“Modern approaches to labor education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” article on the topic

“Modern approaches to labor education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard” article on the topic

“Modern approaches to labor education in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

The goal of introducing children to labor education is to form a positive attitude towards work in preschool children.

By getting involved in labor activities, the child radically changes his entire understanding of himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes under the influence of the successes achieved by the child in work.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the content of the educational field “Socio-communicative development” in organizing work activities should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children.

The tasks of developing positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity in preschool children are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education in the field of “Social and Communicative Development”.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, labor education is one of the important areas in the work of preschool institutions, the main goal of which is the formation of a positive attitude towards work through solving the following tasks:

• formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

• fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results; education of the child’s personality in the aspect of work and creativity.

• development of creative initiative, the ability to realize oneself independently in various types of work and creativity.


• the principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities

•the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations

•the principle of constructing educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child….

•the principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) of child development

•the principle of the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities

• the principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics)

•the principle of developmental education (systematic and consistent);

• the principle of novelty (use of the latest information technologies);

• the principle of integration (interpenetration of program sections and activities into each other, mutual combination of various tasks and educational technologies)

Types of work in preschool educational institutions

• Self-service

• Household work

• Labor in nature

• Manual labor

Organization of children's labor

In each age group, at the beginning of the year, the teacher distributes children into subgroups, taking into account their inclinations, abilities, psychological characteristics, sympathies, level of skills and abilities.

The children of the senior and preparatory school groups are invited to unite into subgroups independently according to their interests and desires. Children themselves come up with the names of their subgroups, which are assigned to them for the whole year (if desired, the children can change these names). In the second younger group, children are divided into 4 subgroups; in middle, high school and preparatory school groups - into 5 subgroups. All types of work are planned in turn with each subgroup.

The organization of duty in each age group corresponds to the age and capabilities of the children. In all age groups, duty is organized into subgroups, establishing a priority (one day a week).

In the second younger group, kids begin to be on duty in the dining room from the second half of the school year. Usually on Mondays in this age group this work is not specifically planned, but children are involved in it at will: after days off, children often come to kindergarten in a bad mood, so teachers on this day are required to pay special attention to each child.

In the middle group, in the first half of the year, the entire subgroup is usually on duty in the canteen. Complication comes due to an increase in the amount of work (full table setting). From the second half of the year, children begin to be trained to be on duty in preparing materials for classes, so three children are on duty in the dining room (the amount of work increases—each child sets two tables) and three are on duty in classes. Next week the type of work for those on duty will change, etc.

In older groups, duty in the natural area is introduced. Each type of duty involves two duty officers. Children are asked to distribute their work independently. Each subgroup is on duty once a week. Next week the types of work will change. Children usually take turns on their own.

Work on developing self-care skills in each age group is structured differently. So, in the second younger group it is carried out frequently - once a week with each subgroup. As children acquire skills, the volume of planned work decreases in the middle, senior and preparatory groups to 2 times a month with each subgroup.

Work on instilling self-service skills in children during play and work activities (putting toys away, preparing their workplace for classes and cleaning it, etc.) in groups of primary and secondary preschool age is planned in play activities, in assignments and in classes.

Joint work of children and adults is planned from the second junior group. The importance of this type of work increases every year, the content becomes more complex, and the share of children’s participation in it increases. In groups of middle and senior preschool age, this type of work activity is planned more often.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, collective (frontal) work is introduced, which provides for the simultaneous organization of all children in the group. This is household work aimed at maintaining cleanliness and order in the premises and on the site; labor in nature, manual labor. This form of uniting children in work communication exercises them in independently organizing the activities of the whole team; develops the ability to work together to achieve common goals; makes it possible to assess the maturity of the children's team. In the process of organizing collective work, children are encouraged to unite into new subgroups based on interests and desires.

