Master class “Technology for designing an integrated and complex lesson in a preschool educational institution”

Master class “Technology for designing an integrated and complex lesson in a preschool educational institution”

Master class “Technology for designing an integrated and complex lesson in a preschool educational institution”

Senior teacher: Aleksakhina R.P.


mastering and subsequent active application of technology for designing integrated and complex classes in a preschool educational institution.


1. Expand the concept of “integration” and give teachers a stock of theoretical knowledge about the integrated approach as one of the important principles of preschool didactics.

2. To help practically master the technology of designing integrated and complex classes.

3. Exercise teachers in choosing and searching for the most effective models - schemes of integrated and complex classes.

4. Involvement of educators in solving the problem, achieving uniform requirements for the child.

5. Train teachers in the ability to design integrated and complex lessons.


information computer technologies, mind maps for integrated and complex classes, methodological literature on the topic.


1. Theoretical:

  • Concept of integration
  • Integration of educational areas in the classroom
  • Requirements for integrated and complex classes
  • Features of organizing integrated and complex classes
  • Structure of integrated and complex classes

2. Practical. Preparation of integrated and complex game activities

3. Analysis of compiled integrated and complex lessons

I. Theoretical: It is known that preschool childhood is the optimal period for expanding and enriching children's ideas about the surrounding reality. Therefore, the task of the kindergarten is to enrich the child’s speech and understanding of the world around him, to teach him to see patterns, dependencies, and mutual influence in it; teach to appreciate beauty; develop cognitive activity. All this can be revealed in educational activities, since in the classroom independence, creativity, mental abilities, educational interests are successfully developed, and self-esteem skills are formed. Today in preschool educational institutions there is a tendency to increase the number of classes during the day, in which children receive fragmentary information from various fields of science. Such information does not become knowledge, since it does not form a holistic view of the world as a single system where everything is interconnected. An increase in the number of activities affects the health of preschoolers. In addition, insufficient physical development affects intelligence and vice versa. And one of the ways to correlate the motor and intellectual activities of preschoolers is an integrated approach.

The relevance of this approach is explained by a number of reasons:

1. The world surrounding children is known by them in its diversity and unity, and often sections of the preschool educational program aimed at studying individual phenomena of this unity do not give an idea of ​​the whole phenomenon, breaking it up into isolated fragments.

2. The use of an integrated approach in the classroom develops the potential of the students themselves, encourages them to actively understand the surrounding reality, comprehend and find cause-and-effect relationships, develop logic, thinking, and communication abilities.

3. The form of the classes is non-standard and interesting. The use of various types of activities during the lesson maintains the students’ attention at a high level, which allows us to speak about the sufficient effectiveness of the lessons. Classes using an integrated approach reveal significant pedagogical opportunities, significantly increase cognitive interest, and serve the development of imagination, attention, thinking, speech and memory.

4. Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education.

5. By strengthening interdisciplinary connections, time is freed up for students’ independent activities and physical exercise.

6. Integration provides an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity of the teacher, and the disclosure of his abilities.

Concept of integration

Integration (lat)

- a concept denoting the state of connectedness of a separate differentiable part into a whole.
(according to Ozhegov) – parts of one whole. The integrated approach corresponds to one of the principles of preschool didactics: education should be small in volume, but capacious.

What kind of learning is considered integrated?

The goal of integrated learning is to combine knowledge from different areas so that they complement each other and pass it on to children. For example, at the same time teach preschoolers something from the field of mathematics, native language and creativity. In this way, integrated learning compares favorably with conventional classes, when children receive knowledge from only one scientific field. Find out how integrated classes affect preschoolers from the following. slide

Figure 1. What integrated activities contribute to

With the help of integrated classes, you will solve five educational problems at once. Which ones exactly - look at the trail. Slide.

Figure 2. Why conduct integrated classes

The correct answer to a question from a test on the topic

What is integrated learning?

Correct answer: classes in which children gain knowledge from different fields of science.

How to organize integrated education in preschool educational institutions?

To ensure that the integration process is not superficial, you should clearly know the differences between combined, complex



- a combination of different types of activities or several didactic tasks that do not have logical connections among themselves (after drawing there is an outdoor game).


classes are conducted on familiar material, solve several problems, and are conducted sporadically.


The lesson (E.P. Klimova) is built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of child development and is carried out systematically. When presenting the material integratively, one of the types of art should act as the dominant, “core” one, while others should help a deeper understanding of the artistic image and enhance the degree of its emotional perception by children.

You can give children knowledge from various fields through integrated and comprehensive classes..

What are their differences?

Complex classes.

The essence: the teacher involves children in different types of activities and thereby reveals the topic of the lesson. When conducting a comprehensive lesson, invite preschoolers to draw, play, listen to a fairy tale, or do something else related to the topic of the lesson. In addition, give children theoretical knowledge from different disciplines. Preschoolers will master the topic of the lesson in a comprehensive manner - both theory and practice.


Make sure that the knowledge in a comprehensive lesson complements each other.

