File of work activities in the preparatory group

Labor activity in kindergarten

Definition 1
Labor activity in kindergarten is one of the most important aspects of raising preschool children, expressed in familiarizing children with the work of adults, introducing them to work, developing a respectful attitude towards the results of work and the desire to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Labor education is a mandatory component of the educational program of a preschool educational institution, aimed at developing the basic creative and basic abilities of a preschooler.

Note 1

The main tasks of labor education are set by the preschool teacher independently, taking into account the age characteristics of the children, their interest in work activity and the development of hard work.

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The main types of labor activity in preschool educational institutions, in accordance with the educational program, are:

  • self-service;
  • labor in nature;
  • household work;
  • manual labor.

The main forms of organizing labor activity in preschool educational institutions:

  • duty roster;
  • instructions;
  • collective and joint work of children.

The concept and purpose of a card index in the work of a kindergarten teacher

Definition 2

A card index is systematized and organized material on a specific topic that helps you quickly find the necessary information.

The card files created by preschool teachers are very diverse in design and content. The contents of the card index depend on the topic. That is, if a teacher needs a card index on labor activity, then the cards will contain information for conducting a quality lesson on labor. The teacher chooses the appearance and design of the index cards independently; the main thing is ease of use.

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Card files are one of those ways of organizing the pedagogical process that helps relieve teachers. Due to the fact that children do not like monotony, one of the important tasks facing the creator of the card index is its constant replenishment.

Card index “Cultural and hygienic skills”


1. "I myself."


consolidate the ability to eat carefully, take food only with a spoon, improve food culture skills; teach children to hold a spoon correctly, eat and drink food without spilling, and chew thoroughly.

Teach politely to express a request for help; strengthen the ability to independently remove shoes and clothes and put them in a closet.

2. "Clean nose"


Encourage children to take care of their appearance, use a handkerchief in a timely manner, and cultivate neatness and independence.

3. "Scented soap."

Goal: to encourage children to independently take soap from a soap dish, rub their palms, rinse off the soap, and know the location of their towel.

“Dry sleeves.”
Goal: to develop the ability to wash hands carefully, roll up sleeves, not spill water on the floor, and wipe them dry with a personal towel; develop the ability to wash your hands before eating, lather your hands well and thoroughly wash off the dirt.

5. “We love to wash ourselves.”


to form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to promote the correct use of an individual towel, and to consolidate the ability to hang it in place.

6. "Table manners"


to develop children’s cultural and hygienic self-service skills, to teach them to sit correctly at the table and use cutlery.

“Dressing and undressing.”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to unfasten and fasten Velcro fasteners, practice using other types of fasteners, continue to teach them to follow the rules of behavior in the locker room, and ask for help using polite words.

8. “We wash our hands properly.”

Goal: to develop basic cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach them to wash their hands correctly, thoroughly dry each finger, and hang a towel in its place.

9. “Water, water.”


develop the ability to take soap from a soap dish, lather your hands until white foam, and wash off dirt well; develop independence and the ability to wash hands correctly and thoroughly.

“We are eating.”
Target :

develop the ability to eat independently and neatly, sit calmly at the table, maintaining the correct posture, and teach to hold a spoon in the right hand.

11. «Wash your hands with soap."


help children remember the sequence of proper washing: take soap, wet, soap your hands, lather until white foam, wash off dirt and soap, wash.

12. “Where is my towel?”

Goal: to encourage children to find their own towel, thoroughly dry their face and hands, and hang it up; develop spatial orientation and attentiveness.

13. "Shoes in place."


to develop self-care skills in children, to teach them to carefully place shoes near the crib, and to put on their shoes independently after sleep.

Clean hands.”
Goal: to strengthen the ability to wash hands correctly and carefully: lather thoroughly, rinse off the soap well; wipe dry with a towel; strengthen children's health, teach them to wash their hands correctly, tell them why it is important to wash your hands thoroughly after a walk, using the toilet, and before eating.

15. “I’m learning to do everything myself!”

Goal: to continue to encourage children to dress and put on their own shoes, to be friendly to each other, and to develop communication skills.

16. "Neat hairstyle."

Goal: to teach children to use an individual comb and control their appearance using a mirror.

17. “Put on your pants, put on your feet!”

