Sports entertainment according to traffic rules in the senior preparatory group

Physical education in the senior group on traffic rules “Journey to the Land of Traffic Lights”

Warm-up game “Lucky Chance”

(children must answer the questions quickly):

— What is the name of the part of the road along which vehicles move? ( Roadway.)

—An animal whose name denotes a section of the roadway? (Zebra.)

— What is the name of the sounding instrument of a traffic police officer? ( Whistle.)

— What is the name of the silent tool of a traffic police officer? ( Rod.)

— At what traffic light should you not cross the road? ( Red)

— Name the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? ( Sidewalk


— What is the name of the place where passengers wait for transport. ( Stop


— At what traffic light can you cross the road (Green)


Today we have 2 teams meeting that will show their knowledge of traffic rules. Guys, but in order for you to travel around the country of Traffic Lights, you need to pass the tests.

The game " Traffic Light "


When the color red is shown, children stand still. When yellow is shown, they clap their hands; when green, they stomp their feet.

1 competition “Pass the Baton”

(Team captains, at the teacher’s signal, run to the identifier-cone, run around it, return to their team and pass the baton to the next one).

2nd competition “Cautious Driver”

(the first participants have a steering wheel in their hands, and a bag of sand on their heads. At the teacher’s signal, the team captains must quickly walk to the identifier-cone, return, pass the steering wheel to another, without dropping the bag of sand on their heads)

3rd competition “Cheerful Taxi Driver”

(Teams line up behind the starting line in a column one at a time. The first participant, the captain, has a hoop in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, the team captains, putting on the hoop, run around the identifier-cone, grab the first player in the hoop and together with him run to the identifier-cone , the captain leaves the passenger there and runs after the next one. The relay ends when all team members have traveled in the “taxi”)

4th competition “Pedestrian road”

(each child is given a strip of white paper; at the teacher’s signal, the child must run to the identifier-cone, put down his piece of paper and stand on it, then the next child runs, and thus a pedestrian crossing is built)

5th competition “ABC of Road Signs”

(the teacher shows traffic signs, the teams take turns guessing and calling them)


Well done, guys, we made sure that you know the rules of the road, but most importantly, don’t forget to follow them.
Traffic rules are very important .
Every adult and child should know them. Do not violate them, and then you will not have accidents on the roads.

In kindergarten we will constantly learn something new about the rules of the road. And our journey around the “Traffic Light” country is coming to an end.

Physical education according to traffic regulations. on the theme “Red, yellow, green!” In the pre-school group


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 281 g.o. Samara" Physical education according to traffic rules on the theme "Red, yellow, green!" In the preparatory group for school, Compiled by: Rovina Yulia Yuryevna Position: Physical education instructor Samara, 2022

2 Topic: “Red, yellow, green!” Form of implementation: sports and educational leisure. Audience: parents, children of the preparatory school group, Dunno, teacher, physical education instructor, jury members. Number of participants: 18 people Purpose: - To attract the attention of children to comply with traffic rules. — Promote the health of children, popularize active recreation and a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: 1. To familiarize children with the rules of the road; consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules and road signs. 2. Develop endurance, dexterity, spatial orientation. Development of motor qualities and thinking of children. 3. Cultivate attention, determination, and a sense of camaraderie; continue to develop in children a sense of responsibility for their behavior on the road. Expected results: 1. Reducing road traffic injuries among preschool children by increasing their level of knowledge of traffic rules. 2. Improving physical qualities in various forms of motor activity. 3. The ability to coordinate one’s actions with the actions of partners, observe role interactions and relationships in the game, and foster friendly relationships between students. 4. Information and technical support: computer, projector, music center, video camera, photo camera, disks, flash card. Materials and equipment: flags, team emblems, stop stands, scooters, black and white cardboard stripes, road signs, traffic light model, baskets, hoops, skittles, certificates, prizes.

3 Logic of implementation: 1. Involving children in the production of holiday posters. 2. Making emblems and invitations for parents with children. 3. Conversation with children about the rules of behavior on the road, in transport, viewing a presentation on traffic rules, knowledge about traffic lights is consolidated. 4. Preparing children to perform at the festival: learning the dance warm-up “Wheels and a beautiful steering wheel.” 5. Holding a holiday. Children enter the hall to the music and line up in two columns, facing the audience. One group has green badges on their chests. The other group has red icons. Presenter: Hello guys and guests of our holiday. Today we will repeat the ABCs of traffic. Guys! While you are still little and walk the streets hand in hand with mom and dad. But very soon you will go to school and you may have to cross the road on your own. And to avoid dangers on the roads, you need to know the Rules of the Road. There are a lot of traffic rules in the world. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all. Today we will check how well you know the rules of the road, road signs, how attentive, friendly and cheerful you are. For winning the competition you will receive a flag. Whose team gets the most flags will be the winner of our game. Presentation of the jury members. 1 competition "Greetings". Team with green emblems on the chest. We are the Automobilists team. Our motto: “In order to know the rules, we need to study them.” Team with red emblems on the chest. We are a team: “Zebra” Our motto: “Not only know the rules, but also follow them.” Presenter: The teams greeted each other. I declare our competition open. “We’ll hit the road now. The cars are waiting for us. It’s time to start the engines, It’s time to take the cars out.” The dance warm-up “Wheels and a beautiful steering wheel” is carried out.

