Master class as an effective form of working with parents in a preschool institution

Master class as an effective form of working with parents in a preschool institution

 Education is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one’s loved ones.


Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. The emotional responsiveness of preschoolers is actively developing through exposure to art, music, literature, and folk culture. Kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his or her development.

One of the urgent tasks of our time is the interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for the active participation of the child’s family in the life of the kindergarten.

Our teachers had many questions:

− How to interest parents in working together?

− What form of interaction with parents is most effective?

One of the ways to solve this issue is: establishing unity in raising children, pedagogical education of parents. Master classes for parents are one of the most effective forms of working with families, which allows them to realize the need to establish mutual understanding between teachers and parents, to exchange knowledge and experience. Each master class solves not only practical problems, but also educational ones.

In our group “Friendly Family” we carry out joint activities with children and parents through master classes. To attract parents, we made invitations for each master class, where we tried to reflect the theme of the upcoming meeting. In the process of conducting master classes, it was important for us to interest parents, create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, establish emotional support, and help achieve the planned result.

We organized master classes: on quilling, origami, conducted “We want to know everything” experiments, made amulets dolls, and performed three-dimensional appliqué. In the course of joint work, the quality of the educational process improves through the organization of joint creative activities of parents, children and educators. And the most valuable thing is that after the master classes, parents can use the knowledge gained by organizing classes with their children at home. Parents have a great interest in joint activities with their children and a desire to spend more time with them.

A special creative atmosphere arises when we organize creative master classes on the eve of the holidays “New Year”, “Brave Soldiers”, “Mother’s Day”, “Great Easter”, “Stars of Victory”. We involved fathers, grandfathers, and brothers in making crafts for mothers. And for dads, we invite mothers, sisters, and grandmothers to a master class. Parents willingly responded to the offer to prepare gifts and surprises for the holidays. Direct productive activity made it possible to interest all participants. Our talented dads, who attended our master classes with great pleasure, turned out to be a real discovery for the children and us teachers. This work allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of modern parents, where they are in the position of an active participant in activities.

We bring to your attention the master classes that we conducted:

  1. Doll "Wisher".

Our students took part in the city project “Okay Week” with the goal of strengthening and preserving family values ​​and traditions. As part of the “Ladnaya Week”, we held a master class with parents and children on making the folk doll “Zhelannitsy”. A doll is a sign of a person, his play image-symbol. In this role, she focuses time, cultural history, the history of the country and people. The necessary materials for the work were purchased, and we began to meet in our creative workshop. Of course, we were worried, would moms and dads respond, would they find time to spend the evening in kindergarten? Now we can say with confidence that we succeeded! Parents and children made a “Wisher” doll. The meeting turned out to be informative, warm and interesting. Russian folk music was played to create the atmosphere. Each family tried to ensure that their doll was not like the others. Everyone made wishes and took home their dolls. These are the wonderful dolls we got.

  1. Creative laboratory “I want to know everything.”

Science experiments, including experiments with water, are an easy way to get your child interested in science and a great family activity. Before the New Year holidays, we invited our parents to the “I Want to Know Everything” creative workshop, where we plunged into the world of discovery. They told and showed how and what they can do to keep children occupied on long, cold evenings. Parents enjoyed immersing themselves in their childhood and took part in the master class. Together with our parents, we conducted experiments with water, magnets, toothpicks, and became acquainted with static electricity.

The following experiments were carried out in a fun and playful way: “Dry napkin”, “Flowers on water”, “Get paper clips from a jar of water without soaking the magnet”, “Move an object”, “Air in water”, “A star made of toothpicks” . One of the most exciting and educational experiments were “Dry Napkin” and “Toothpick Star,” where parents immersed themselves in research activities. From experiments, parents learned how to put a container in water and leave a dry napkin. How to get all the paper clips out without getting your hands wet or emptying the jar. Like broken toothpicks and a drop of water, a star magically appears. They joyfully and enthusiastically participated in all experiments. In the process of experimentation, parents had the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity and get answers to the questions that concern them: “Why? For what? How? What will happen if...?”, we felt like scientists, researchers, discoverers and, for a short time, small children.

  1. "Gifts for Dads"

The holiday of our beloved dads is approaching. Our guys especially enjoy preparing gifts for dads. They always associate a gift with a surprise, which dad cannot talk about, otherwise it will no longer be so pleasant and unexpected. We decided to organize and conduct a master class “A Gift for Dad” and invited mothers and grandmothers. Together with the children, they made a three-dimensional postcard for dads. The parents were surprised that such wonderful gifts could be made from such simple materials. Everyone tried very hard, because this was a gift for dad, and the children happily gave them at the holiday. All dads really liked the gifts.

