Work program of the "Origami" circle for children of senior preschool age

Work program of the "Origami" circle for children of senior preschool age

Explanatory note

The creative development of a child is an integral part of the educational process, aimed at developing in preschoolers an interest in professions of various kinds, as well as in the history of folk art, introducing them to folk crafts and instilling respect for physical labor.

To achieve the above goals, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education was developed (order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013. The legal and documentary basis for the Program for the spiritual and moral development and education of preschool children is the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Standard, as well as the Concept of Spiritual -moral development and upbringing of the personality of a Russian citizen.In accordance with the requirements of the Standard, the above documents are a guideline for the formation of all sections of the basic educational program of primary general education.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the most important task of preschool education is the comprehensive personal development of children, based on activities appropriate for preschool age, such as play, visual arts, construction, perception of fairy tales, etc. Also, one of the ways to develop a creative personality, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is to create various crafts with your own hands - such an activity allows you to acquire skills and abilities for the development of subtle and precise movements, confident control of your body, increasing intelligence and volitional abilities, which is the key to successful development by a preschooler primary education programs in the future.

Classes in the “Modular Origami” circle are work based, first of all, on children’s observation and mastery of the surrounding reality, its personal reflection and the formation of their own attitude towards it, active creative search. Used as a means of additional education, this program will help introduce children to the world of the ancient art of folding paper without scissors and glue, creating real masterpieces with their own hands.

This program is intended for older preschoolers and is aimed at mastering it by children aged 5–7 years, which corresponds to the key needs of this age in the development of creative abilities. During its development, children are expected to develop such skills as:

- development of small muscles of the fingers;

— balanced development of logical and imaginative thinking;

— formation of spatial representations;

— the ability to stage-by-stage plan your activities and bring them to the desired result;

— broadening one’s horizons;

- satisfaction of cognitive interests.

The program is aimed at creating a common culture for children, at their spiritual, moral, social, personal, and intellectual development, at creating the foundations for their independent implementation of creative activities that ensure social success, the development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement.

The relevance of the “Modular Origami” circle program is that it will allow you to enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program. The program promotes the development of personal cognitive processes and the socialization of the child by introducing him to useful creative activities. The proposed system of practical classes will make it possible to form, develop and correct spatial and visual concepts in older preschoolers, as well as help children easily and joyfully be involved in the educational process in the future.

The pedagogical feasibility of the “Modular Origami” club program is due to the importance of creating conditions in a preschool institution for the effective formation in children of spatial concepts, logical thinking, geometric concepts, development of motor skills and the eye.

The program involves working with children in the form of individual lessons, joint work of children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activity.

This program has the following distinctive features:

— the ability to adjust tasks during the learning process depending on the experience of children and the degree of their assimilation of educational material;

— inclusion in the program not only of teaching modular origami, but also the creation by children of individual and collective plot-thematic compositions using the presented technique;

— use during classes of audio materials with recordings of sounds of living nature and music in order to relieve tension and excessive excitability in children.

The “Modular Origami” circle program is designed for 33 hours (1 year of study in a preparatory group, 1 lesson per week for 1 hour), during which both group lessons and the provision of individual assistance by the teacher to each child are assumed.

The goal of the program is to develop the creative abilities and cognitive sphere of children of senior preschool age by introducing them to the art of modular origami.

To achieve the goal of the program, it is expected to complete the following program objectives during the training process :

— teaching children how to use modular origami techniques;

— assimilation of the initial experience of self-realization;

- development of imagination, artistic taste, sense of beauty;

- fostering hard work and a creative attitude to work;

- formation of ideas about creative ideals.

Work on mastering the program is carried out in stages (over two half-years), so we consider it advisable to highlight educational tasks for each half-year:

Tasks for the first half of the year:

1. Introduction to the art of origami, its history, basic principles.

2. Introduction to basic origami figures.

3. Development of the ability to work with scissors and paper, cultivation of accuracy, perseverance, and patience.

4. Children’s assimilation and memorization of necessary terms and concepts.

5. Learning to create origami, made by repeatedly folding corners.

6. Forming a desire to independently fold figures using the origami technique, practicing already learned techniques.

7. Development of voluntary attention, interest in manual labor, creativity.

8. Demonstration of children’s achievements (creation of an exhibition of products).

Tasks for the second half of the year:

1. Development of the ability to freely operate with the basic terms of origami modeling.

2. Learning to nest side triangles and sides inside.

3. Consolidating the skill of folding with a fold.

4. Creating a conscious interest in origami.

5. Development of self-control and self-esteem.

6. Consolidating the ability to operate with the basic concepts of origami technique.

7. Introduction to modular origami.

8. Creation of products from modules (swan, tulip, pineapple, hare).

9. Development of a sense of beauty, aesthetic interests.

10. Formation of the desire to independently create products using the modular origami technique.

11. Demonstration of children’s achievements (creation of an exhibition of products).

In the course of implementing the program’s objectives, it is expected to use such teaching methods as:

1. Methods based on the way of organizing classes:

- verbal method (oral presentations, conversations, stories);

— practical method (carrying out work according to instructions, maps, diagrams).

