Regular moments of the first half of the day in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

How can a teacher prepare for the arrival of children in kindergarten?

One teacher rushes to work, plans the first lesson on the go and greets the kids in an excited state. And the other one came to the kindergarten in advance, calmly prepared the room for class and set himself up for a productive day. Which teacher is more likely to win over children and parents?

Some tips on how to start your working day:

  1. Come to work early, 15-20 minutes before your first child arrives. You will need this time to prepare for class.
  2. Ventilate the room. Think about what games you will need for the first lesson and arrange them in a child-friendly way. For example, you can prepare sports equipment for morning exercises and select upbeat music.
  3. Think about questions you want to ask parents when you meet. For example, how the child feels, how he responds to the kindergarten at home, whether the child learned a song for the event.

If the teacher has prepared for the meeting with the children, he will come out to them in a calm and relaxed state. Parents will feel that their children remain in good hands.

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