In order to make it convenient to carry out educational work with children, it is advisable to distribute cabinets in dressing rooms and washrooms, beds in bedrooms in such a way that the children of each subgroup are nearby. Planning work with a subgroup of children does not mean that all the children included in it should be worked on developing skills and abilities every time. It is carried out primarily with those children whose skills are not formed or underdeveloped. For example, two guys in the subgroup learned to quickly undress and keep their closets with clothes in order.

This means that further the teacher will not teach them, but will monitor the retention of these skills and support the children’s interest in self-care.

When a teacher plans to work with a specific subgroup, for example, by giving children an assignment, this does not mean that the assignment is always collective for the subgroup. When solving educational tasks, the teacher can give each of the 6 children in the subgroup an individual assignment: one to wash the plants, another to spray them, a third to grate carrots and mix them with ground breadcrumbs for bird food, etc. If there is any the need for in-depth work with children, which requires time and effort, there is no point in giving instructions to all children in the subgroup at the same time. At the discretion of the teacher, assignments can be episodic, long-term and delayed in time (“Tomorrow must be done.”).

In the process of work, the teacher must use any situations in which the children’s initiative and independence are manifested (someone accidentally spilled water, another noticed and wiped the floor without a reminder). Such actions should always be encouraged and this should be done in different ways. For a good deed performed by a child for the first time, the assessment is given in a pronounced emotional form, the next time - in a more restrained manner, so that the child does not get used to doing good things only for the sake of praise and he develops the opinion that everyone should do this, there is no special meaning in this. merit, such behavior goes without saying. In this way, children develop a desire to independently maintain cleanliness and order in their environment; the ability to work without reminders, instructions, or tips.

Experience shows that by the age of 5, most children begin to clearly demonstrate a desire to work on their own initiative. The guys become intolerant of disorder; They themselves, without the request or instructions of adults, try to eliminate it, and not only strive for activities that are of particular interest to them, but also perform ordinary, necessary work. By the end of senior preschool age, this desire turns into a persistent habit and becomes the norm of behavior.

In the process of children's activities, there are always situations when, in addition to the planned work, there is a need for an individual approach to children (make a comment, offer, direct attention to a positive example, etc.).

Regular and methodologically correctly organized work on labor education by the end of children’s stay in kindergarten should give the following results:

• preschoolers' interest in work will increase;

• skills of joint activities will be formed;

• a team of children and group self-government will emerge, thanks to cooperation between subgroups;

• children's understanding of the environment will expand;

• a favorable atmosphere will be created for the manifestation of the personality of each child and its development;

• The inclinations, skills, aspirations and activity of each child will be revealed more clearly;

• The importance of the positive influence of the team on the individual will increase; friendships will be strengthened; close friendly contacts, mutual understanding, mutual control, mutual assistance, mutual education will be established; cooperation and support will become the norm;

• A sense of public duty will be formed;

• Work will become a necessity for children.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