2. Methods based on the level of children’s activity:

— explanatory and illustrative methods (children’s perception of ready-made information);

— reproductive methods (reproduction by preschoolers of acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity);

- partially - search methods (methods that involve a collective search and solution of the problem together with the teacher);

— research methods (consisting of children carrying out independent creative work).

3. Methods based on the form of organizing children’s activities in the classroom:

— frontal methods (simultaneous work of the teacher with all children);

- individual - frontal methods (individual and frontal forms of work alternate);

— group methods (organized work of children in groups);

- individual methods (individual completion of tasks and educational problems by children).

Contents of the program.

Week 1. Theoretical lesson “Introduction to origami” (history of the direction, types).

Week 2. Introduction to the concept of “basic shapes” and their application in origami technique.

Week 3. Practical lesson. Manufacturing of the basic “square” shape and products based on it.

Week 4. Introduction to origami symbols.

Week 5. Terms used in origami. Pocket (wallet).

Week 6. Practical lesson “Stylized flower”. Working with the basic shape "Triangle".

Week 7. Practical lesson “Little Fox and the Dog.” Studying marking by bending. Introduction to the concept of graphic images and their purpose. Planning work based on graphic instruction cards.

Week 8. Practical lesson “Yacht and steamship”. Introducing techniques for reading origami diagrams. Exercises on dividing rectangular and square workpieces in different directions into equal and unequal parts.

Week 9. Practical lesson “Glass”. Making products using the origami technique based on instruction cards (subject and graphic).

Week 10. Practical lesson “Tit and bullfinch”. Creation of the composition “Birds in the Forest”. Planning the composition work. Product design. Exhibition of works.

Week 11. Practical lesson “Rabbit and Puppy”. Familiarization with the new basic form. Reading diagrams of folding products using the origami technique. Reinforce the techniques of bending and folding paper.

Week 12. Practical lesson “Duck”. Repetition of names of basic forms. Reviewing the rules for using scissors. Making crafts. Product design, exhibition.

Week 13. Practical lesson “Fairytale birds”. Create images of fairy-tale birds, design compositions with these fairy-tale characters.

Week 14: Creating the composition “Poultry on the Lawn.” Procurement of products and composition of panels.

Week 15. Fish and butterfly. (Theory and practice.) Repetition of learned basic forms. Sketching conventional signs and folding patterns of basic forms.

Week 16. Practical lesson “Lily”. A product made up of identical parts - modules.

Week 17. Creation of the composition “Pond”. Repetition of learned basic forms. Sketching conventional signs and folding patterns of basic forms.

Week 18. Toad. (Theory and practice.) Acquaintance with conventional signs adopted in origami and basic folding techniques. Basic forms. Instruction cards demonstrating the folding process. Folding products based on simple basic shapes.

Week 19. Practical lesson “Dragonfly”. Choosing a basic form. A conversation about insects living near bodies of water. Decorative design of the product.

Week 20. Creation of the composition “Island in the Pond”. Create a composition while working in a group. Organizing an exhibition of children's works.

Week 21. Practical lesson “Steamboat”. Folding the workpiece lengthwise and crosswise, inserting the sides. Decoration of works with patterns of your choice.

Week 22. Creation of the work “Submarine”. Based on the basic shapes by folding the smaller sides of the rectangle towards the middle. Gluing additional parts specific to the product.

Week 23. Creation of the composition “At Sea”, preparing it for the exhibition.

Week 24: Making a “Bouquet of Carnations” card by folding flowers based on the basic shapes learned. Design of compositions and greeting cards.

Week 25: Create a “Rosebuds” composition by arranging flowers based on the basic shapes learned. Design of compositions and greeting cards.

Week 26: Practical snowdrop activity by folding flowers based on the basic shapes learned. Design of compositions and greeting cards.

