Features of the formation of patriotism in preschool children The main stage in the formation of patriotism in children should be considered accumulation
Self-education plan on the topic “Formation of the concept of number in preschoolers” Education Committee of Ulan-Ude
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Classes on the development of emotional well-being in preschoolers Ainullina Elena Nikolaevna BMKDOU "Children's
life safety week calendar and thematic planning for life safety (middle group) May: Theme of the week: “Life Safety Week” “Home alone.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Card index of games for the development of algorithmic skills in children 4-5 years old (middle group)
Observation as the main method of environmental education for preschool children Observation as the main method of environmental education
The leading activity of preschool children is play. The didactic game is a verbose, complex,
Design of the speech development center The speech development center is equipped and filled in accordance with age