Children should feel the connection between the information and tasks you give. For example, after talking with preschoolers about fire safety rules, offer to draw a poster on the topic.

Integrated classes.

The essence: the teacher gives the child knowledge and tasks from different educational areas. All this is needed to develop a holistic idea of ​​something in a preschooler. For example, in order to create a full-fledged image of spring in a child, the teacher includes suitable works of music, literature and painting.

To ensure that integrated and comprehensive classes are effective, build them according to six principles. Let's highlight them. Slide.

Figure 1. How to build integrated and comprehensive lessons

An integrated or complex lesson is not always a separate lesson. This could also be a part of a lesson. For example, children remember the names of animals that begin with the letter “k.” But if you want to form a holistic image of some object or phenomenon in preschoolers, then it is better to devote a full lesson to this.

On a note

What methods and techniques to use in integrated classes

Encourage children to conduct comparative analysis, compare, search for information, and discuss problematic issues. Tasks like “Prove” and “Explain” will also be useful.

Integrated and comprehensive classes are similar, but still different. Specific differences are in the table.

What is the difference between comprehensive and integrated classes?

During a comprehensive lesson During an integrated lesson
One activity replaces another. They are easy to separate It is difficult to divide the task by type of activity
One type of activity dominates, while others complement it Do not determine which activity is the main one
Each of the tasks is related to a general topic, but pursues its own goal. The purpose of the tasks is to consider an object or phenomenon from different angles
Children do not systematize knowledge on the topic Children systematize their knowledge and learn something new

“In an integrated activity, unification occurs with the penetration of elements of one activity into another, that is, the limits of such unification are blurred. In such an activity it is almost impossible, or at least very difficult, to separate one type of activity from another.

In a complex lesson, one activity replaces another, and this transition is noticeable: we’ve drawn, now we’ll play, and then listen to a fairy tale. A complex activity is like a multi-layered cake, in which each of the layers remains separate.”

Integrated and comprehensive classes have common features:

The purpose of these classes

, built on the interdisciplinary connection of concepts, there should be

  • comprehensive study of an object (subject or phenomenon),
  • meaningful perception of the surrounding world,
  • bringing the generated knowledge into the appropriate system,
  • stimulation of imagination, creativity and interest,
  • maintaining a positive emotional mood.

Comprehensive and integrated classes are necessarily thematic

in them, a selected topic or key concept is the basis for combining tasks from different types of activities.


How to conduct an integrated or complex lesson

Select training courses in advance

Integration in the learning process of preschoolers.

The integrated approach reflects the implementation of the ideas of interrelation and interaction in any of the components of the pedagogical process in accordance with certain goals and objectives of education and development, which leads to an increase in the level of its integrity. An integrated approach to preschool education consists of: realizing the goals and objectives of education and personal development based on the formation of holistic ideas about the world around us; implementation of substantive, formal goals and objectives of education and development; strengthening the connections between the content components of different sections of the program (interspecific integration) and within sections (intraspecific integration); interaction of methods and techniques of education and training; introduction of integrated forms of training organization: integrated classes, lesson cycles, thematic days.

The methodology for conducting a lesson using an integrated approach differs significantly from the methodology for conducting a regular lesson. In the learning process in such classes, various methods and techniques are used:

-comparative analysis, comparison, search, heuristic activity;

- problematic questions that stimulate the manifestation of a kind of joint “discovery” with the teacher, helping the child find the answer.

- a variety of speech didactic games to get acquainted with cultural and speech standards, activate the vocabulary, expand the understanding of the diversity of facets of the native language, and cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Integrated classes are characterized by a mixed structure, which allows maneuvering in organizing the content and presenting its individual parts in different ways.

The main trends in integrated education reflect the general trends of modern education - global, national, regional, and include specific areas characteristic of integrated education for preschoolers.

The system of trends and principles of integrated education of children in preschool educational institutions determined the construction of its model, which includes a system of interconnected and mutually conditioning components, subordinate to the logic of the pedagogical process: personal, target, content, operational and activity-based.

The goals of integrated education include the following: reducing the educational load on the child while maintaining the quality of education; performing a health-preserving function; redistribution of priorities; compliance with the norms for the duration of training sessions while condensing the content; avoiding duplication of educational content;

Integrated lesson cycles can be designed in different ways: 1. A lesson cycle can consist of traditional classes that are arranged in a certain sequence in accordance with the level of interdisciplinary connections (for example, classes on familiarization with fiction and visual arts).

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Methodological description of the use of integrated learning technology in visual arts classes at preschool educational institutions

Topic: A system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative model of an art studio within the framework of integrated learning technology.

Author: Kvetkina Elena Yuryevna teacher of additional education MBUDO "Creativity Center" g.o. Krasnogorsk, Moscow region

Topic: A system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative model of an art studio within the framework of integrated learning technology.

Fine creativity is a specific children’s activity aimed at the aesthetic exploration of the world through the visual arts, the most accessible form of a child’s knowledge of the world. The most characteristic feature of the aesthetic attitude of a small child is the immediacy of the interested, evaluating “I” from any objective situation; the inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking and imagination. We can assert that artistic creativity has the most direct influence on the development of children’s aesthetic attitude to reality.