Week 27. Practical lesson “Sailing boat”. Working with basic shapes and the technique of folding the smaller sides of a rectangle towards the middle. Gluing additional decorative parts specific to the product.

Week 28. Practical lesson “Fun writing”. Folding shapes diagonally by grabbing a small triangle without using basic shapes.

Week 29. Design of the exhibition of models made during the year.

Week 30. Competition “The most skillful hands.” Presentation of certificates and prizes.

Methodological support of the program

1. Didactic material: cards with tasks for children, test tasks, illustration materials, reproductions of paintings, photo albums, instruction cards.

2. Technical equipment : video materials, Internet.

3. Literature for teachers.

  1. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. All about origami - St. Petersburg: Crystal, 2005.
  2. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Paper toys. - St. Petersburg: Litera, 1997.
  3. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Dogs and cats - paper tails - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995.
  4. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Blooming origami garden - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995.
  5. Vygonov, V.V. I'm going to class. Elementary School. Labor training. Crafts and models - M.: September 1st, 2002.
  6. Serzhantova, T. B. 100 festive origami models M.: Iris-press, 2007.
  7. Sokolova, S.V. Toys and fun. Origami - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2007.
  8. Sokolova, S.V. Toys - origami. - St. Petersburg: Chemistry, 2001.

4. Literature for children:

  1. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. All about origami – St. Petersburg: Crystal, 2005
  2. Afonkin S. Yu. Paper toys - St. Petersburg: Litera, 1997.
  3. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Dogs and cats are paper tails. - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995.
  4. Afonkina, E. Yu, Afonkin, S. Yu. Blooming origami garden - St. Petersburg, Chemistry, 1995

List of sources used:

  1. Bogdanova E. E. Work program of a handicraft circle on the theme “Origami”. - Voskresensk. – 2014.
  2. Vasilyeva L. S. Origami circle program “Magic Square”. - Saratov. – 2010.
  3. Gurozhapova M.P. Program of the circle “The Mysterious World of Origami” (artistic and aesthetic direction). – 2011
  4. Milyukhina S. L. Program of the circle “The Magic World of Origami”. – 2013

Work plan for a circle for children 4-5 years old “Origami” (Working with paper)

— The principle of taking into account age development is the selection of material that corresponds to the age characteristics of a given age.

— The principle of alternating loads is to prevent children from becoming tired, alternating loads and rest.

— The principle of visual clarity is demonstration of movements.

— The principle of consciousness and activity is the formation in children of a sustainable interest in mastering new types of work.

1.5 Stages of implementation of circle work

Implementation period: 1 year, September 2022 - April 2022.

Stage 1 – Diagnostic (1, 2 weeks of September).

— Diagnostics of artistic and aesthetic development of children 4-5 years old.

— Observation of children in classes and in free activities.

— Compiling a list of children who want to study in the Origami club

Stage 2 – Preparatory (3-4 weeks of September).

— Formulation of the problem.

— Study and analysis of best practices on the topics “development of artistic and creative abilities in children through origami.

— Development of a plan.

Stage 3 – Main (October – April).

Stage 4 – Final (summarizing).

1.6 Organization of the circle’s work

The training process is carried out 4 times a month, 1 time a week in the afternoon.

Lesson duration is 20-25 minutes.

The plan was drawn up taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary connections across sections of the Federal State Educational Standard.

1.7 Forms and methods used in the work of the circle

Methods and techniques

used in teaching origami to children:

Conversation, story, fairy tale, physical education session;

Examination of illustrations;

Showing a sample of the work sequence.

1.8 Conditions for the implementation of the circle work plan

10 children 4-5 years old are enrolled in the classes, striving for creative activities with paper.

A separate room is allocated for conducting classes, in which there are 3-4 children’s tables, 10 children’s chairs (the height of the furniture is selected in accordance with SanPin).

1.9 Working with parents

Pupils attend club classes with the written consent of their parents (legal representatives). Parents (legal representatives) are familiarized with the club plan.

Events planned:

— Individual conversations about children’s creative achievements.

— Consultations on the development of children’s creative abilities through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.

— Competitions (joint creativity of children and parents).

Parents, by agreement with the teacher, can attend club classes. At the end of the school year, parents will be presented with a report at a parent meeting and a poster presentation on the results of the circle’s activities.

1.10 Forms for summing up the implementation of the circle’s work plan

Expected Result:

Program “The Magic World of Origami”


Develop attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, spatial imagination.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye.