4. “Bouquet for Mom.”

Mom is the most precious word in every child’s life. What to give your mom for Mother's Day? One of the best gifts for every mother can be a homemade Mother's Day card. What could be more valuable to a mother than work done with the hands of her child, and for mothers this is a pleasant and valuable gift. Dads, grandfathers and older brothers gladly took part in the master class. We made a voluminous bouquet of flowers for mothers. Together with their children, dads carefully and lovingly made their bouquets and decorated them with hearts. We got such wonderful bouquets.

  1. Quilling and origami.

At this master class, we told parents about the quilling technique and offered to make a collective work of a bouquet of flowers that now decorates our group. Parents really enjoyed working with this technique, they even took the diagrams of the elements with them to share the knowledge they gained with their family. We talked about the origami technique, which fascinates by transforming a simple square of paper into various images - a boat, a house, an airplane, etc. Each craft created is a masterpiece that both children and parents enjoy.

A master class is an active form of training for parents, in which knowledge is acquired or improved through an activity-based approach through self-organization and activation of the creative potential of each participant. Carrying out pedagogical activities, we fill children's lives with interesting activities and ideas, including each child in meaningful activities, contributing to the realization of children's interests and life activity. Next year we plan to hold as many interesting master classes as possible for parents who are looking forward to meetings in our “I Want to Know Everything” workshop.

Summing up all our work, we are convinced that the master class is a very effective form of working with parents. We noticed how parents open up at master classes. With each new meeting, more and more parents came to our workshop. Communication took place in a friendly atmosphere. It was very pleasant to hear words of gratitude from the participants of the master class and the desire to come again. We are convinced that the master class is an effective means of ensuring communication and unity in the work of the kindergarten and family, allows parents to reveal their creativity, promotes the development of children’s creative abilities, and strengthens trusting relationships between teachers and parents.


  1. Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten / V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, N. A. Notkina, etc.; Ed. T. I. Babaeva, Z. A. Mikhailova, L. M. Rurovich: Publishing house. 3rd, revised. - 244p.-SPb.: Childhood Press, 2003.
  2. Dron A. V.; Danilyuk O. N., “Interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents of preschool children” - M.: “Childhood-Press”, 2013.
  3. Krulekht M.V. Preschooler and the man-made world. - St. Petersburg. “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2002.-160 pp.: ill. (Childhood program library)

Tools and materials

Purchasing the necessary paraphernalia for a master class is a very complex issue. If this is your first time organizing such an event and you are going to buy everything at the nearest supermarket, be prepared to shell out a decent amount of money.

For a large-scale event (at least 10 people), we recommend placing an order in an online store, where the product will most likely be significantly lower, plus you may receive a discount from a wholesale purchase.

For those who are planning a master class in advance, the ideal solution would be to place an order on the website of a Chinese store. Their only drawback is long delivery, and you can choose quite high-quality products if you carefully study the comments and reviews of customers.

Snowflakes made from cotton swabs

And here is another option for crafts for creative needlewomen - snowflakes made from cotton swabs. When your baby needs to be occupied and there is nothing left for creative materials, it’s time to look for an alternative.

Need more cotton pad crafts? We have plenty!

New Year's crafts for kindergarten made of felt

Another material that makes excellent New Year’s crafts is felt. You can make an incredible variety of different crafts from it, but in this article we are talking about crafts for preschoolers, so we offer only easy-to-make crafts, without sewing.

DIY felt mini Christmas trees

A very simple felt Christmas tree that will be a wonderful decoration for the New Year tree. You will need 5 squares of five different sizes. We string the squares from large to small on a thread, decorate the top with a bead or button. The craft is ready!

Felt Christmas tree for children: how to make a craft for kindergarten

Or here’s another version of a felt Christmas tree that kids can easily handle. Mom will have to prepare a cone base and felt blanks (circles or strips with teeth) in advance. Next, we glue these elements onto the cone, starting from the very bottom to the top. You can find a detailed MK in the photo below.

Find more felt crafts for the New Year in the article:

New Year crafts for children made from salt dough

A wonderful New Year's craft can be made from salt dough. To prepare salt dough you will need: 1 part flour, 1 part salt and ½ part water.

Christmas tree decorations made of salt dough and twigs

You can make a cute Christmas tree toy from dough and ordinary twigs. We prepare the twigs in advance; they can be collected while walking with the baby along the street (many children themselves bring all sorts of interesting things home from the street). We make two circles from the dough and use sticks to lay out figures, for example, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a house, etc. In order for the sticks to hold well, they need to be slightly pressed into the dough. Next, we send the craft to dry. When the dough has completely hardened, you can proceed to decorating.