At preschool age, the formation of basic types of activity, including labor, occurs. Therefore, labor education of preschool children is one of the leading directions in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. At present, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, and its content has been developed. In the Encyclopedic Dictionary, the concept of “labor” is interpreted as “purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting objects of nature to satisfy one’s needs.” The importance of labor as a factor in the development of a child’s personality is reflected in the history of Russian pedagogy: the works of P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky and others. The theoretical justification of labor education with practical recommendations is covered in the works of P.R. Atutova, S.Ya. Batysheva, K.N. Katkhanova, V.A. Polyakova and others N.K. Krupskaya in her works repeatedly emphasized the need to accustom children from an early age to the simplest types of work available to them, noting that in this way they become familiar with the properties of materials and learn how to work with various tools. In their work, children show activity, ingenuity, perseverance, a desire to achieve results, and they develop a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults. Of particular importance to N.K. Krupskaya emphasized the unification of children in work, pointing out that “the joint work of children should be especially valued - these are the beginnings of collective work. It is in this collective work that the child’s strengths are best developed” [1,54]. A.S. Makarenko said that labor is the basis. But what labor is is not at all what a child’s hands are occupied with. Labor is what develops a little person, supports him, helps him assert himself. Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work must be creative, because it is creative work that makes a person rich spiritually. Work develops a person physically. And finally, work should bring joy, happiness and prosperity. We can also say that work is the manifestation of people about each other. Labor education is a purposeful process of forming in preschool children a conscious attitude and inclination to work as a basic life need, as well as the formation of a habit of work by including the child in active work. The goal of labor education for preschool children is to form children’s ideas about the work activities of adults, to develop labor skills and abilities, and to cultivate diligence as a personality trait [4,158]. Labor education is a joint activity of the teacher and students, aimed at developing general labor skills and abilities, psychological readiness for work, the formation of a responsible attitude towards work and its products, and a conscious choice of profession. Labor education is an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler. The main goal of work is its educational influence on the child’s personality. Labor activity (especially at its early stages) is not stable; it is closely related to children’s games. The connection between work and play is important in preschool age - play images help children do work with greater interest. But it would be wrong in all cases to turn work into play. Labor education in preschool age is closely related to moral education: personal qualities and positive relationships between children are cultivated in work and with the help of work. Educators set themselves the following tasks: to form, firstly, such moral and volitional qualities as perseverance, perseverance, responsibility, conscientiousness, creative attitude to work, etc., and, secondly, mutual assistance, support, the ability to negotiate, the desire to teach others and learn oneself, empathy, etc. To solve these problems, various methods are used: joint activities of children, children and adults, conversations, problem situations and logical tasks, communication during the work process, etc. Work gives real results. The result of the work of preschoolers should be understood not only as material embodiment, but also as moral content: the child sees that his actions are pleasant to someone, arouse gratitude, and a friendly attitude. Such emotional reinforcement of the result of work constitutes its main pedagogical value. In order for work to become a means of moral education, already at preschool age it is necessary, along with the instillation of labor skills, to direct the child’s efforts to socially useful work, in which satisfaction with one’s activities for others is born, and an understanding of one’s connection with everyone. In work, friendly relationships are formed: goodwill, the ability to give in, provide a service, offer help. Business relationships emerge, which are characterized by the ability to distribute and plan common work, the desire to complete the task oneself and expect the same from others, to provide assistance to each other and to treat the assigned work with a sense of responsibility [3, 37]. In work, preschoolers successfully learn and reinforce moral standards of behavior. Analysis of the possibilities of work activity of preschoolers for their aesthetic development: familiarization with the work of adults, the content and nature of the performance of work tasks. In the process of aesthetic education, it is important to introduce children to the work of people in creative professions: writers, musicians, artists, masters of applied arts. Methods of introducing children to people of the named professions. Compliance with the principle of quart: creator, interpreter, listener, child performer. The connection between the parts of the quart: the composer composed the music, the interpreter performed it, adults and children listened, the child tries to compose music