Develop children's artistic taste, creativity and imagination.


To develop an interest in the art of origami.

Expand children's communication abilities.

Create a work culture and improve work skills.

Timing of the program, age of children

The “Magic World of Origami” program is addressed to children 7-8 years old and is designed for 1 year of study - 144 hours of lessons per year.

Taking into account the age of the children and the novelty of the material, in order to successfully master the program, group classes must be combined with individual teacher assistance for each child. The optimal number of children in a group is 10 - 15 people.

In the first year of study, all elementary school students who wish are accepted into the “Magic World of Origami” club.

The association's operating hours are 2 times a week for 2 hours.

Distinctive features of the program

Teaches children various techniques for working with paper, such as folding, folding, cutting, gluing.

Develops children's ability to work with their hands, accustoms them to precise finger movements, improves their fine motor skills, and develops their eye.

Teaches concentration, as it forces you to concentrate on the process of making crafts, teaches you to follow verbal instructions.

Stimulates the development of memory, since in order for a child to make a craft, he must remember the sequence of its manufacture, techniques and folding methods.

Introduces children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc., while enriching the child’s vocabulary with special terms.

Develops spatial imagination - teaches you to read the drawings according to which the figures are put together and imagine products in volume using them, helps the development of drawing skills, since the diagrams of the products you like need to be sketched in a notebook.

Develops children's artistic taste and creativity, activates their imagination and imagination.

Promotes the creation of play situations, expands children's communication abilities.

Improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

When teaching origami, much attention is paid to creating plot-themed compositions that use products made using the origami technique.

The originality of the composition is achieved by the fact that the background on which the figures are pasted is decorated with additional details made using the appliqué technique. So, depending on the theme of the composition, they create the desired environment, habitat: a meadow with flowers, an island in a pond, a sky with clouds, clouds, a bright sun, a raging sea, etc.

Plan of an “Origami” circle in the middle group of a preschool educational institution.

Origami circle program plan

"Magic Paper"


Wilman L.G.

Saratov 2019

Explanatory note.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. Curiosity develops and interest in creativity is formed.

Currently, issues of capacity development are attracting more and more attention. It has become obvious that the expanded (sometimes excessive) field of knowledge, abilities and skills that modern children possess does not bring the desired results when studying at school. Therefore, it is necessary to take care to form the child’s activity in understanding the world around him, solving cognitive problems, and prepare him for the conscious acquisition of knowledge.

Why origami? The expediency of introducing the course is justified by two circumstances: firstly, preschoolers are characterized by a desire to create, as well as a desire to obtain quick results; secondly, origami has a huge educational effect.

Origami has a great influence on the development of creative imagination and perception.

At the very beginning of work, the child has to focus on reading the folding diagram. Already this initial work is aimed at developing the highest form of perception - meaningful visual perception, which is associated with various operations of thinking.

Then the child meets the paper - tactile perception is activated. With his fingers he perceives the surface roughness, density, elasticity of the paper, pays attention to color, reaction to folding.

The finished figurine is not an exact copy of an animal, bird or flower, it is an image. But the child understands that in front of him is a cat, a fish, a butterfly. It turns out that you can create a whole world from an ordinary sheet of paper. Children often talk to their figure and invent different stories. They learn not only to add, but also to compose.

Origami is also a kind of psychotherapy that can distract from worries: by folding paper, the child involuntarily concentrates his attention on this process. In addition, origami helps stimulate the activity of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, since it requires simultaneous control over hand movements.

Observations of children doing origami have shown that it is easier for them to work with plans and diagrams in classes on design and orientation in space, their eye is better developed, and in general their intellectual abilities increase.

This activity strengthens family relationships. Many mothers, fathers, and older children attend classes in the evenings, forming a creative club united by a common interest. In these classes, both adults and children can master more complex origami figures, share homework, exchange literature on origami, and organize joint exhibitions and celebrations.

Origami classes allow children to satisfy their cognitive interests, expand awareness in this educational field, enrich communication skills and acquire the ability to carry out joint activities in the process of mastering the program. They also contribute to the development of fine motor skills, which has an important impact on the development of children’s speech.

This type of art has a beneficial effect on the development of attention and the formation of memory: children remember terms, techniques and folding methods, and, as needed, reproduce the knowledge and skills stored in memory.

The purpose of the program is

comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of origami technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives:

— Introduce children to basic geometric concepts and basic origami shapes.

— Develop the ability to follow oral instructions.

— Teach various techniques for working with paper.