4 A disheveled Dunno rides into the hall on a scooter. Presenter: Hello, Dunno! Tell us what happened to you. Dunno: I decided to take a walk. I went outside and was confused, there were so many cars around. I wanted to cross the road and almost got hit by a car. I was told that you need to look at the traffic light, but I don’t know what its colors mean. Guys, help me. Tell us how to behave on the street, where to cross the road. Presenter: Now our guys will tell and show how to behave on the city streets. Dunno saw black and white stripes. Dunno: What is this? I've seen stripes like this somewhere. And what are they for? Maybe to jump first on the white stripes, and then on the black ones? Why are you laughing? Did I say something funny? Presenter: A miracle is a zebra on the road, And legs are walking along it. What it is? Children: Pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing. Dunno: So that’s what it is. This means that these stripes could be used to cross the road. But I didn’t know. Host: Guys, I suggest moving on to the next competition and showing Dunno what a zebra is and what it is needed for. Competition 2. “Build a zebra.” Children are given black and white stripes. The first child takes the white stripe, runs to the chip and places it. The next child puts down a black stripe. Whose team will lay out the pedestrian crossing faster? Presenter: Dunno! Today we will play games based on the rules of the road. You probably don't know a single road sign. Dunno: It seems to me that the children don’t know either. Educator: Now we’ll check whether the children know which signs are prohibitive and which are permissive? Competition 3. “Road signs”. Teams line up at the starting line. There are road signs on the table. At the “start” signal, the children, running like a snake between the pins, run to the table and one team selects prohibiting signs, the other selects permissive signs. They return back the same way. Presenter: You see Dunno, children know road signs. Now we will see which team will be the first to assemble the traffic light. Competition 4. “Assemble a traffic light” At a distance of 1 meter from the start there is a magnetic board and a basket containing parts of the traffic light. On command, children run one by one to the basket, take part of the traffic light and attach it to the board with a magnet. The next ones do the same until the traffic light is assembled. Educator: Dunno, are you paying attention on the road?

5 Dunno: Yes! I go wherever I want. I want to go there, I want to go here (Improvises to the music, the noise of the brakes is heard: she falls, the leader helps her get up.) Educator: If you are like this on the road, trouble can happen. Now the children will show you how attentive they are. Game “Traffic Signals” The teacher shows the flags. When it’s green, children stomp, when it’s red, they clap their hands, and when it’s yellow, they stand. Educator: Guys. Sometimes we have to travel by transport. It's called public transport. Let's remember what is public transport? That's right, it's a bus, trolleybus, tram. Dunno, do you know that every transport has its own stop? (No). Now the guys will show you how transport transports passengers. Competition 5. “Transportation of passengers.” The first child plays the driver, he puts on a hoop, runs to the counter, which is opposite his team, goes around it and returns to his team. Then another child (passenger) joins him (gets into the hoop) and now they run to the counter together, the passenger gets out at the counter. This is how the driver transports all the relay participants. After all participants have arrived at the counter, all team members take each other, the driver in front, and return to their original place. Host: Dunno, do you know riddles about modes of transport? Dunno: Let me think. Maybe I know, maybe I don’t know. Host: Let's check, and the guys will help you. 1. I can only stay on the move, If I get up, I’ll fall (bicycle) Dunno guesses the riddle incorrectly. 2. For this horse, food is Gasoline, oil, and water. He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the road. (car) 3. Amazing carriage! Judge for yourself The rails are in the air, and he holds them with his hands. (trolleybus) 4. Early in the morning there was knocking and ringing and chaos outside the window. Bright houses walk along straight steel paths. (tram)

6 5. A strong man on four legs, wearing rubber boots. Straight from the store Brought us a piano (truck) 6. The house goes down the street Taking everyone to work. Not on thin chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (bus). Host: And now I will ask our distinguished jury to count the points. Game "Drivers". Presenter: In the meantime, we will have fun races in “cars.” Are there any dads among our viewers? Or older guys. If there is, then I will ask three people to come to us. Here are your cars (scooters). Your task is to “go” the distance, going around the placed pins, and not knock them down. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins. The jury sums up the results. Presenter: Well done, guys! You showed not only your knowledge of traffic rules, but also your strength and dexterity. Dunno: How much I learned today. Thank you guys! Now I know that road signs are our helpers. They will always tell you how to get there, where to turn, where to cross the street. And now I say goodbye to you. Goodbye! (Dunno leaves). Presenter: I think that now Dunno understands that you need to be careful on the road. And, of course, know the road signs. In conclusion, I would like to say: In order to live without knowing grief, In order to run, swim and fly, You must follow the traffic rules Always and everywhere. Be careful on the street, children! Always firmly remember these rules, so that trouble does not happen to you! Team awards. Used Books. 1. Tamara Saulina: Introducing preschoolers to the rules of the road. For working with children 3-7 years old. Publisher: Mosaika-Sintez, 2013 Series: Library of the program “From birth to school”. 2. Internet source: 3. Soboleva A.V. “Riddles - savvy” 4. Bordacheva I.Yu., Road safety: posters for decorating a parent’s corner in a preschool educational institution: a visual and didactic aid (corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard). Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, Year of publication: 2014


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