The influence of gaming technologies on the cognitive development of preschool children

Table of contents

Introduction. 3

Chapter 1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the implementation of gaming technologies in the cognitive activity of preschool children. 6

1.1 The essence and history of the development of game-based learning technologies……………………………………………………….……………….……6

1.2 Features of cognitive activity of preschool children……………9

1.3 Implementation of gaming technologies in cognitive activity



History of the development of gaming technologies in domestic and foreign pedagogy

The idea of ​​using technology in the educational process arose at the beginning of the 20th century. The concept of pedagogical technology was conceptualized by such scientists as V.P. Bespalko, T.A. Ilyina, F.P. Fradkin, M.V. Clarin, G.K. Selevko, N.E. Shchurkova and others is understood and realized, so much so that UNESCO considered it necessary to give it a definition: “This is the definition of principles and the development of methods for optimizing the educational process through the analysis of factors that increase pedagogical effectiveness, through the development and application of methods and materials, as well as through the assessment of used methods." The modern understanding of educational technology is based on the fact that it is an introduction to pedagogy of a systemic way of thinking and is a variation of the learning process.

The analysis conducted by the researchers indicates that the pedagogical phenomenon, which today is called “educational technology,” has been the subject of debate and scientific debate for many centuries. According to scientists, not a single outstanding teacher could avoid this problem.

Even Democritus (460-371 BC) argued that it is better to achieve virtue through internal motivation and conviction than through edification, law and coercion. Marcus Fabius Quintilian (c. 35-96) wrote: “Learning should give him (the student) pleasure...”

In the modern interpretation, the views of the ancient authors sound like this: both of them talk about the attitude towards the child in the process of his upbringing and education, and Quintilian points out the need for children to experience success in their activities as the most important factor in the further development of the individual. In this case, the forms of influence are chosen in such a way as to awaken in the child a desire to improve.

The Italian utopian philosopher T. Campanella, in his book “City of the Sun,” applies the idea of ​​non-violence in pedagogical influence and illustrates it using the example of technological design of the physical environment. The French humanist Monty (1533-1592) said: “It is desirable that he be able not only to captivate with his story, but also to listen to his student.” He reaches the highest level of technological generalization when describing “communication with others,” emphasizing the following in his recommendation:

  • do not expose yourself;
  • refrain from using knowledge;
  • avoid arrogance, etc.

Accepting the thesis that the basis of education should be “skillful distribution of time, subjects and methods,” Ya.A. Comenius (1592-1670) created a pedagogical technology based on the principle of flow and maintaining a dominant position in modern society (Comenius Y.A. “The Great Didactics”).

The formation of pedagogical technology in domestic pedagogy was considered as the essence of the ongoing study of changes in pedagogical technology at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. K.D. Ushinsky (1824-1870), the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, when developing the theory of pedagogy, used the laws of philosophy, history, anatomy, physiology and other sciences, since they all study human nature, that is, he took an anthropological approach to personality as a basis. The pedagogical technology of L.N. Tolstoy was the moral education of the individual, and S.T. Shatsky (1878-1934), who studied the influence of the environment on the student, expanded the concept of pedagogical technology, showing the natural results of its impact on both the individual and the team.

Some researchers of the history of the formation and education of the concept of “pedagogical technology” (Bespalko V.P., Ignatiev S.T., Melekhin V.A., Maslova N.P., Shchurkova N.E., etc.) have proven that the term “ technology" in domestic pedagogy was first used in the 20s of the 18th century.

In the 30s of the 20th century, a unique situation arose in pedagogical science and practice, which was characterized by creative search. New programs and methodological recommendations for organizing the educational process were created, emphasizing the optional nature of these programs, which opened up space for teachers’ pedagogical creativity. Projects have been proposed to convert secondary schools into technical colleges.


Modern conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, an appeal to the child’s personality, the development of his best qualities, and the formation of a versatile and full-fledged personality. The implementation of this task objectively requires a qualitatively new approach to teaching and raising children and organizing the entire educational process. First of all, this means abandoning the authoritarian way of teaching and raising children. Education should be developmental, enrich the child with knowledge and methods of mental activity, and form cognitive interests and abilities.

During the period of perestroika, there was a sharp surge in interest in educational games (V.V. Petrusinsky, P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarov, S.A. Shmakov, M.V. Clarin, A.S. Prutchenkov, etc.) .

Accordingly, the ways, means and methods of teaching and raising children must undergo changes. In this regard, play forms of teaching and raising children (especially preschool children) acquire particular importance.