— To form and consolidate children’s knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.

— Enrich the child’s vocabulary with special terms.

-Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

— Develop fine motor skills of the hands and eye.

-Develop the artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children. — Cultivate interest in the art of origami.

— Form a work culture and improve work skills.

— Contribute to the creation of play situations, expand children’s communication abilities.

— Improve labor skills, create a work culture, teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order.

used in the circle classes:
· conversation, story, fairy tale;

· looking at illustrations;

· showing a sample of the work sequence;

· viewing presentations.

Since group 2-4 “Watercolors” is of different ages (3-5 years), material with accessible content for children 3-4 years old is selected for classes, with subsequent complication for children 4-5 years old.

Expected results:

As a result of training in this program, children will: – learn various techniques for working with paper; – will know the basic geometric concepts and basic shapes of origami; – learn to follow oral instructions, create origami products – develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye;

– get acquainted with the art of origami;

Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program

• Compiling an album of the best works. • Holding exhibitions of children's works.

Work is carried out outside of class in the afternoon.

Lesson duration is 20 minutes.

Category of students: 4-5 years.

Perspective and thematic planning of circle activities.


1. Introduction to the art of origami


Teach children to fold a square in half with a “kerchief”, combining opposite corners. Cultivate interest in the results of your work. Two red squares 15*15cm, two strips 1cm wide, 20cm long made of cardboard, glue.
2. CUP Strengthen the ability to fold a square diagonally. Learn to bend the sharp corners of the resulting triangle to opposite sides and insert it into the resulting gap. Cultivate interest in the process of paper folding. Square 10*10 any color.
3. Book Learn to bend a rectangle in half, matching the short sides. Three A4 rectangles: two of them are white, the third is colored, glue.
4. Herringbone Teach children to fold a square in half, matching opposite corners, and bend the resulting triangle. Learn to make a Christmas tree out of triangles, starting from the bottom with the largest part. Cultivate accuracy when working with glue. Three green squares 15*15cm, 10*10cm, 5*5cm, glue.


1. Kite To increase children's interest in making crafts using the origami technique, to consolidate the skills of decorating a finished figurine, and to practice free choice of colors. Paper squares (10*10) of different colors, strips of multi-colored paper, glue.
2. Frog Introduce the making of simple crafts using the origami technique by folding a square diagonally (the basic shape is “triangle”) Green square (10*10).

Blanks for frog eyes, scissors, glue.

3. Bunny Continue to teach children how to make crafts using the origami technique, to cultivate independence and accuracy. Square (10*10), blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue
4. Butterfly Learn to bend a square diagonally, fold the resulting triangle in half, bend the upper sharp corners in different directions. Develop the ability to aesthetically correctly decorate your crafts. Paper squares (10*10), blanks for eyes, scissors, glue


1 Snowflakes Teach children to connect parts in pairs, tucking the corner of one inside the other part. Continue to teach carefully and work with glue. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in origami classes. 12 blue squares 5*5, a blue circle with a diameter of 3cm and a white circle with a diameter of 2cm.
2 Gnome Continue to teach children to make paper figures from two parts, teach clearly, follow the teacher’s instructions Squares (8*8, 6*6) of different colors, paper scraps, glue, scissors.
3 New Year decoration Continue to learn how to make simple crafts from paper squares, using already known paper folding techniques, to develop constructive thinking, fantasy, and imagination. Multi-colored squares of different sizes, paper scraps, glue, thread, scissors.
4 Snowman Teach children to connect parts in pairs, tucking the corner of one inside the other part. Continue to teach carefully and work with glue. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in origami classes. White paper, glue, scissors


1. Kolobok Teach children at

rectangle, bend all corners evenly. Continue to learn how to decorate a craft with details (mouth, nose, eyes). Cultivate joy from handmade gifts.

Yellow rectangle 20*10cm, orange and red squares 3*3cm, two orange circles, glue.
2. Bunny Strengthen the ability to bend the square with a “book” and twice with a “scarf”, lower the opposite corners to the center of the square, getting a “candy”. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher's instructions. Develop independence and attention. Gray squares 8*8cm and 10*10cm, blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue.
3. Wolf Continue to teach how to bend the square with a “scarf”, bend one of the corners upward diagonally. Strengthen the ability to glue a head and draw eyes. Develop your eye. Cultivate perseverance. Two gray squares 15*15cm, 10*10cm, glue, blanks for eyes and nose.
4. Fox Teach children to listen to the teacher’s oral instructions.

