Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group.

Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group.

Abstract of OOD on environmental education

“The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group.

Goal: expand children's knowledge about indoor plants


  • Strengthen the ability to recognize familiar plants and name their parts;
  • Tell us about professions related to caring for indoor plants
  • To consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants, taking into account their characteristics
  • Improve plant care skills
  • Develop a desire to help adults care for plants
  • Replenish children's vocabulary (ficus, violet, aspidistra, clivia)
  • Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity
  • Foster a caring attitude and love for nature; desire to care for plants.

Amount of children:

whole group


group room preschool educational institution

Preliminary work:

looking at indoor plants, looking at illustrations on the topic “House Plants”, carrying out work assignments

Materials and equipment:

Multimedia projector, laptop, slides with images of indoor plants, diagrams on the topic.

GCD move:

Q: Hello guys, today I want to talk to you about a very interesting topic, but first, guess the riddle.

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round.


That's right, today we will talk about indoor plants. Do you have them at home? Which ones? (answers)

Do we have them in our group? Let's take a look at them. The flowers remained green both in winter and summer. Maybe the flowers are not real, but artificial? Prove that this is not so. What signs of living things do you know? (growth, nutrition, breathing).

— Do flowers grow? What and with what help do they feed? (water, nutrients from the soil via roots).

- Breathe: absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen (purify the air). Air is also needed for roots (loosening).

—Can flowers move? (turn to the sun).

— What conditions are necessary for plant growth? (light, heat, moisture).

For plants to grow well, they must be kept clean. Why? (Flower leaves must be clean to breathe well)

You guys are so great! You know even more than me.

Or maybe you can also tell us what parts plants have?

Didactic game “Show and name the parts of the plant”

The teacher shows the parts of the plant: root, stem, leaves, flower.

Q: And now I invite you to be little plants. Sit down on the carpet.

(physical education minute)

I will plant a seed in a small pot (squat down)

A thin stalk will grow from the seed (stands up quietly, hands up)

And then the leaves (arms to the sides, forward, alternately)

A selection of fiction on the topic “Houseplants”

Show the children drawings of Pike Tail (Sansevieria) and other flowers mentioned in the story. Name plants that resemble animals, birds or fish in their appearance.

Do you know plants whose leaves can produce roots?

Do you think that if the plants knew that Piketail was a sensitive creature, would they laugh at him?

Which indoor plants seem to you to be fragile and sensitive creatures?

What was Pike Tail like from the fairy tale? Why did he consider himself unworthy of kindergarten? Draw Pike Tail at the beginning and end of the story.

Why did Maria fall in love with Pike Tail? Do you think a flower would have grown out of Pike Tail if Maria had not believed in it?

What did the flower born from Pike Tail think? Write a fairy tale about how the flower lived behind its strong leaves.

What did Pike Tail teach the plants? Write a fairy tale about how plants and Pike Tail became friends.

What do you think the white cat thought when a flower appeared from the Pike Tail?


