Topic: “Nature calendars: meaning, types and methods of organizing work with them in a preschool institution”

GCD for children of the senior group “Golden Autumn”. Nature calendar

ECD for children of senior preschool age “Golden Autumn”. Filling out the nature calendar.

Program objectives: 1. Continue to develop knowledge about autumn, autumn phenomena; 2. Pay attention to changes in nature; 3. Develop the ability to select pictures for the nature calendar, correlating them with the natural features of autumn; 4. Develop observation skills; 5. Activate mental activity; 6. Help to remember the autumn months; 7. Foster interest and respect for nature. Required material: - nature calendar, illustrations for it. Progress of the lesson: Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now? Children: Autumn Teacher: How did you guess? Children's answers. Educator: What has changed with the arrival of autumn? Children's answers. Educator: Today we will fill out the nature calendar.

Educator: First, let's remember the autumn months. Name them. Children: September, October, November. Educator: What month is it now? Children: October Teacher: That's right! September is the first month of autumn. Then October and then November. Let's look at the pictures and determine where the previous month is. Children: September.

Children take the picture and attach it to the nature calendar. Educator: And now the real month is October

Children take a picture, explain why this particular picture is attached to the nature calendar. Educator: And the last month is... Children: November.

Children take a picture, explain why this particular picture is attached to the nature calendar. Educator: look at the pictures. All pictures show birch. What tree do you think we should put on the nature calendar and why?

Children show the desired picture and explain: This is a tree with yellow leaves, it is autumn, a tree with buds is spring, bare is winter. We need to place an autumn birch tree.

Educator: Now let's look out the window and determine what the weather is like outside? Children: it’s windy because the trees are swaying. Cloudy because the sky is gloomy. Children select the necessary pictures and attach them to the nature calendar. Educator: What autumn phenomena did you observe this morning? Children: Leaf fall Educator: Let us be autumn leaves today. I invite everyone to the group center

Physical exercise “Leaf fall” Educator: What phenomenon have we now depicted? Children: Leaf fall.

Children select the desired picture and attach it to the nature calendar. Educator: Well done! What other autumn phenomena do you know? Children: Frost, fog. Educator: What other changes occur in the fall? Children: It often rains and snows, the grass turns yellow and becomes dry

Children select the necessary pictures and attach them to the nature calendar. Educator: What happens to birds and animals with the arrival of autumn? Children: Birds fly away to warmer climes, animals prepare for winter.

Children select the necessary pictures and attach them to the nature calendar. Educator: how does people’s appearance change in the fall? Children: People change clothes for warmer ones

Children select the desired picture and attach it to the nature calendar. Educator: What happens to the sun? Children: The sun does not send direct rays and heats less

Children select the desired picture and attach it to the nature calendar.

Educator: Correct. Now our nature calendar is full, and we will promise to protect nature? Children: We promise! Using this GCD summary as a basis, you can use your nature calendar in the same way! Good luck to you!

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: Autumn GCD for the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Gifts of Autumn Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the museum program on the topic: Autumn Summary of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group for children with mental retardation. Journey to the autumn forest

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