Goal: to encourage children to dress and put on their own shoes, to be friendly to each other, and to develop communication skills.

18. “Put the chair back in place.”

Goal: to teach children to correctly pick up a chair and carefully put it in place; develop spatial orientation and coordination of movements.

19. «Wash, wash your hands.”


teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing their hands and wash their face without splashing water.

Goal: to teach students to independently unfasten and fasten Velcro fasteners, and practice using other types of fasteners.

21. “I’m already big!”


consolidate the ability to sit correctly at the table, eat carefully, take food only with a spoon, use a napkin; improve food culture skills.

Target :

to teach children to take care of their appearance, to play carefully with sand, not to take it with their hands, to put themselves in order in a timely manner, to cultivate neatness and independence.

Where is my high chair? "
Goal: to teach children to find their chair, to take it correctly and carefully place it near the table, to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior in a group.

24. "Things in place."

Goal: to develop in children the ability to take clothes out of the locker and put them away after undressing, to fold everything carefully; to teach children to verbally express a request for help, to develop the ability to behave calmly in the dressing room.

25. “This is what we are!”


to teach children to behave properly at the table, to eat carefully, not to disturb other children, and not to leave the table without the permission of adults.

26. "I can!"

Goal: to strengthen the ability to hold a spoon correctly in the right hand, eat carefully, do not crumble bread on the table, do not dip bread into soup.

27. "We are big."


to teach children to put on shorts, put on their shoes, and distinguish between the right and left shoe; develop self-care skills.

28. “Wash your face!”

Goal: while washing, encourage children to follow the correct sequence: roll up their sleeves, wet their hands, take soap, soap their palms, rinse the soap with water, shake off their palms.

29. "We're at the table!"


to train children in the ability to hold a spoon correctly, eat neatly, and not crumble bread on the table; cultivate table manners.

30. “The towel is fluffy!”

Goal: to reinforce the ability to wash your hands carefully, not to splash them on the floor or clothes, and to wipe yourself dry with a towel.

31. "We're not grimy."

Goal: to strengthen the ability to lather your hands well with soap, thoroughly rub your palms and wash off dirt, and know the location of your towel.

32. “I’m learning to dress and undress myself!”

Goal: to teach children to put clothes in and out of the closet on their own, to fold everything neatly; verbally express a request for help; behave calmly in the dressing room.

33. “Let’s remember how to eat properly.”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table, sit up straight, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and chew food quietly, use a knife, fork and napkin correctly.

D/I: “Table, cover yourself!”

34. “Every thing has its place.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to put away your things and toys, and maintain order in your locker.

D/I: “Find a place for the toy.”

35. "Advice from Moidodyr."

Goal: To teach children to wash themselves properly, dry themselves using an individual towel, brush their teeth, rinse their mouths after eating, take care of their appearance, keep their clothes clean. D/I: “Rules of hygiene.”

“Who is the duty officer?”
Purpose: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the responsibilities of those on duty in the canteen, classes, and a corner of nature.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

37. "Polite words."

Purpose: To recall the forms of verbal expression of politeness when meeting and parting (hello, good afternoon, goodbye, all the best, etc.). Strengthen the skills of saying hello and goodbye, politely making requests, calling adults by name and patronymic. D/I: “Good or bad.”

38. “How we organize our closets.”

Goal: To form in children the habit of neatly folding clothes and putting them in the closet; keep your closet tidy.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

39. "Advice from Moidodyr."

Goal: To develop the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself with a towel, and rinsing your mouth after eating.

Cultivate the habit of taking care of your appearance.

D/I: “Hygiene rules.”

40. “How to make a bed.”

Goal: To teach children to make the bed: straighten the sheet, fold the blanket, tuck in the bedspread, smoothing out the folds. Form the habit of doing everything carefully.

D/I: “Let’s put the doll to sleep.”

41. “Let’s remember the rules of table manners.”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table, sit up straight, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and chew food quietly, use a knife, fork and napkin correctly.

D/I: “Feeding the doll.”

42. “Every thing has its place.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to put away your things and toys, and maintain order in your locker.

D/N: “Pick up a pair.”

43. “Why do you need to rinse your mouth after eating?”

Goal: to continue to formulate the concept of “healthy lifestyle”; explain why we need to rinse our mouths after eating.