Therefore, in the modern world there is an urgent need to expand methodological potential in general, and in active forms of learning in particular. Such active forms of learning include gaming technologies.

Gaming technologies are one of the unique forms of education, which makes it possible to make learning and raising children interesting and exciting. The entertaining nature of the conventional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorizing, repeating, consolidating or assimilating information positively emotionally charged, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Another positive side of the game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, i.e. The material acquired by children goes through a kind of practice, introducing variety and interest into the educational process.

The relevance of the game is currently increasing due to the oversaturation of the modern child with information. All over the world, and in Russia in particular, the subject-information environment is expanding immeasurably. Television, video, radio, and computer networks have recently bombarded children with a huge amount of information. The urgent task of a preschool institution is the development of independent assessment and selection of information received. One of the forms of training that develops such skills is a didactic game, which promotes the practical use of knowledge acquired in class and outside of class.

Play is a natural and humane form of learning for a child. By teaching through play, we teach children not in the way that it is convenient for us, adults, to give educational material, but in the way that it is convenient and natural for children to take it.

Thus, the relevance of the problem led to the definition of the research topic “The influence of gaming technologies on the cognitive development of preschool children.”

The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of gaming technologies in a preschool educational institution.

The object of the study is the educational and educational process in preschool institutions.

The subject of the research is gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions.

In connection with the goal, the following research objectives were identified:

— study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic;

— to identify the pedagogical and methodological foundations for the design and use of gaming technologies in a preschool educational institution;

— experimentally test the effectiveness of using gaming technologies in the development of preschool children.

To solve the problems, a complex of theoretical and empirical research methods was used.

Theoretical: analysis and synthesis, generalization and interpretation of pedagogical, psychological and historical literature; social and pedagogical analysis (analysis of programs and textbooks, teaching aids).

Empirical: survey methods (conversations, questionnaires, interviewing students); self-assessment method, pedagogical experiment included in the educational process.

Research base: senior and middle groups of kindergarten No. 185 in Omsk.

The place of gaming technologies in the pedagogical process article on the topic

The place of gaming technologies in the pedagogical process

The world enters the lives of children gradually. A significant role in this is played by daily impressions of communication with people around you. A child’s worldview is also determined by the information he receives from a wide variety of sources. Play will help satisfy children's curiosity, involve the child in active exploration of the world around them, and help him master ways of understanding the connections between objects and phenomena.

Play is the most effective method of developing a child’s individuality, personal position, and ability to analyze their actions. This is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults for the purpose of education, teaching a child various actions, methods and means of communication. It is in play that a child develops those forms of psyche that will subsequently be responsible for the success of his educational, labor, and communicative activities. Therefore, the relevance of the pedagogical game is undeniable.

The game has a historical rather than a biological basis. This position in determining the essence of the game is revealed in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin and many other researchers. Scientists believe that games spontaneously, but quite naturally, appeared as a result of human labor and social activities. N.K. Krupskaya and A.S. Makarenko distinguished the special educational impact of the game on the child and called on teachers to make maximum use of it in the pedagogical and educational process.[1] The basis of gaming technology as an optimal means of teaching and upbringing in Russian pedagogy was laid by the research of such scientists as E. A. Flerina, E. I. Tikheeva (20-30s of the XX century), later the works of F. I. Fradkina were devoted to the game , N. M. Aksarina, A. P. Usova and others. The possibility of using games in education was also of interest to such scientists as V. Stern, K. Groos, Z. Freud, J. Piaget. Undoubtedly, both domestic and world pedagogical practice has accumulated baggage that must be used. These are, first of all, gaming pedagogical technologies. They have found great application in the practice of many teachers. Game-based pedagogical technologies are the most effective and potential from the point of view of the formation and development of a child’s subjective position in relation to himself, his activities, and his relationships.

Game educational technologies represent a special part of educational technologies in general. The task of using gaming technologies in the educational process is not new. Nowadays, gaming pedagogical technologies are becoming one of the most popular areas in terms of their application in the educational process. They have great educational, developmental, nurturing and correctional resources from the point of view of the main educational task: nurturing individuality, developing the child’s personal position, his ability to analyze his activities, build communications with himself and the world around him.

Game is the oldest and most honored means of teaching and education. Today it is in the period of greatest demand. This is facilitated by the development of pedagogical technologies in general, the spread of problem-based learning, the needs of society in the development of a diversified personality of a citizen, in his social and economic competence.