The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing, both in theoretical and practical terms. After all, we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual’s individual identity already in the first stages of its formation, therefore an important period for the development of the artistic and creative abilities of children is preschool age. It is at this age that the child expresses all his experiences, fantasies, impressions of the world around him through drawing.

The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice. At the present stage, visual productive activity using non-traditional visual technologies is the most favorable for the creative development of children’s abilities, because It especially reveals different aspects of the child’s development. In my work I use various teaching technologies. One of the most relevant technologies for me today is integrated learning technology.

The need for integration is explained by a number of reasons:

  • the form of conducting integrated classes is non-standard and interesting, fatigue and overstrain of pupils are relieved by switching to a variety of activities;
  • interdisciplinary connections are strengthened, and due to this, children’s cognitive activity, communication abilities, and the development of thinking increase, which in the future allows them to objectively see a holistic picture of the world;
  • integration provides the opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, and creativity of the teacher and his students.

Goal: to give students a holistic understanding of the world around them, through a comprehensive study of various types of fine arts activities and interdisciplinary connections.


  • teach students to independently apply knowledge from different disciplines (basic and additional education) when solving new problematic problems in the fine arts;
  • contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and cognitive interest in children.
  • develop children's imagination, thinking and creative activity in visual arts.

One of the means to achieve these tasks is the unusual model of the art studio, divided into creative zones and allowing for more rational and useful use of class time. It provides an opportunity for children with different levels of training to deepen and expand their knowledge in the fine arts.

Synthesis of arts promotes a conscious understanding of the differences in types and genres of fine art. Children's interest in mechanical work increases, and their skills in image creation and composition are strengthened.

Description of technology implementation experience.

I have been working as a teacher of additional education since 1997 after completing a training course on the basis of the experimental site of Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov in Moscow kindergarten No. 923.

It was there, under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, author of numerous programs and methods for visual arts, T.S. Komarova. I mastered a system of visual algorithm techniques based on an innovative studio model within the framework of integrated technology. This studio project found its practical application in MBDOU d/s No. 32 in the city of Krasnogorsk, where I have successfully applied my knowledge and experience for 23 years as a teacher of additional education from the “Creativity Center” .

In order to qualitatively improve the educational process in the kindergarten, comfortable conditions have been created for the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities: an art studio project has been implemented and an additional general education program “The Colorful World of Childhood” based on standard programs and methodological recommendations. It is modified and adapted to the specific conditions of the art studio. The program is designed taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas.

The proposed art studio model provides classes with children in subgroups, where various tasks of visual activity are carried out during a 25-30 minute lesson.

The program provides for the implementation of children's visual activities in close connection with other types of art: music, theatrical performances, figurative artistic expression, and plastic arts.

There is no traditional division of educational material into drawing, painting, modeling and appliqué. This is explained by the situational change in the desires of a preschooler and the desire to increase the creative potential of a child with average abilities. The implementation of the program can be carried out using special methods for activating children - a “visual algorithm” - a method of creating a composition that involves a combination of different visual actions in one lesson. During one lesson, children change types of activities and move freely around the art studio. According to the project, the studio is divided into 9 creative zones and occupies a spacious room, as well as adjacent premises. (Appendix No. 1) In the adjacent premises there are environmental and exhibition areas.

Creative zones of the art studio:

  • Informational sketch. This is the place where children sit on the sofa or around the teacher’s table. Nearby are placed: an easel, a school board for showing and practicing unfamiliar form-building movements and consolidating new techniques for drawing, improvising or translating an object image into a plot one (drawing with a finger in the air or with chalk on the board). Here children receive various information about the world around them, objects, shapes, colors, and genres of painting. They examine reproductions of paintings and visual materials on topics, and there is also a demonstration of the creation of a composition.
  • Picturesque - graphic. This creative zone is presented in the form of shifted tables in the shape of an oval (this makes it easier for the teacher to move and control the creative process). At the workplace there is always a set of brushes, felt-tip pens, colored pencils and gouache and watercolor paints, stands for brushes, sanguine, charcoal, oil and regular pastels, wax crayons, ink, gel pens, pokes and stamps, and foam sponges are added as needed. At these tables a graphic or pictorial image is performed.
  • Applique. There are also tables moved into an oval, on which there is always a set of felt-tip pens, markers, scissors, oilcloths and napkins for glue, plates for glue and trays for scraps of paper. Children make applique from paper, cardboard, fabric.
  • Free creativity zone. On separate tables there are coloring books, plain white paper, paper for applique and origami, glue sticks, a set of brushes, markers, colored pencils, scissors and everything for applique, templates and stencils. The child who finishes work before the rest of the children can choose an activity to his liking.
  • Ecological. In this area there are two aquariums with turtles and fish, and many flowers. Decorating the walls helps the child plunge into the natural world. Children can observe the flora and fauna of the ECO zone. And also there the beginning of the lesson or its end can take place.
  • Gaming. The play area includes: soft toys, board and didactic games (art). This area creates comfortable conditions for the child to relax.
  • The literary zone is represented by the presence of children's books by famous writers, fairy tales, as well as children's original books created over the long period of existence of the art studio. The child can take a book to read or look at the illustration on his own. This area can also become part of the lesson.
  • Zone of decorative and applied arts. Here you can find authentic items of Russian folk crafts and works made by children. The originals are used as visual material, and children's works are used as exhibition material.
  • The exhibition area is located in the corridor, in the foyer of the kindergarten, and in the music room. Exhibitions are held here: thematic, by genre of painting, by season. Adjacent to the art studio is a mini-Tretyakov Gallery, where reproductions of Russian artists are collected. It hosts conversations, introduction to creativity and learning to tell a story based on a picture.