Introduce basic geometric concepts in practice. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper.

Orange (red) square 15*15cm, rectangle 15*7.5cm, blanks for eyes and muzzle, glue.


1. Bear Learn to bend the “kerchief” in half. Learn to understand that the parts of the head and body are made separately from squares of different sizes. Bring up

and develop the ability to control hand and finger movements with the help of the brain.

Brown squares 15*15cm, 10*10cm, two squares 6*6cm, glue.
2. boat Introduce children to making crafts using the origami technique from a rectangular sheet of paper, practice freely choosing colors, develop fine motor skills, and use ready-made crafts in games. Rectangular sheets 20*15cm.
3. Stars Strengthen the ability to fold the basic “kite” shape. Learn to alternate colors, connect parts, applying the short side of the workpiece to the inflection line of the previous one. Cultivate perseverance and responsibility. 8 squares 10*10cm, 4 of them one color, 4 another, glue.
4. Hen Learn to fold a square twice with a “kerchief”, continue to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions, to cultivate independence and attention. Red square 3*3cm, yellow (orange) square 15*15cm, glue, pencil or felt-tip pen.


subject target material
1. Chrysanthemum Introduce children to a new way of making flowers using the origami technique, and strengthen the ability to use scissors. 16-20 squares (4*4) white or purple, yellow paper, scissors, glue.
2. Gift for mom To introduce the design of postcards using figures made using the origami technique, to cultivate accuracy and perseverance Multi-colored cardboard, squares of yellow, blue, red paper (10*10), green paper for leaves and stems, scissors, glue.
3. Turntables Teach children to make new crafts from a square, circle, triangle, learn to use cut line markings on a workpiece, practice free choice of color and shape of paper, encourage independence and creative initiative. Squares (15*15) of different colors, equilateral triangles with a side of 20 cm, circles with a diameter of 20 cm with cut lines drawn, cardboard circles, scissors, glue, sticks.
4. Kitty Reinforce folding and naming basic shapes with children. Learn to make a torso and head separately from squares. Learn to fold a triangle in half with a “kerchief”, raising the corners from the middle of the long side, but not reaching the top of the upper corner. Cultivate accuracy in work and attention. Two squares 15*15cm of the same color, pencils or markers for designing the face, glue.


1. Gifts for kids Using the origami technique, teach how to make models of birds and boats, cultivate a desire to take care of younger children, and practice free choice of colors. Multi-colored squares (10*10)
2. Fish Learn to fold paper using different basic shapes, teaming up in pairs to create a marine composition. Blue cardboard, multi-colored squares, scissors, glue, paper scraps.
3. Owl Remind how the basic kite shape is folded. Learn to bend the upper triangle forward and return it to its original position, make cuts along the fold line, and fold the ends. Cultivate accuracy in working with paper and scissors. Square 10*10, blanks for eyes, glue, sheathAnd


4. Hedgehog Continue teaching children to fold a square in half using a “book” shape. Understand the terms: “upper corner”, “lower corner”. Develop children's eye. Cultivate a caring attitude towards paper. A square of gray or brown color 10*10cm, pencil or felt-tip pen to draw eyes and needles on the fur coat.


1. The Rooks Have Arrived Continue to teach children how to make crafts from the basic “kite” shape, and improve their skills in working with paper and scissors. Black squares (15*15), blanks for eyes, scissors, glue.
2. Rowan branch Strengthen the ability to make crafts from the basic “arrow” shape, cultivate accuracy, teach clearly, follow the teacher’s instructions Cardboard, squares (1.5*1.5) orange or red, (3*3) green for leaves, glue.
3. My favorite origami. Reinforce the origami techniques and forms learned in class. Improve the skills of fine and precise finger movements of both the right and left hands. Cultivate interest in the results of your work. Multi-colored squares 10*10, scissors, glue.
4. Final lesson.


Making an album of children's works for the period of study. Development of communication skills and the ability to coordinate one’s interests with the interests of other children. Album, crafts using origami technique, glue.


1.Sokolova S.V. Origami for preschoolers: Method. manual for preschool teachers. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2001.

2.Sokolova S. Origami theater: paper toys. — M.: EKSMO-press; St. Petersburg: Valeri SPD, 2002.


Degtyova V. Origami with children 3-7 years old: a methodological guide.

Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez

Year: 2012

4. Sergeantova T.B. Origami for the whole family

5. V.V. Vygonov origami for kids. Simple models. Publisher: Exam Year: 2019

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