himself. The same is true for other types of creative activity. Particular attention is paid to the fourth part - the own activities of preschoolers. Here an aesthetic attitude towards completing a task is formed: not just to depict something, but to do it beautifully; find the most attractive option for crafts made from natural material, paper. The teacher instills in children the ability and desire to include elements of aesthetics in household work, self-service, work in nature, teaches them to evaluate the results not only by what happened, but also how aesthetically the work was done, how much invention, creativity, and independence the child showed. Aesthetic education in work is also carried out through teaching children to order in the arrangement of tools and tools. Aesthetic education is also facilitated by working with music, during which children receive satisfaction and pleasure [3, 39]. Studying at school will require a lot of volitional and physical effort from the child, the ability to conscientiously and responsibly carry out tasks, plan their activities and anticipate their results. All these skills are successfully instilled in preschool age. Formation of motives for work activity (work to achieve a positive result, for the benefit of oneself and for other people). Exercise in achieving a positive result in work as the leading method of raising children (calmly redo poorly done work, try to finalize details slowly, carefully and accurately, etc.). Accustoming to mental work (solving logical problems, puzzle problems, joke problems, searching for an answer to a question of interest in a book, making crafts and subsequent analysis of the work process). Experimentation and experiments as a means of mental education in work. Formation of interest in the thought process and a feeling of satisfaction from an independently found solution. Developing the ability and need to keep your workplace in order, take care of your appearance, etc. Accustoming a child to life according to a schedule and independently finding a place for work and rest. Reasonably organized work strengthens the physical strength and health of the child. Movements become more confident and accurate. By acting, the baby becomes increasingly better oriented in space [3, 36]. To date, the place of labor in the pedagogical process of kindergarten has been determined, its content has been developed (E.I. Korzakova, V.G. Nechaeva, E.I. Radina, etc.); forms of organization of children in labor are highlighted (Z.N. Borisova, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova); the process of forming a positive attitude towards the work of adults is studied (V.I. Glotova, V.I. Loginova, YaZ. Neverovich, A.G. Tulegenova, M.V. Krulekht, etc.), the features of labor education of preschool children in the family are considered (D O. Dzintere, L.V. Zagik, T.A. Markova), the influence of work on the development of moral and volitional qualities of children, their relationships is studied (R.S. Bure, G.N. Godina, A.D. Shatova and etc.). Of no small importance are the studies of Ya. Z. Neverovich, T.A. Markova, who showed that the main motive that encourages children to work is their desire to help adults. In preschool pedagogy, three ways of bringing children closer to the work of adults are identified: observation of work, partial assistance from children to adults, and organization of joint activities of adults and children (V.I. Glotova, L.V. Zagik, S.M. Kotlyarova, G.N. Leskova, E.I. Radina, D.V. Sergeeva and others). According to E.I. Radina, in joint work an adult can act as a role model not only with his skills, but also with his attitude to work. Thus, scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of the problem of identifying the signs and components of hard work in preschool children. However, the problem of instilling hard work in preschoolers as the main personality quality has not yet been sufficiently developed. The hard work of preschoolers is organically connected with other personality qualities. Thus, interest in the activities of adults, the relationship between children and adults, careful attitude towards the products of labor is nothing more than humanism; conscious fulfillment of one's duties is responsibility; cooperation between children, adults and children - collectivism; the ability to complete a task reflects the degree of diligence, perseverance, and determination. Consequently, hard work is a quality that reflects the development of the individual as a whole. Theoretical foundations of instilling hard work in preschool children [2, 34]. Labor education is the most important component of preschool education, the basis for the development of a child’s creative abilities, and the most important means of developing a culture of interpersonal relationships. The tasks are set to develop in children (taking into account age-related capabilities) an interest in the work of adults and a desire to work; education of basic labor skills and hard work. These tasks are solved through familiarizing children with the work of adults and through their direct participation in feasible labor activities in kindergarten and at home. The role of familiarizing children with the social orientation of work and its social significance is emphasized; formation of respectful attitude towards working people. In each age group, the types and content of labor activity are determined, as well as the tasks that are solved in the process of child labor. By organizing work activities, the teacher ensures the comprehensive development of children, helps them gain confidence in their abilities, promotes the formation of vital skills and abilities, instilling responsibility, independence and a value-based attitude towards their own work and the work of other people.