Children work in one of the zones for 5-10 minutes, and then move to others independently or with the help of a teacher. They can move around the entire art studio, talk quietly, use various materials and equipment, they do not sit and wait for their comrades at the end of work, but independently choose the type of activity for their free time. During the lesson, music specially selected according to the topic is played, for example, when painting, folk tunes are played, when painting a landscape, classical music is played, etc.

The lesson begins with an introductory part in the information and sketch area of ​​the studio, where children can freely sit on the sofa or around the teacher. It can be carried out as a dramatization game or a role-playing game. Surprise moments are often used. All this motivates the child to be creative.

The working part of the lesson consists of several stages and takes place in various creative zones. For example, it starts in the picturesque area (the background is drawn), and then we move to the application area, where the children create a composition. Or, on the contrary, in the applique zone - some element is glued, and then it is supplemented with a graphic or pictorial plot.

At each lesson, in each individual work of the child, problems are solved and technical techniques, logical and aesthetic completeness are developed, which allows the drawing or craft to be used as an exhibit of an exhibition. Children often create collective artistic compositions with their own hands, which serve as decoration for classrooms and playrooms at preschool institutions, as well as in various public spaces (children's clinics, libraries).

Educational tasks are solved effectively and are a harmonious combination of methods for speech development, familiarization with nature and the surrounding objective world, teaching basic mathematical concepts, and music education.

The effectiveness of using a system of visual algorithm techniques within the framework of integrated learning technology.

During the school year, I conduct certification of the development of the educational program, which consists of: diagnostic material at the beginning and end of the school year, assessment of the products of creative activity, participation of children in exhibitions and competitions (Appendix No. 2).

Experience with this system of visual algorithm techniques allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of integrated learning, which boil down to the following:

  • forms an integrated approach to various subjects in the program;
  • improves the quality of knowledge and skills of students;
  • broadens children's horizons, promotes the development of students' creative abilities, and helps them gain a deeper understanding and assimilation of program material.

Conclusion: the visual algorithm helps to widely examine nature and introduce it into plot drawing. This method helps to think creatively and reason out loud, actively participate in the active process, evaluate the work of peers, and give reasons for your assessment. Fine art classes, conducted in an art studio using the visual algorithm method, contribute to the emancipation of the child, his formation as an individual capable of having his own opinion and point of view. Thanks to this arrangement of classes, children do not feel tired for a long time, the skills are learned better and are deeper.

Used Books:

  1. Alekseevskaya N.A. Naughty pencil. – M: “List” , 1998. – 144 p.
  2. Belkina V.N., Vasilyeva N.N., Elkina N.V. Preschooler: learning and development. To educators and parents. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development” , “Academy K˚” , 1998. – 256 p.
  3. Vetrova T.N. TRIZ in activity. – Nab. Chelny. 2007. – 80 p.
  4. Galanov A.S., Kornilova S.N., Kulikova S.L.. Classes with preschoolers according to Dubrovskaya N.V. An invitation to creativity. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood Press” , 2004. – 128 p.
  5. Doronova T.N. Visual activity and aesthetic development of preschool children: a methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. – M. Education, 2006. – 192 p.
  6. Casanova R.G., Sayganova T.I., Sedova E.M. Drawing with preschool children: Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes. – M: Sphere , 2004 – 128 p.
  7. Koldina D.N. “Modeling and drawing with children 2-3 years old” , M, publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez” , 2007.

fine arts. – M: Sphere , 2000. – 80 p. 10. Kolechenko A.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies: a manual for teachers. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2001.

8. “Methodological recommendations for the program of education and training in kindergarten” , edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

9. Yudina G., Vinogradova L.S., Karunova L.A. Sample educational program for preschool education "Discoveries" .

Next >

Integrated lesson as a form of interactive learning

“Only the system gives us complete power over our knowledge. A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a storeroom in which everything is in disarray and where the owner himself will not find anything.”

K. D. Ushinsky.

The purpose of the master class:
to introduce teachers to the methods and forms of conducting an integrated lesson.
Objectives of the master class :

  • present experience in conducting integrated classes;
  • form an idea of ​​an integrated lesson as one of the forms of interactive learning
  • discuss the advantages and disadvantages of integrated classes with master class participants.