In the process of teaching and upbringing, gaming methods act as ways and techniques for transmitting one’s own experience, knowledge, and skills, starting with the emergence of humanity and throughout the entire path of its development. Currently, teachers focus on activating and intensifying the educational process. Game actions in the educational process can be used in the following cases:

  • as independent technologies for acquiring new knowledge;
  • as part of a more general technology;
  • as a lesson (lesson), or part of it;
  • as technologies for extracurricular activities.

Game pedagogical technologies represent a fairly large group of methods and techniques for developing the pedagogical process in the form of all kinds of didactic games. A didactic game has a distinctive feature in comparison with ordinary games: it is built on a clearly formulated learning goal and has a corresponding pedagogical result. Both the goal and the result of the didactic game are obvious, understandable and distinguished by their educational, developmental, and cognitive orientation.

The specificity of the didactic game is that the classroom system does not allow the game to be introduced into the educational process in its pure form, so to speak. The teacher must form and coordinate the game. The game situation is reproduced in lessons with the help of special techniques and situations, which must become a means of motivating and stimulating the child in the learning process.

The implementation of gaming techniques and situations in the lesson is possible in the following areas:

  • the purpose of the lesson is presented in a playful way;
  • the structure of the lesson, educational activities are subject to the rules of the game;
  • educational material is a means of the didactic game itself;
  • Competitions are introduced into the structure of the lesson, which facilitate the transformation of a didactic task into a game one;
  • Effective completion of a learning task becomes a game result.

The basis of the pedagogical game is that the child solves intellectual problems presented in a fascinating game form, independently finds their solution, while forcing certain difficulties. The mental task appears before the child as a factual, playful one, increasing his mental activity.

Even at the dawn of mankind, long before play became the subject of scientific research, it was widely used as one of the significant means of raising children. The special place of play in different educational systems is determined by its consonance with the nature of the child.

The most important thing is play for the development of the child’s motivational-need sphere. L. S. Vygotsky considered this area to be the main one for realizing the importance of the game, understanding its origin and essence.[2]

Early childhood is determined by the child’s objective activity. He is occupied with the object itself, methods of acting with it, and the functional meaning of the object. Mastering certain actions leads to the child understanding that he is acting like an adult. The baby does not yet know either social connections or the social roles of adults, and does not understand the meaning of their social actions. He functions from the point of view of his own needs and desires, impartially putting himself in the place of an adult. It is at this moment that sensory-effective orientation occurs in adult relationships, in their life activities. The summation and conciseness of game actions become a sign that human relationships are being highlighted, and that their meaning is assimilated and emotionally experienced. That is why the first becomes a sensory awareness of the functions of an adult, the social significance of his activities.

The importance of play activity is not limited to the emergence of new motives for activity in the child and the formation of new tasks. One of the main provisions is that a child develops a new psychological basis of motivation during the game.

The importance of gaming pedagogical technologies for the mental development of a child is enormous. It is during the game that the child may experience combinations of educational material and orientation in its structure, which become a guideline for the further use of this material as a method of solving new problems assigned to the child. In this case, the game involves abstracting educational material, experimenting with it, and releasing constructive activity. Didactic games serve as a way to form and develop general mechanisms of mental activity.

The importance of the game for the organization and development of a team is undeniable. The game promotes the development of independence, the right attitude to work, and the correction of behavioral deviations. All this gaming effectiveness is based on the enormous influence of the game on the mental development, the formation of the emotional sphere of the child’s personality. The game is a means of not only learning, but also education. The main facets of the formation and development of a child’s personality are the following aspects.

1. The game creates the basis for the progress of the motivational-consumer sphere of the individual. Graduality and a hierarchy of motives appear. Social incentives become more significant for the child than their own. There is a so-called subordination of motives.

2. Cognitive and sensitive egocentrism is forced. The child tries on the role of a character, the hero of the game, considers the characteristic features of his behavior, character, and actions. This helps him in communicating with people around him, promotes the formation of self-awareness and self-esteem.

3. Intellectual actions are improved. A plan for the worldview is built, the child’s creative capabilities and abilities are developed.

The game can be considered as a principle of behavior, and not just as leisure. The interests of the game participants are aimed at the game process itself, and not at a given goal. The game is an example of the norm of civilization. It makes possible freedom, relaxedness, a sense of power over reality, the ability to search for oneself, try role-playing attitudes, overcome dependence on these attitudes, and creates the need to overcome oneself.

Our education is distinguished by the humanization of the educational process, the emphasis on the formation and development of the child’s personality. The implementation of this goal is possible with education aimed at developing the cognitive interests and abilities of students.

