Additional educational program of preschool education “Preparing children for school” 6-7 years

Foxford Online School

Website : Phone Cost : free introductory lesson, from RUR 2,790/4 lessons Age : from 5 years

At Foxford, children are prepared for entry into schools and gymnasiums, and learning skills are developed. They explain the rules of behavior and communication in the educational institution so that the child is mentally prepared for school.

Lessons are held individually with a tutor at a convenient time. In a playful way, the child learns the necessary material and completes interactive tasks. Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

The guys study on the Foxford.Class platform. The student communicates with the teacher in real time (video, audio, chat). A recording of the lesson will also be available for review.

The Foxford system automatically evaluates the results of assignments and tests, and teachers provide individual feedback and recommendations.

Family school "Makaroon"

Website : Phone Cost : on request Age : 6-7 years

A unique online program for preparing for school : we learn to read, count, write, perform, speak English, as well as dance and do warm-ups. The structure of the program is a balanced curriculum where we develop logical, mathematical and structural thinking.

The program takes into account the development of a child of this age, so there are no more than 10 children in groups. Lessons last 30 minutes, so the child does not get tired of sitting in front of the screen and effectively perceives information. Classes are held in the morning and afternoon.

In addition to the main teacher, each group has a tutor: he works with parents and gives them feedback, informs them about the necessary materials, and helps with connections.

For free

Educational technology studio “Gang of Smart Guys”

Website : Phone Age : 4-7 years

On the site you will find 7 free e-mail courses that will be sent to you by e-mail.

The letters explain all the stages of a child’s mastery of a topic, specific techniques, games, and exercises that make it easy to master complex topics at a pace that is comfortable for children, and therefore effectively and firmly.

Courses available on the following topics:

  • Introduction to Fractions
  • Easy multiplication
  • How to learn to count?
  • Skim Reading

Each course lasts 2 weeks and includes 6-7 lessons. The lessons contain games and practical tasks.

Online platform "IQsha"

Website : Age : 5-7 years

For preschool children, experienced teachers and psychologists have developed a program of easy and fun preparation for school.

All tasks and games are aimed at the harmonious development of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. They effectively help you develop the necessary skills to enter school. All tasks are accompanied by voiceovers from professional speakers, which simplifies the learning of children who cannot read.

The tasks are divided into categories:

  • Logic and thinking, attention and memory
  • Mathematics
  • Literacy and reading
  • English language
  • Horizons (the world around us)

10 online tasks are available every day completely free of charge.

Channel “Your teacher. Preparation for school"

Website :

The channel regularly publishes videos about teaching children in primary school. The lessons will be useful for both parents and children.

Here are some topics:

  • 5 mistakes when preparing for school
  • What is ending? How to find the ending in a word?
  • How to teach a child to fold in a column?
  • What should a future first-grader know and be able to do?
  • Learning to write
  • Learning to read
  • How to hold a pen correctly?
  • What books to read after the primer?
  • How to teach a child to read syllables? and others

Educational animated series


  • https://pishi-zhi-shi
  • https://bukvalnyie-istorii
  • https://umnaya_lukovka

You can start preparing for school with colorful educational cartoons. In addition to the main curriculum or for preparation from an early age.

Here are some educational short animated series:

  • “Write Zhi-Shi” will help a child master spelling (12 episodes)
  • “Smart Onion” in three-minute videos explains to children the names of colors, talks about the seasons, helps them learn the names of geometric shapes (15 episodes)
  • “Literal Stories” - two-minute cartoons, each of which is dedicated to one letter of the alphabet (33 episodes)

Online school Tetrika

Website : Phone Cost : free trial lesson, from 690 rub. per lesson Age : from 5 years

“Careful preparation for school” is carried out in 3 areas:

  • Check
  • Reading
  • Letter

The lesson lasts 25 minutes. The child will become familiar with school subjects and learn to work with textbooks. Learns how to behave at school and learns to work independently.

Lessons are held on an interactive online platform. At the appointed time, you contact the teacher via video chat. The lesson uses a virtual whiteboard, where you can write with the mouse or using the screen on a tablet or smartphone.

After each lesson, a virtual board with notes and lesson materials is saved so that you can repeat what you have learned. And if you have any questions, you can ask them in a personal chat.