Master class script

Stage 1. Motivation


Dear colleagues! Today a master class will be held for you. The stages of its implementation are presented on the slide.

Pay attention to the screen. So, it presents diagrams characterizing two teaching methods. What do you think?

Master class participants

. They answer the question posed.


Absolutely right - active and interactive.

The new requirements put forward within the framework of the 3rd generation Federal State Educational Standard set the main task for the entire vocational education system - training a competent specialist capable of self-development, self-education and innovative activity.

In the innovative educational process, a student must have a high educational level, flexible thinking, professional mobility, search, analyze and evaluate information necessary to solve professional problems, that is, have certain federal standards of professional and general competencies.

The success of achieving this goal depends not only on what is learned, but also on how it is learned: individually or collectively, in authoritarian or humanistic conditions, through reproductive or active learning methods.

Interactive methods can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.

Interactive (“Inter” is mutual, “act” is to act) - means to interact, to be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive ones are focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The place of the teacher in interactive classes comes down to directing the students’ activities to achieve the goals of the lesson.

Today the master class will not be devoted to interactive teaching methods in general, but to integrated classes as a form of interactive learning.

The purpose and objectives of this master class are presented on the slide.

Please note that you have cards on the tables.
Pick up the appropriate card that reflects:

— you are ready to study developmental education technology

- you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology

- you are not interested in this

Stage 2. Theoretical part


Pay attention to the notes in the handouts; they reflect theses on the topic under consideration; in the work card attached to them, you can record the information you need.

The teacher in his professional activities uses the group of methods that most fully help to implement the didactic tasks that he sets in the classroom. An integrated lesson as a form of interactive learning is one of the most effective means of involving students in educational and cognitive activities.

I would like to note that the topic of the master class was not chosen by chance, since I have accumulated significant experience in organizing integrated classes.

I study the methodology for conducting them, as well as all the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation, together with my colleagues within the framework of the creative problem group (TPG), which I lead - “Implementation of innovative forms of training in the process of developing competencies.”

The theoretical knowledge we have acquired on the problem under study is confirmed by conducting training sessions. You can watch them on the screen.

Integrate (lat. integrare restore, replenish) - integrate, combine parts into one whole.

Integration is a means of intensifying classes, a high form of implementing interdisciplinary connections at a qualitatively new level. Interdisciplinary connections can be successfully used to supplement, confirm or replenish students' knowledge in related subjects.

The idea of ​​using interdisciplinary connections is not new.

In Russian pedagogy it went through three stages.

Integration of subjects is the organization of subject activity, which involves the use of a systematic approach focused on the formation of a systemic type of thinking. The main thing in an integrated lesson is to isolate the problem. The problem must be complex, vital, and socially significant.

When conducting integrated classes, it should be taken into account that integration is not just addition, but the interpenetration of two or more disciplines. One of them needs to make room, absorbing the second, and, illuminated by it, reveal itself in a new way.

There are significant opportunities inherent in integrated activities. It is here that students have the opportunity to gain deep and diverse knowledge using information from various disciplines. In an integrated lesson, there is an opportunity to synthesize knowledge and develop the ability to transfer knowledge from one discipline to another. This, in turn, forms the ability to analyze and compare complex processes and phenomena of objective reality.

The potential inherent in integrated classes can be realized under the following didactic conditions:

a) correct calculation of the interdisciplinary object of study, it must be relevant and problematic, contain a natural interdisciplinary connection;

b) close cooperation of teachers in preparing classes;

c) supervising the work of students preparing to perform in an integrated lesson;

d) at all stages of the lesson, intensification of mental activity and the mandatory use of feedback techniques.

e) ensuring continuity between each part of the lesson based on a common approach.

Next, consider the classification of integrated classes:

  • designing and conducting classes by two or more teachers of different disciplines;
  • designing and conducting an integrated lesson by one teacher with basic training in the relevant disciplines;
  • creation on this basis of integrated topics, sections, courses.

The following options for forming the content of integrated training sessions can be distinguished.

  1. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of academic disciplines included in the same educational field. At the same time, the content of one discipline does not exceed the content of another; both scientific disciplines act on a parity basis.
  2. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of disciplines included in the same educational field or the same educational block, but based primarily on one subject area.
  3. The content of the lesson is formed from the content of disciplines that are included in different but similar educational areas and act “on equal terms.”
  4. The content of the lesson is formed on the basis of disciplines from related educational fields, but one discipline retains its specificity, while others act as an auxiliary basis.

Let us dwell on the conduct of a training session, for which the option of forming the content of integrated training sessions was chosen based on academic disciplines included in the same educational area or the same educational block, but based primarily on one subject area. You can familiarize yourself with the methodological development of this training session and the structure of its implementation.

The training session was conducted on the basis of the following disciplines: Economic theory and Economics of an organization (enterprise), with Economic theory being a supporting subject.

One of the conditions for conducting an integrated lesson is the correct identification of an interdisciplinary object of study: it must be relevant and problematic, and contain a natural interdisciplinary connection. The theme chosen for this purpose was “Labor Market”.