D/I: “Hygiene rules.”

44. “How to dry wet clothes.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to dress and undress independently and quickly, put clothes in a closet, put shoes in place, dry wet things if necessary, care for shoes (wash, wipe, clean).

D/N: “Pick up a pair.”

45. "Let's remember the rules of politeness."

Purpose: To recall the forms of verbal expression of politeness when meeting and saying goodbye (hello, good afternoon, goodbye, all the best, etc.) To consolidate the skills of saying hello and saying goodbye, politely making a request, calling adults by name and patronymic.

D/I: “We teach the bear to make a request to the teacher.”

46. “How well-mannered children behave.”

Goal: To teach children to greet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down.

D/I: “Let’s tell the bear how to greet guests.”

47. Conversation "Good and bad"


Bring to awareness of some rules of culture of behavior and moral qualities: it is good to be polite; They love polite, kind and attentive people; they are good to play with and be friends with.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

48. “We have guests coming.”

Goal: Remember the rules of table setting, rules of behavior at the table.

D/I: “Table, set it up.”

49. "Culture of behavior during eating."

Purpose: To teach children to set the table, to name the items needed for reference. Introduce the rules of etiquette (meeting guests, accepting gifts, inviting people to the table, behavior at the table).

D/N: “Get started on lunch.”

50. “How we organize our clothes closet.”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to independently maintain cleanliness and order in your closet; cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

D/I: “The crocodile is neat.”

51. "How to take care of your clothes."

Goal: To cultivate a caring attitude towards your clothes; Form the habit of neatly folding clothes.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

52. "Patience and a little effort".

Goal: To develop a desire to work, to be able to offer one’s help to someone.

D/I: “Let’s help Mishka.”

53. "Politeness in conversation."

Goal: To consolidate the skills of saying hello and goodbye, politely making requests, calling adults by their patronymic name. Strengthen the ability to thank for food and help. Learn to help each other and turn to friends for help.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

54. Conversation “How well-mannered children play.”

Goal: To cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to play together, to have pity, to help; continue to teach not to take away toys from each other.

D/I: “They brought a new toy to the group, everyone wants to play with it.”

55. “We have guests coming.”

Purpose: To familiarize children with the names of tea set items, to discuss the rules for setting the table for tea. D/I: “Let’s give the doll some tea.”

56. “Who is a good person?”

Goal: To form ideas about kindness, honesty, justice, friendship, to cultivate a negative attitude towards immoral qualities: cunning, greed, cowardice, deceit, laziness, betrayal, vanity, etc. Strengthen the ability to fairly evaluate your own actions and the actions of your peers.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

57. “Food culture is a serious matter.”

Goal: To introduce children to the culture of cooking.

D/I: “Who can name the most dishes?”

58. “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

Goal: To foster a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; form the habit of being clean and tidy.

D/I: “Hygiene rules.”

59. "We are friendly guys."

Goal: Continue to strengthen children's social behavior skills: thanking for the help and care provided, politely saying goodbye, providing support to comrades in difficult times. Continue to form cooperative relationships in children when solving educational problems, and cultivate in them the ability to empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

60. "The way we talk to each other."

Goal: To teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting.

D/I: “It’s possible - it’s not possible.”

“We have guests coming.”
Goal: Learn to greet guests, cultivate a friendly attitude towards guests.

D/I: “Etiquette is a school of graceful manners.”

62. "Cutlery"

Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table: sit up straight, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and chew food quietly, use a knife, fork and napkin correctly.

D/I: “Let’s feed the animals salad.”

63. “Every thing has its place.”

Goal: To develop the habit of quickly dressing and undressing, hanging clothes in a certain order and place.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

64. "We are polite children."

Goal: To consolidate behavior skills in public places.

D/I: “It’s possible, it’s not possible.”

65. “We know how to behave properly at the table.”

Goal: To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table: sit up straight, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and chew food quietly, use a knife, fork and napkin correctly.

D/I: “Etiquette is a school of graceful manners.”

66. "We are polite."

Goal: Continue to strengthen children's social behavior skills: greet adults first, speak quietly, say goodbye politely, do not disturb others.

D/I: “It’s possible, it’s not possible.”