Website : Phone Cost : free trial lesson, RUR 3,150/4 lessons Age : 4-7 years

Course: “Little genius”

Preparation for school is carried out via Zoom, lesson duration is 45 minutes. Classes are taught by experienced teachers.

Child on the course:

  • Expands vocabulary
  • Develops speech and articulation
  • Learn counting and geometric shapes

The program includes the following subjects:

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Logics
  • The world
  • Certificate
  • Letter


Website : Cost : free trial lesson, from 590 RUR/lesson
Preparing for school for children 4–7 years old

Teachers will give the child knowledge that will be useful in school and everyday life:

  • Mathematics: they will teach you how to count to 100, distinguish geometric shapes and solve problems
  • Reading and speech: expand vocabulary, introduce the alphabet and read the first texts with the child
  • Creativity: practice drawing, sculpting, making crafts and composing compositions
  • The world around us: they will explain natural and physical phenomena, tell more about plants and animals
  • They will learn to determine time using a clock and the season using a calendar.

They will help you get used to the activities and turn the game into learning:

  • Plot and characters. Your companion will be the cat Katya. She dreams of becoming a detective and studies everything that is useful for this.
  • Psychologically prepare for school. They will teach you how to correctly perceive the teacher and maintain attention.
  • The lesson lasts 25 minutes. The child will gradually get used to long school lessons
  • They don’t stare at the screen, do warm-ups, sing and draw. Attentive teachers will find an approach to any child
  • Feedback every month. The teacher will tell you how things are going: where the child is having difficulty and what is going well.

All teachers are certified. Everyone has a curator who helps teach lessons more effectively.

  1. It's easy to change teachers if you want.
  2. Classes are held online on an interactive platform. All you need is a computer and Internet access. You don’t need to know how to use a mouse and keyboard—they’ll teach you in the first lessons.
  3. For each topic there will be coloring pages and copybooks that you can print out.
  4. You can study at any convenient time. Weekdays and weekends, before lunch or after kindergarten, the schedule is easy to customize to fit your schedule.

Early Development Center "Quentin Children"

Website : Phone Cost : free trial lesson, 1000 RUR/lesson Age : 6-7 years

The Quentin method has been completely redesigned for online learning, so the student is offered tasks that can be worked on and monitored online.

The school preparation program includes:

  • Development of phonetic hearing
  • Sound-letter analysis and synthesis
  • Studying the world around us, developing reading and writing skills
  • Development and enrichment of a child’s vocabulary

Classes are held individually on Zoom. The time of the classes is chosen by the parents themselves. An individual approach allows you to adjust the pace of learning to each child individually.

Thanks to the online format, teachers can use a significantly larger number of educational and reference materials in the form of various presentations, images, text and audio files and attachments.

Children's center Smartykids Club

Website : Phone Cost : free trial lesson, from 300 rubles/lesson

Does your child know how to read, but does not count well? Or does he write uncertainly? Choose the required direction to work on in a short time or enroll your child in a standard school preparation course.

The mental arithmetic course provides an opportunity for the all-round development of the child, and the unique course on developing beautiful handwriting “Calligraphy” will not only make the child’s notebooks neat and aesthetically attractive from the first grade, but will also reduce the number of spelling errors.

All of the center’s methods are adapted for both online and offline classes; they have proven themselves equally successful.

What is included in the school training program:

  • Learning to read and developing phonemic awareness
  • Teaching a child to count
  • Development of fine motor skills and preparation of the hand for writing, learning to write
  • Formation of spatiotemporal relations
  • Speech development

Online school “NOVATOR Kids”

Website : Phone Cost : trial lesson - 290 rubles, from 830 rubles / lesson Age : 4-7 years

Innovative online preparation for school and development of soft skills. Children acquire knowledge 3 times faster and more effectively than with the traditional teaching approach.

In a programme:

  • Subject knowledge (reading, counting, writing)
  • Psycho-emotional preparation
  • Emphasis on learning to think and reflect independently using modern methods

The standard course is designed for 30 lessons (3 months) and is divided into 3 modules of 10 lessons each. Lessons last 40 minutes. Every 7 minutes – a change of activity and physical education. Classes are held on Zoom.

The training uses gamification and STEAM approach. Lessons are held in small groups of 3-4 people. Parents regularly receive reports on their child's progress.

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