This topic, according to the curriculum and work programs, is separately considered in both Economic Theory and Organizational Economics. It is very relevant in modern economic conditions and is one of the priority areas for the development of the country’s economy.

The form chosen for conducting the lesson was a dialogue lesson with elements of research.

The purpose of the training session was to develop knowledge about the labor market based on comparison, analysis and generalization of the theories of the classics of economic thought and modern socio-economic and statistical knowledge.

The main objectives for this training session were:

— formation of general and professional competencies;

— application of theoretical knowledge on the topic in the implementation of their general and professional competencies.

— ability to systematize and analyze educational material;

- activation of mental activity and mandatory use of feedback techniques,

— ensuring continuity between each part of the lesson based on a common approach.

At each stage of the lesson, interdisciplinary connections between the disciplines of economic theory and organizational economics were used on the interpretation of labor market concepts, conceptual approaches to the analysis of its functioning, etc.

As a result, an analysis, synthesis, comparison of the acquired knowledge on the issues under consideration was carried out, generalizing conclusions were made and proposals were made.

Now let's discuss with you what we heard.

— Are you familiar with this topic?

Does highlighting interdisciplinary connections improve learning efficiency?

Do you use interdisciplinary connections when studying your disciplines?

Have you conducted classes based on interdisciplinary connections (integrated, binary)?
Master class participants

. Discussion of the material studied.

Stage 3. Practical part. Group work by departments.


So, we move on to the third stage, practical work, which will consist of group development of the structure of an integrated lesson.

On your desk is an Information Card of the “Integrated Learning” technology, which will help you in developing the structure of the lesson, which you can also reflect in the work card.


And now I would like to ask you to announce the results of your practical work.

Did this work cause you any difficulties, and if so, what were they?

Master class participants

. Presentation and discussion of lesson developments.

Stage 4. Reflection.


The master class is coming to an end and I would like to hear your opinion about the need and usefulness of what I saw and heard today, and also, together with you, determine the advantages and disadvantages of integrated learning.

Leading. Master class participants


The advantages of integrated learning are that it:

— contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of students’ cognitive interest, a holistic scientific picture of the world and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;

- to a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech, the formation of the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, and intensify the educational process;

- not only deepen the understanding of the discipline, broaden one’s horizons, but also contribute to the formation of a versatile, harmoniously and intellectually developed personality.

— integration is a source of finding new connections between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions and observations of students in various disciplines.

the structure of integrated lessons is distinguished by: clarity, compactness, conciseness, logical interdependence of educational material at each stage of the lesson, and a large informative capacity of the material.

Difficulties that may arise:


correct calculation of an interdisciplinary object of study


If a lesson is prepared by two teachers, when drawing up a lesson plan, you should clearly allocate the amount of time allocated to each teacher and strictly adhere to these regulations.


psychological and methodological compatibility of teachers participating in the preparation and conduct of classes.


, special attention should be paid to organizing an integrated lesson.


Based on the above, we can conclude that integration has a positive effect on the educational process, expands the topics of the material being studied, necessitates a deeper and more detailed study of the content of academic disciplines, contributes to the increasing role of students’ independent work and their initiative in conducting research activities, and as a result the growth their general and professional competencies.

Use the cards to answer the questions.

ready to use integrated learning technology

not ready to use

I doubt

Thanks to all participants! I was glad to communicate with you.


Technology Information Card

Theoretical background Characteristic
Definition A set of actions that contribute to a holistic understanding of the world and an increase in the creative potential of the student’s personality
Target Based on the integrative type of cognition, the formation of systemic thinking in the educational process
Types 1. Interdisciplinary integration

2. Intrasubject integration

Stages 1. Definition of integrated goals

2. Coordination of activities

3. Definition of integrative content

4. Organization of the learning process on an integrative basis.

Techniques and methods 1. Updating personal experience

2. Appeal to the image

3. Appeal to the sensory sphere of personality

4. The ability to compose and reproduce a retelling based on a picture plan (your own drawing)

5. Creation of an information image that

  • “turns on” all channels of perception, relying on the student’s personal experience or archetypes (stable figures of the unconscious);
  • created by a student or teacher as a visual aid to thought;
  • plays the role of a sign, it captures the essence of the educational material
Forms of work Integrated lessons; integrated school day; comprehensive seminars; comprehensive laboratory knowledge.
Methods and techniques operating with concepts; establishing relationships between objects and phenomena; abstraction; creating images on different materials; transfer of Established Knowledge; identifying patterns; creative synthesis; additional design, etc.
Pedagogical result Formation of synthetic thinking, the ability to study objects comprehensively, holistically.
question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

Are you ready to study integrated learning technology?

2 -
ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you're not interested in this

question 2 -

you are not ready to use integrated learning technology

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.

question 1 -

you doubt it, but you can answer this question after studying the technology.

question 2 -

I doubt.