“We are neat.”
Goal: Continue to develop the habit of quickly and correctly washing your face, drying yourself with a towel, rinsing your mouth after eating, and taking care of your appearance; dress and undress quickly, hang clothes in a certain order and place, keep clothes and shoes clean.

D/I: “The crocodile is neat.”

68. "We are friends".

Goal: Continue to form ideas about kindness, honesty, justice, friendship.

Continue to teach children to take into account the opinions and interests of others, to protect the weak, and to help their comrades.

D/I: “Good or bad.”

69. “Table, cover yourself!”

Goal: To strengthen the skills of setting a children's table.

Progress of the game: participants draw out leaves with images of dishes for different stages of nutrition (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) and set the tables using flat figures.

70. “Find a place for the toy.”

Teach children how to properly place play materials and treat them with care.

Game tasks. 1. Play with toys (2-3 new toys) - recite a poem, ask a riddle, find out by description, etc. 2. Put toys in place. Evaluate together the correctness of the task: where is the best place for toys. The role of the leader can be played by the teacher or the child.

Equipment. Toys.

71. "Rules of hygiene."

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected and leaves the group. The teacher and the children agree on who will portray what and what. Then the driver is invited, the children take turns demonstrating hygiene skills using gestures and facial expressions. The presenter must guess what the children are showing: washing, brushing teeth, wiping, combing their hair, bathing.

“Good or bad?”
Goal: to develop the ability to behave correctly in society, to comply with cultural and hygienic standards; learn to assess the current situation, analyze the actions of others; to educate the concept of cultural behavior. The teacher shows children plot illustrations depicting various situations. For example, the picture shows how a child throws toys around, brushes his teeth, helps an elderly person climb the stairs, etc. Preschoolers should determine and justify the answer about which situation is positive and which is negative.

73. "Feeding the doll."

Goal: to teach the simplest actions with story toys (feeding), to instill hygiene skills; cause speech activity; cultivate good feelings towards the doll.

“Pick up a pair.”
Goal: to teach how to correlate objects with actions, to consolidate self-service skills. How to play? Among the various images offered, kids should choose a logical pair. For example, clothes - closet, toothbrush - teeth, soap - hands, toys - toy basket, etc. In addition, children need to justify their choice.

75. “Get started on lunch.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names and purposes of furniture and tableware for the dining room; teach how to properly and beautifully set the table, table manners; to form the basis of an attentive and caring attitude towards playing partners.

Equipment: doll, furniture, tableware, dinner tablecloth, tea tablecloth, table and tea napkins; an apron, a scarf, a pair of mittens - grips.

they will notice, you need to attract their attention.

“Clean crocodile.”
Purpose of the game: to develop self-care skills, reinforce the rules of personal hygiene; cultivate neatness and a thrifty attitude towards health.

The rules of the game are as follows: the leader (selected using a counting rhyme) shows with gestures and facial expressions any action related to the observance of hygiene rules, for example, brushing your teeth, washing your face, getting dressed, etc. The rest of the participants guess the action.

77. “Let’s give the doll some tea.”

Purpose: to introduce the names of items from a tea set; practice proper table setting for tea drinking (sequence of arrangement of cutlery for tea drinking).

Equipment: tea set (saucers, cups, teapot, sugar bowl, dessert plates, cookie bowl), teaspoons.

78. “Who can name more dishes?”

Goal: to develop speed of reaction to questions, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

Progress of the game. The teacher names a vegetable or fruit and asks them to remember the dish that can be prepared from it. The one to whom the ball is thrown must name the dish without repeating itself. A child who makes a mistake or does not say anything misses the game. The teacher can set a dish, and the children must remember its components and agree on what component each of them will be. The host shouts out what he wants to put in the pan, and the one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. The next one jumps up and takes the hand of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. You can use mask caps, medallions with images of vegetables and fruits.

79. “Etiquette is the school of graceful manners.”

Goals: teach the child table manners; tell what dishes and foods are eaten using cutlery; learn how to use cutlery.

Equipment: subject pictures.

80. “Let’s feed the animals salad.”

Goal: to consolidate the skill of proper eating - hold a spoon correctly (with three fingers - index, middle, thumb); cut plasticine vegetables with a plastic knife; use a large spoon to mix the salad in a bowl; feed the dolls salad.

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