It is gaming pedagogical technologies that make it possible to form and develop a child’s voluntary attention and memory. Didactic games and game-based tasks increase the effectiveness of developing ingenuity, logical thinking, and resourcefulness. Almost all such tasks are based on the child’s use of volitional efforts: organization, endurance, and adherence to the rules of the game. It is important that the game is in harmony with serious work, does not distract from the main material, and enhances the degree of mental work of the child.

When creating a didactic game, a teacher must set not only educational goals (to increase cognitive activity, interest), but also educational goals (to create, adjust relationships in a team, adjust the child’s social roles). It is important that in the game the child can acquire knowledge about the structure of the modern world, society, understanding and acceptance of the real activities of adults.

An important problem of the modern concept of education is the formation of universal educational activities. At the same time, the knowledge, skills and abilities we are accustomed to are interpreted as a secondary type of purposeful actions. Knowledge, skills and abilities are developed and preserved in close connection with the active actions of the child. The quality of learning material is now measured by the diversity and focus of universal educational activities.

At this stage, the school needs such an organization of educational work that could create conditions for the development of personal abilities and a creative approach to life in each child.

The main mission of the teacher is to organize special conditions that can transform learning from a monotonous process into an exciting activity based on active independent work. This alternative is possible when the child is placed in an election situation. The child independently chooses his action. Having a choice when forcing one’s own desire, the opportunity to bring benefit by overcoming oneself, gives the child the satisfaction of making the right decision or action.

One of the features of primary school age can be called the child’s keen sensitivity to new knowledge, his increasing emotional experiences, and excessive credulity in incoming information. This age period is beneficial for the formation in the child’s soul of moral standards, morality, and such spiritual qualities as kindness and caring. Problem-based game situations that give the child a lot of positive emotions will be a good help here.

In a game modification of the educational process, the organization of a problem situation is built on the basis of living this problem in a game environment. Game modeling becomes the foundation of children's activities, and part of this activity is carried out in accordance with a conditional game plan.

The child’s activities are based on game rules. Role-playing games are subject to the logic of the role being played, while imitating and modeling games are regulated by the role position and the rules of gaming reality. The teacher also undergoes an activity transformation. He balances the roles of organizer, assistant, and accomplice in the game.

The result of the game is twofold - it is considered both as a game and as an educational-cognitive one. The educational and educational essence of the didactic game is brought to life through the analysis of game actions, situations, through the correspondence of the game situation to the real one through its modeling.

The main significance of such an educational system lies in the final discussion and analysis of gaming activities. What is important here is the children’s collective discussion of the progress and results of the game, the comparison of the simulation game model and reality, and the course of educational and game interaction.

The process of schooling is not always attractive or interesting for the child. The problem of low motivation and low cognitive activity of schoolchildren has become especially acute in our time. Making educational material as attractive, interesting, vibrant and memorable as possible is the main problem of a modern teacher. The introduction of didactic games into the structure of the lesson quite fully solves this problem. The desire to learn arises as a result of the need for cognitive activity. This leads to the teacher’s search for attractive aspects of the educational process and the introduction of positive charges of interest into it. Activation of a child’s cognitive activity through didactic play is possible if the following conditions are met: the child has a certain stock of knowledge, the child has educational and gaming skills, understanding the goals and objectives of the game, choosing a game in accordance with the age, psychological, and individual characteristics of the child, and the presence of reflection.

Primary school pedagogy has in its methodological repertoire a huge number of educational games aimed at developing the child’s vocabulary, developing mathematical abilities, developing children’s cognitive activity, and much more.

Game-based pedagogical technology is a single structure consisting of a certain part of the educational material, united by common content, the plot of the game, and a certain character. It consistently presents didactic games and exercises that develop the child’s ability to identify the main features of objects and phenomena, the ability to compare and contrast objects, groups, phenomena, games that develop the ability to distinguish reality from fiction, games to form the volitional sphere of the child’s personality, speed games reactions, ingenuity and others.

The importance of gaming pedagogical technologies cannot be exaggerated. Their uniqueness and effectiveness lies in the fact that, on the one hand, representing leisure and recreation, they implement educational, educational, creative tasks set by the teacher.

[1] Makarenko A. S. Some conclusions from pedagogical experience // Reader on the history of Soviet school and pedagogy: Textbook / ed. A. N. Alekseev, N. P. Shcherbov. – M.: Education, 1972. – p. 283

[2] Vygotsky L. S. The problem of learning and mental development at school age // Mental development of children in the learning process: Collection of articles / L. S. Vygotsky. – M.-L.: State educational and pedagogical publishing house, 1935. – p. 3-19

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