  1. Balaev A.A. Active learning methods. M., 2006.
  2. Danilyuk, A. Ya. Theory of educational integration / A. Ya. Danilyuk - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house Rost. ped. University, 2000/
  3. Danilyuk, A. Ya. Metamorphoses and prospects for integration in education / A. Ya. Danilyuk // Pedagogy. No. 2. -1998/
  4. Selevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies: textbook / G. K. Selevko. M.: Public Education, 1998.

Smart cards

Definition 2

An intellectual map is a structural and logical diagram of the content and procedural aspects of studying a certain topic, within which the connections of key concepts with other concepts of this topic are reflected, forming an inextricable unity.

Such maps help in revealing the essence of the concept being studied in class and its relationship with other objects, processes and phenomena. The developed map is the basis for further modeling and conducting a lesson or series of lessons.

For example, to conduct an integrated lesson on the topic “Sea”, the main concept around which the map will be built is the sea, and from it will be words that reveal its essence - marine inhabitants, sea transport, properties of sea water, etc.

Such diagrams can be compiled from prepared materials during classes with children. In this case, it is better to use different pictures.

It should be noted that conducting an integrated lesson requires special preparation from the teacher and his already formed stock of knowledge and skills that children have in the topic being studied. In this regard, conducting such classes every day is very difficult.

in a preschool

(Pedagogical readings)




I. Introduction.

Currently, preschool education is intensively developing in different directions: interest in the personality of a preschool child and his uniqueness is increasing; qualitatively new requirements are imposed on the organization of the educational process aimed at the physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of the preschooler. The fundamental principle of the development of modern preschool education, proposed by the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, is the principle of integration of educational areas.

Integration as a principle covers a fairly large number of didactic and educational phenomena and has factors that ensure its broad influence on the theory and practice of preschool education.

Recently, special attention has been paid to the integration of educational areas in preschool education, and this is not accidental. In my opinion, it is at the preschool level that the integration of educational areas into a single whole is most effective, since the preschooler perceives the world around him holistically, and for him there should be no boundaries between educational areas.

An integrated approach to learning is increasingly recognized as an urgent need for modern education. To break down barriers between educational fields, they are grouped around core concepts and themes. This allows us to examine this area from different angles and reveal relationships. With integration, educational areas interact, but at the same time remain independent and equal in content and structure. Thus, we are talking about integrated learning as a system that unites and connects knowledge into a single whole, on the basis of which a holistic perception of the world is formed in children. Research and practice show that an effective way to implement educational functions is to put forward general educational problems and their consistent solution in a system of interrelated activities of children in various areas. Integration in preschool education allows us to move from a local, isolated consideration of various phenomena of reality to their interconnected comprehensive study.

Taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, the integration of educational areas makes it possible to show the child the world in all its diversity with the involvement of scientific knowledge, literature, music, painting, theater, which contributes to the emotional development of the child’s personality and the formation of his creative thinking.

The introduction of an integration system, to a greater extent than traditional education, contributes to the education of an erudite person with a holistic worldview, the ability to independently systematize his existing knowledge and have an unconventional approach to solving problems.

The principle of integration is innovative and obliges preschool institutions to radically restructure educational activities in kindergarten on the basis of synthesis, unification of educational areas, which involves obtaining a holistic product that ensures the formation of integrative qualities of the personality of a preschool child and his harmonious entry into society.

II. From the history of the issue.

For the first time, interest in the problem of integration arose in the works. Kamensky wrote that a subject will be mastered if it is given a solid foundation, if this foundation is laid deeply, if everything that allows for difference is different in the most precise way, and everything that has a mutual connection is constantly connected. These provisions of the great teacher present the essence of the universal course of development of any large complex system in relation to a particular case, which is the child’s knowledge system that develops during the learning process.

In domestic pedagogy, the first attempt at a theoretical study of aspects of this problem was made, which revealed the psychological foundations of the relationship between various subjects.

Throughout the twentieth century, integration was used by teachers at different levels of education as a harmonious unification of various subjects, which made it possible to introduce integrity into the child’s knowledge of the world. Particular interest in the problem of integration appeared at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, the term “integration” itself appeared.

In preschool pedagogy, significant theoretical and practical material has been accumulated on the problem of the relationship between types of children's activities from the standpoint of complex and integrated approaches, thus considering integration as a deeper form of relationship, interpenetration of different contents of education for preschool children, covering all types of artistic and creative activities. However, integrated activities have not been specifically studied as a form of integrated education for preschoolers.

Integrated lesson: goals, objectives, stages of implementation article on the topic

Integrated lesson: goals, objectives, stages of implementation

The statements of the standard indicate the actual activities that the student must master. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results. One of the effective ways to achieve meta-subject results is an integrated lesson. This form of conducting lessons is being actively introduced and connects, at first glance, incompatible subjects.

An integrated lesson is any lesson with its own structure if it involves knowledge, skills and results of analysis of the material being studied using methods of other sciences and other academic subjects.

Interdisciplinary connections include:

1. mutual consistency of programs and textbooks;

2. a coordinated system of work for teachers of various disciplines and a comprehensive consideration of objects and phenomena in lessons;

3. mental activity of students in reproducing previously acquired knowledge of related subjects and linking them with new material.