Crafts from salt dough for children: making New Year's gnomes

In essence, salt dough is the same as plasticine, only the dough hardens in air, thus making the craft durable. You can make a huge variety of different crafts from dough, but for kids we recommend trying to start with gnomes. The gnome is a cone made of dough, which the child can mold on his own. We send the cones to dry, and then paint them. Ready!

New Year's applique made from salt dough

A simple New Year's dough craft for beginners

And one more option for New Year's crafts for beginners. Cut out round pieces from the dough (this can be done with a regular glass). We make holes along the diameter for the threads and send the workpieces to dry. After complete drying, we pull colored threads through the holes. You can additionally decorate with beads, rhinestones or sparkles. The Christmas tree can be decorated with buttons, beads, candies or marmalades. Buttons can be glued both before and after drying, but you should decorate them with candies or marmalades before drying and dry them in the oven (the candies will melt and look like glass decorations).

New Year's candy for the Christmas tree made from salt dough

To develop children's fine motor skills, you can make a New Year's candy. To do this, prepare dough of two colors (without dye and with dye). We told you how to color the dough at the beginning of the article. Roll out sausages of two colors and weave them together with a rope. Bend the stick into the shape of a cane and you can send it to dry.

Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough: step-by-step master class

We prepare the dough or cold porcelain, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of several millimeters, cut out figures using baking molds, make a hole for the thread and send the toys to dry. After drying, paint the products and additionally decorate them with sparkles. We thread the thread and the Christmas tree decorations from the dough are ready!

Bullfinch made from a handprint on salt dough: New Year crafts for children

A simple version of a New Year's craft made from salt dough is a palm print. They make a Christmas tree from a palm, Santa Claus, and we propose to make a bullfinch - the most winter bird of all the cities!

Did you like working with salt dough? Look for more master classes:


We have prepared an approximate list of necessary steps for independently organizing a children's master class. With the help of a methodological script (program), you or the presenter will be able to conduct a master class in a smooth and fun way.

  1. The guys get to know the teacher (expert) and each other, if they did not know each other before.
  2. Participants are shown successfully completed work on the topic of the master class.
  3. Introductory briefing about the process.
  4. A short theatrical (if appropriate) presentation about the historical roots of the master class.
  5. Safety briefing.
  6. Demonstration of materials and training in working with them.
  7. Creation of layouts and templates.
  8. The main process of activity.
  9. Musical accompaniment or audio fairy tales (books) (excellent collections can be found on the Internet on YouTube channels).
  10. I called the participants at the intermediate stages.
  11. Demonstration of magazines with works or finished souvenirs.
  12. Joint team and individual photo session.
  13. Packaging of finished work.
  14. Presentation of gifts.
  15. Farewell to the teacher.
  16. Cleaning the workshop venue.

New Year's crafts from toilet paper rolls: 100+ cool ideas

Published: November 18, 2017

The New Year holidays are approaching, there is less and less time left, and there are more and more worries and hassles in preparing for the holiday! It is especially difficult for mothers during these pre-holiday days. Little fidgets are looking forward to the holiday, so mothers have to come up with interesting games and activities every day. If your imagination no longer works, our cool master classes on making New Year's crafts will come to the rescue.

We recommend: DIY crafts from pine cones, 10 ideas with photos, master classes

Crafts for the New Year from pine cones

Pine cones are rightfully considered one of the best materials for New Year's children's crafts. You can make so many different things from it, from a simple Christmas tree decoration to all kinds of little animals and angels.

Owls made of pine cones and cotton wool: New Year's craft for children

We suggest making an owl from an ordinary pine cone. To do this, in addition to the cone, you will need cotton wool, small pieces of felt and eyes (can be replaced with buttons or drawn with a felt-tip pen). MK see below.

Shiny angels: crafts from pine cones with children. Step-by-step master class

Christmas decorations from pine cones: making New Year's crafts with your own hands

Decorating the New Year tree is one of the main activities in preparing for the holiday. I want to decorate the forest beauty in a special way. The most special tree will be the one with hand-made toys in which the soul and warmth of the creator has been invested. Our step-by-step master class will help you make a simple Christmas tree decoration from ordinary pine cones with your own hands. If there are children in the house, be sure to involve them in the creative process.

Winter in a jar: making New Year's crafts from pine cones with children

If you like New Year's balls with snow that you can shake and create a real winter blizzard, then you will like this craft. The cone resembles a Christmas tree, so in a jar with snow it looks like a real forest beauty in miniature, which is waiting for a kind old man in the forest.

We have many more cool crafts made from pine cones:

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