References: 1. detimami.ru/trudovoe-vospitanie-detej - Labor education of children. How to instill hard work. 2. Lobanova E.A. Preschool pedagogy: educational and methodological manual / E. A. Lobanova. - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2005. - 76 p. 3. Markova T.A. Fostering hard work in preschoolers. – M.: Education, 1991 4. Vasilyeva, M.A. Labor education / M.A. Vasilyeva // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4. — P.18.

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“Shows - competitions in kindergarten”

"Views - competitions in kindergarten."

Prepared by, senior teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 91 “Zhuravushka”, Naberezhnye Chelny RT

Every year, according to the annual work plan, the kindergarten holds competitions in three areas:

· for teachers

· for pupils

· for parents.

. Their goal is to increase motivation and force teachers, children and their parents to mobilize through the excitement caused by competition.

Competition (lat. concursus)

- a competition, competition between several persons, with the aim of identifying the most outstanding (or outstanding) competitor-candidate for victory.


is the process of determining the best candidate for victory (competitor), or the best candidates for victory (competitors), in accordance with the rules determined before the start of the process.

The winners are determined by “qualitative research” or “quantitative research” (voting).

In quality

research, competitive works are evaluated by an appointed group of specially authorized persons who are capable of professionally and objectively assessing the quality characteristics of competitive works, according to the criteria defined by the competition rules. The winners are determined by summing up the points that were given to the competition works from each member of the jury, and identifying the competitor or competitors who received the highest marks.

In quantitative

research, the winners are selected through public voting, in which voting participants express their sympathy for the competition works, using subjective motives, and any ordinary person can take part in the voting. Determining the winners is made possible by summing up the votes given to competition works during the research period and constructing a rating of all competition works, where the winner is the competitor who received the most votes.

The competitions are mainly aimed at creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of teachers, children and their parents.

There are several competitions that we hold annually, as they are aimed at creating conditions for a favorable stay for children in kindergarten, replenishing the developmental environment in the group (“Best Developmental Environment” - held in preparation for the school year).

The topics of the competitions are varied, but there are also those that are one of the points of the thematic inspection (“Center for role-playing games” - thematic inspection “Creating conditions for conducting role-playing games”).

Plan for holding competitions for the 2009-2010 academic year.


Content date Participants
1. "The best development environment" September Teachers, parents
2. "Best sports corner" October Teachers, parents
3. "Didactic games for everyone" november Teachers
4. "Best group room design" December Teachers, parents, students
5. Review-competition of winter sections “Safe walk” January Teachers, parents
6. Valentine's Contest February Parents, pupils
6. "Best Birdhouse" March Parents
7. Reading competition for the 65th anniversary of the Victory April Pupils
8. Competition "Group of the Year" May Teachers, parents

Plan for holding competitions for the 2010-2011 academic year.


Content date Participants
1. "The best development environment" September Teachers, parents
2. “Best congratulations to our teachers”" October Parents, pupils
3. “Original didactic games on the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children” november Teachers
4. "Best group room design" December Teachers, parents, students
"Parade of Snowmen" December Parents, pupils
5. "Safe Walk" January Teachers, parents
6. "Dolls of the peoples of the Volga region" February Teachers
6. "Flower Waltz" March Pupils
7. Competition of drawings and readers for the 125th anniversary of the birth of G. Tukay April Pupils
8. Competition "Group of the Year" May Teachers, parents

Plan for holding competitions for the 2011-2012 academic year.


Content date Participants
1. “The best preparation of a group for the school year” September Teachers, parents
2. "Children are the flowers of life" September Parents
3. "Autumn Gifts" October Parents, pupils
4. "Portrait of a Beloved Mother" november Pupils of older age groups
5. “Folder - moving for parents” november Teachers
6. "Best group room design" December Teachers, parents, students
7. "Beautiful Christmas tree..." December Parents, pupils
8. "Safe Walk" January Teachers, parents
9. "A gift to my dad" February Pupils
10. "Center for role-playing games" February Teachers, parents
11. "Mom's copy" March Pupils
12. "Solar Parade" April Pupils
13. “Water, water, wash my face” April Teachers
14. "Grow a flower in a group" May Teachers, parents, students
15. "Group of the Year" May Teachers, parents

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I.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

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And methodological foundations of the organization

Labor activity


Educational and methodological manual for students majoring in “Preschool education”

Compiled by:

Barsukova L.S., Smirnova T.V.


The manual reveals the content of MDK 02.02 “Theoretical and methodological foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children.”

