Presentation “Fairytale therapy as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

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Fairytale therapy as one of the health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions Prepared by: teacher Tikhomirova Tatyana Olegovna Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 62 of a general developmental type" (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 62")

Health-saving pedagogical technologies Technologies for preserving and stimulating health (rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, play-based health-improving gymnastics). Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (morning exercises, physical education classes, self-massage, active recreation (physical education leisure, physical education holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”, acupressure). Corrective technologies (fairytale therapy, articulation gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythms, color therapy, art therapy).

Relevance Fairytale therapy allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence a child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving a variety of problems. Children, being in a fairy tale, interact with many fairy-tale characters and, as in life, look for ways to solve the problems that confront them.

Objectives of fairy tale therapy Development of attention. Memory development. Development of analytical skills. Development of fantasy and creative imagination. Relieving emotional and physical stress. Developing the ability to quickly switch from active to passive activities. Improving communication skills.

Types of fairy tales Artistic, contribute to the education of moral feelings: mutual assistance, support, sympathy, duty, responsibility, etc. Didactic, through plot and imagery help the child to better assimilate information. Psychocorrectional, created to gently influence the child’s behavior. Psychotherapeutic, heal the soul, reveal the deep meaning of events. Meditative, created to accumulate positive imaginative experience and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Methods of fairy tale therapy: Reading, telling fairy tales. Display of toys, illustrations, pictures. Didactic games. Outdoor games. Drawing a fairy tale. Modeling based on a fairy tale. Making dolls, masks, attributes, decorations. Fairytale therapeutic diagnostics. Solving fairytale problems. Writing a fairy tale. Retelling fairy tales; telling a fairy tale in a circle. Staging a fairy tale.

Fairy tales that are small in volume are told to children by heart, because this ensures the best contact with children. The main thing in a storyteller’s presentation is to tell the story expressively so that the children listen.

If after the first reading the fairy tale is already understood by children, you can use a number of additional techniques that will enhance the emotional impact - showing toys, illustrations, pictures, elements of dramatization, movements of fingers and hands.

To consolidate knowledge, methods such as didactic games based on familiar fairy tales and literary quizzes are useful.

Examples of didactic games include the games “Guess my fairy tale”, “One starts - the other continues”, “Where am I from?” (description of heroes) and others.

Puzzle games "Columbus Egg" "Tangram"

But outdoor games such as “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Bubble”, “Cat and Mice”, “Wolf in the Moat”, “Wolf and Hares”, “Two Frosts”, “Geese-Swans” help to lift the child’s mood. , "Pinocchio and Pierrot".

Repeated reading and storytelling may be combined with drawing and modeling activities. Drawing and modeling act as ways to comprehend one’s capabilities and the surrounding reality, as a way of modeling relationships and expressing various kinds of emotions, including negative ones.

Techniques used at this stage: doodles, monotype, finger painting, embossing, blotography, spraying, drawing with dry leaves, bulk materials and products, drawing with objects of the surrounding space, three-dimensional images from newspapers, foil, modeling from plasticine and salt dough.

Making dolls from waste material

The creation of dolls, masks, attributes and decorations reveal creative potential, personal capabilities, improve mood, increase vitality, inspire and lead to awareness of the problem, reflection on it and the search for a solution.

When creating dolls, masks, and attributes, children use different techniques, for example, origami; creating figures is like a trick that arouses interest and joy in the baby.

Children especially enjoy creating collective works - general paintings, compositions, posters, which combine images created by all the children in the group. In the process of performing a task collectively, conditions are created for the development of the skills to negotiate, give in, make one’s own contribution to the common cause, take initiative, put forward proposals, and defend one’s own space and idea.

The imaginative world of fairy tales allows the child to identify himself with the character of the fairy tale. Children are more likely to identify with animals than with people. The child combines his thoughts and experiences with the thoughts and experiences of the character in the fairy tale being told and talks about them. The answers offered by the child to the adult’s questions allow us to draw a conclusion about the child’s current emotional state and his fantasies about the further development of the situation. Fairytale therapeutic diagnostics

At first, it is more expedient to solve fairy tale problems, which allows you to move on to competently thinking through your own fairy tales. In any fairy tale, contradictions inevitably arise between characters that need to be resolved. The way out of difficult situations often depends on identifying and using various resources. The main thing when solving a fairytale problem is not to change or minimally change the plot of the fairy tale. The main criterion for creating a fairy tale task is to find a contradiction between the characters of the fairy tale.

By composing his own fairy tale, the child reflects his problem situation and ways to solve it. It makes it possible to respond to significant emotions, identify internal conflicts and difficulties. Writing has a positive effect on the emotional state of children - they become more balanced and acquire the ability to see the good in any situation. For this we often use Propp cards.

Dramatization or dramatization of a written fairy tale. This method allows you to be an actor and take on a role that carries a certain emotional meaning, to experience those frightening, exciting moments for people and to understand that there is nothing terrible about it, that all bad things come to an end. Finger Theater Bibabo Puppets

Traveling through fairy tales, children's imagination and imaginative thinking awaken, the child is freed from stereotypes and templates, and gives scope for creativity. While acting out a fairy tale, the child dances and plays various outdoor games, i.e. motor activity also develops.

By emotionally discharging, releasing clamps, “playing out” fear, anxiety, aggression or guilt deeply hidden in the subconscious, children become softer, kinder, more self-confident, more receptive to people and the world around them. They develop a positive image of their body and acceptance of themselves as they are.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that fairy tale therapy is one of the most effective types of pedagogical health-saving technologies, in the process of which all components of children’s health are involved.


Presentation “Fairy tale therapy”

Svetlana Terenina
Presentation “Fairytale Therapy” On November 29, 2022, a meeting of the pedagogical council No. 2 was held at MBDOU No. 29 in Azov on the topic “Education of valeological culture, as one of the conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children.”

The agenda of the meeting included the following issues:

1. Summing up the interim results of the long-term garden-wide physical education and health project “A healthy lifestyle is great!”

2. Summing up the results of the thematic week on the activation of physical education in the educational process of MBDOU (physical education classes, finger games, awakening gymnastics, dynamic breaks, outdoor games).

3. Education of valeological culture, as one of the conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children.

The topic of my speech was fairy tale therapy , which, using the metaphorical resources of fairy tales , allows you to improve interaction with the outside world, build special trusting, close relationships with others, work through and get rid of many fears and complexes.

I am attaching the presentation I gave at the meeting of the pedagogical council. I will be glad if it is useful to someone in their work!

Attached files:

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The presentation was published 6 years ago by the user Egor Zakashchikov

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