I decided to plant vegetables such as: turnips, onions, garlic, peas, beans, beets, carrots. We also planted flowers: marigolds, tulips.

For a month we observed and looked after our plantings. The children watered, loosened, and fertilized our vegetables and flowers.

The kids and I also watched the branches of poplar and birch, how their buds swelled.

How happy the children were when the first leaves appeared on the branches.

After a month of observing and caring for our plants, we created a fairy tale on the windowsill .

in the design of the fairy tale on the windowsill , “Pykh”, for which we thank them very much!

Miracle vegetable garden on the windowsill In our kindergarten there was a competition “Fairy Tale on the Windowsill” It was not held at the usual time for planting, or rather from January to February 16.

Speech therapy games for the fairy tale “Puff” Speech therapy games for the fairy tale “Puff” Riddles An angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest, There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog.) A hundred clothes.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. OUR GARDEN ON THE WINDOW SILL. People are surprised: “What a miracle garden!” The influence of the surrounding world on the development of a preschool child is enormous. Vegetable garden on the windowsill. Now, of course, is not the season for a window garden, but I want to share with you my garden from last year. Goal: to create interest in children. Photo report “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Vegetable garden on the windowsill. A vegetable garden on a window can be very diverse. A window sill is well suited for growing vegetables. It's settling in well.

Festive autumn event based on the fairy tale “Puff” for the speech therapy group Festive autumn event based on the fairy tale “Puff” for children in the speech therapy group. All roles are played by children. Children enter the music room and stand up.

Project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Project name: “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” Type of project: educational, creative, short-term. Relevance: Influence of the surrounding world.

Project “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” The time spent in kindergarten will be remembered by children not only for interesting and versatile activities, but also useful and necessary. Vegetable garden on.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill using the origami technique “Fun Vegetable Garden” Cheerful Vegetable Garden In the spring of 2022, the children of the middle group, as well as the junior group, and I worked in two groups on a schedule (three shifts each.

Scenario for the autumn holiday “Hedgehog Puff-Puff” in the first junior group Repertoire: 1. Song “Autumn Song” 2. Song “Autumn” 3. Dance of the Fly Agaric 4. Dance of the Rowan 5. Dance “Dance of the Autumn Leaves” 6. Game.


Winter's tale on the window

Winter is the most magical time, a time when children believe in miracles, and adults with great pleasure try on the role of a wizard to turn this time into a fairy tale.
Throughout December, our kindergarten hosted a review competition “Winter's Tale on the Window”, the purpose of which was to promote joint cognitive and creative activities of teachers, children and their parents, create a festive atmosphere in groups, and artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. Children and adults, when creating their “Winter's Tale,” showed imagination and a creative approach to work, as a result of which real masterpieces appeared on the windows. Each window amazed with its uniqueness and technique of performing the work. The creators of fairy tales used a variety of materials and methods of decoration. Some windows were skillfully painted, others displayed handicrafts: paper patterns, three-dimensional figures made of various materials, and much more. The decoration of the fairy tale on the window was the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny snowmen, graceful snowflakes-ballerinas, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and, of course, the symbol of 2020 - funny little mice. All 12 groups of our kindergarten took part in this competition. The participants were so involved in the process of creating fairy windows that as a result it was very difficult to objectively evaluate anyone's work. Each group has its own unique TALE! The jury noted the creative approach of the participants in creating fabulous compositions on the windows and the unified thematic design of the group as a whole

The winners were determined among the competition participants:

1st place – Group No. 4 “Dandelion”

2nd place – Group No. 2 “Orange”

3rd place – Group No. 11 “Chamomile”

We thank all participants and congratulate the winners!

Educational and research project “Miracle garden on the windowsill” in the junior group of kindergarten

Objective of the project:

nurturing the ecological culture of children, developing interest in cognitive and research activities, instilling in children a love of nature, creating a vegetable garden on the windowsill in the group, as well as developing the aesthetic feelings of preschoolers.

Project objectives:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about cultivated plants, their structure and plant growth conditions;

2. To generate interest in cognitive and research activities;

3. Give children a primary idea of ​​certain living conditions of plants and organisms (soil, moisture, temperature, sun, light);

4. Continue to acquaint children with the features of growing cultivated plants - onions, dill, wheat;

5. Develop children's creative abilities, a sense of responsibility for the growth and development of plants;

6. Develop children’s coherent speech, activate children’s vocabulary according to this project;

7. Foster respect for work, careful and caring attitude towards plants.

Expected results:

With the help of a vegetable garden on the window, we will not only tell you, but also show you how you can grow a plant from a seed, bulb, or grain that will grow, then bloom and bear fruit. Children will develop an interest in plants. They will be able to distinguish between certain types of plants (tomato, pepper, onion, cucumber, etc.). Learn and consolidate knowledge about the structure of a plant. They will learn a lot of interesting things about plant life. The children will learn to make observations and draw the first conclusions in their lives.

Project implementation plan:


Studying methodological literature and collecting information material to create the “Miracle of the Vegetable Garden on the Window.” Drawing up an action plan for organizing children's activities. Creating conditions for the project.


carrying out planned activities for the implementation of the project (conversations, experiments, observations, experiments, creative activities, reading, looking at illustrations).


Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process of research activities. Children's book competition "Riddles about vegetables". Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip". Processing and design of materials in the form of a presentation.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory:

• Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

• Studying methodological literature on the topic.

• Drawing up a work plan for the project “Miracle - vegetable garden on the window.”

• A selection of games, conversations, visuals, fiction and scientific literature, material for various activities, purchasing the necessary equipment and seeds.

• Creation of conditions for the project.

• Conversation with parents “Vegetable garden on the window.” Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate among parents an interest in creating conditions for the implementation of the project.

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