Requirements for the daily routine in a preschool educational institution according to SanPiN Standard daily routine in kindergarten
How did crosswords come about? The first crosswords were published back in 1913 in the American press.
What is a mixed-age group? This is a group in which children differ from each other in
Game forms are a universal means of development for preschool children. They contribute to the formation of cognitive processes,
Spiritual development of a child Human spirituality is a complex harmonious combination of personality qualities and properties
The teacher’s speech is the main education of a child in kindergarten Gulnara Nagaeva The teacher’s speech is
What type of dance to choose for a child aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
What is independence? When talking about an independent child, we most often imagine a toddler tying
Methodological development of a workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions, material on the topic Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution for children
Reverse applique This is a reverse applique. It is performed on a smooth and transparent plastic surface or