One afternoon, the inhabitants of Maria's indoor kindergarten were enjoying violin music broadcast on the radio. The plants loved music very much, and often Maria deliberately left the radio on when she knew that good music would be broadcast. Aspidistra with fluttering dark green wide leaves reminiscent of flags on strong long petioles, comfortably nestled under the canopy of the feathery leaves of a tall Palm Tree, was talking in a low voice with a young red-yellow Tulip. “I look at you, dear Aspidistra, and I’m a little jealous: what a big and friendly family you have!” How fun you all must be living together?! How many of you are in your glorious family? - asked the colorful Tulip, which grew from a bulb and recently blossomed to the wonder of everyone. - At the moment there are seventeen of us: grandfather, grandmother, mother, father and us - thirteen children. “We are all very similar to the leaves of the Lily of the Valley, only we are several times larger than them,” Aspidistra answered proudly. - Yes, yes, I see! And aren't you cramped in your pot? It’s amazing how you all get along in such a small living space?! - Tulip was surprised. - In crowded but not mad! We are always very patient and do not interfere with each other, but, on the contrary, support the weakest and oldest. For this we were nicknamed “Friendly Family”. Aspidistra is our scientific name. We do not turn yellow, do not turn pale, are forever green and never fall off. We do not wither even if they forget to water us, and we can grow beautifully both in a dark corner and in the brightest sun. And we are not afraid of drafts, and dust is not scary for us,” Aspidistra answered willingly. - Really!? You are simply an exceptional plant in its unpretentiousness. “I don’t have enough words, madam, to express my admiration for you,” Tulip admired. - And I feel so sad alone. - Well, what are you talking about, dear Tulip! You are the decoration of our kindergarten! Don't be sad, please! - Aspidistra said. At these words, the tulip joyfully opened its cup, from which curious antennae peeked out. Their peaceful conversation was suddenly interrupted by someone’s exclamation: “Hush, they’re talking about our respected Centennial on the radio!” - Wake up, Grandfather Stoletnik! Listen to what they say about you,” the round Cactus baby woke up the peacefully dozing Agave. Indeed, they talked about Stoletnik on the radio. The program was dedicated to traditional medicine, and the doctor of medical sciences spoke about the healing properties of Aloe (the scientific name of Agave). Everyone was surprised to hear that Stoletnik is a universal doctor who treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, inflammation of the gums, stomach ulcers, and even eye diseases. Its juicy, fleshy leaves contain healing juice - aloin, which is very useful, especially for inflammation. The white cat, who was listening attentively to the radio broadcast, immediately hurried to Stoletnik and meowed: “Dear Stoletnik, I just have an inflamed gum, I can’t eat anything.” Please allow me to bite off one of your healing leaves. - For God's sake, at least two. Just chew it properly, my juice is quite bitter,” Stoletnik said good-naturedly, flattered by the doctor of sciences’ story from the radio broadcast. The evergreen Kalanchoe, which wonderfully blossomed with small scarlet flowers, shook its succulent stems and oval leaves: “I may not be as famous as our respected Agave, but my juice is also used in medicine, especially in healing wounds and burns.” It perfectly destroys the infection. It is especially effective for sore throat, gum disease and stomatitis. So my juice is no worse than yours, dear Agave. You can even buy it at a pharmacy. You, white cat, can chew my leaf too. “I’m very grateful, dear Kalanchoe, I’ll definitely try it,” the white cat answered politely, without ceasing to chew the bitter leaf of the Agave. Here the modest Ivy thought that it would be nice if everyone knew what he was capable of: “I can heal too.” Decoctions from my leaves are very helpful for coughs and headaches. I am used against calluses and tumors. I can even lower blood pressure and remove warts and... What started here! The ivy excited the kindergarten inhabitants so much that they began vying with each other to boast about their healing properties. If Maria could hear them, she would stop going to the pharmacy for medicine once and for all! But, alas! She did not understand the language of plants. Only by their appearance and thanks to her kind and sensitive heart, she guessed about the moods and problems of her dear pets. Now Maria was lying with a painful headache that would not go away. She had already taken the medicine and was waiting for the doctor to arrive. And the white cat, when he heard that Ivy could remove warts, was delighted and meowed loudly - after all, a huge wart had long been growing on the pink pad of his right front paw, which was causing him a lot of trouble. “First I’ll cure the gum, and then I’ll take care of the wart. How nice it is to have real doctors at home!” - he thought with joyful gratitude. And at that moment Tradescantia entered the arena of boasting: “Listen, dear friends!” I am the most common houseplant, but can significantly lower blood sugar in diabetes. For dysentery and colds, there is no better remedy than a decoction of my leaves. If you apply my leaves to the tumor and hold it for a while, it will certainly resolve. I'm not bragging, but you all should know about my wonderful abilities. Maria needs this first of all - she seems to have high blood sugar. I found out about this by chance when she was talking to someone on the phone. “It’s not her who has high blood sugar, but her friend Sonechka,” the handsome Croton corrected Tradescantia. - You, as always, got everything mixed up. - Just think, we've found another smart guy. Is this important?! Maria still needs to know what I’m capable of,” Tradescantia stubbornly insisted. - Can you, Friendly Family, also heal? - Tulip asked his kind neighbor. - Yes, in medicine, decoctions from our roots, stems and leaves are very famous, especially in the treatment of intestinal and gastric disorders. And when muscles hurt, they are simply a salvation. Our wonderful decoctions even remove kidney stones,” Aspidistra answered competently. “That’s great, I need to wrap this around my head,” thought the white cat. — My bladder has been acting up lately, and I have a lot of different problems. Kind Azalea sighed and said sadly: “I don’t have any healing properties, but I would like to help Maria now - she has such a severe migraine.” She can't even stand on her feet because of this. And the doctor never comes. He probably has a lot of patients. After these words from Azalea, all the inhabitants of the kindergarten became sad and anxious. Each of them began to think intently about Maria and wish with all their hearts that the nasty migraine would quickly go away and never again torment their beloved mistress. Old Centenary, groaning, leaned towards Azalea and said: “You, dear Azalea, heal with your kindness and tenderness.” I am sure that not all of your properties have yet been studied. There is definitely something healing about you! And Maria will get better - we all want that. At that moment the doorbell rang. It's the doctor. After a thorough examination, he said: “You have nothing serious.” The blood pressure is slightly increased, which makes you weak. I will not prescribe you strong drugs. First, let's try to reduce blood pressure with the help of medicinal plants. Take infusions of cudweed, hawthorn, motherwort, clover flowers and calendula tincture for 10 days. Eat onions, garlic, beets, blackcurrant jam, lemon with peel. Drink weak green tea. Try to forget about coffee and strong tea, at least for a while. And don't overuse salt. And the most important thing for you now is good sleep. As he was leaving, he looked into the room where Mary’s plants lived, and the wonderful home garden delighted him. Taking a closer look, he exclaimed: “Bah, you have a lot of medicinal plants.” Take Ivy, for example! Did you know that it also perfectly lowers blood pressure?! Then he pointed to Gardenia: “And this beauty cures many serious diseases and is very effective for headaches.” Oh, you and Sansevier are growing. You probably don’t even realize that the smoke from burning Sansevieria leaves is like a headache reliever? Your plants will heal you very quickly, read about their properties,” the doctor advised at parting. Maria felt much better after the doctor’s words. She looked at her plants with curiosity, trying to guess which of them had what properties and thought: “That’s what you are like, it turns out. I didn’t even know that you were all healing!”

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