Upon mastering the MDK 02.02 program, the student must:

have practical experience:

· planning the work activities of children;

· organizing various types of work activities for preschool children;

· observation and analysis of children’s work activities;

· observation of the formation of labor skills of preschool children;

· development of proposals for correcting the organization of children’s work activities;

be able to:

· determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of managing the work activities of children;

· organize feasible labor for preschool children, taking into account age and type of work activity (household, self-service, outdoor, manual labor);

· care for plants and animals;

· analyze methods of organizing and managing the feasible work of preschool children, taking into account the age and psychophysical development of children;


· analyze methods of organizing and managing the feasible work of preschool children, taking into account the age and psychophysical development of children;

· theoretical foundations and methods of planning various types of activities and communication of children;

· the essence and originality of the work activity of preschool children;

· content and methods of organizing the work activities of preschool children;

· methods of caring for plants and animals;

· theoretical foundations for managing various types of children's activities;

· methods for diagnosing the results of children’s work activities.


Section 1. Theoretical foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children………………………………………………………………………………… 5

1.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler. 5

1.2. Specifics of work activity of preschool children.. 6

1.3. Tasks and means of labor education for preschool children…………… 10

1.4. Types and content of work in different age groups of preschool educational institutions... 14

1.5. Forms of labor organization for preschool children……….. 23

1.6. Researchers and directions of their research on issues of labor education of preschool children………………………………………………………37

Section 2. Methodological principles for organizing the work activities of preschool children…………………………………………………………………………………. 42

2.1. Methodology for managing the work activities of younger preschoolers …………………………………………………………………………………42

2.2. Methodology for managing the work activities of older preschoolers 51

2.3. Planning work on labor education of preschool children………. 64

2.4. Diagnosis of labor skills and abilities of children of primary preschool age 76

2.5. Diagnosis of labor skills of children of senior preschool age…………. 80

Literature………………………………………………………………………………… 99

Applications……………………………………………………………………………….. 102

Section 1. Theoretical foundations for organizing the work activities of preschool children

I.1. The concept of "labor". The role of labor in the development of the personality of a preschooler.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of “labor” is interpreted as “purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting objects of nature to satisfy one’s needs.” All material and spiritual values ​​are created by human labor; In the process of labor, the person himself improves, his personality is formed. The current stage of social and economic development places high demands on the child’s personality: the attitude towards work as the most important social duty; conscientious attitude to work, movement towards work and its results, collectivism; manifestation of initiative, active creative approach to work; the internal need to work to the full extent of one’s mental and physical strength; attitude towards work as a conscious necessity and one’s basic life need.

The role of labor in the formation of the personality of preschool children:

· Work satisfies the child’s needs for self-affirmation, for knowledge of his own capabilities, and brings him closer to adults (this is how the child himself perceives the activity).

· In work, children master a variety of skills and abilities necessary in everyday life: in self-service, in household activities. Improving skills and abilities does not only mean that the child begins to do without the help of adults. He develops independence, the ability to overcome difficulties, and the ability to exert volition.

· In the process of work, children practically learn the properties of surrounding things, observe the growth and changes of plants, examine animals, becoming familiar with their living conditions. They develop curiosity and educational interests. Work becomes an important means of children's mental development.

· In work activities, aesthetic education and emotional development are carried out. Children develop the ability to do any task carefully and make their crafts look beautiful. They rejoice when they notice a new bud when watering the plant, examining the neatly tidy room and the cleanly washed doll clothes.

· Labor strengthens children physically, since they perform many types of work outdoors. Children become capable of exerting their strength and overcoming difficulties.

· Labor activity is of particular importance for the formation of moral qualities. By performing simple duties related to setting the table and helping to prepare everything necessary for classes, children learn to be useful to others. This forms in them a willingness to come to the aid of those who need it, willingly carry out feasible work assignments, forms a responsible attitude towards the assigned work, diligence and diligence.

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