All types of these lessons have common goals:

1) learning the ability to identify certain properties and phenomena of the surrounding world and try to explain them;

2) teaching a system of general concepts on the basis of which students could independently analyze facts and phenomena;

3) learning to find an independent way to solve a problem;

4) understanding the cultural value of a worldview.

Integrated lessons allow you to solve the following problems:

∙ improve the quality of education;

∙ increase the intensity of the lesson, expand its information capacity;

∙ find points of contact between mathematics and other subjects;

∙ show an example of broad cooperation of subjects in the classroom through the cooperation of teachers and schoolchildren as a new form of lesson activity;

∙ promote the development of students’ creative abilities, help a deeper understanding and assimilation of the program material of the main course in mathematics and other subjects;

∙ broaden the horizons of students, increase their cognitive activity, develop students’ interest in subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle.

Integrated mathematics lessons have the following advantages:

1) increase motivation, create cognitive interest;

2) contribute to the formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world, consideration of a subject or phenomenon from several sides: theoretical, practical, applied;

3) contribute to the development of oral and written activities, help to see the elements of mathematics and mathematical facts in life;

4) contribute to the development of mathematical skills;

5) allow you to systematize knowledge;

6) contribute to the development, to a greater extent than ordinary lessons, of aesthetic perception, imagination, attention, memory, and thinking of students;

7) contribute to the improvement and growth of the teacher’s professional skills, since they require him to master the methodology of new technologies in the educational process.

Thus, integrated lessons really help to build important competencies needed in the modern world.

Integrating mathematics lessons with history, literature, computer science and other academic disciplines allows us to examine phenomena in a multifaceted way, connect mathematics lessons with life, and show the richness and complexity of the world around us. Children have the opportunity not only to create their own model of the world, but also to develop their own way of interacting with it. Students perform the following operations in such lessons: draw analogies, generalize, systematize educational material, put forward hypotheses, disseminate conclusions obtained from observations, use personal comparison, make the unfamiliar familiar and, finally, model.

The use of mathematical methods in courses in physics, chemistry, and geography develops students’ generalized measuring, computing, and graphic skills.

Examples: 1. When studying the topic “Scale”, you can use tasks where you need to determine the distance between two points from a plan or map. In this case, geographical maps of Russia and the world, maps of the hemispheres are used.

For example: Task 1. Write down the scales of the geographic maps of the atlas, highlighting a large-scale map and a small-scale one, determine which scale is the largest. Determine the distance between the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Vladivostok, etc.

Task 2. Which scale is larger? (handout material is used)

a) 1: 100,000,000 b) 1: 20,000,000 c) 1: 1,000,000

Task 3. The step length of a baby is 25 cm, and that of an adult is 5 cm. Let's find the ratio of the baby's step length to the adult's step length. Let's make a ratio - 25: 5. The baby's step length is 5 times longer. Is it true?

Task 4. Map scale 1:100,000. The distance between points on the ground is 3.84 km. What is the distance on the map between these points?

Task 5. Find the map scale if a distance of 3.78 cm on the map corresponds to a distance on the ground of 18.9 km.

2. Numbers in history are not just dates. These are also illustrations of economic features, customs or political events, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of our ancestors. Traveling from one historical picture to another, students do not even notice how much mathematical material they have used. In mathematics lessons, you can use historical material when composing problems.

For example, when studying the topic “Finding a number from its fraction” in 6th grade, you can propose the task: “During the battles of the Second World War, rear workers assembled several rifles and 136 machine guns from the remaining parts. How many rifles were collected, if machine guns make up parts of their number. How many weapons were collected?"

The implementation of integrated lessons is preceded by serious teacher preparation. Let's consider the stages of preparing and conducting integrated lessons:

1. Analytical. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of programs, textbooks and manuals for those school courses with which integration is supposed to be carried out. The complexity of integration is due, first of all, to the fact that in almost all parallels the study of the content of courses in mathematics, physics, geography, etc. chronologically does not match. But still, if you want, you can find common ground. An important condition for the implementation of such a project is the willingness of one of the colleagues to take part in organizing such an activity, to take a certain risk in order to achieve a common goal.

2. Installation. It is necessary to select the material for the lesson and first adjust its topic.

3. Preliminary. At this stage, subject teachers should form groups of consultants consisting of the strongest students.

4. Preparatory stage. Determining the purpose and objectives of the lesson, justifying the need for integration with other school subjects, and drawing up a lesson plan. Students select additional literature, illustrations, audio-video materials, and receive individual assignments.

5. Main stage. Organizing and conducting a lesson within the proposed types.

6. Final stage. The teacher together with the students sums up the lesson. Outlines questions for further independent work on the topic studied. Organizes an exchange of views between participants on the possibility of conducting integrated lessons in the future.

Conclusion Conducting integrated lessons requires a lot of preparation, but it should be noted that the effectiveness of such lessons is quite high. Integrated lessons are interesting to students, encourage creativity, and reveal the applied orientation of mathematics.

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